Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

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Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:28 am

Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW


This story is the journal of my characters Aydea, Fadrith and Aylia and their team. It is inspired by the Spirit of Turtle WoW as I got to know it about a year and a half ago when about five hundred people in total played here. Further inspiration comes from the immense love that the development team and staff have poured and still pouring into this project at every corner of the wonderful world we play in if one just opens their eyes and looks.

On that note, I would like to extend my gratitude and thank you to the turtle wow staff and developers. Without you I would not be here since there would be no turtle wow to play on. I also want to thank the disbanding guild <Ordinary Heroes> as they were the inspiration for this story even though I happened upon the guild just as it seems to disband naturally.

I hope that this story is enjoyable to read and that you may find inspiration and comfort in it that even though you may not speak up, there are people who are like mindedly looking for cohesive and sensible interaction on the server be it IC or OOC.

Thank you and enjoy!

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:30 am


By the color and state of the paper you can tell this entry was written a while ago, at least a year

Entry #1
I am not sure what to write here, honestly. Today is my last day of school. It feels strange ... all this time of learning and studying and routine. Coming, every day, at the same time to the same place to learn and read and then practice, then work, then dinner and then a moment to myself before going to bed. I used to have my diary but I haven't written in it for a while. Its funny that of all things, I would be given a journal for my graduation. It is fitting, I suppose that I graduate from a diary to a proper journal now that I graduate at Northshire Abbey. So, you know what? Perhaps this is how I should start ...

My name is Fadrith, I am a human and freshly graduated paladine. Hello, dear reader! I don't know if anyone will ever read this but you know never. Now you feel greeted.
Last edited by Aydea on Wed Aug 30, 2023 3:56 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:31 am

By the state of the paper and its color you can tell this entry was also written some time ago, at least a year

Entry #2
My first day on my own! I feel hopeful and eager ... but also a little afraid. What will await outside these walls that have for so long been my boundaries? What will I do? How will I "Work for the Light"?

I suppose these questions likely come to everyone who stands past the gates of Northshire Abbey for the first time. But wow, that being said, Elwynn Forest is *beautiful*. I thought Northshire Abbey was idyllic but this ... this is something else.

And you know, the people here? They are all kind, friendly and genuinely fun to be around. You often hear stories whispered about all sorts of stuff that give you the impression that people are not fun to be around. But maybe thats city folk. Oh! I wonder if I will see Stormwind. But first things first ...

So, this place? I am at right now? Is called "Goldshire". Not sure why, there isn't a lot of gold anywhere but thats probably for the best. You never know you know? If there was gold to be had there would be criminals, I am *sure*.

Never the less there appears to be no shortage of work here. Ordinary things, really. Report to the guards. Scout the area. Deliver a message. Herd sheep.

I find it comforting. The world outside the safety of Northshire Abbey really is just normal people. Doing normal things. And now I feel like one of them ...

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:33 am

By the color and state of this paper, you can tell that this entry was also written some time ago, at least a year

Entry #3
You know where I am right now?! Im in Stormwind! Yes! Stormwind ... the very same city you hear *so* much about. And it is every little bit of what they say ... and then some! I'll elaborate ...

When you approach the vast gates you are immediately greeted to the sight of the city walls and its guards. Instant safety. And rider in armor of some rank watching vigilantly over everyone who comes and goes. And towering over it all is what must be the cathedral of light. I was told about this place at Northshire Abbey, I can't wait see it!

But for now, I have to get my bearings. Its funny, just the other day I was wondering if I would get to see the city, thinking that I would stay in Goldshire for who knows how long. But here I am ... just doing what I have always done the past few days. Speaking of, I can already tell there is a lot of work here waiting to be done. Though, right now I am on yet another delivery. A wine delivery if you can believe it.

And the people here are so ... different. But interesting! You see and meet all sorts in the trade district. But you can tell they're city folks. Like, immediately. Not that thats a bad thing, they're just different, you know? City life is different. And now I see it with my own eyes.

Oh and nightelves! I have never seen any before. They're so beautiful and handsome! And their males are *so* tall. I stood next to one? And I was like ... my head was barely above his waist. Thats how tall they are! And their women are so beautiful. Their figures ... they weren't kidding when the others told me I'd wish I had such a figure ... but I suppose being so tall (yes, they are also tall) it makes sense. You would draw so much more attention than a little human like me.

My page is running out, I will continue this entry on the next page. There is just so much to tell. I mean ... its Stormwind!

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:34 am

This next "entry" isn't actually a new entry but a continuation of the previous entry. The writing is somewhat hasty, the writer was clearly very excited

... so, as I was saying.

Oh! And dwarves. In the dwarven district of course. They are not tall. But what they lack in height they make up for in might. And humor. And just boisterous being loud. And then there is ... actually let me quote that:

"Wash, yer back!" - A dwarf

... Yes. They really said that. Needless to say I get the feeling it wasn't personal. But still, bath tonight.

My next stop was the Cathedral of Light. But you know ... when I stepped inside? It was actually a lot more humble and simple than it appears from the outside. Awe inspiring, certainly, but still ... just a cathedral. It reminded me of the many lessons in humility my teacher at Northshire Abbey taught me. Oh and speaking of, I also met my new teacher today, Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker. And trust me, the name is every bit as inspiring as the man himself. I would have loved to study under him but he referred me instantly to someone else called "Katherine the Pure". So, I suppose she will be teaching me for now.

Fortunately, the inn in Stormwind isn't as expensive or strict as you might expect. They let you stay for free so long as you clean up after yourself and only need a quick rest. What a day ...

