Filling in the blanks

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Posts: 22

Filling in the blanks

Post by Flamingkey » Sun Jan 22, 2023 2:24 pm

Filling in the blanks – A chronic of the Bontemps family told in official documents and random written pieces of varying credibility

Document no. 1: Tax audit report #6489 – Audit of „Perfumery Bontemps – Luxurious Fragrances & Fine Toiletries“ (Corrin’s Crossing)

Audit by decree of the Royal Fiscal Administration of His Royal Highness, King Terenas Menethil II, due to anonymous allegations of crimes against the Crown by nefariously withholding the King’s tax and falsifying tax statements submitted to the Royal Fiscal Administration of the Kingdom of Lordaeron
Audit performed under the supervision of Senior Royal Fiscal Administrator Torwen Grimm

Accused: Master Perfumer Arno Bontemps and wife Mireille,
proprietors of "Perfumery Bontemps - Luxurious Fragrances & Fine Toiletries" in Corrin's Crossing
It shall be noted that the accused have shown themselves cooperative and provided the King’s auditors full access to their business and home as well as any files and documentation required to carry out the audit.

This audit has sought to confirm the following allegations levelled against the Bontemps business:

1. Falsely claiming donations made to the Chapel of the Light with the aide of the healer, Sister Valérie Bontemps
(eldest daughter to Arno and Mireille Bontemps)

2. Falsely claiming expenses under the name of Geneviéve Bontemps (second eldest daughter to Arno and Mireille Bontemps), apprenticed in her fourth year under Master Perfumer Silvius Keavan, situated in the Kingdom of Kul Tiras

3. Falsely claiming tuition expenses connected to the apprenticeship of Salienne Bontemps (youngest daughter to Arno and Mireille Bontemps), apprentice mage under the tutelage of Magus Aulric Nastrano

4. Falsely claiming costs of living for the apprenticeship of apprentice perfumer Aleron Keavan from the Kingdom of Kul Tiras, apprenticed in his fifth year under Master Perfumer Arno Bontemps, personal enrichment to the detriment of the apprentice in violation of the apprenticeship agreement and the regulations of the Apprenticeship and Tuition Regulation for Craftsmanship (ATRC)

5. Disregard and violation of the accounting standards and fiscal regulations of the Kingdom of Lordaeron with fraudulent intentions

Audit Results:
The audit has yielded the following results:

1. Donation receipts in the Bontemps accounts concerning the Chapel of the Light are signed and sealed by Brother Tiberio Lancaster, senior accountant of the Chapel of the Light. The signature and seal of Brother Lancaster on the receipts presented resemble those on file with the Royal Fiscal Administration of Lordaeron and are therefore considered genuine. The accusation of falsely claiming donations made towards the Chapel of the Light with the intention of committing tax fraud is thereby disproven.

2. Expenses claimed under the name Geneviéve Bontemps correspond to legal clauses of the apprenticeship agreement between Master Arno Bontemps and Master Silvius Keavan of the kingdom of Kul Tiras. In compliance with the aforementioned agreement, Master Bontemps is obligated to reimburse any cost of living incurred for the duration of the apprenticeship up to fifty per cent (in numbers: 50 per cent) of the original invoice amount. The expenses submitted correspond to half of what is considered a reasonable cost of living in the kingdom of Kul Tiras. Connected invoices corresponding with Kul Tiran accounting standards have been provided by Master Keavan and dutifully filed by Master Bontemps. All such invoices are considered genuine. The accusation of falsely claiming expenses under the name of Geneviéve Bontemps with the intention of committing tax fraud is thereby disproven.

3. All claims made out as tuition fees for Salienne Bontemps and related expenses correspond to provisions of the existing apprenticeship agreement signed by Master Arno Bontemps and Magus Aulric Nastrano. Magus Nastrano is entitled to payment of a monthly lump sum to cover the cost of living, tuition fees and any additional cost incurred up to twenty-five gold pieces (in numbers: 25 gold pieces) without providing an invoice or evidence of such expense. Magus Nastrano submitted one proper invoice for cost exceeding the amount of twenty-five gold pieces (in numbers: 25 gold pieces) to Master Bontemps, which has been diligently filed and taken into account. The accusation of falsely claiming tuition expenses connected to the apprenticeship of Salienne Bontemps with the intention of committing tax fraud is thereby disproven.

