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Line Between WPVP and Griefing

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 12:06 pm
by Darkpirox
Hello, i would like a mod to tell me where does the line between world pvp and griefing to a point someone can't play the game stands.

This morning i tried to lvl up a bit and a lvl 10 twink killed me couple times, no big deal, after all i am the one with Warmode enabled. During my launch break i tried to relax and play a bit more and to my not so much of a surprise, the nolifer was still in the same spot camping me+another friend lvl 19.

While i do understand that it is my choice to play on warmode and regardles of what i consider or not propper behavior, i would like to know if this is normal and allowed, quite literally i cannot play the game because of this. And no i do not think making a new character without warmode on is a solution. time-whise or just due to the fact i actually enjoy ocasionally facing someone in somewhat equal conditions.

Long story short, there is a line, like there was once upon a time, where this behavior is considered griefing? and if so i would be more than happy to stream and get footage on those individuals so i can report them.

Re: Line Between WPVP and Griefing

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 1:30 pm
by Bellybutton
I think the GMs should investigate into the twinks that are camping/farming level 10-20 zones. I've seen hardcores complain that they're exploiting some sort of grenade to flag non-flagged players.

Re: Line Between WPVP and Griefing

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:23 pm
by Drezzy95
I don't understand people who activate the warmode and cry about being killed, it's incomprehensible.
(if you talk about the guild "Defias BlackGuard" in Elwyn Forest I played the RP he also killed me and he left me alone)

Re: Line Between WPVP and Griefing

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 4:17 pm
by Darkpirox
First off, if you bothered reading properly (assuming that you can) you would see i am not complaining since i fully know what i can get into when i play warmode.
What i am doing is merely asking if this is allowed since in my case it wasnt once. I literally couldnt play for the entire time i had available to play, they killed me multiple times on different time frames, And i think it is just reasonable wanting to know since i have been in other servers/retail wow and whatnot, all of them had a policy about this stating that if this happens repeatedly and i can doccument it it is griefing and goes against the terms. If it turns out this is how it is i will just make the decision of making another toon or simply not playing. But in no case i am crying like you claim. I am simply asking how this situation goes and how to move forward. On my other toon i have been killed multiple times in the open and i had no issue whatsoever. This is just parking a toon for the whole day to literally spawn kill on sight a player. Pretty sure that wouldnt be fun if it happened to you aint it?

Re: Line Between WPVP and Griefing

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 8:48 am
by Thol
The official rules are:
The following activities are strictly forbidden:
  • Farming quest givers, important quest objectives and important NPC's for long periods of time and blocking other players from accepting or turning in quests.
  • Harassing a player by following them around / camping them for a long period of time and tagging mobs they need to kill for a quest or tricking them into getting flagged for PvP without their intent.
If you're being camped and/or prevented to complete any quests you can DM Tinyfin with visual proof (videos or screenshots)

Re: Line Between WPVP and Griefing

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2022 8:34 am
by Darkpirox
Thanks a lot, shall do if i see it happening again