Patch 1.17.1 — Labor and Legacy

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Dannyp92 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 10:20 am

Akalix wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:05 am
Wilsonsds wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2023 11:43 pm
please reduce the server population to 8.000
Tendies wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:13 pm
Please get China out of the main realm before patching next time, thank you.
Our average population has already decreased significantly due to the opening of multiple CN realms. We have lowered our playercap by 3,000 from peak (down to 10,000) and queues have still become less frequent.

A vast majority of players on at any time are parts of the English community.
The vast majority of players may be English-speaking, but there are still many CN-players on the OG server, especially out in the open world in my experience. Everywhere I see empty chat boxes, and sometimes I receive empty whispers from people. Keep in mind this is also in addition to other subgroups that can't speak English very well. Everyone is welcome to Turtle WoW, but having a sizeable subgroup that we can't chat or communicate with is very annoying, especially in a social game such as Vanilla-inspired WoW. I hope the remaining CN-players are heavily incentivized to move over to the SEA-servers and that they will move eventually?

Posts: 222

Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Tendies » Mon Oct 16, 2023 11:53 am

Akalix wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:05 am
Wilsonsds wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2023 11:43 pm
please reduce the server population to 8.000
Tendies wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:13 pm
Please get China out of the main realm before patching next time, thank you.
Our average population has already decreased significantly due to the opening of multiple CN realms. We have lowered our playercap by 3,000 from peak (down to 10,000) and queues have still become less frequent.

A vast majority of players on at any time are parts of the English community.
This is me logging into my zone today. Legit 30/32 here are Chinese?
I am playing here ofc because I know what it was like before the invasion, but I can't imagine how terrible the experience a new EU player, a new WoW player, must be right now and for the past months.
You're new, every chat window is incomprehensible spam and nobody talks because 9/10 people you meet in EU time are Chinese. If I was a new WoW player I would have quit and I think a lot have.

Posts: 222

Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Tendies » Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:40 pm

Is it far fetched to say that Turtle has a low retention rate of new EU players since the Chinese?

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Itorch100 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:49 pm

The content is looking good, but may I suggest (from looking at the goblin zone screenshot) to be moderate with the ground elevation? It's the same gripe I have with some Gilneas areas, making it feel bit unnaturally jagged. Other than that, amazing job, and super excited to see what's coming!

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by G10stpd » Mon Oct 16, 2023 1:03 pm

I would really like to play as a Goblin priest. /wink

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Dracarusggotham » Mon Oct 16, 2023 1:56 pm

Slashignore wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2023 8:27 pm
undead paladins yes! thats what we want mkay
God no, stop asking Paladins for the Horde, they will stay only in the Alliance, if you want a Paladin, go to the Alliance, if you want a Shaman, go to the Horde.
But please, stop asking that fcking stupid thing as undead paladins. They don't have sense in the world, it's like the Tauren Paladins in retail, so, shut up please. angry_turtle_hea angry_turtle_hea angry_turtle_hea

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Dracarusggotham » Mon Oct 16, 2023 2:00 pm

I will only ask, fix the High Elf model too, make it more attractive and with more customization options.
And fix the texture errors and improve the Eyes Glow, looks so strange and bad.
And some textures in the underwear too, If you look it closer, you can see how the texture broken cause the skin tone is slightly different from the rest of the legs or body where you customizated it for have blue underwear.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Wrathweaver » Mon Oct 16, 2023 2:08 pm

Dracarusggotham wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 1:56 pm
Slashignore wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2023 8:27 pm
undead paladins yes! thats what we want mkay
God no, stop asking Paladins for the Horde, they will stay only in the Alliance, if you want a Paladin, go to the Alliance, if you want a Shaman, go to the Horde.
But please, stop asking that fcking stupid thing as undead paladins. They don't have sense in the world, it's like the Tauren Paladins in retail, so, shut up please. angry_turtle_hea angry_turtle_hea angry_turtle_hea
Fully agree on this, shaman and paladin should be faction exclusive.
Playing Horde or Alliance are 2 very different experiences and they have their own zones, quests ect.
If Paladin is added to horde and shaman for Alliance, this incentive will be removed.
Great Sun and Glorious Leader of the Bring Back Judgement of the Crusader movement.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Ashstache » Mon Oct 16, 2023 2:29 pm

Catnip05 wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 10:19 am
Archaeology please. Thank you.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Galendor » Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:01 pm

By the way, if high elves and goblins will have proper starting areas, is there a chance that Amani'Alor will become a little bigger? Or the team has another plans for forest trolls' plot line?