4. An apprenticeship agreement complying with the Apprenticeship and Tuition Regulation for Craftsmanship (ATRC) effective in the Kingdom of Lordaeron has been signed between Master Perfumer Arno Bontemps and Master Perfumer Silvius Keavan concerning the apprenticeship of one Aleron Keavan, third eldest son of Master Perfumer Silvius Keavan. All living costs claimed for apprentice perfumer Aleron Keavan correspond to the claimable cost of living for fifth-year apprentices according to section 7 ATRC. Following section 2, paragraph 1, item E ATRC, an escrow account in the name of apprentice Keavan exists into which any additional monetary support lent by his family is paid and to which any expenses not covered by section 7 ATRC are invoiced. The aforementioned account is in the care of Izaiah Currington, attorney-at-law in Stratholme. No evidence of illegal enrichment to the detriment of apprentice perfumer Aleron Keavan could be found. Likewise, no evidence towards violations of the apprenticeship agreement could be uncovered. The accusation of falsely claiming costs of living for the apprenticeship of apprentice perfumer Aleron Keavan from the Kingdom of Kul Tiras with the intention of committing tax fraud is thereby disproven.
It shall be noted, that the suggestion of such violations was considered „preposterous, entirely baseless and disrespectful“ by apprentice perfumer Aleron Keavan.

5. The Perfumery Bontemps does not employ an accountant. All day-to-day accounting tasks are handled by the proprietors themselves following current fiscal legislation and provisions. A reputable accounting office situated in Lordaeron City is tasked with the creation of balance sheets and mandatory tax filings. The accusation of disregarding and violating accounting standards and fiscal regulations of the Kingdom of Lordaeron with fraudulent intentions has been proven to be baseless and false.

This audit has come to the conclusion that there is no evidence to support the allegations made anonymously to the Royal Fiscal Administration of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. The results of the investigation suggest that the accusations were made with malicious intent, possibly to harm the reputation of Master Bontemps and his business. The expenses incurred during the audit are to be carried by the Crown in accordance with section 77, paragraph 12 LFA II.

Signed: Senior Royal Fiscal Administrator Torwen Grimm
"All Forsaken are Undead, but not all Undead are Forsaken."
Characters: Salienne Bontemps (Forsaken Mage)

Posts: 22

Re: Filling in the blanks (character backstory)

Post by Flamingkey » Sat Feb 04, 2023 11:50 am

Document no. 2: A letter of complaint
Valerian Ridley

Master Ridley -

Surely, this has to be a joke? You cannot possibly believe this location could ever serve as an adequate and suitable replacement for the salesroom in Northdale!

While the neighbouring business owners are pleasant enough, their businesses are detrimental to the success of mine by their very nature! As a diligent landlord, I believe that you would have been aware of this even before suggesting this locale to me and thusly never should have offered the shop in Corrin's Crossing to me as an alternative!

I am, as you are aware, a master artisan tailor and provide bespoke clothing and accessories to a select and high-class clientele. You have forced me to reopen my reputable shop „Atelier Thorne – Haute clothiers, fine bespoke needleworks“ between two very different olfactory nightmares!

On the one side, my noble clientele is forced to pass „Torp & Torp“, a commoner’s cobbler who takes great pride in being so affordable that they never have to turn a customer away – even those whose stench is evidence of the fact that they obviously cannot afford a bar of soap or a roof over their head. Their malodours, frankly, are disgusting! And they keep coming, sir! Their numbers appear to increase for rumour has it, that Torp & Torp are repairing shoes for free if one cannot afford it! Beggars are flocking to my neighbour's doors!

Are you aware of how damaging the presence of such individuals is to a business like mine?! Half of my clients have suddenly decided that they can, unfortunately, no longer make the trip to my atelier despite it being more conveniently located than the shop you rented to me in Northdale. And of those, my longest-standing clients have told me that my being neighboured by „Torp & Torp“ is the only reason - the only reason, sir – that they are choosing to take their business elsewhere!

