BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

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BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

Post by Bjorn88 » Sun Apr 21, 2024 9:47 am

If you are not ranking there is currently little incentive to enter battlegrounds. You easily find better items in raids above MC.

I thought it might be a cool idea to have an enchant, similar to the ZG idol enchants, available at 60 exalted with AB and WSG. The ideal item would be chest items, since there are not really any unique enchants you can put on them currently.

It's important to maintain some balance, so they would need to be better than current available chest enchants (100hp, 100 mana, +4stats), good enough to reward a grind to Exalted, but not be completely overpowered. For example:

-12 stam 6 int
-12 stam 6 agility
-15 stam
-15 int

Just an idea that could probably be tuned alot more. Curious to hear people's thoughts.

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Re: BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

Post by Ataika » Sun Apr 21, 2024 10:45 am

You can imagine how many games players has to play for ab/wsg exalted?
That amount is uberarable for a player who wants enchants and not pvp.
And these who like pvp dont need a carrot on a stick.

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Re: BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

Post by Ibux » Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:28 pm

Ataika wrote:
Sun Apr 21, 2024 10:45 am
You can imagine how many games players has to play for ab/wsg exalted?
That amount is uberarable for a player who wants enchants and not pvp.
And these who like pvp dont need a carrot on a stick.
speak for yourself. I can always use more things that trick me into doing more pvp turtle_tongue_head

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Re: BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

Post by Ataika » Sun Apr 21, 2024 1:07 pm

Ibux wrote:
Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:28 pm
Ataika wrote:
Sun Apr 21, 2024 10:45 am
You can imagine how many games players has to play for ab/wsg exalted?
That amount is uberarable for a player who wants enchants and not pvp.
And these who like pvp dont need a carrot on a stick.
speak for yourself. I can always use more things that trick me into doing more pvp turtle_tongue_head
Iam up for "reward or ban for suggestions".
It works like this - twow devs read your suggestion and implement it, then look into metrics. If the suggestion does not work and bring expected amount of players, you get banned for supporting crappy suggestion and wasting twow devs time. Would be a valuable lesson for you.

Sadly Torta wont accept this.
Last edited by Ataika on Mon Apr 22, 2024 9:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

Post by Ragetto » Sun Apr 21, 2024 2:46 pm

Ataika wrote:
Sun Apr 21, 2024 10:45 am
You can imagine how many games players has to play for ab/wsg exalted?
That amount is uberarable for a player who wants enchants and not pvp.
And these who like pvp dont need a carrot on a stick.
We could have multiple enchantments, each corresponding to a different reputation tier.

But of course, this wouldn't solve the fundamental problems of the server and PvP.

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Re: BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

Post by Watterboy1 » Sun Apr 21, 2024 4:57 pm

Add x-faction BGs first, and then 1000% add more rewards like this. Would help make the pvp scene very lively

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Re: BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

Post by Gantulga » Sun Apr 21, 2024 5:16 pm

Retarded idea.

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Re: BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

Post by Xudo » Sun Apr 21, 2024 5:21 pm

Well. Assuming that all items from warsong reputation can be easily replaced in BWL, I think grinding rep should have at least some good rewards. Let it be enchants.
Xudo - tauren warrior 19 Sergeant armory.
I don't raid and rank, so you can not bother asking.
Nerf high level enchants on low level gear
Add lvl requirement to bandages
Best and optimal gear for 10-19 twinks
Have fun not only at 60.

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Re: BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

Post by Geojak » Sun Apr 21, 2024 8:38 pm

Woukd be better if the enchant wasn't from exalted rep but instead a turn in quest reward for let's say 20 marks. Similiar to zg enchant for 15 marks.

Thas way you need to do pvp again and again when you want a new enchant instead of grind it out once and be done forever

Could require both marks and certain rep level, like revered

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Re: BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

Post by Zvyrhol » Sun Apr 21, 2024 9:26 pm

I'm against gear rewards for hiting Exalted with AB and WSG. First of all these reputations are very hard to hit. I'm sure they require at least 100 hours played (probably even more) and 200 hours waiting time in queue. Maybe only ranking gear is locked behind such long grind. Nevertheless currently the game doesn't give anything valuable for achieving Exalted with these factions.

My suggestion is to add unique mounts or titles for hiting Exalted. I saw a lot of people who unwillingly played battlegrounds for gear, they hate it and wanted to get the gear as soon as possible. It's better for all of us not to force people because otherwise the morale of our teams will be demoralizing inside battlegrounds, trust me. I'm fine with other non-gear rewards too.
The devil is in the detail.