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:35 am

The color and state of the paper indicates that the next entry was also written some time ago, at least a year

Entry #4
Alright, journal! Now that I have situated myself in Stormwind, its time to take on the *real* dangers of Goldshire. Kobolds, venomous spiders and human criminals. I get kobolds and spiders, but human criminals?! As if humanity wasn't in a bad enough spot as is with Stormwind being practically the last bastion of our kind ...

*There is a pause here but the entry continues soon. There appears to be a little bit of dust and smudge on the page, much like someone write it who went into a cave or several*

Its hard to fathom really. How bad must it be when kobolds and spiders are becoming a problem in the human kindom?! And for criminals to turn against their own kind? I feel I am beginning to see what my previous teacher meant with "work for the light". There really does not seem to be a shortage of things to do for graduate paladines like me.

But with all these good experiences I am making, meeting people, talking to people and seeing the world, even with all its problems trying to be and remain a warm and welcoming place, I feel encouraged and hopeful that all our hard work, no matter who we are and where are from will someday come to fruition.

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:36 am

The color and state of the paper shows that this next entry was written some time ago, about a year or so, maybe

Entry #5
Today, I actually went back to Northshire Abbey for a delivery. I did not expect to be back so soon but it was nice to see the place I lived at for so long again. I also met another paladin who had just graduated and I was even able to advise him and help him a little to get his bearings and learn some things about Goldshire and Elwynn Forest. It was nice. It felt good. I wonder where his journey will take him.

My own journey lead me to the mage district. A place I had avoided up until now. I don't trust magic users, though strictly speaking I am a magic user myself, but I use only light magic.
I get why they have their own district. They feel ... different, like as if there is a strange aura around them. And their eyes are different too. There is something knowing in the eyes of these mages. I also saw what I believe to be a "warlock" but they hid once spotted me, running to some corner of the mage district. I didn't follow. But their eyes? Were downright unsettling.

It was perhaps no coincidence that I was summed to the cathedral of light for the first time today. The letter sounded urgent ...

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:37 am

The color and state of the paper indicate that the next entry was written just about a year ago, maybe less

Entry #6
They weren't kidding. Apparently one of the aspiring paladins got into trouble in a region of Elwynn Forest that I had not explored yet. They gave me a symbol of some kind and said it was a powerful artifact, capable of teaching me a healing spell that can save people who are on the brink of death. They regretted pushing this into the hands of someone as inexperienced as me but they said it was urgent and no one else was available.

I am actually back from this and writing this at the end of my day at the adventurers inn in Stormwind. The mission was a success, I was able to save the paladin in need but I still feel a sense of foreboding melancholy.

The reason why this paladin (a dwarf by the way) got into trouble is because he investigated these criminals I mentioned previously. And thats when it occurred to me ... they aren't just petty criminals who waylay travelers for some copper in Elwynn forest. This is an organized crime syndicate. With mages. A logistic network.

It makes you wonder just how deep this runs ...

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:38 am

The next entry appears to have been written on the day after, by now there are dates at each entry. Perhaps the writer evolved in her writing to the point of keeping a more orderly journal as she matures

Entry #7
When I reported the success of the mission and my findings on the next day, I got an interesting response. They didn't seem surprised and did not send me on any other mission for the time being.

I found that most peculiar.

Wouldn't you be alarmed at hearing something like this? Or at least surprised?

That was honestly very weird and I could sense that something was going on that they weren't telling me.

That bothered me but I had to come to the conclusion that the only reason they weren't telling me is probably to protect me ... maybe from something similar that happened to the dwarven paladin I was sent to save.

On another note, I went to the mage district again today. Say what you will about them, but its a good place to think things through. I actually met a mage today, her name is Aydea or so. She noted that I was a paladine and asked me if I had gotten lost. But when I said I came here to think we started talking. We just seemed to connect in that moment.

She told me a little bit about the mage district and mentioned an area she herself had stayed away from.

"Don't go there, Fadrith, you won't like it ... " She said.

When I asked her why, she said that she had not set foot there herself but *knew* that it was a warlock tavern. A place of evil and shadow magic. A place where demons are summoned. Demons! Here in Stormwind! And I thought organized crime was bad.

Makes me wonder if this is what they weren't telling me but I doubt it. There is no way that something like this would be unknown to the ruling body of the city. So I have to assume they tolerate it.

Anyways, Aydea seemed like someone very devoted to studying magic. Perhaps it is that sense of devotion that she and I connected over. She is devoted to her cause and I to mine ...

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:39 am

The next entry is dated only a day after the last

Entry #8
Having not been sent on any mission, I decided to visit Goldshire again and complete what business I still had in the region. It was also a good time to learn a profession, I chose blacksmithing and mining. Though I wonder if I might regret this down the line but the prospect of fashioning my own armor is very appealing.

I also met a nightelf today, a druid by the looks of it. He was trying to do work in Elwynn Forest so I took the opportunity to help him as well just like I did with that paladin I met in Northshire Abbey.

Nightelves are a peculiar bunch. They always seem a little removed like they are coming from some far away place, a remote island on the other end of the world or something. They are also kind of quiet and soft spoken. At least that is my impression.

After I helped him through Elwynn Forest, this nightelf and I talked for a little while. It was interesting to see him open up like a shy animal getting used to a person. It was kind of adorable. We parted ways as he was staying in Goldshire and I was headed back out. To mine. And then work a smithy. If you can believe it. I wasn't sure I could ... hammers are heavy.