I am sitting on a season’s worth of cancelled orders!

But let us not forget the other scent polluter, the Perfumery Bontemps. When you showed me this storefront in Corrin’s Crossing – conveniently on a day when Torp & Torp was closed, I might like to remind you – you neglected to inform me that the perfumery not only creates fragrances but also, when possible, extracts and produces the necessary ingredients for their products themselves.

I am now, Master Ridley, acutely aware that the perfumery distils morning glory, peacebloom and mageroyal every 3 days. Once a month, a shipment of roses, aniseed or lavender is processed at the perfumery. While I can understand the need for high-quality essences and oils in a shop of such repute as well as the need to keep costs at a minimum, the process of gaining such reagents impregnates the very air of Corrin’s Crossing. And all of my fabrics.

I cannot breathe in my shop, let alone my own bedroom, without being assaulted by the highly-concentrated scent of flowers and essences that make one’s head pound most excruciatingly!

The business of Master Borntemps and his most esteemed wife might not suffer from such intense scents, but mine does. No amount of airing out or washing will ever remove the stench of these haphazard scents from my fabrics. Need I remind you that most of my fabrics are of exquisite quality, extremely delicate and easily worth their weight in gold? An entire stock of highly valuable fabrics is now unsellable because they stink of various flowers, spices and animal essences!

Depending on which way the winds blow, I and my most esteemed and noble clients are either assaulted by the fetidness of those Torp & Torp choose to take on as clients – and I am employing this word in the loosest sense possible here since a client usually pays and obviously, the individuals frequenting Torp & Torp as of late are incapable of that – or the overwhelming fragrances being distilled at the perfumery!

If I didn’t know any better, I would assume that you are trying to ruin me, Master Ridley!

And to add insult to injury, that hoodlum that somehow tricked dear Madame Bontemps into accepting him into her home as an apprentice to her husband has been distracting my seamstresses and keeping them from their work! What need is there for that blighter to prance around the shared courtyard topless and waving around a sword as if he knew what he was doing?!

This shall not stand! I demand, Master Ridley, that you offer me a valid alternative for the storeroom in Northdale or, failing that, evict its current tenant and restore my shop to its rightful place. Furthermore, I demand financial recompensation for the losses I incurred.

I should like to remind you once more, that it was your son’s failure in his duties as steward of the Northdale premises that caused all this.

I shall grant you a fortnight to respond. Should I not receive a response or a satisfactory solution from you within this period, I shall take matters to a court of law. I pray that it shall not come to this.

Colin Thorne
Master Artisan Tailor
Haute Clothier
Grand Designer of Atelier Thorne
"All Forsaken are Undead, but not all Undead are Forsaken."
Characters: Salienne Bontemps (Forsaken Mage)

Posts: 22

Re: Filling in the blanks (character backstory)

Post by Flamingkey » Sat Feb 04, 2023 11:58 am

Document no. 3: An assessment of skills

Part of a handwritten scroll, possibly a letter.

[…] and I agree that such results should not be kept under wraps.

As for your unsubtle attempts to guilt me into taking on one of your apprentices to lighten your workload, I would like to inform you that I remain unable to do so. Your catastrophic predictions notwithstanding, my apprentice has indeed met all requirements and I take great delight in informing you, that she was granted the right to take the third exam on her first attempt only yesterday. I do not doubt that she shall pass it with a most enviable result. I understand that some apprentices that have failed to qualify were on their fourth attempt already. How did your apprentice Tyrese fare, by the way? His third exam remains overdue if I recall correctly, and I did not see his name on the list of examination candidates for any of next month’s exams. I was much looking forward to seeing his improvements.

While I have to admit that Salienne is far removed from a term such as „prodigy“, her greatest strength as a mage does not lie in an exceptional natural aptitude for the arcane like the one Tyrese possesses. Though I believe I need not remind you that she would not be capable of performing spells the way she does would she not possess a certain aptitude by default.

A natural talent can take one only so far. It is very much useless if it cannot be controlled and to control it, one must first understand the fundamental basics and laws of the arcane. My apprentice is well aware of her limitations and determined to overcome them. She studies and practices nearly constantly and I could not be happier with her results.