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Xudo » Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:08 pm

What about separate starting zone for trolls? They are used to start with orcs, but I think they deserve their own location too.

More starting zones is generally good. As long as HC die eventually, starting zones get more crowded than mid-high level zones.
Xudo - tauren warrior 19 Sergeant armory.
I don't raid and rank, so you can not bother asking.
Nerf high level enchants on low level gear
Add lvl requirement to bandages
Best and optimal gear for 10-19 twinks
Have fun not only at 60.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Akos1896 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:47 pm

I'm writing a wishlist. If anything from it becomes a reality, I'd be a happy troll shaman.
* Please add a spammable 10 man raid with unique but not strong items, recipes and plans so that geared raiders would also consider spamming it. A trinket which makes your voice like an orc, very rare mount drop, companions, 1-2 skin or f.ex. the stratholme trinket which makes you look like a member of the opposing faction.
* Please consider a slight rework at shamans, adding a bit of identity. Better mana regen and caster support totem for ele, survavibility and only access to good wf to enhancement and much improved heal and mana totems for resto for example.
* Please make zeps and ships more frequent to facilitate travel.
* Please add item colorization option for transmog.
* Please add viability for shadow priest in pve. Didn't play them, I can't propose sound changes.
* Tauren rogue is the worst lorewise decision you could make but at least 1000 guy per server would create a new char just to see them stealthy bovines.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Rangtuk » Mon Oct 16, 2023 4:08 pm

Please o' please do not take my classic goblin ponytail, I don't wanna go to the bouncy Cata-fied one its not the same ;_;
Et's a muggin' world, and here I'ze is wittout a gold pouch.

Posts: 32

Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Dogfight » Mon Oct 16, 2023 11:19 pm

Looking forward to this patch! Good stuff to see that you're already well in development of this. Don't make it too big and the wait too long!

For certain specs it would be nice to have a link between new tier gear and potentially upcoming class changes so it remains relevant and usuable.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Sylveria » Tue Oct 17, 2023 6:13 am

Already looking forward to the new starting Zones. And it seems like Alah'thalas is getting expanded as well, according to the screenshot-names. :D

But i have some important questions regarding the old starting zones:

Will they be removed completly? What about some special rewards, like the blue rose from the Highelf Starting Zone? Will they be moved towards the new one? Or will the old quests be integrated in their respective area and moved up in their level (as well as adjusted rewards), so that the story of those areas won't be lost?

I'm happy about everything that my beloved Highelves get as new content, so I'm looking forward to it. :) I will maybe even bind my Hearthstone up there. Maybe it's finally time for some real Highelf-RP in a real Highelf City. :D

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Seigar » Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:08 am

Gnomoerectus wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 6:41 am
What happens when we get the new customization options if you roll a goblin now? Are you stuck with your old face that may or may not have been changed overnight or do you get a chance to change your appearance?
They updated the post for it

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Uatu » Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:13 pm

Naonak1945 wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 2:23 am
Uatu wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 1:31 am
Uhh I like Geojak idea with an extra row of bank bag slots and the prices would be good as he suggested, maybe 1k instead of 1.5. Would also make players donate for more 36 slot bags (I know I would)
I know it is targeted at 4/5 year veterans. But what about the less than 1 year players that also have multiple healing/dps/pvp and toys etc

Some of us do not have those resources in game, but have some Real Life donation money instead.
I've played here for 1 year and 2 months :D

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Uatu » Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:15 pm

Tencent wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:08 am
Is it a plan to make it possible to rearrange my characters on selection page??
Hoping not cause many troubles on doing this turtle_tongue_head turtle_tongue_head
this would be great if they are able to :D

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Tublat » Wed Oct 18, 2023 5:03 pm

Please! give shamans Dual wield! <3

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Ibux » Thu Oct 19, 2023 6:50 pm

Torta wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2023 8:05 pm
  • Goblin's player model has received an exciting upgrade! Our beloved green friends now have more customization options, bringing them on par with other playable races. All current goblins will be given a FREE Appearance Change token. Here are the changes that have been made:
    • Five custom faces are now available for each gender.
    • New haircuts have been introduced, replacing the previously almost identical ones.
    • Over 30 helmet visual issues have been fixed for both males and females.
    • Numerous casting animation issues have been resolved.
    • Problems with sheathing weapons have also been addressed.
i hope you can also fix the way the goblins moves their arms when they run. it looks weird.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Wher0 » Thu Oct 19, 2023 7:21 pm

My game won’t work after update. 😩

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Whalemilk » Fri Oct 20, 2023 6:13 pm