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:40 am

The next entry is dated one day after the last

Entry #9
Oh, goodness, what a day. I think I ran into someone who had perhaps had too much to drink. Or maybe they lost their marbles. Or maybe they didn't listen when they were warned to stay away from that bad region in the mage district.

It was really strange. The person jumped around me like they had a rash somewhere or got stung somewhere unpleasant, speaking nonsense and illegible things I had not heard before.

They didn't seem to mean any harm though and, fortunately, they left me alone soon after. That was weird though, I don't know what was wrong with that person ...

On a much more pleasant note, I was traveling the road towards Red Ridge, an area I had not yet set foot in when I met Aydea again. She was on her way to learn from an enchanting teacher who lived in the region, apparently. When I asked her what other professions she had she said tailoring and enchanting. That does seem like a clever combination.

I have also made some headway on my own professions. It turns out you can actually do it, even with arms like mine, so long as you don't overdo it. And I have got to say ... wearing my own copper armor that was still warm to the touch from the heat in the forge ... it felt good. A custom fit, light weight, perfect for my size.

This is when I knew I had picked the right profession and learned the value of an armor that doesn't make you sore just from wearing it.

I need to remind myself not to get overconfident. When I explored the outskirts of Elwynn Forest in search of copper ore today, I could see the banks of a neighboring area. It was dark and there was a gloom to it. In the mist I spotted wolves that looked so dangerous I had no doubt that they would make short work of if I get too close.

I need to remember that a good armor is no substitute for humility and making good decisions.

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:41 am

The next entry appears to be dated one day after the previous one

Entry #10
Alright, my business in Elwynn forest seems to be complete and I am standing at the bridge towards the west, the golden west, as some say, a region I have not visited yet called "Westfall".

It feels strange, not too long ago I was wondering what the world was like leaving the safety of Northshire Abbey with wide eyed admiration and now I stand here, in Elwynn Forest, in a set of custom fitted copper armor gazing towards the horizon and a new region promising new stories, new adventures and new good experiences with the good people of this kingdom.

Oh, before I forget, I actually met another mage today when I traveled through Goldshire. A woman by the name of Aylia. She was selling potions of her own making. I knew there were healing potions but did you know there are all sorts of potions? Speed potions, underwater breathing potions, strength potions. Those are perfect for me. I think I will keep one of those when ever I work in the smithy.

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:42 am

As is perhaps expected by now, the next entry is written one day after the previous one. It seems the writer of this journal has perhaps found her own rhythm

Entry #11
My first day in Westfall! I feel reminded of when I stepped into Elwynn Forest. But Elwynn Forest was safe. Westfall ... feels dangerous. It feels interesting writing that here because not long ago I felt kobolds were dangerous (and they are. To those new like I was)

Being the first area not directly in proximity to Stormwind (though I suppose it kind of still is) I am already seeing how Westfall seems to have its fair share of problems. Malfunctioning harvesters, Gnolls (violent creatures you can find as close as on the outskirts of Elwynn Forest) and, surprise, surprise, more criminals preying on those farmers.

Westfall, as I was told, is the farmland of Stormwind where the majority of the produce, wheat and other food materials come from. It makes sense that the criminals would be found here, perhaps this is even where they are staging from. If it wasn't yet clear that they are organized, it should be clear now.

Unfortunately, unlike stormwind the local "Inn" (which is really more of a ruin) does not offer much in terms of accommodations. The beds don't look like something I want to sleep on. I have always been a magnet for ticks and mosquitos. It goes to show though how dire situation is. I wonder if I can help somehow ...

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:43 am

Dated one day after the previous entry, the next entry reads ...

Entry #12
Dangers everywhere around "Sentry Point", an aptly named respite in central Westfall. You can't seem to walk a few steps without running into some kind of aggressive creature that tries to attack you. And that is in addition to the aforementioned problems. No wonder the farmers aren't getting a whole lot done ...

I was just about to follow a clue as to these aforementioned organized criminals when I was summoned back to Stormwind via letter. A welcome opportunity, honestly, if only to sleep a clean bed.

There is a pause here as if the entry was left unfinished, at least for a little while. It continues after the notable pause though

It appears that my superiors at the Cathedral of Light are (and probably were) aware of what is going on with these criminals. They have a name by the way, they are called "The Defias Brotherhood". It is nice to finally have a confirmed name to this threat. Unfortunately, this does indeed indicate that this runs much deeper than I first thought when I was about in Elwynn Forest.

A suspicion that is only confirmed by a special mission I was given or should I say "entrusted" with when I left the Cathedral of Light on this day. I am to speak with someone, Mathias Shaw, of "SI:7".

I don't know and I can't explain it but something about this name makes me feel ill at ease.

Or maybe it is the fact that I am not sent to Elwynn Forest and not Westfall. But Stormwind. An investigation of our own. If we cannot trust ourselves, our own humans, who -can- we trust ... ?

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:45 am

The next entry seems to have been written a few days later instead of the following day. The handwriting also changed slightly. It appears something may have happened to the writer affecting her handwriting

Entry #13
I am not sure where to start. What a sobering investigation. The past few days I have run from one person to the next, delivering messages, piecing together clues and information only to arrive at a realization that causes me to question many of the things I was taught. I wasn't even sure anymore whether I could safely write about all of this here ... from what I have been told it should be safe though, so long as I don't go into too much detail.

So, remember the "Defias Brotherhood"? You would think they are the bad guys. Causing strife in Elwynn Forest, stealing from the kingdom and preying on farmers. And that is absolutely bad, there is no question about it.