I also enclose a copy of Salienne’s qualifying essay regarding the theory of measurability and assessability of arcane flows for your kind consideration. I know your challenge to her was not meant to be taken seriously, but she found the subject most engaging. Furthermore, she honoured your contribution by dedicating the essay to you, which I am certain you will agree, is only courteous and appropriate in such circumstances.

You are, of course, familiar with Phoenixwing’s theorem of arcane quantification and Amondril’s work regarding the creation of measuring scales but I believe you will find her application of your own theories most engaging. Truth be told, the essay barely scratches the surface of the amount of research Salienne has done and I expect […]

The rest of the scroll is missing.
"All Forsaken are Undead, but not all Undead are Forsaken."
Characters: Salienne Bontemps (Forsaken Mage)

Posts: 22

Re: Filling in the blanks (character backstory)

Post by Flamingkey » Sat Feb 04, 2023 12:08 pm

Document no. 4 A diploma
This is to certify that


has successfully and with distinction completed his training under


has studied the complex techniques of extracting odoriferous essences from a wide array of sources, also considered the core arts of high perfumery, including the creation of balanced fragrances that are pleasing and envigorating both by recipe and creative application of scents available, the art of impregnating various materials such as leathers or fabrics with a fragrant aura and has presented evidence of their obtained knowledge and skills with the creation of their original masterwork,


The Guild of Perfumers of Lordaeron is honoured to hereby awards JOURNEYMAN KEAVAN the official title of

Signed &
Roderick Prescott (1st Chair of the Guild of Perfumers of Lordaeron)

Arenya Cromwell (2nd Chair of the Guild of Perfumers of Lordaeron)

Slade Branson (Examiner of the Guild of Perfumers of Lordaeron)

Stamp and seal of the Guild of Perfumers of Lordaeron
"All Forsaken are Undead, but not all Undead are Forsaken."
Characters: Salienne Bontemps (Forsaken Mage)

Posts: 395
Likes: 1 time

Re: Filling in the blanks (character backstory)

Post by Xerilin » Sat Feb 04, 2023 3:41 pm

I have met another version of Salienne and enjoyed her burning everything a lot. I am excited to learn more about this one! insidious_turtle
Komm zur Geheimen Zuflucht (RP-Gilde)! Wir haben Zimtschnecken!

Alienne Xerilin Rubinai Irrwisch Mekhalani Flinks Kinrela Cavy

Posts: 22

Re: Filling in the blanks (character backstory)

Post by Flamingkey » Sat Feb 25, 2023 1:24 pm

Document no. 5 A voucher


Against the presentation of this voucher, the holder may receive ONE PAIR OF SHOES from TORP & TORP AT CORRIN’S CROSSING at no cost of their own.

Signed: Sister Valérie Bontemps, Chapel of the Light
"All Forsaken are Undead, but not all Undead are Forsaken."
Characters: Salienne Bontemps (Forsaken Mage)

Posts: 22

Re: Filling in the blanks (character backstory)

Post by Flamingkey » Sat Feb 25, 2023 1:28 pm

Document no. 6Shipping documents

Order no. 5-261

Thorne & Nash
Greenwood Village

320kg Lavendel (premium blossom) at 2 gold pieces per kilo, total at 640 gold pieces
200kg Mageroyal (premium blossom) at 2 gold pieces per kilo, total at 400 gold pieces
100kg Steelbloom (premium blossom) at 5 gold pieces per kilo, total at 500 gold pieces
100kg Winter’s Bite (young bloom) at 6 gold pieces per kilo, total at 600 gold pieces

at a subtotal of 2,140 gold pieces

Applicable discounts: cash discount 5%

Invoice total 2,033 gold pieces


Shipping: cart, Fairchild Transports, all expenses paid
Last edited by Flamingkey on Sat Feb 25, 2023 1:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"All Forsaken are Undead, but not all Undead are Forsaken."
Characters: Salienne Bontemps (Forsaken Mage)

Posts: 22

Re: Filling in the blanks (character backstory)

Post by Flamingkey » Sat Feb 25, 2023 1:29 pm

Document no. 7A barely legible note in a beautifully flowing script and bright blue ink

To Bont... Magi


...atul...s on …ing the 3rd ex…. Perhaps you would be willing to … discuss y… ...say at a …nd tab… for arcane ...dents? We wou… be mo… ...light...ed to have you. yo... gi...en an... thought to w... ...ool of mag... you would like to speci... on? I am ...ware th... your ...ter’s spec...ty is ...mancy, b... ...ow that yo... are ...t required to follow his path. fo... for thought.

