LFT groups - vote for kick

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LFT groups - vote for kick

Post by Akarui » Sun Dec 25, 2022 12:35 am

Yet a big problem. Groups formed by LFT addon always has leader as a tank. But what if a tank realy nerd. Poor nerd that think that all around are bad, and he starts to kick healer, dd, etc. This nerds spoils all fun, good parties, etc. Nerds - is a pain. Nobody wants to play with them
Suggestion: Could u add another LFG function - Vote for kick. Its easier to kick one nerd, regroup by roles (for example some dd warriors and paladins could be a tank and heal too)

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Re: LFT groups - vote for kick

Post by Shamma » Sun Dec 25, 2022 12:57 am

Yes, fix toxicity by introducing a way to add more toxicity. I say go the opposite - get rid of LFT. It is cancer.

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Re: LFT groups - vote for kick

Post by Artofwill » Sun Dec 25, 2022 6:43 am

Shamma wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 12:57 am
Yes, fix toxicity by introducing a way to add more toxicity. I say go the opposite - get rid of LFT. It is cancer.
I agree, I find LFT to have no place on a server like this that promotes community and a slower pace experience. I would like to see LFT replaced with a LFG board where players are able to post looking for group or member notices and then allow other players to contact from the postings.

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Re: LFT groups - vote for kick

Post by Kairion » Sun Dec 25, 2022 12:13 pm

Bar one example so far i've only had positive experiences with the LFT tool.

If it gets remodelled as a general lfg board i recon people will get picky about what levels and classes they take along and it causes scenarios where partially formed groups will cling onto tanks/healers just so they can be part of the group asap.

Its not necessarily worse, but its definitely a tradeoff of positives and negatives

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Re: LFT groups - vote for kick

Post by Ishilu » Sun Dec 25, 2022 3:43 pm

Shamma wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 12:57 am
I say go the opposite - get rid of LFT. It is cancer.
Fully agree happy_turtle_head

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Re: LFT groups - vote for kick

Post by Xudo » Sun Dec 25, 2022 4:22 pm

Artofwill wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 6:43 am
I would like to see LFT replaced with a LFG board where players are able to post looking for group or member notices and then allow other players to contact from the postings.
LFT is an addon. It is possible to connect to "LFT channel" and present it in any possible means. You need some skills in addon making, but I think it is very possible.
Xudo - tauren warrior 19 Sergeant armory.
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Re: LFT groups - vote for kick

Post by Morgananeruda » Sun Dec 25, 2022 8:51 pm

As a healer, I think LFT is needed and works well.
If you want to group faster you can cursor over the other people that are waiting in your queue, and manually add them if they too like that idea. Then whisper the few missing and you're on your way.
I can queue for 5 dungeons ago about my day and get a happy surprise when one pops.
Ive been healing here for over a year and have never had a dungeon where someone was kicked, except for afk. It seems to me toxic attracts toxic, we dont need to introduce kicking in the game, plus how many times does the rest of the party agree to kick and have no idea why. Yeah, no vote to kick. LFT is great, move along.

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Re: LFT groups - vote for kick

Post by Nivny » Sun Dec 25, 2022 8:58 pm

As another healer I really like LFT, it has been extremely helpful in getting groups. As said before it's nice to queue up and do your routine farming while a group is being formed. I use world as well to join groups but LFT is a nice addition. I don't think vote to kick is necessary, while there are issues at times it is extremely rare.

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Re: LFT groups - vote for kick

Post by Akarui » Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:20 pm

Morgananeruda wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 8:51 pm
As a healer, I think LFT is needed and works well.
If you want to group faster you can cursor over the other people that are waiting in your queue, and manually add them if they too like that idea. Then whisper the few missing and you're on your way.
I can queue for 5 dungeons ago about my day and get a happy surprise when one pops.
Ive been healing here for over a year and have never had a dungeon where someone was kicked, except for afk. It seems to me toxic attracts toxic, we dont need to introduce kicking in the game, plus how many times does the rest of the party agree to kick and have no idea why. Yeah, no vote to kick. LFT is great, move along.
ye its fast to find. but if one guy (tank) dont want to use any tanking gear even Shield, quickly dies and then kicks a healer, or someone else who makes him a hints for his role. I did see this many times.
Just spent a time without any sense. Sure once, we did regroup, found another tank, but had to start from the start.
Could be more easy to vote against one nerd and continue to fun.
Morgananeruda wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 8:51 pm
As a healer, I think LFT is needed and works well.
If you want to group faster you can cursor over the other people that are waiting in your queue, and manually add them if they too like that idea. Then whisper the few missing and you're on your way.
I can queue for 5 dungeons ago about my day and get a happy surprise when one pops.
Ive been healing here for over a year and have never had a dungeon where someone was kicked, except for afk. It seems to me toxic attracts toxic, we dont need to introduce kicking in the game, plus how many times does the rest of the party agree to kick and have no idea why. Yeah, no vote to kick. LFT is great, move along.
imagine. u heal and ur mate asked u about help in dungeon because no any heal in queue, u starts and then green warrior with 2H rudes on u that u bad and then kicked)) why he has powers to do that by default?) no fun at all