But what I learned ... so apparently their leader, a man called "Edwin van Cleef" used to be a well respected stonemason in Stormwind. The man has helped design and *build* the city!
And when it was to actually time pay him for all of his work? They cheated him! And betrayed him.

Yes, you read right. The Stormwind nobility treated one of their own in this fashion.

That is no excuse for what Edwin van Cleef did next though, paying them back in kind. Betraying Stormwind and starting to create a group that grew into an organized crime syndicate.

I understand his frustration but taking it out on the *good* people like farmers and miners? How is it their fault for what the nobility did to van Cleef and his stonemasons?

This is what my teacher in Northshire Abbey and now the Cathedral of Light mean when they speak about the "Dangers of Corruption", I suppose.

It seems that it does not take a warlock to become afflicted by it ...

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:46 am

The next entry, however, is written one day after the last again

Entry #14
I am back in Westfall and I was sent with a mission. To confirm the location of the Defias Brotherhood and, if possible, learn about their hideout. I think I can already see where this is going. And while my conviction as a paladine agrees, my morality does not. They are going to send me after them, aren't they?

First they let them do the work, then they cheat and betray them, and then go after them, when they become the enemies the corrupt nobility of Stormwind so likes to paint them as.

This is not what I thought "working for the light" would be. And a part of me isn't convinced. Never the less, the crimes are committed, farmsteads looted and burned down. Good people harassed, injured or worse.

It just makes me wonder if someone somewhere isn't leaning back and laughing about this. Humans fighting each other, internal strife, corruption within the kingdom!

In Northshire Abbey you learn to view actual monsters like Orcs, Trolls or even Undead with contempt. As if they were less civilized and less intelligent (and maybe they are I don't know I haven't met any yet, thankfully!)
But here we are, the great and intelligent humans ... busy cheating, betraying and fighting each other in the most non-sensical and unnecessary manner possible.

I don't know if I ever meet an orc, a troll or anyone from "The Horde" (that is orcs, tauren, trolls, undead and goblins, by the way) but I think I know what to tell them if I do.

In school, you are taught that they are the enemy (The Horde). And others like gnolls and demons and such.

Now that I have some experience, though, I am lead to wonder ... if perhaps this "corruption" is the real enemy here.

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:47 am

The next entry is, once again, written a day after the last entry.

Entry #15
And here it is, within in these hands of mine. The official mission to form a group and go after Edwin van Cleef. Handed to me by none other than the leader of "Sentry Point" in Westfall. Endorsed and condoned by the cathedral of light. As if that makes any of it any better. I wonder if they are beyond reasoning, beyond compassion. Perhaps not, but I suppose once they got this point, there is not really much option of turning back either.

I wonder if this is how corruption works. It starts small ... and as you go down that road it motivates you to continue as it gets harder and harder to turn back with each step.

The cautionary tales from my lessons at the Cathedral of Light about warlocks and their ilk make sense. But this is a no-brainer. Who in their right minds would summon demons?! Let alone deal with them or make pacts. It starts small, maybe just with a shadow bolt. Then a curse ... and then your first demon. Ugh, writing this alone feels reprehensible.

I am forced to wonder if this is what happened to van Cleef though, just without shadow bolts and demon summoning. Maybe he just wanted justice and then went down a dark path where he no longer wants to turn back from.

Maybe it really does not take a warlock to become afflicted with "corruption". I keep coming back to that thought and I am starting to get the feeling there may be more to it than I am seeing right now.

For now, I have a party to form. I think I will reach out to the people I met. That paladin, the druid, maybe Aydea and Aylia. I will be curious to hear how they feel about this ...

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:48 am

The next entry is written a few days after the last

Entry #16
They actually responded, all of them and came to meet me. My first party! I wish it was under better circumstances ...

And it turns out they are all aware of this having done their own investigations and each, from their own superiors, received a mission to try and go after the Defias Brotherhood. I don't know if we will achieve our goal, I mean, who are we? A random assortment of ordinary people. Who happen to get caught up in what is perhaps the most detestable kind of conspiracy. Treason and corruption by nobility.

They want me to lead the group. Why me? I am not a leader, I don't want to lead, never have. The other paladin could lead but he doesn't want to, the druid could but he is more interested in licking his paws (yes, don't ask, this is nightelven stuff).

It does not look like I can convince either of them, so it seems I have to do what I have to do.

I will say that it was interesting to see what became of these people. It was nice to catch up and exchange stories. But I do not look forward to what we are about to do and I have a feeling that neither do they.

I wonder if there is more corruption to uncover ...

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:49 am

The next entry shows signs of distress as is indicated by the shaky handwriting.

Entry #17
We are back! But we only made it so far before we had to retreat. It turns out we aren't the only ones tasked with this mission, it almost seems to me that this is a concerted effort.

Our group made it deep into the "Deadmines" as they are called. Past the mines and into some kind of forge. We even saw some sort of subterranean dock when we were fought back by what appears to be humans, mostly. Some goblins, sure, but mostly humans.

So, is there more corruption to uncover? Nope. Is there any demonic influence? No ... Its literally just humans, all of which could have been productive, good people. But *chose* not to be. Understandably, but still ...

It appears though that "my" group was successful in so far that we paved the way for the group coming after us and who knows maybe they succeeded where we did not.

At any rate, we are all summoned to the castle of Stormwind come the next day. I hope we are not getting into trouble much like the stonemasons did. I had not thought of that ... maybe they let us do the work and then they will betray us, like they did the stonemasons.