Can we get an idea on how long it will take to implement the patch? I will be creating a new character on the PVP server and want to experience new starting zone content and maybe make a goblin.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Seigar » Sat Oct 21, 2023 6:07 pm

Ibux wrote:
Thu Oct 19, 2023 6:50 pm
Torta wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2023 8:05 pm
  • Goblin's player model has received an exciting upgrade! Our beloved green friends now have more customization options, bringing them on par with other playable races. All current goblins will be given a FREE Appearance Change token. Here are the changes that have been made:
    • Five custom faces are now available for each gender.
    • New haircuts have been introduced, replacing the previously almost identical ones.
    • Over 30 helmet visual issues have been fixed for both males and females.
    • Numerous casting animation issues have been resolved.
    • Problems with sheathing weapons have also been addressed.
i hope you can also fix the way the goblins moves their arms when they run. it looks weird.
Got me curious. Do you have a video of that? I wonder how it looks

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Ibux » Sat Oct 21, 2023 7:04 pm

Seigar wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 6:07 pm
Ibux wrote:
Thu Oct 19, 2023 6:50 pm
Torta wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2023 8:05 pm
  • Goblin's player model has received an exciting upgrade! Our beloved green friends now have more customization options, bringing them on par with other playable races. All current goblins will be given a FREE Appearance Change token. Here are the changes that have been made:
    • Five custom faces are now available for each gender.
    • New haircuts have been introduced, replacing the previously almost identical ones.
    • Over 30 helmet visual issues have been fixed for both males and females.
    • Numerous casting animation issues have been resolved.
    • Problems with sheathing weapons have also been addressed.
i hope you can also fix the way the goblins moves their arms when they run. it looks weird.
Got me curious. Do you have a video of that? I wonder how it looks

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Seigar » Sat Oct 21, 2023 7:09 pm

You mean the walking animation ? Looks fine to me. That's how they walk in Cata

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Ibux » Sat Oct 21, 2023 7:24 pm

Seigar wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 7:09 pm
You mean the walking animation ? Looks fine to me. That's how they walk in Cata
i think it looks dumb the way they trow their arms around while moving. at least to me who are used to run every day. i don't really move my arms much at all while running. even less so if walking.

it should look more like this.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Kitittys » Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:01 am

Tweak/Improve Vagrant Mode

The idea of vagrant Mode is unique and exciting. It provides us veterans another way to play WoW, ignore gears and enjoy every storyline (can't rush leveling up after all), walk over Azeroth slowly.
However after playing a Vagrant+HC+Turtle warrior for a week, I think there maybe some balance tweak we can do to enhance this mode and make it more attractive, especially for Vagrant+HC players.

A. More Friendly for Melee Classes
Melee classes like warrior can go vagrant, but it's extemely hard. It's ok, we all know that warrior, especially HC warrior is never an easy way, but vagrant mode is real hell for them. Low attributes, low armor, low damage is no joke but it's ok. The real problem here is that there's not enough white gears you can buy in shops. It's very frustrating that you can not update any gear after lvl45(lvl41 for weapons). Maybe you can loot some from monsters but the quality is worse. So are we supposed to go 60 with a white lvl41 weapon in hands?
My advice is adding more white gears in shop(at least lvl55 or lvl58), and reduce the gap between level needs (for example there is no two handed weapon between lvl20 and lvl30).

B. Dungeon Buff for Vagrants
Vagrant is a slow and solo way, many players wander from place to place, finish more quests, read every book and enjoy the storylines. But many quests/stories involve dungeons and vagrants are so weak that they can hardly run a dungeon. Even if they find a group, teammates may not be very happy to have a weakling in team, this is reasonable in HC mode.
My advice is adding a Vagrant+HC mode exclusive buff for dungeon players. When Vagrant+HC players go for a dungeon, buff his/her hitpoint/healing/damage for 30% or something (maybe we can call this buff "Lonely Hero" or something?). This I believe can help vagrants do better in dungeons.

Thank you for your time, I really like the idea of Vagrant mode and hopefully more and more players will like this mode, that's all.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Frogbound » Mon Oct 23, 2023 9:37 am

Tendies wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 11:53 am
Akalix wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:05 am
Wilsonsds wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2023 11:43 pm
please reduce the server population to 8.000
Tendies wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:13 pm
Please get China out of the main realm before patching next time, thank you.
Our average population has already decreased significantly due to the opening of multiple CN realms. We have lowered our playercap by 3,000 from peak (down to 10,000) and queues have still become less frequent.