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Re: LFT groups - vote for kick

Post by Shamma » Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:41 pm

Akarui wrote:
Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:20 pm
Morgananeruda wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 8:51 pm
As a healer, I think LFT is needed and works well.
If you want to group faster you can cursor over the other people that are waiting in your queue, and manually add them if they too like that idea. Then whisper the few missing and you're on your way.
I can queue for 5 dungeons ago about my day and get a happy surprise when one pops.
Ive been healing here for over a year and have never had a dungeon where someone was kicked, except for afk. It seems to me toxic attracts toxic, we dont need to introduce kicking in the game, plus how many times does the rest of the party agree to kick and have no idea why. Yeah, no vote to kick. LFT is great, move along.
ye its fast to find. but if one guy (tank) dont want to use any tanking gear even Shield, quickly dies and then kicks a healer, or someone else who makes him a hints for his role. I did see this many times.
Just spent a time without any sense. Sure once, we did regroup, found another tank, but had to start from the start.
Could be more easy to vote against one nerd and continue to fun.
Morgananeruda wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 8:51 pm
As a healer, I think LFT is needed and works well.
If you want to group faster you can cursor over the other people that are waiting in your queue, and manually add them if they too like that idea. Then whisper the few missing and you're on your way.
I can queue for 5 dungeons ago about my day and get a happy surprise when one pops.
Ive been healing here for over a year and have never had a dungeon where someone was kicked, except for afk. It seems to me toxic attracts toxic, we dont need to introduce kicking in the game, plus how many times does the rest of the party agree to kick and have no idea why. Yeah, no vote to kick. LFT is great, move along.
imagine. u heal and ur mate asked u about help in dungeon because no any heal in queue, u starts and then green warrior with 2H rudes on u that u bad and then kicked)) why he has powers to do that by default?) no fun at all
Good examples. I got some more:

You tank and got a friend to heal.
U get a shaman dps and he refuses to not use earth shock and rockbiter.
U get a mage, who did not train decurse.
u also get a warrior, who is the lowest possible lvl to be able to queue for the instance. U tell him - he is too low for it - he insists that if LFT lets him queue, he is fine and starts cursing you for not wanting him in the grp.

Now another example.
You play shaman and get invited as dps.
The run starts and healer (another shaman) goes afk. U decide to help out and heal till almost the last boss in a 4 man grp. The healer comes back and immediately lets the tank die saying he kind of got carried away there. Then the next pull the tank dies again.

And another example.
You heal on the shaman. A 2h mace with no stats, but a "chance on hit" drops. The warrior does not need, so u need it. And the druid cat dps needs it. Asked why - he answers - you already won an item this run and he will love to vendor it.

You know what all our examples tell us? Not that we need vote to kick. They tell us LFT attracts morons like shit attracts flies.

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Re: LFT groups - vote for kick

Post by Akarui » Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:50 pm

Shamma wrote:
Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:41 pm
Akarui wrote:
Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:20 pm
Morgananeruda wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 8:51 pm
As a healer, I think LFT is needed and works well.
If you want to group faster you can cursor over the other people that are waiting in your queue, and manually add them if they too like that idea. Then whisper the few missing and you're on your way.
I can queue for 5 dungeons ago about my day and get a happy surprise when one pops.
Ive been healing here for over a year and have never had a dungeon where someone was kicked, except for afk. It seems to me toxic attracts toxic, we dont need to introduce kicking in the game, plus how many times does the rest of the party agree to kick and have no idea why. Yeah, no vote to kick. LFT is great, move along.
ye its fast to find. but if one guy (tank) dont want to use any tanking gear even Shield, quickly dies and then kicks a healer, or someone else who makes him a hints for his role. I did see this many times.
Just spent a time without any sense. Sure once, we did regroup, found another tank, but had to start from the start.
Could be more easy to vote against one nerd and continue to fun.
Morgananeruda wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 8:51 pm
As a healer, I think LFT is needed and works well.
If you want to group faster you can cursor over the other people that are waiting in your queue, and manually add them if they too like that idea. Then whisper the few missing and you're on your way.
I can queue for 5 dungeons ago about my day and get a happy surprise when one pops.
Ive been healing here for over a year and have never had a dungeon where someone was kicked, except for afk. It seems to me toxic attracts toxic, we dont need to introduce kicking in the game, plus how many times does the rest of the party agree to kick and have no idea why. Yeah, no vote to kick. LFT is great, move along.
imagine. u heal and ur mate asked u about help in dungeon because no any heal in queue, u starts and then green warrior with 2H rudes on u that u bad and then kicked)) why he has powers to do that by default?) no fun at all
Good examples. I got some more:

You tank and got a friend to heal.
U get a shaman dps and he refuses to not use earth shock and rockbiter.
U get a mage, who did not train decurse.
u also get a warrior, who is the lowest possible lvl to be able to queue for the instance. U tell him - he is too low for it - he insists that if LFT lets him queue, he is fine and starts cursing you for not wanting him in the grp.

