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Post by Kobiq » Tue Jul 11, 2023 7:02 pm

we've reached point where T3 horde stomps every AB and WSG. AV is another topic, with ppl focused on skipping fights instead of doing actual pvp or even worse farming freaking caves.

Rework the rewards. Maybe make blue sets purchasable for marks and honor like in TBC and add rated BGS where geared people could tryhard guild vs guild. And get something worthy actually?

At this moment PVP is totally unplayable, so as endgame player your game is basically log 3 times in a week for a evening raid.

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Re: Make BGS playable

Post by Mujumbura » Tue Jul 11, 2023 8:57 pm

It is imposible to compete in honor with accounts that are on 24h straight and grind 800k honor in a week now .. 2 month ago 400k was top tier now is useless. This is getting aout of hand. and the worst thing is we all know they sell thoes toons..

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Re: Make BGS playable

Post by Jackbiers123 » Thu Jul 20, 2023 2:18 am

The wsg/ab state in this server is absolute cancerous. Worse by far to PvP servers like the actual Blizzard PTR when you can see some kinda of balance, you can roll and alliance or horde character without regreting that much your choice. Here alliance gets swarmed to the point of abuse, and all comes back to paladin class changes that killed the class distribution with a dumb class + having even more sweatier players in horde that chose their classes racial-wise to take advantage on alliance pvers (usually humans). This post will get absolutely ignored like all the forum content but playing PvP in this server really poisons your soul. Absolutely disgusting, and i have loved PvP in WoW. To new players i recommend going while they still haven't invested that much of time.

PD: And it is exacly as Kobiq says, lately i only connect in Turtle Wow to raid log and disconnect.

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Re: Make BGS playable

Post by Billymenager » Sat Jul 29, 2023 3:42 pm

Devs must give some love to PVP.

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Re: Make BGS playable

Post by Fizzler » Sat Jul 29, 2023 5:32 pm

Jackbiers123 wrote:
Thu Jul 20, 2023 2:18 am
The wsg/ab state in this server is absolute cancerous. Worse by far to PvP servers like the actual Blizzard PTR when you can see some kinda of balance, you can roll and alliance or horde character without regreting that much your choice. Here alliance gets swarmed to the point of abuse, and all comes back to paladin class changes that killed the class distribution with a dumb class + having even more sweatier players in horde that chose their classes racial-wise to take advantage on alliance pvers (usually humans). This post will get absolutely ignored like all the forum content but playing PvP in this server really poisons your soul. Absolutely disgusting, and i have loved PvP in WoW. To new players i recommend going while they still haven't invested that much of time.

PD: And it is exacly as Kobiq says, lately i only connect in Turtle Wow to raid log and disconnect.
this is necessary for alliance to be crushed due to their paladin hero class

they do not deserve to win

you’re right though that the r14 system should be reworked. it encourages people to hide in AV just to beat someone who is having his friend log in to get honor
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Re: Make BGS playable

Post by Tendies » Sat Jul 29, 2023 6:09 pm

Kobiq wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 7:02 pm
we've reached point where T3 horde stomps every AB and WSG.
lmao, pretty sure gear is about even.

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Re: Make BGS playable

Post by Geojak » Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:28 pm

Na man, people that play pvp for fun are typically on horde. Noone on alliance in their right mind steps into a bg with t3 on allaince with nothing to gain from it competing against 800k+ honour rankers.
Therefor allaince gets stomped and it contributed thaz noone plays, pvp for fun on allaince

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Re: Make BGS playable

Post by Reploidrocsa » Sun Jul 30, 2023 4:05 am

I'm alliance t3 and i play bgs from time to time.

I play for the reputation rewards tho, not interested in ranking

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Re: Make BGS playable

Post by Lahire » Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:34 pm

No problem here, it is the game. Deal with it.
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Re: Make BGS playable

Post by Tendies » Sun Jul 30, 2023 2:56 pm

Think Taburetka, Przeclaw and Absodin play for fun and fight honorably. Duc maybe?

The rest of T3 alliance are pretty much shitters who can't play and ragequit.

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Re: Make BGS playable

Post by Allwynd01 » Mon Jul 31, 2023 9:27 am

It's a PvE/RP server first and everything else second so I think PvP people should just be happy PvP exists and don't expect much else.

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Re: Make BGS playable

Post by Dysterius » Tue Aug 01, 2023 7:00 pm

Tendies wrote:
Sun Jul 30, 2023 2:56 pm
Think Taburetka, Przeclaw and Absodin play for fun and fight honorably. Duc maybe?

The rest of T3 alliance are pretty much shitters who can't play and ragequit.
What are you talking about? No such thing as an honorable spergadin.

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Re: Make BGS playable

Post by Loogh » Tue Aug 08, 2023 3:08 pm

That original honor-system is amongst the worst systems ever made for any game. I don't get it, why they didn't rework it already. I gave up on ranking some time ago, sorry but i have a job and RL outside of WoW. The TBC system, for example, where honor was some kind of currency to buy PvP-equip was a big step forward. Doing nothing doesn't help anyone.

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