Yo...s fai…ully,
...lan...a Mist…im...r
"All Forsaken are Undead, but not all Undead are Forsaken."
Characters: Salienne Bontemps (Forsaken Mage)

Posts: 22

Re: Filling in the blanks (character backstory)

Post by Flamingkey » Sat Feb 25, 2023 1:33 pm

Document no. 8 An order confirmation

Fedder & Keal
Printers & Bookbinders

Order Confirmation
Order FK-58-SB

Mag. Aulric Nastrano

1 apprentice’s spellbook, blank parchment (medium weight), medium size, full stitch binding, hardback

Sub-total: 5 gold pieces

Protective measures:
Ward against theft YES
Wards against damages
Light Duty (protection against water drops, stray sparks, light stains) ____
Medium Duty (protection against water spills, burn retardant, medium staining) ____
Heavy Duty (protection against submersion in water, acidic or caustic solutions, incineration, heavy staining) YES
Sub-total: 25 gold pieces

Dark leather cover, gilded edges front and back
Front cover golden inlay „Order of magical elements“
Decorative spine stitching on top of spine family crest (provided), bottom „SB“, gold thread,
3 bookmarkers (dark purple, ice blue, vermillion red)
3 small keepsake pockets inside front cover, sturdy parchment, reinforced (silk)
1 large keepsake pocket inside back cover, sturdy parchment, reinforced (silk)

Sub-total: 35 gold pieces

Extras: priority service at 10 gold pieces (3 days, delivery)

TOTAL 45 gold pieces
Downpayment of 20 gold pieces received

Payable amount: 25 gold pieces on delivery

Customized spellbooks cannot be returned.
No warranty on wards' effectiveness after 10+ years.
"All Forsaken are Undead, but not all Undead are Forsaken."
Characters: Salienne Bontemps (Forsaken Mage)

Posts: 22

Re: Filling in the blanks (character backstory)

Post by Flamingkey » Sat Feb 25, 2023 1:39 pm

Document no. 9A pamphlet (The Arcane and You) with an attached note

The Arcane and You

Magic is powerful.

Bending the arcane forces of our world, the very elements it is comprised of, is the skill any mage hones and that will defend our homes from those who seek to take them.

While your path to becoming a respected mage might have started out with honorable goals or a healthy curiosity for the arcane, there are dangers in magic that go far beyond accidentally turning your neighbour into a sheep or incinerating offensive mail.

There are simple truths that many who study magic discover only once it is too late:

Magic is corrupting.

Magic is addicting.

How can you recognize the signs of arcane corruption or addiction in yourself? How do you recognize them in others? Can arcane corruption and magic addiction be prevented?

We shall aim to answer these questions and many more like them to further your understanding and guide your way as you become a true master of the arcane before it becomes the master of you!

The attached handwritten note:

This is the event I’ve told you about. I mean no offense, but I think that Maga Mistshimmer has a few things to say that you might benefit from.

Please consider it. Salienne and I will be there, as well.

Aulric Nastrano
"All Forsaken are Undead, but not all Undead are Forsaken."
Characters: Salienne Bontemps (Forsaken Mage)

Posts: 22

Re: Filling in the blanks (character backstory)

Post by Flamingkey » Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:30 am

Document no. 10 A former student’s request

Baronet Aulric Nastrano II.
Grand Magus

Master Nastrano -

I trust this letter finds you in exceptional health and good spirits. I have read your current apprentice’s latest essay and it has very much made me nostalgic for the times I had the pleasure and privilege of being your apprentice and studying magic under your guidance.