A vast majority of players on at any time are parts of the English community.
This is me logging into my zone today. Legit 30/32 here are Chinese?
I am playing here ofc because I know what it was like before the invasion, but I can't imagine how terrible the experience a new EU player, a new WoW player, must be right now and for the past months.
You're new, every chat window is incomprehensible spam and nobody talks because 9/10 people you meet in EU time are Chinese. If I was a new WoW player I would have quit and I think a lot have.
As one of the new EU players you have mentioned, I don't agree with you at all.
I made my account in May, but only started leveling seriously two weeks ago.
The asian players I have come across have had no impact on me whatsoever.
I had them in parties for various dungeons now on multiple characters. I have come across them while questing.
There hasn't been a single negative experience. They are quite nice and talkative. Even if they communicate in broken english, I have learnt a couple of chinese words from them.
The biggest negative experience I had so far, is the constant hate towards gnome players in world chat and a fully decked out pvp alt rogue ganking in Moonbrook, keeping people from completing the defias traitor escort quest and being verbally abusive in whispers after ganking me.
But the chinese players are absolutely fine.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Wiraqootcha » Wed Oct 25, 2023 9:34 am

Nett wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:11 pm
There is any updated focused on class/spec balance/updates?

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Steelx » Thu Oct 26, 2023 12:35 am

Toirto wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:08 am
would be nice to have 1 more row of bag slots in the bank
I think it would be easier to just make bigger bags that are exclusive for the bank.

Posts: 10

Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Domeng » Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:04 am

Tendies wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:13 pm
Please get China out of the main realm before patching next time, thank you.
Please donate 1 M dollars first,are you ok?

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Ghola » Thu Oct 26, 2023 8:56 am

Frogbound wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 9:37 am
As one of the new EU players you have mentioned, I don't agree with you at all.
I made my account in May, but only started leveling seriously two weeks ago.
The asian players I have come across have had no impact on me whatsoever.
I had them in parties for various dungeons now on multiple characters. I have come across them while questing.
There hasn't been a single negative experience. They are quite nice and talkative. Even if they communicate in broken english, I have learnt a couple of chinese words from them.
The biggest negative experience I had so far, is the constant hate towards gnome players in world chat and a fully decked out pvp alt rogue ganking in Moonbrook, keeping people from completing the defias traitor escort quest and being verbally abusive in whispers after ganking me.
But the chinese players are absolutely fine.
survivorship bias

if I didn't farm myself a nice nest egg beforehand I would've peaced out long ago, nearly did when the queues were bad. Every farming spot I frequented became packed with 5x as many people practically overnight

the only chinese phrase I've learned is "cao ni ma" spammed at me in whispers

and the only broken english I've heard is "from the bottom of society, is your mother being kept from having sex with dogs?" and whatever the hell "trumpet trash" means

almost all toxicity on the server I've experienced comes from a specific group of players

not to mention the blatant bloodring wintrading, GDKPs, and account selling

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Palgbtpower » Thu Oct 26, 2023 6:52 pm

I propose changing the paladins class color pink to rainbow to show all their strength and courage

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Jombo » Fri Oct 27, 2023 8:49 am

Itorch100 wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:49 pm
The content is looking good, but may I suggest (from looking at the goblin zone screenshot) to be moderate with the ground elevation? It's the same gripe I have with some Gilneas areas, making it feel bit unnaturally jagged. Other than that, amazing job, and super excited to see what's coming!
I second this. Devs have had a tendency to be too scared of leaving large areas more plain and smoothened. As a terrainer in Warcraft 3, I really understand this issue from the designer's perspective, but I think Devs need to look more at the terrain ingame or from a character camera to really understand that many well-working, good-looking zones in Vanilla actually have quite large, plain/flat areas (Elwynn, Westfall, Mulgore, Barrens, just to name a few). I agree with you that it's also a problem in Gilneas.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Dracarusggotham » Tue Oct 31, 2023 3:29 pm

Mavbyte wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2023 6:13 am
Already looking forward to the new starting Zones. And it seems like Alah'thalas is getting expanded as well, according to the screenshot-names. :D

But i have some important questions regarding the old starting zones:

Will they be removed completly? What about some special rewards, like the blue rose from the Highelf Starting Zone? Will they be moved towards the new one? Or will the old quests be integrated in their respective area and moved up in their level (as well as adjusted rewards), so that the story of those areas won't be lost?

I'm happy about everything that my beloved Highelves get as new content, so I'm looking forward to it. :) I will maybe even bind my Hearthstone up there. Maybe it's finally time for some real Highelf-RP in a real Highelf City. :D
I guess the Farstrider Lodge and the Starting Zone of the goblins will be converted in a leveling zone according to the level of the area.