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Re: BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

Post by Chudman123 » Sun Apr 21, 2024 11:20 pm

How about BG only consumes like fap, lips, Major healing potion, tea, ect?
-Panfusion (60 ele/resto shammy)

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Re: BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

Post by Geojak » Mon Apr 22, 2024 4:11 pm

Zvyrhol wrote:
Sun Apr 21, 2024 9:26 pm
I'm against gear rewards for hiting Exalted with AB and WSG. First of all these reputations are very hard to hit. I'm sure they require at least 100 hours played (probably even more) and 200 hours waiting time in queue. Maybe only ranking gear is locked behind such long grind. Nevertheless currently the game doesn't give anything valuable for achieving Exalted with these factions.

My suggestion is to add unique mounts or titles for hiting Exalted. I saw a lot of people who unwillingly played battlegrounds for gear, they hate it and wanted to get the gear as soon as possible. It's better for all of us not to force people because otherwise the morale of our teams will be demoralizing inside battlegrounds, trust me. I'm fine with other non-gear rewards too.
The morale couldn't be worse already on allaince side, look at stables in any ab. Peolle pvp for rewards. Most people in av just do it for the rep. Barely anyone plays pvp just for the fun, and that's ok.

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Re: BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

Post by Ibux » Mon Apr 22, 2024 4:20 pm

Geojak wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 4:11 pm
Zvyrhol wrote:
Sun Apr 21, 2024 9:26 pm
I'm against gear rewards for hiting Exalted with AB and WSG. First of all these reputations are very hard to hit. I'm sure they require at least 100 hours played (probably even more) and 200 hours waiting time in queue. Maybe only ranking gear is locked behind such long grind. Nevertheless currently the game doesn't give anything valuable for achieving Exalted with these factions.

My suggestion is to add unique mounts or titles for hiting Exalted. I saw a lot of people who unwillingly played battlegrounds for gear, they hate it and wanted to get the gear as soon as possible. It's better for all of us not to force people because otherwise the morale of our teams will be demoralizing inside battlegrounds, trust me. I'm fine with other non-gear rewards too.
The morale couldn't be worse already on allaince side, look at stables in any ab. Peolle pvp for rewards. Most people in av just do it for the rep. Barely anyone plays pvp just for the fun, and that's ok.
yea. and it's the same with pve. meaning lots of people wouldn't do a dungeon if there wasn't any useful loot in it.

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Re: BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

Post by Tasman » Mon Apr 22, 2024 7:57 pm

I think to increase popularity of BG's on all lvl brackets, specific steps should be done:
1.Make quests for each lvl bracket with good rewards, that can be obtained at 17,27,37 and so on to 60 lvls.
1.1.As example quest for BG marks on each lvl bracket, that will give player good amount of gold, something like 10-19 -1G per completion 20-29 -2G and so on to 60 with 6G per completion.
1.2.Next type of quest can be for honorable kills at specific BG like 30HK's, that will reward players with resources like ore, herbs, leather and so on. Maybe 1 pack of those for completion. Resources issued will depend on lvl bracket.
1.3.And final quest that will require certain amount of BG wins to complete something like 3. And reward would be blue trinket, relic, or something else. Reward item stats will scale depending on BG bracket it was obtained.
Also those quests will give player extra BG rep when completed. Each new quests will appear when player will get to 7th lvl of each bracket and 60 lvl at the end. And they can be completed only once for each BG bracket. Each BG will have it's own specific separate quests. WSG, AB, Blood Ring and so on. Basically you can complete 3 quests on WSG at current lvl bracket then do the similar at AB and Blood Ring. Already 9 BG quests with good rewards.
2.Then there should be added proper player introduction to BG's. Mainly it applies to WSG camps for both factions. There should be added delivery quests, that would lead players from both factions to those camps. Horde from Xroads, Alliance from Astranaar. Just simple quest - take this deliver to WSG faction camp, started at 17 lvl. Also FP should be added there, this will help with traveling there, especially for low lvls.
3.Another idea, for WSG and AB, addition of faction boses with good loot. It will be elite mob 2 lvl's higher than max BG lvl participant - player is 19 lvl boss is 21 at 60 lvl boss will be 62. Location of those bosses wold be WSG - roof, AB - back room in faction starting house. Loot will be - blue items, that will scale up ,higher bracket BG is played. At 60 lvl can have epic version of those items. Also killing boss will give players extra BG reputation.
4.Make epic versions of 18, 28, 38 and so on lvl rewards for 60 lvl like [Protector's Band] and 20,40,60 items like [Rune of Duty], that can be obtained geting Exalted with BG factions. Also scale down some Blood ring rewards for low lvl brackets too.