Forgive the lack of decorum and small talk, but it is my master’s guidance I have need of and I humbly request your assistance in a matter of utmost delicacy and importance. I write this letter with a heavy heart and burdened by my failure. I ask not that you reserve judgement, but that you consider my request.

As you are aware, I have taken up residence in Stratholme, where I currently run an alchemical shop that provides all sorts of tinctures and potions. You may not be aware, that I have taken on an apprentice of my own. My very first apprentice is a young noblewoman by the name of Callista Ashwood. She is the daughter of Sir Delron Ashwood, a knight in the service of the crown.

You always held that my greatest weakness was hindsight; that I bemoaned the decisions of the past because I had failed to duly consider the possible consequences of the future. I am no longer ashamed to admit, Master Nastrano, that this is true regarding my apprentice.

I was charmed by my apprentice’s beauty, eloquence, exquisite clothing and noble upbringing. It was quite inconceivable to me that none of the local magisters were willing to take on a student so well-learned and well-bred as Callista Ashwood. And so, when her father enquired whether I was amenable to taking her on as an apprentice, I quite happily said yes.

There may have been attempts to warn me away, but I was so blissfully infatuated, that I did not see them. It is true what they say – the heart makes fools of all men.

When we parted ways, you told me that a master should never allow themselves to see their apprentice as more than a student, a potential future colleague. That all the time I was with you, you tried and failed to see me as nothing more than another apprentice. But above all, you had wanted me to succeed and thus found the strength to be strict with yourself and me. You warned me to not repeat your mistakes, and I failed to heed your warning.

I did not see Callista as my apprentice. I saw her as I wished to see her: a beautiful woman that I desired as a man. I was fond of her and believed her to be likewise fond of me.

Thus, I was lenient and indulged her whims. I heeded her every beck and call, and though I knew that a master should not cater to their apprentice, I justified doing so by comparing it to my time under you.

You did not have to take in a dirty urchin orphaned by the wars, yet you did. You did not have to clothe it, feed it, or dry its tears, yet you did. You did not have to offer me an apprenticeship so I could look after myself and would not have to live on stolen scraps.

But you did, Master Nastrano and I thought, that the kindness that you showed me, the home you offered me, the future you gave me, could by another be interpreted as nothing other than a sign of affection that goes beyond a master’s duty, comparable to a father’s love, instead. And maybe, if a master could show such fatherly affection to an orphaned apprentice, it was therefore not as reprehensible if I was affectionate with one that I hoped to spend my life with.

I realize now, of course, the error of my ways. And although Callista is a capable mage of her own, I know that I have failed her as her master.

Her use of magic is reckless in ways she refuses to acknowledge as problematic, endangering herself and others. Worse of all, I can no longer reach her. Though on paper I remain her master, once I divulged to her my origins, she lost all respect for me. She openly mocks and defies me, claiming that I have taught her nothing and she has found other avenues to obtain the knowledge she seeks.

I fully acknowledge that I am responsible for my apprentice’s actions and her misuse of magic. I have reported my failure to the Kirin Tor and my suspicions, that Callista is researching forbidden knowledge. I can only attribute the benevolence that was shown to me to your good standing.

Callista’s transgressions are, at this point, considered minor. Though they will not remain without consequences, they are not regarded as dire enough to warrant a harsh punishment.

I have been tasked with seeing to it, that she understands the error of her ways. And I have tried everything I can but how am I to teach someone who will not listen, who will not even see me based on the fact that I am not a nobleman by birth?

So, I am turning to you.

You once were fond enough of me to permit me to call you 'father‘ and adopt me into your family. If not as my master, then I beg you as your son: Father, please help me.

I know that you already have an apprentice and rumour has it, that you are to take Magus Gaignon’s apprentice Tyrese under your wing, as well. But please, I ask that you consider taking Callista Ashwood as an apprentice for a limited time, as well.

I am hoping that your tutelage will help Callista understand the error of her ways, and help her grow to become the mage I know she can be. But also, I believe that being able to interact with other apprentice mages like Tyrese and Salienne will put things more into perspective for Callista.

And maybe, one day, she will be able to forgive me for my shortcomings.