If that happens, I will be sure to let you know. And maybe someday someone will read this journal and wonder "Hm! Maybe van Cleef actually had a point".

Don't tell anyone I said that though, they would probably scold me at the Cathedral for it.

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:50 am

The next entry is dated one day after the previous one

Entry #18
I am glad to report that none of us were betrayed. As a matter of fact we received a commendation for our efforts and a significant reward in the form of a ring signifying that we have worked for and done a "great service to Stormwind".

Yes, but somehow it really does not feel like it. I mean, those corrupt nobles? In the end? They actually got away with it. And we, that is my team and I, we helped them, albeit indirectly. So, what does that make us? The heroes? Or the villains?

And what does that make me? I thought I was a paladine ... and here I was helping corrupt nobles get away with crime.

I don't know ... remember that person that acted and spoke so strangely? I wonder if they just couldn't take it and had a melt down or something. Somehow I doubt it though. If most humans were so feeble minded, I don't think Stormwind would still stand and Azeroth would likely have been overrun by now. Though, to be fair, Lordaeron did get overrun but that was a different time and a different case with different circumstances.

Although ... thinking about what happened. Corruption, betrayals humans turning against humans. There was an external threat, certainly, the undead, but there was corruption. Again.

Always corruption ... somehow my path keeps coming back to that.

Corruption ...

I used to wonder if "corruption" is the real enemy here. And given everything that I have seen so far and, may I be forgiven, unwittingly been part of, I am starting to suspect that there is something to that thought. And given opportunity, I should perhaps pursue it on my own ...

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:54 am

Following the dates of the entries, by now they have caught up to about nine months past the present day. The next entry seems to be dated a few days after the previous one

Entry #19
With the matter of the Defias Brotherhood hopefully resolved it appears that I have some time on my hands at the moment. My team and I parted ways again for the time being at least but we all agreed to stay in touch.

I used this time to take a moment to reflect on my life and what choices I made. Intuitively I was drawn to the mage district again, but this time not to think but to browse their selection of robes and gowns. I have gotten so used to wearing armor by now I am not even sure when I wore a gown last. Likely when that mage Aydea fashioned one for me with her tailoring profession. I still have that by the way. It is an excellent fit. And I am glad because browsing these robes and gowns? Some of them are prohibitively expensive. I mean .. two gold? I have ... had one gold (now I have a handful of silver. Tutoring is really getting expensive). Who has that kind of gold?

And yet, had my life gone the way I imagined when I was little ... I would have been wed, perhaps I would even have given birth to children by now. And I might just be here now, lead around town by my husband given opportunity to choose from those very same gowns I now find myself looking at.

I suppose, if I still want that life now would be the time to reconsider. I am not too far down the road yet. Or am I? Makes me wonder. Should I really be doing what I do? Shouldn't I be wed and have children instead? Am I part of my own corruption??

Goodness, hearing myself think I am starting to wonder if I am about to loose my own marbles. I am likely just overthinking it. I don't believe in coincidences. If I was meant to be a doting house wife, I would be.

But I am here and on this path. So, maybe this is what I am meant to be ...

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:56 am

The next entry is dated a few days later, it appears the writer spent a lot of time doing other things prior to continuing her journal

Entry #20
I feel I have made up my mind, I will continue on this path. A lot of good has already come from it. I have met interesting people and speaking of the same, I met them again just recently. And it appears we have all the same destination: A troubled region known as Red Ridge.

In the mean time I have learned how to fashion new armor and improve on existing ones. I learned how to smelt tin and create a completely new alloy called bronze. Bronze is harder to create but makes for exceptional armor. Not so much weapons but good armor. Especially if you add some silver to it. A good thing I stayed in touch with my team, I seem to have become a regular at Aylia's potion services. Those strength potions really help when I work in the smithy.

From what I hear about Red Ridge, it is, like Westfall, a bordering region to Stormwind and Elwynn Forest. But unlike the other two regions there are rumors of direct Horde incursions. Orcs for the most part. Just the other day, I found myself delivering a message, once again being the messenger girl, between Red Ridge and Stormwind where Red Ridge asks for aid. Now I am on my way back with the response from Stormwind.

And guess what, they have their hands full. And will not lend any aid. The mayor in Red Ridge is not going to like that and I have a feeling that, while I am there, they will likely end up asking me to lend aid in a desperate plea.

It does sound like a genuinely dangerous area and I feel it would not be good to go there alone. Maybe I will try to reform my team from Westfall again.

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:57 am

The next entry however is dated only one day later

Entry #21
I did reform my team from Westfall and oh my goodness am I glad I did. Not only did it happen as I suspected, the Red Ridge mayor asking us (my team and I) for help, if you thought Westfall was dangerous ... you haven't been to Red Ridge.

There are orcs everywhere. And they are not kidding around. I don't know yet if they are affiliated with the Horde but whatever their affiliation they *are* in the process of overrunning Red Ridge if no one stops them.

Also, on a different note, today was the first time I was hit with a shadow bolt. And let me tell you it feels awful. It feels like a bolt made of everything nasty, bad, toxic and malicious that you can think of coupled with the most ill-intended ... intention ... you can imagine.

You can probably tell that I felt a little more than mildly distressed. I do not understand people who could use or hurl such things at anything. A firm reminder on why I don't trust anyone who uses shadow magic.

