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Crossfaction world pvp

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:15 pm
by Geojak
Currently world pvp can only happen as faction war
Orc vs human
Troll vs Nighelf

But humans are petty and murder is real.
Why can't a human attack another pvp flagged human thaz stole his rich thorium

I suggest. Make world pvp faction less.
If another player is not in your party/raid then you can attack him, no matter the faction if he is pvp flagged.
Yes that means in pvp murder cases inside the own faction will happen, but guards should keep crimes under controle, just like goblin guards do.

This would make raid vs raid encounters at world bosses alot better too. Rmemebr when people got insts auto kicked from raid when the anti grieving went out of controle which ironically made you get grieved alot easer.

This would make group vs group make sense when currently one of your orc teammates gets ganked by some humans and you had to watch him get killed ad you are allaince yourself. Now you can fight together with your friend no matter the faction.

Also extend this into blood ring please.

This will solve world pvp problems too as it doubles your potential pvp encounters. Anyone with pvp on is a potential trhest and target. Pvp players will love it.

For pve players not much will change. Avoid the green as always if you don't want pvp

Implementation wise would work like this: the moment you flag pvp, both allaince and horde players are considered opposite faction unless of course in group.
If you are not pvp flagged, then no changes.

Re: Crossfaction world pvp

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:19 pm
by Gantulga
Yeah. WPvP should be FFA on this server since we have cross-faction grouping. It's only the natural progression.

At the very least all players in a PvP-flagged group/raid should be open to FFA PvP if they flag themselves.

Re: Crossfaction world pvp

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:38 pm
by Heine
It would be really cool to have open pvp.
Very interesting feature.

Re: Crossfaction world pvp

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:59 pm
by Xudo
Geojak wrote:
Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:15 pm
This will solve world pvp problems too as it doubles your potential pvp encounters. Anyone with pvp on is a potential trhest and target. Pvp players will love it.
I assume that problem of world pvp is extremely unfair fights like 60 rogue ganks newbies in Elwyn. Thats why doubling encounters don't help much.
People could ignore possibility because it is too dangerous.

Though, I like the idea to group up against other groups of players. Could be implemented as local faction vs local faction. For example like magram vs gelkis followers. You declare your party are magram champions and you can attack gelkis champions.

Re: Crossfaction world pvp

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:18 pm
by Mac
Being able to flag FFA would be pretty awesome.

And yeah, don't really get why Blood Ring isn't crossfaction.

Re: Crossfaction world pvp

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 4:15 pm
by Williamson75
As long as it has its own glyph or separate thing. I don't care. Only free for all can attack free for all. Make it worth doing beyond pvp

Re: Crossfaction world pvp

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 2:38 am
by Jongyi
In my cent, this will make things too chaotic without proper implementation and cause so much confusion.

Re: Crossfaction world pvp

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 7:33 am
by Sylveria
Regarding FFA PvP I'd like to point in the direction of "Ascension" the classless server. They've implemented FFA PvP a long time ago and added something that's called the "Outlaw"-System, which is kind of a reputation thing. As soon as you kill "law abiding" players out in the open as an "outlaw" you loose reputation and at some point your own faction's hostile to you, unless you regain reputation by either questing or killing other outlaws ("bringing them to justice").
It's a bit complicated to explain everything, but i think that would be a good idea for some players for FFA PvP AND even opens up some options for RP-PvP.

Re: Crossfaction world pvp

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 1:17 pm
by Scaryna
FFA pvp would be amazing. +1

Re: Crossfaction world pvp

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 1:23 pm
by Geojak
Could just introduce /ffa to flag the gurub ashi arena ffa Black dagger. The necessary code is already in game. Relatively low effort by devs I think
Introduce outlaw, challenge, it works like wsrmode but flags /ffa permanently and gives +30% exp
The +30% exp is, removed from wsrmode. They gain +100% honour from wpvp kills instead

Lastly, if you are flagged pvp inside a group or raid, it should automatically change to ffa flag. This will make raid vs, raid make sense instead of the current grieving where half your raid fights half of their raids

Re: Crossfaction world pvp

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 7:55 pm
by Ugoboom
big +1 I'm in support for FFA PVP, especially for the warmode challenge. That challenge is taken because there's really nobody to gank them, so the 30% xp feels free. That big changes when your own faction can gank you, and so only pvp enjoyers would really take warmode at that point.

Re: Crossfaction world pvp

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 8:37 pm
by Ibux
make it only flagged people get to fight other flagged people. and remove the ability for non flagged people to buff flagged people while active in pvp combat. annoying to get flagged just because you buffed some random player questing or in group.

Re: Crossfaction world pvp

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 8:16 am
by Forumdweller
I mean one could make arguments about how it could trivialize faction pride and all that... but at this point FFA is better than none at all.

Re: Crossfaction world pvp

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 8:27 am
by Magzys22
Forumdweller wrote:
Sun Mar 05, 2023 8:16 am
I mean one could make arguments about how it could trivialize faction pride and all that... but at this point FFA is better than none at all.
this is why im 42 with 100+ Hks, gank every fucking person you see flagged. at 40 pala, a 40 war and 41 hunter tried to gank me and i 2v1d them 5 times for 10 hks. make PvP great again

Re: Crossfaction world pvp

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 11:06 am
by Jongyi
Crossfaction Wpvp would be too confusing and would lose essence of the server. With risk of being ganked by literally everyone, every zone will become war zone instead.
It will make fewer people to choose war mode and server population will lean heavily toward PVE even more.

Re: Crossfaction world pvp

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 11:25 am
by Geojak
Jongyi wrote:
Sun Mar 05, 2023 11:06 am
Crossfaction Wpvp would be too confusing and would lose essence of the server. With risk of being ganked by literally everyone, every zone will become war zone instead.
It will make fewer people to choose war mode and server population will lean heavily toward PVE even more.
Isn't that exactly what wpvp people want. Making every time a war zone.

Did yo u ever do a world boss and a competing raid showed up. The pvp grieving is the worst shot ever when you can't even properly, fight raid vs raid, with half your guys being pvp flagged, half of them allaince, other half horde. Same for the other raid.
Its total nonsense and huge frustrion