[ALLIANCE] <The Emerald Dream>

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[ALLIANCE] <The Emerald Dream>

Post by Djarniz » Fri Nov 04, 2022 12:18 pm

Dear all,

Our dear family, <The Emerald Dream> is currently looking to expands its family like never before!

We are currently 300+ members, and when we are most active, you will see 60 family members online, trying their best to fulfill their Azeroths dream! We are ridiculously helpful towards our family members, whether it is grinding dungeons, helping our fellow members to level, or whats not! If you are newly dinged, you can expect UBRS/LBRS runs and what not, to help you achieve your BIS. If you are close to 60, we also want you! Our progression is BWL 6/8, hopefully getting 8/8 this Saturday!

Raids currently is 5 times a week. We do BWL on saturdays, and MC+ Onyxia on sundays.
We do ZG + AQ20's Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Servertime 19.00 always.

None of the above raids are a must to join, as we are plenty of people that would want to jump in, fighting for The Emerald Dream, but your tribute would be loved! Loot is distributed as MS>OS +1, with very limited items being in LC. All LC items are available before raid, as we want the most transparancy.

We have Guildbanks, consumables and all you could ever need. We are at the moment expanding to having a guild house.

Please whisper us in game if you enjoyed reading through, and would love to join our guild!

Whisper either of the following people:

Becz, Valurian, Vallcow, Sarandon, Sanwen, Dhallya & Cheesebreath.

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