My team and I were able to face down some of those orcs and their gnoll cohorts (yes there are also gnolls in Red Ridge) and I will reiterate at this point that there is no way I could have done it on my own. And I tried. I was able to take on one of the orcs. Alone. With enormous effort. But we are talking groups here an entire castle ruin full of them. I am really glad I didn't go alone.

Lastly I want to mention one more thing. There appears to be a human warlock involved in it all somehow. A human. Warlock. Which means corruption. Again.

Why would anyone do this? Power? Recognition? Vengeance like van Cleef? (though van Cleef didn't hurl shadow bolts).

I have been to three (actually four if we count stormwind) areas now and in each and every one of them I have encountered one form of corruption.

Always corruption ...

At this point I am **convinced** that corruption is the true enemy. What I have yet to figure out is how it operates.

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:58 am

The next entry is dated back several days after the last one and it appears that a number of things happened in the mean time

Entry #22
It has been a few days I wrote here but it was just too busy to even collect my thoughts. My team and I remained in Red Ridge and actually full on teamed up again against the various menaces in the area. And together? We actually seemed to manage. It really goes to show how much value there is in having a team like this, though they did sort of usher me into leading them again. I still don't want it, but I seem to have become the de-facto leader of this little group. Someone has to take care of them I suppose ...

Oh, the orcs weren't too closely affiliated with the Horde but its hard to think otherwise. Orcs are orcs, right? But these ones? They actually seem to hail from a neighboring area with smoldering heat. I discretely took a look once and saw one of the creatures from far away. I felt like gazing across the riverbanks of Elwynn Forest all over again ... though those wolves don't look all that scary anymore by now. Makes me wonder if it will be the same with these creatures.

At any rate, with our business in Red Ridge concluding and the situation being somewhat stable again, some of my team expressed an interest to sail abroad to visit Kalimdor (the other large continent next to Azeroth) and maybe even visit the Nightelven home.

Initially, I didn't plan it but now that I think about it, I feel it would be good to see something else for a little while, so I suppose I will be going traveling with my team.

I have always wondered where the Nightelves come from, what their homes are like. And who knows maybe they have yet to be afflicted with this corruption you seem to encounter everywhere.

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:00 am

The next entry is again dated a few days after the last one

Entry #23
I spoke too soon. Arriving on one of the only safe ports for the Alliance in Kalimdor the first thing that we were greeted with is the bleak, unmistakable sign of ... you guessed it. Corruption. And *large* scale.

The area is called "Darkshore", a fitting name for it as it looks like as if light itself is retreating from the area for reasons as of yet unknown.

The creatures here are different too, I met "Furbolgs" for the first time which look like bears but walking on two legs. They are a little hard to describe and when one or several come at you describing isn't exactly the first thing on your mind ...

What I did find encouraging is that the Nightelves (unlike the humans or dwarves) appear to be painfully aware of this "corruption" so that was a very welcome change, especially because they seem to actually be somewhat concerned with combating it.

Unfortunately, from what I can tell, they are in the early stages of their investigation. They suspect that the corruption they see in darkshore isn't actually native to the region but, instead, comes from a different region bordering it called Felwood. (yeah ... with that name? that wouldn't surprise me).

Other than that, the Nightelves appear to be as busy with investigating it as I am. They are considering a lot of things that aren't considered over in Azeroth, though now that I think about it, one of the mages in my team, Aydea mentioned something about research into some sort of corruption as part of her own missions. Something about something in the waterfalls near Stormwind. Maybe I should talk to her about it.

But for now there seem to be more immediate concerns here in Darkshore. I am writing this entry from the Inn in Auberdine. I will report back when I know more.

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:00 am

The next entry is dated about a week after the last entry

Entry #24
While it wasn't as dangerous as in Red Ridge, Darkshore sure made up for it with sheer bleakness and I was glad to have someone to talk to when my team and I attended what work there was for us in this region.

I remember when I first set foot into Elwynn Forest, wondering what was out there, what I would do and being in awe of the beautiful trees, ... and here I am traveling abroad and investigating and working in dangerous areas like it is the most ordinary thing.

I still remember wondering what "working for the light" might be like. I suppose every paladin and paladine will find that out as they go, just like I do.

We have found several hints and clues about corruption. Naga (which are amphibious creatures somehow relating to Nightelves) seem to have either played some role in it in the past or still play a role in it in the present. We also discovered a very promising lead, a cult by the name of "Twilight Hammer".

Much to my surprise (or perhaps I really shouldn't be surprised at this point) this cult seems to be mainly comprised of dwarves. (Yep, apparently they too have been afflicted with corruption)
Which is interesting because unlike humans the dwarves strictly forbid and ban any sort of warlock from their society. Much like nightelves, but they go a step further and also ban mages (much to the dismay of the mages in my team). As guests they are welcomed though.

But coming back to the corruption, I used to think that warlocks are either involved in or perhaps even the root cause for it. And while I am not sure anymore on the latter I am most definitely convinced of the former (warlocks being involved in some form). Which by the way also lends further credence to the suspicion as humans do not ban warlocks and even harbor them in Stormwind.

Soon, my team and I will investigate a dangerous area called "Blackfathom Depths". I will report back when I know more.

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:03 am

The next area is once again dating a week after the last one

Entry #25
Our expedition yielded some very promising information. Though I must admit that some of my team chose to work for an exiled dwarven warlock wanting to uncover manuscripts from this area known as "Blackfathom Depths". I refused to do it but did not infringe on my team. Everyone has to make their choices ...

Within Blackfathom Depths we found a highly concentrated "Twilight Hammer" presence. Along with creatures looking like deformed nightelves but with horns. They are called "Satyrs" and are very dangerous. Do not underestimate them.