Now another example.
You play shaman and get invited as dps.
The run starts and healer (another shaman) goes afk. U decide to help out and heal till almost the last boss in a 4 man grp. The healer comes back and immediately lets the tank die saying he kind of got carried away there. Then the next pull the tank dies again.

And another example.
You heal on the shaman. A 2h mace with no stats, but a "chance on hit" drops. The warrior does not need, so u need it. And the druid cat dps needs it. Asked why - he answers - you already won an item this run and he will love to vendor it.

You know what all our examples tell us? Not that we need vote to kick. They tell us LFT attracts morons like shit attracts flies.
just facepalm... answer why only one man should have all powers by default? we live in democracy world. Why weird guys with full dps spec and gear which choose red dungeon for his level should rule all? its a gap

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Re: LFT groups - vote for kick

Post by Shamma » Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:54 pm

Akarui wrote:
Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:50 pm
just facepalm... answer why only one man should have all powers by default? we live in democracy world. Why weird guys with full dps spec and gear which choose red dungeon for his level should rule all? its a gap
I never said that. I stand by what I said above: "get rid of LFT. It is cancer."

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Re: LFT groups - vote for kick

Post by Ugoboom » Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:14 am

Shamma wrote:
Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:54 pm
I never said that. I stand by what I said above: "get rid of LFT. It is cancer."
It's not cancer lmao.
Shamma wrote:
Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:41 pm
You know what all our examples tell us? Not that we need vote to kick. They tell us LFT attracts morons like shit attracts flies.
Yes, vanilla is an easy game that is obtuse in its design to new players, and people will often play unoptimally. Guess what? It's fine, and not the fault of LFT at all. You've provided no evidence that LFT specifically is actively making groups worse. It's not lmao
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Re: LFT groups - vote for kick

Post by Ishilu » Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:01 am

I think it's less about playing unoptimally than about players playing unsocially.

To quote Shamma, it's one thing if e.g. an unexperienced shaman dps starts using earth shock and rock biter, but it's another if they (seemingly) refuse to stop doing that when they're (hopefully politely) asked to do so. Same goes for hunters and warriors who keep multishotting or cleaving sheep, warlocks and shadowpriests dotting traps etc.

This behaviour can have several reasons. To name a few:
a) Lazy players. If you can play your dps rotation blindly (e.g. rhythmically press '1', this is vanilla turtle_tongue ), you can just divert your attention to other stuff like Netflix. These people are also probably lazy enough to just queue up and just wait for a dungeon to pop after 2 hours while they're watching the bachelorette or so. These guys also hate moving their characters out of a capital city or away from a tent hub but don't have a problem letting people wait for them.

b) Speech barrier. If I'm in a group that exclusively communicates in cyrillic letters, I don't expect people to react to my chat posts. Meanwhile, these guys are probably annoyed by that westerner filling their chat with non-cyrillic spam. Don't know, don't care, these guys might have the same problem in an english-only group.

c) They're 8 years old or so and just don't understand the game. Come back in a few years, kids happy_turtle_head .

d) They're actually a bad person. These exist on the internet.

These characters can at least partially be avoided by replacing the LFT queue with a system that requires communication. A bulletin board has been proposed a few times now and that would really be a good thing.

It also encourages people to 4-man dungeons. I'll never understand how people will spend half an hour looking for a fifth guy before entering a leveling dungeon. The run may take a little longer but at least no time is wasted spamming "dps q mara" in chat.

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Re: LFT groups - vote for kick

Post by Shamma » Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:21 pm

Ugoboom wrote:
Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:14 am
Shamma wrote:
Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:54 pm
I never said that. I stand by what I said above: "get rid of LFT. It is cancer."
It's not cancer lmao.
Shamma wrote:
Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:41 pm
You know what all our examples tell us? Not that we need vote to kick. They tell us LFT attracts morons like shit attracts flies.
Yes, vanilla is an easy game that is obtuse in its design to new players, and people will often play unoptimally. Guess what? It's fine, and not the fault of LFT at all. You've provided no evidence that LFT specifically is actively making groups worse. It's not lmao
Look mate. I know u know your stuff. And I know both u and I are too stubborn to change each other's opinion about just about anything. I also know we enjoy Turtle for completely different reasons and probably spend about 5% of our time doing the same content in the same way. So really no point presenting any evidence to u. U do u! I know u are not a moron, more of a knucklehead, but I am a knucklehead too - so that does not bother me.

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Re: LFT groups - vote for kick

Post by Ugoboom » Mon Jan 02, 2023 7:15 pm

Shamma wrote:
Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:21 pm
Look mate. I know u know your stuff. And I know both u and I are too stubborn to change each other's opinion about just about anything. I also know we enjoy Turtle for completely different reasons and probably spend about 5% of our time doing the same content in the same way. So really no point presenting any evidence to u. U do u! I know u are not a moron, more of a knucklehead, but I am a knucklehead too - so that does not bother me.
dude what

i'm not arguing to convince you, or anyone whos blatantly wrong, I'm just pointing out how incorrect you are, so others come to the light instead of maybe thinking your opinions, like the ones in this post, are correct in any way.
Zaas - 60 High Elf Warrior
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