In the hopes of receiving your esteemed response soon, I shall remain

Yours ever sincerely

Magus Tyndall Nastrano, Esq.
Alchemical Tinctures & Potions
Last edited by Flamingkey on Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
"All Forsaken are Undead, but not all Undead are Forsaken."
Characters: Salienne Bontemps (Forsaken Mage)

Posts: 22

Re: Filling in the blanks (character backstory)

Post by Flamingkey » Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:32 am

Document no. 11An order confirmation

Blazegold’s Adornments
Filigree Gold and Silverworks
Bespoke & Custom designs
Master Artisan

Order confirmation no. 006182
To: Artisan perfumer Aleron Keavan

One bespoke gold ring (roiling sea) with silver inlays (foam crowns)
Inscribed „For the saltiest one in all the land“

To be delivered to Apprentice mage Salienne Bontemps of Magus Nastrano, currently residing at Dalaran
"All Forsaken are Undead, but not all Undead are Forsaken."
Characters: Salienne Bontemps (Forsaken Mage)

Posts: 22

Re: Filling in the blanks (character backstory)

Post by Flamingkey » Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:34 am

Document no. 12Shipping documents

Order no. 5-574

Thorne & Nash
Greenwood Village

320kg Lavender (blooming) at 2 gold pieces per kilo 640 gold pieces
200kg Mageroyal (blooming) at 2 gold pieces per kilo 400 gold pieces
100kg Steelbloom (blooming) at 5 gold pieces per kilo 500 gold pieces
100kg Winter’s Bite (late bloom) at 6 gold pieces per kilo 600 gold pieces

at a subtotal of 2.140 gold pieces

Applicable discounts: none

Invoice total 2.140 gold pieces

To be paid in full by PERFUMERY BONTEMPS, CORRIN’S CROSSING no later than 28 days from invoice date.

Shipping: None provided
Last edited by Flamingkey on Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
"All Forsaken are Undead, but not all Undead are Forsaken."
Characters: Salienne Bontemps (Forsaken Mage)

Posts: 22

Re: Filling in the blanks (character backstory)

Post by Flamingkey » Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:36 am

Document no. 13An offer

Perfumery Bontemps
Artisan Perfumer Aleron Keavan
Corrin’s Crossing

Master Keavan -

Firstly allow me to congratulate you on having recently passed your examination and gaining the title of artisan perfumer. It was a delight to bear witness to your efforts and extraordinary success.

I am writing to you today to offer you a humble business proposal. It is with a heavy heart that I make this proposal, but I feel that as a fellow artisan and master perfumer, it is my sacred burden and honoured duty to intervene and protect the shining legacy you are currently building for yourself from being tarnished. I beg of you to hear me out, Master Keavan. I believe that it is in the best interest of both yourself and your master for I understand that you are currently preparing to leave Lordaeron and return to your noble homeland of Kul Tiras in the late summer season.

I am well aware that honourable and successful apprentices such as yourself commit themselves to giving their master license to sell their examination fragrance as a sign of gratitude. Such a show of respect has even become expected and many apprenticeship agreements now contain such a clause as well as a penalty clause, should the apprentice fail to do so. Though I am certain that Master Perfumer Bontemps would never stoop so low as to insist on such a clause being included or in fact implemented, even though it would be well within his rights in Lordaeron, if he and your family entered a standardized agreement as provided by the local guild of perfumers, the clause might very well be contained therein without his knowledge.

You are, Master Keavan, an extraordinarily talented young man and your reputation of an upstanding and honourable representative of the exalted kingdom of Kul Tiras precedes you. I have no doubt, that you are planning to gift your master a license for your most exquisite fragrance upon leaving his house and under normal circumstances, I would never dream of proposing such a thing, but in this case, I must beg you: do not gift a license for „Sea of Light“ to the Bontemps!

It is my firm belief that the Perfumery Bontemps is ill-equipped to properly represent you and your outstanding work. Furthermore, their declining reputation has the potential to ruin your career – a career, that could become most fruitful if you are willing to lay the groundwork today.

