~ The Turtle WoW <3 Thread ~

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~ The Turtle WoW <3 Thread ~

Post by Aydea » Fri Jun 23, 2023 10:47 am

Dear reader,

This thread is just a little bit of community building :) And meant to record moments of <3 that you experienced on Turtle WoW. A nice player, a friend gesture, anything that gives you this feeling of <3 inside , please feel free to share it here so that others may partake in your joy and so you can serve the server as a testament of the good things that happen in this community.

This thread is especially meant to counter a specific phenomenon that is not unique to this community. People tend to speak out and cry out about the negative things but tend to remain quiet about the good things. But good things are also part of every community and should therefore also be paid attention to. This thread is meant to do that and thus help build community. :)

For that reason I would humbly ask that this thread is stickied so it remains atop the list of threads on this forum.

Thank you for your consideration and contribution.

I'll start in the next post.

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Re: ~ The Turtle WoW <3 Thread ~

Post by Aydea » Fri Jun 23, 2023 10:49 am

I was out gathering gold thorn in arathi basin when I had a really low yield and didn't find a single one. Then finally I came up on one but a night elf was right there collecting it just when I arrived. So I said "aw, shoot ..." and then night elf stepped back and said "take it" and walked away. At first I was hesitant and said he was first and earned but he insisted I take it, so I accepted the gracious gesture.

Thank you so much! It made my day. turtle_in_love_head

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Re: ~ The Turtle WoW <3 Thread ~

Post by Obsidianrav3n » Fri Jun 23, 2023 2:12 pm

Great idea for a thread!

I was once in Westfall with my Warrior and accidentally did my trademark move of pulling about 1000 Murlocs. Instead of performing my other trademark move of running like a coward I decided 'Screw it, I'm going to go down fighting!'

There I was standing toe to toe with 7 of the briny sea's best while watching my health rapidly dwindle. I knew this was my end, I hacked and slashed for all I was worth but knew my warriors time in Azeroth was almost up.

As my life bar was about to completely empty it's vital essence I noticed that it was slowly regenerating! I swung the camera around to see a Dwarf Priest healing me, his mighty beard glistening in the sun. His purple robes a resplendent contrast to the yellow of the sand.

With might and vigor he healed me until every last murloc lay dead at my feet. Blood and gore coated me as I took huge gulping breaths of air, trying to catch my breath as the rage left me. I looked to my healing savior and with much humility I said "Thank you for your assistance good priest, I surely would have perished this day without your intervention."

He looked at me with steely resolve in his eyes and said "<3" then ran off jumping around the place.

I pass on his kind words and say to all of you "<3"

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Re: ~ The Turtle WoW <3 Thread ~

Post by Brom » Sat Jun 24, 2023 10:12 pm

A couple days ago, I rolled a new character, a dwarf.
One of the starting quests you have to get some itens scattered around at small trolls campsites and one of those itens was taking too long to respawn, i log out and next day when i logged in agai, there was a line of 5 people orderly waiting for thye item
We all stood there, more people came and, from time to time we killed the spawning enemies around and returned to line. Untill it was my turn to take the iten and i left, no one tried to cut it in front of the others. It was really great to see everybody just cooperating like that

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Re: ~ The Turtle WoW <3 Thread ~

Post by Aydea » Mon Jun 26, 2023 3:42 pm

Yesterday my friends and I were out hunting for a recipe we have been looking for all week. It was the final piece in a plan for our blacksmith. The drop chance wasn't even that low but it would not drop even though we searched and searched for over a week.

Then, one evening we logged to our HCs for a quick herb run and found a chest and you wanna guess what was inside? The plans we needed. On HC. But we needed them on normal.

So, just as we were taking a break and sitting somewhere on a hill in Arathi highlands a dwarf comes up and talks to us. he is friendly and we share a story and a laugh over our hilarious escapades with the recipe. Then one day later, I get mail from the same dwarf and what is in the mail? The recipe we needed.

Thank you, friendly Dwarf, thank you so much! You made another "<3" moment on Turtle WoW! turtle_in_love_head

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