The nightelf in my team (the druid) confirmed to me that these Satyrs used to be nightelves but were, at some point, corrupted as I understood the druid. (Yes, even the night elves got afflicted with corruption - It seems we have come full circle. Humans, Dwarves, Nightelves ... Gnomes allow warlocks so they're probably afflicted too in some form. I haven't met a lot of gnomes yet though. Makes me wonder what happened to them ... )

Anyways, what we learned is that there are in fact certain elements (like that cult "Twilight Hammer") that actively seek to spread corruption (yes, you read right, unfortunately) and bring back some old, old, powerful entities from times long past so they can destroy the world. Or something. It honestly didn't make a whole lot of sense. As I understood them, they (the Twilight Hammers) would be destroyed along side everything else. It seems downright insane. Why would anyone want that?

It reminds me of that really weird person who did seem a little insane. By the way, I have seen a couple more of those over the journey so far. Not a whole lot, but enough to know that what I saw in Elwynn Forest likely isn't an isolated incident.

Maybe they are involved in this somehow, I don't know ...

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:04 am

The next entry is dated a few days, just shy of a week from the last one. it appears the frequency of entries has reduced a little

Entry #26
We finally visited the Nightelven capital city called Darnassus. It appears to be a gigantic tree reaching up for miles and miles, further than you can even see and the only way to travel to this city is via a nightelven portal of some sort. Once you are there you can see a city in harmony with nature, built on the top of this enormous tree which somehow has its own water system, waterfalls, hills, grass, even some stone. It makes you feel ... small. It is awe inspiring.

Now I understand why Nightelves and their history, culture and craftsmanship is so fabled. It has every reason to be ...

Their fashion is something else too, though, understandably, not exactly "my size" seeing how tall nightelves tend to be. It was still amazing to see.

Their cuisine is ... how to put this. They like to be very natural. So ... let me put it this way. Have you ever considered .. spider kebob? I haven't.

From what we could see in Darnassus and the area surrounding it, the Nightelves as a whole are indeed aware of the corruption and involved in actively investigating and also combating it. That was encouraging, even though as I said, their research is still on going, it is at the very least more than the blatant ignorance of Stormwind ... (yes, Aydea, I know if it weren't for the mages)

Which reminds me, I did use the time we had in Darnassus to talk to Aydea about this corruption. She had a very interesting point of view, a lot more academic and technical (as you would expect form a mage, especially an enchantress). She likes to get into magical technicalities a lot but from what I understand of her, she suspects the corruption to be a "natural result" of something like shadow magic or other unnatural influences. And ... mh, the page is running out. I will continue on the next page.

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:06 am

And just as advertised, the entry appears to continue immediately on the next page

And while I was at it, I also talked to our team's herbalist and alchemist, also a mage. And she actually agreed and even likened it to the reaction of a person when exposed to poison or otherwise toxic influences. Much like a wound that festers ...

To which Aydea (the enchantress) said ...

"Precisely! That is a very good way to describe it ... " - Aydea, mage and enchantress

And it makes sense honestly. Maybe what we are seeing all across Azeroth is the **natural result** of something poisonous or toxic that was or is still being introduced to this lovely world of ours in some way, shape or form.

Our druid also said that it would make sense but chose not to speak a lot. He likes to remain in cat-form (thats a thing druids do).

And what we saw in Ashenvale with the crazed Furbolgs who used to be a peaceful people that somehow transitioned into attacking everyone and acting insane in similar but not exactly the same manner as I have seen that person in Elwynn Forest do for instance. Maybe this sort of behavior is just a stage in that process. Like a stage of a disease. Maybe a disease of the mind. Or worse ... the soul.

Oh, goodness, the implications make my head spin. Maybe what I should be doing is call in a general meeting of my team and discuss this issue and our insights properly. I will do that after our work is done in Ashenvale though.

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:07 am

The next entry is again dated about a week after the last one

Entry #27
Getting that meeting going appeared to be harder than I imagined. Our druid likes to wander and the other paladin is *very* interested in mining and engineering. So much so that I could practically stop mining on my own (which I am grateful for as it is not something that comes naturally to me, naturally).

In that same avenue we actually moved through "The Barrens" which is a vast steppe of Kalimdor seeking what work we could but seeing as it is a Horde controlled territory we were not really welcome anywhere other than a neutral trade port run by Goblins called Ratchet. Never the less I was pleased to see another route to sail between Azeroth and Kalimdor that does not involve Darkshore (I don't like to be around there).

Interestingly we did not find a whole lot of evidence of corruption in the Barrens, despite it being a Horde controlled territory. With one exception. Sometimes when I got close to one of their settlements called "The Cross Roads" you could hear (from afar) some of the same (or similar) unintelligible noises and words that the person in Elwynn Forest also said.

While it seemed a *lot* more prevalent (in fact the highest concentration of such people that I have seen so far) it remains indirect and incidental evidence only. I don't know why these .. Horde people acted the way they did or whether are part of or involved in the corruption. We only know they behaved that way.

There is a neighboring area to the Barrens called "The Stonetalon Mountains". As I understood my group, that is the next destination to which they want to travel. Maybe there is even an Alliance outpost in the region where we can stay and who knows, perhaps we will find some answers there ...

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:08 am

The next entry appears to be dated a few days after the last one

Entry #28
There is an Alliance outpost in Stonetalon Mountains, I am writing this entry from the local inn after a long day of traveling with my team.

