BG Entrance Suggestion

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BG Entrance Suggestion

Post by Zvyrhol » Tue Mar 19, 2024 9:27 pm

In the early vanilla, before Battlemasters were added, you could join only one battleground by entering the portal like this.


This concept didn't old well so Blizzard decided to add Battlemaster NPCs in major city that gave you easier access to all battlegrounds. The entrances to battlegrounds were still in the game, however nobody really used them anymore. These entrances are relict of the past especially on Turtle WoW where you can join any battleground from any place in the world thanks to Battleground Finder.

I know current BG Finder is convenient tool though in my opinion the immersion of playing MMO is being broken when you just teleport to the battleground from any place in the world. Currently it works like in Retail WoW - you put not much effort to sign up for the battleground. I find it weird that you can join the battleground instantly after clicking one button in your UI but you can't do dungeons/raids same way. In my opinion this is inconsistent.

My suggestion is to compromise current convenient BG Finder with immersive joining the battleground.
I suggest to remove possibility to join the one specific battleground that gives bonus honor on that day through BG Finder.
Other battlegrounds would still be accessible through this tool. Instead, the only way to sign up for this battleground in given day is to enter through portal like above in open world.

For example: let's say today is Sunday and it's AV day. Everyone interested in going to AV must enter the portal in Alterac Mountains. Nobody can join the AV through BG Finder on Sunday but can join any other BG via this tool. AV gives bonus honor on Sunday so people are actually motivated to move there. Next day is Monday and let's say it's WSG day. Now you can sign up to WSG only by entering the portal in Kalimdor. You can queue up for AV or any other BG apart from WSG via BG Finder now.

I know this change would be controversial for some active PVP players but the truth is they have become too lazy in the current Retail-like system. This change would allow people to be more socialized - it's nice feeling that the guy you were playing with last game is also waiting for BG to start near the entrance. You can chat together and strenghten the teamwork actually because you will keep in mind that these people who wait with you at the entrance are going to play together with you for next couple of hours. Entering the battleground this way won't give you feeling that you play with random people. And when the game is finally over, you and your team are in the same place and can share the excitement together which is not possible in the current system where everyone is teleported back to the place of signing up. Moreover, the immersion of joining the battleground would be repaired. Not only that, this way would also allow players to estimate how large is their team so they could look for more people to join. So for example: if there are not enough players to start Sunnyglade Valley, players could ask in world chat "LFM Sunnyglade Alliance". In current system actually nobody knows how many people are queued for any battleground.

I'm interested what you guys think about my idea. To be clear, the idea mainly concerns the Nordanaar realm.
Last edited by Zvyrhol on Mon Apr 22, 2024 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The devil is in the detail.

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Re: BG Entrance Suggestion

Post by Mcpewpew » Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:17 am

" in my opinion the immersion of playing MMO"

You're more than welcome to queue the old way if you like the feeling of it.

It would be better to not discourage even more ppl from being involved in PVP.

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Re: BG Entrance Suggestion

Post by Xudo » Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:22 am

Can't agree on this. If you touch dungeon entrance, then you enter the dungeon. If you touch battleground entrance, then you get to queue.
I could accept this walk only if I could able to enter battleground when I touch its entrance. WIthout additional restrictions on minimal amount of people and stuff.

Ability to register anywhere from the world is cool. It greatly helps low level battleground to happen. People are usually not interested in hanging at this specific place during their leveling path.
Xudo - tauren warrior 19 Sergeant armory.
I don't raid and rank, so you can not bother asking.
Nerf high level enchants on low level gear
Add lvl requirement to bandages
Best and optimal gear for 10-19 twinks
Have fun not only at 60.

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Re: BG Entrance Suggestion

Post by Valadorn » Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:29 am

Terribe Idea and all you would get from it is no more BGs

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Re: BG Entrance Suggestion

Post by Grizb37 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:41 am

Will kill BG's mate, way too inconvenient

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Re: BG Entrance Suggestion

Post by Astrallizard » Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:08 am

The suggested change would have a negative impact on the PvP environment. However, there could be a daily quest at each battleground entrance to encourage going there. A simple quest that gives additional marks/honor/gold.

Furthermore, queueing at the entrance could give the player a small honor boost ("Ready for War" or so) while inside the battleground.

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Re: BG Entrance Suggestion

Post by Zulnam » Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:15 am

Astrallizard wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:08 am
The suggested change would have a negative impact on the PvP environment. However, there could be a daily quest at each battleground entrance to encourage going there. A simple quest that gives additional marks/honor/gold.

Furthermore, queueing at the entrance could give the player a small honor boost ("Ready for War" or so) while inside the battleground.
Now this is a compromise solution.

Yes to this, no to the original idea.

Lets not innovate by making things more of a chore. Hell it's the same story with the dungeon stones but i know people still don't want those to summon because it "ruins the immersion of waiting for days for some tit from Stormwind to show up in Feralas"

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Re: BG Entrance Suggestion

Post by Zvyrhol » Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:13 pm

Xudo wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:22 am
Ability to register anywhere from the world is cool. It greatly helps low level battleground to happen. People are usually not interested in hanging at this specific place during their leveling path.
Good point. I didn't think about twinks so let's say the suggestion concerns only level 60.
The devil is in the detail.

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Re: BG Entrance Suggestion

Post by Zvyrhol » Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:16 pm

Valadorn wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:29 am
Terribe Idea and all you would get from it is no more BGs
Nah, you would still be able to use BG Finder for all battlegrounds but one. People who level their Rank would still be interested in joining the battleground that gives bonus honor.
The devil is in the detail.

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Re: BG Entrance Suggestion

Post by Zvyrhol » Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:22 pm

Astrallizard wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:08 am
The suggested change would have a negative impact on the PvP environment. However, there could be a daily quest at each battleground entrance to encourage going there. A simple quest that gives additional marks/honor/gold.

Furthermore, queueing at the entrance could give the player a small honor boost ("Ready for War" or so) while inside the battleground.
Good suggestions. I don't mind daily PVP quest there.
Entering the battleground via entrance could give +20% bonus honor for 20 minutes. Or if it's too hard to implement, give NPC next to portal way to buff all players in radius of 20 yards with this buff.
The devil is in the detail.

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