Master Perfumer Bontemps is a skilled craftsman and artisan in his own right, of that there is no doubt. He himself was apprenticed to a rather well-respected Quel’dorei perfumer once upon a time, but his reputation has suffered in the past months, as I am sure you have noticed. I have seen this happen countless times – young, prodigal and talented artisans being mentored by capable craftsmen, only for their demise to become the catalyst that would also ruin their apprentice’s careers. Such a terrible and unjust fate can be averted, Master Keavan, and I wish to offer you my assistance.

I beseech you, do not mistake this as an attempt to persuade you to betray your master’s trust or indeed the bond you share. Nothing is further from the truth!

Your master is a man of honour and integrity and would agree that now that your apprenticeship is completed, your fledgling reputation as an upstanding perfumer must be protected at all costs, though he would never dare say so out loud for fear of the guild’s wrath. After all, how would the Guild of Perfumers of Lordaeron look upon a master perfumer that openly dissuades his apprentice from following the guild’s guidelines and regulations? No, your master has far too many problems to deal with, as I am sure you are aware, and he can ill afford to squander his good standing with the guild.

Do not delude yourself, Master Keavan, into believing that your master’s troubles have passed. The royal auditors may have disproven the allegations of tax fraud made against his establishment, but such rumours have consequences. Though I myself did not believe for a single second that any of the poisoned words spoken behind Master Bontemps’ back contained even a modicum of truth, others have. Surely it has not escaped your notice how the quality of raw materials your master has been able to secure declined? This is not because he has suddenly lost the ability to recognize low-quality materials.

Your master is an upstanding and generous man, and you and I both know it. But those who do business with him are doubtful and such doubt requires soothing. Nothing soothes quite the way gold and silver does, Master Kaevan, as I am sure you are aware.

I fear that should you proceed with custom and gift your master a licensed recipe for your fragrance, much more misfortune shall befall both him and you. And believe me, that the latter would be what would trouble him the most. It would reflect poorly on me, were I not to offer a way to prevent such hardship, particularly as I am one of the few master perfumers in all of Lordaeron who are in a position to do so.

I, therefore, would like to offer you 1,000 gold pieces for the exclusive right to sell and produce „Sea of Light“ in Lordaeron. Should your apprenticeship agreement contain a penalty clause for withholding the customary license, I should be honoured to provide the financial means for you to settle the contractual fine without it diminishing the value of your license. An additional 1,000 gold pieces shall be yours if you commit yourself to keeping this matter silent. A total of 2,000 gold pieces shall be paid out to you immediately upon presentation of this letter, the signed sales agreement attached and the recipe for „Sea of Light“.

Yours faithfully,
Master Perfumer of the Guild of Lordaeron
Maestro Gaven Fawcett
Fragrance Architect Extraoirdinaire
„Maestro Fawcett – Exquisite Fragrances“
"All Forsaken are Undead, but not all Undead are Forsaken."
Characters: Salienne Bontemps (Forsaken Mage)

Posts: 22

Re: Filling in the blanks (character backstory)

Post by Flamingkey » Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:40 am

Document no. 14Another request of assistance

Perfumery Bontemps – Luxurious Fragrances & Fine Toiletries
For the attention of Madame Mireille Bontemps
Corrin’s Crossing

Madame Bontemps,

Forgive the boldness of this missive, but after conversing with Sister Valérie, I was reassured that you would not take offence.

Our monastery’s alchemical distillery has been severely damaged and we are, at this point, unable to purify the extracts required for our healing potions and salves. We have an urgent need for a distillery for reasons that I may not disclose further and respectfully request your assistance.

We are aware that allowing the order usage of your distillery will disrupt your family business and possibly result in financial losses. We will see to it that you are, eventually, reasonably reimbursed for any loss of business although I cannot promise this to occur immediately or even intermediately. I am sorry to say we cannot offer you more in exchange for your compliance at present.

You and your family have been of great assistance to us in the past and your reliable donations have helped your fellow men and us in more ways than you might be able to imagine. I pray that your compassionate heart will also support us now in our hour of need.

Light be with you
Brother Tiberio Lancaster
"All Forsaken are Undead, but not all Undead are Forsaken."
Characters: Salienne Bontemps (Forsaken Mage)

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