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Re: BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

Post by Zvyrhol » Mon Apr 22, 2024 8:38 pm

Tasman wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 7:57 pm
1.Make quests for each lvl bracket with good rewards, that can be obtained at 17,27,37 and so on to 60 lvls.
Your suggestion creates new problem because I know some people are crazy about completing every quest possible in the game to get the title. Adding new quests that can only be completed in this level range will dissatisfy those people who already have level 60.
Tasman wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 7:57 pm
2.Then there should be added proper player introduction to BG's. Mainly it applies to WSG camps for both factions. There should be added delivery quests, that would lead players from both factions to those camps. Horde from Xroads, Alliance from Astranaar.
I made similar post about it some time ago viewtopic.php?p=90755#p90755 though my idea concerns only level 60 bracket. Original entrances to the battlegrounds were neglected by Blizzard in late vanilla when Battlemasters were added in major cities. Currently they give no functionality other than purchasing gear. What's funny is that actually Blood Ring has the most active "entrance" in the game because people often exchange BR tokens there in Stranglethorn - tokens fullfil bags very fast if you play game after game. I see many players there when BR is BG of the day. I like this suggestion.
Tasman wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 7:57 pm
3.Another idea, for WSG and AB, addition of faction boses with good loot.
I'm against adding ANY PvE content in battlegrounds that are 100% PVP oriented. These are WSG and AB. They were made purely PvP by Blizzard for a reason. Design of WSG is that your team is 100% focused on watching the flags, your team shouldn't lose focus on the flag only to kill PvE boss. In AB your team is focused on controling stategic points, your team can't leave these spots unprotected. If you propose to add something, the change shouldn't be contrary to battleground design. Sunnyglade Valley and Alterac Valley are battlegrounds with some PvE flavour, I don't mind adding PvE content there.
The devil is in the detail.

Posts: 116

Re: BG Exalted enchants to incentivise pvp

Post by Tasman » Mon Apr 22, 2024 9:50 pm

Zvyrhol wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 8:38 pm
Tasman wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 7:57 pm
1.Make quests for each lvl bracket with good rewards, that can be obtained at 17,27,37 and so on to 60 lvls.
Your suggestion creates new problem because I know some people are crazy about completing every quest possible in the game to get the title. Adding new quests that can only be completed in this level range will dissatisfy those people who already have level 60.
Tasman wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 7:57 pm
2.Then there should be added proper player introduction to BG's. Mainly it applies to WSG camps for both factions. There should be added delivery quests, that would lead players from both factions to those camps. Horde from Xroads, Alliance from Astranaar.
I made similar post about it some time ago viewtopic.php?p=90755#p90755 though my idea concerns only level 60 bracket. Original entrances to the battlegrounds were neglected by Blizzard in late vanilla when Battlemasters were added in major cities. Currently they give no functionality other than purchasing gear. What's funny is that actually Blood Ring has the most active "entrance" in the game because people often exchange BR tokens there in Stranglethorn - tokens fullfil bags very fast if you play game after game. I see many players there when BR is BG of the day. I like this suggestion.
Tasman wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 7:57 pm
3.Another idea, for WSG and AB, addition of faction boses with good loot.
I'm against adding ANY PvE content in battlegrounds that are 100% PVP oriented. These are WSG and AB. They were made purely PvP by Blizzard for a reason. Design of WSG is that your team is 100% focused on watching the flags, your team shouldn't lose focus on the flag only to kill PvE boss. In AB your team is focused on controling stategic points, your team can't leave these spots unprotected. If you propose to add something, the change shouldn't be contrary to battleground design. Sunnyglade Valley and Alterac Valley are battlegrounds with some PvE flavour, I don't mind adding PvE content there.
1.Just forgot to write about this. Quests for low lvl brackets would be obtainable on high lvl brackets, so it's not a problem. Also 60 lvl can take all of them and make one quest type for all lower lvl brackets by completing it once. Like make 30 HK's requirement and after it's complition all lower lvl quests of that type will be considered as completed. With exception for BG badge quest.
3.BG bosses main purpose - attract more players there. At current moment there are almost no BG's at low lvl brackets, but you can easily get group at LFT at each lvl bracket. Same at 60 lvl's too, with more BG's happening there, compared to low lvl's, but still it can't be comparable to LFT ques. Most people don't go to BG's at low lvl's, considering it a waste of time, due to high reputation requirements, to get some good low lvl gear. Same at 60 lvl's BG reputation gear far less accesible to player, compared to ones from instances. This suggestion is aimed to motivate people play at low lvl brackets and increase BG ques at 60's. So it is like alternative to instances which is far more popular than BG's right now. It will also enrich accesible pvp gear assortiment that heavily outweighted by instance dropped items, without reputation grind.

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