Its interesting what used to be a loose companionship has slowly evolved to a cohesive group. I don't even mind leading them as much as I used to, I suppose I may have gotten used to it ...

I have attempted to call in a meeting but it seems my team prioritized the work that was available in Stonetalon Mountains. I had wondered if we might find more clues, more answers but to my surprise we found no such clues. At least nothing like in Darkshore. The only thing we found were Goblins and they didn't seem interested in any shadow magic or corruption, they just ruined nature and destroyed the environment ... for profit.

Which, I suppose is a form of corruption as well but nothing out of the ordinary. I mean greed has always been a problem in just about any civilization. And just like with the forests of Stonetalon Mountains, greed has destroyed more than forests. Friendships. Empires. And who knows what else ...

I wonder if this maybe *is* a clue ... hiding in plain sight. Maybe it is greed for power that is close to or even at the root of this matter. And maybe it would even make sense, now that I think about it. Why would warlocks do what they do? For power. Or maybe a misguided belief of achieving something good by doing something else that is reprehensible.

Actually, that does remind me a lot of what happened in Stormwind with van Cleef. It was reprehensible that they betrayed him and his stonemasons the way they did ... and yet it *was* necessary to send adventurers after him. To stop him from harming uninvolved innocents. But that allowed the true perpetrators (The Stormwind nobles) to get away with their crime.

The more I think about it the more I suspect that all of this runs so, soo much deeper than the level I am searching at.

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:09 am

The next entry is dated two weeks after the last and is relatively short

Entry #29
I don't know what happened or why but I think my team may be falling apart. I have noticed an inexplicable disinterest first in the druid, then the other paladin. And while they didn't start to behave in the ways I observed in "The Cross Roads" (thank goodness!) they did seem afflicted with ... something. And it wasn't physical. It was ... emotional I think.

Has what ever afflicts the various things in this world finally gotten to my friends as well? I don't know. Only the two mages in my team remained. Its interesting, they are either immune to what ever happened to my friends or much more resilient. But even though I used to travel alone, now it feels like we are ... incomplete.

That meeting I wanted to call in to discuss this corruption never came to be.

Makes me wonder if perhaps an unseen force got wind of my efforts and tries to stop them ...

After this entry there appears to be a long pause. It appears that this entry was the last for a while

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:15 am

Turning the page the next entry is dated very recently, just a few weeks ago as it were

Entry #30
I had to make a decision. Do I follow my two friends and try to look into what is happening with them? Or do I continue without them. I chose to follow ... that was last year.

As I spent time with my two friends, I noticed that that were both afflicted something. Something emotional (though in the paladin's case also something physical - a very rare but dangerous infection that can cost you life and limb literally. Fortunately he seems to recover)

More troubling was the emotional affliction however. It was almost like as if some kind of unseen power was using their own fears, their own short comings against them. It was on one night that I remembered something ...

Remember that exiled dwarf warlock they chose to collect a manuscript for in the "Blackfathom Depths"? I still remember what that dwarf said to my friends ...

"Search Blackfathom Deeps for the manuscript. Do this, and I will not forget it. Not even after ... the end days. " - Gerrig Bonegrip, exiled dwarven warlock

I tried to warn them, but they wouldn't listen. I tried to advise them ...

"You are making yourselves available to powers that you don't know what they want with you but likely nothing good ... " - Fadrith

But they ignored my advice. And this affliction ... it seemed to start not long after they have delivered this "Lorgalis Manuscript" form the Blackfathom Depths.

I am starting to wonder if there is a connection to that because my friends did not exhibit those signs of insanity. They were just ... afflicted. Like as if a bad unseen power had or was trying to establish some sort of hold over them.

It took me a long time (as is evident) to figure this out. At first I thought it was something else, unresolved issues or such. And while I feel that is true, I feel that just like their fear, these unresolved things afflicting them at this specific time is no coincidence.

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:17 am

The next entry is dated one day after the previous one again

Entry #31
By now I have fought with a number of things, but nothing I have fought with could compare to the enemies I was faced with my two friends.

Dishonesty and fear. Two very powerful opponents that you have to fight with your heart, not your armor and weapons.

It took a while but combating those two eventually helped bringing my friends back on track. There were other things that needed my attention but these two, dishonesty and fear, were at the root for most of what we addressed and dealt with.

On that note, I am glad to say that my team is reforming. I have sent word out to the mages (who went back to studying their own stuff) but I am hoping they will send word and come back.

It has been over a year that we have done any work here. Maybe by this time I can finally call in that meeting ...

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Re: Story - Saving the Spirit of Turtle WoW

Post by Aydea » Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:18 am

The entry following is also dated one day after the previous one

Entry #32
The mages responded and came flying in. And I was actually able to call in that meeting finally!

The meeting went well and when I presented my thoughts and findings to them all, we had a moment of harmony where we all just ... kind of were on the same page. It just clicked, and everyone seemed to have a different view and everyone contributing their own view on the matter felt like placing another piece of a puzzle of a much greater image.

We came to the conclusion that the corruption that we were -seeing- like in Darkshore, or Blackfathom Depths was perhaps not actually corruption but rather a natural result of something else that was unseen.

And this unseen phenomenon ... the same one that caused Stormwind nobles to betray the stonemasons.
The same unseen phenomenon that caused van Cleef to turn to treason and crime.
The same unseen phenomenon that causes the goblins to destroy the environment ... for profit.
The same unseen phenomenon that causes warlocks to do reprehensible and unspeakable atrocities.

What else do these things have in common?

They are all short cuts.

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