Tauren Priests or Tauren Rogues, Dwarf Warlocks

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Tauren Priests or Tauren Rogues, Dwarf Warlocks

Post by Adahel2162 » Sun Apr 14, 2024 6:34 pm

Great day to everyone,

Tauren need a new class combination to try and correct the imbalance plaguing our factions.
In this post I will correct a lot of misinformation that was spread on the forum to try to ossify the tauren in the face of more than necessary changes.
I will present the likely combinations that make the most sense in the tradition, starting at index 1, moving from index 1, with the proposed combination making a little less sense.
I can't remember all the arguments, so I'll answer each answer in opposition, trying to use pre-TBC sources.

1st – Tauren Priest: You need to be very careful with this combination, as it can make a lot of sense and at the same time make no sense at all. “Tauren cannot be priests because they have no connection to the holy light”, this is misinformation, as the holy light was never a requirement for this class. The priest class is a generic class, theoretically a way to cut costs. Night elf priests worship Elune rather than holy light and trolls draw their priestly power from voodoo rather than holy light. Having cleared up the misinformation, I will now explain how the tauren priest can make sense. I don't agree with using An'she as a tradition for a tauren priest, despite An'she being in the vanilla tradition in an incomplete form. My opinion on the power of the “solar druid of cataclysm”: A race thousands of years old out of nowhere decides they want to channel the power of the sun without knowing if it is possible and with a few years of training, they unexpectedly master the new power with mastery . For me, this is taking power from the anal opening where it didn't exist before. How can the tauren priest be justified if not by the sun? Yes, yes, it is possible through a retcon that has already been done in vanilla wow: The tauren learned the art of druidry from the night elves; after all, this race is the only one that could truly teach druidism to the tauren race. Expanding on tauren druid tradition, the tauren could have equivalent but not equal Sisters of Elune who would be responsible for training the tauren priests. This option was only opened because of the original retcon of vanilla tauren druids, without this retcon this option makes no sense. Problems with this option: The Tauren will have two types of spiritual leaders, one for the druids and one for the elements and in the Tauren's starting zone, there is no progression to cloth clothing.

2nd – Rogue Tauren: “The Tauren cannot be rogues, as the entire Tauren race is peaceful and morally stable”, this is misinformation. Meet the Grimtotem tribe, according to the World of Warcraft: Game Collector's Edition Manual published on November 24, 2004, page 184: The Grimtotem tribe stands out as an aggressive extreme of the generally pacifist tauren, wishing to eradicate the "inferior races" of Kalimdor and recover the lost ancestral properties of the tauren. There are tauren supremacists, as violent as the old horde, wanting to carry out genocide in Kalimdor, so the conclusion that the entire tauren race is peaceful and morally stable is fake news. Clarifying the tradition, part of the Grimtotem tribe is part of the horde, but summarizing the events of the pre-cataclysm meme, they were infiltrated agents who tried to carry out a coup d'état in tauren society. The rest of the lore is politics, betrayal and soap opera, but for a rogue tauren to make sense it's necessary not to go the cataclysm meme route. Having cleared up the misinformation, I will now explain how the tauren rogue might make sense. There are already hostile tauren from the Grimtotem tribe in the game with some skills and animations of a rogue, this tribe is in conflict with the thunder bluff tauren, there can always be traitors on both sides of the conflict, the tauren rogue player can be a traitor from the Grimtotem tribe who does not agree with the tribe's fascist ideology and has gone over to the enemy side, but making it clear that the tauren, with the exception of those from the shaman class, do not like the player and only tolerate him, in the same way as all other races treat warlocks. The other races tolerate warlocks, but dislike them. Rogues would be the marginalized class of tauren, just as warlocks are for other races. Please, discussions about realism make no sense, despite not using mana, it is a class that uses shadow magic, so any discussion about realism loses its meaning when it involves any type of magic and we still have gnome warriors without magic, which is infinitely worse than my proposal. Problems with this option: A well-written and well-presented story.
Grimtotem Bandit, a primitive rogue.

Posted later via edit:

"The Grimtotem lore provides fertile ground for exploration. Imagine a rogue who defied their tribe, defending the right to life of inferior races. Branded an outcast, they navigate the shadows, wielding daggers with deadly precision. Much like warlocks among other races, these rogue tauren walk the fine line between forbidden knowledge and survival."

To compensate the alliance for adding a new combination to the horde's Tauren, add the dwarf warlock. The game has always been balanced for both factions until now and I don't think it's a good idea to change that now.

Thanks for reading smiling_turtle_head !
Last edited by Adahel2162 on Fri Apr 19, 2024 6:14 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Tauren Priests or Tauren Rogues, Dwarf Warlocks

Post by Xudo » Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:02 am

Tauren rogues please.
Xudo - tauren warrior 19 Sergeant armory.
I don't raid and rank, so you can not bother asking.
Nerf high level enchants on low level gear
Add lvl requirement to bandages
Best and optimal gear for 10-19 twinks
Have fun not only at 60.

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Re: Tauren Priests or Tauren Rogues, Dwarf Warlocks

Post by Gladeshadow » Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:15 am

Really, we're well past the point where *all* races could conceivably be any class, perhaps barring druids if the Cenarion Circle is set on only night elves and tauren. Because there's been enough time for all the races to learn how to be any* class. And some classes are simply game mechanics; we all know the priests of different races hold vastly different faiths, but they play more or less identically aside from priest racials for fair game mechanics.

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Re: Tauren Priests or Tauren Rogues, Dwarf Warlocks

Post by Calli » Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:11 am

Adahel2162 wrote:
Sun Apr 14, 2024 6:34 pm
Tauren need a new class combination to try and correct the imbalance plaguing our factions.
Incorrect, it will not help faction balance at all.

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Re: Tauren Priests or Tauren Rogues, Dwarf Warlocks

Post by Bigsmerf » Mon Apr 15, 2024 3:55 pm

Calli wrote:
Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:11 am
Adahel2162 wrote:
Sun Apr 14, 2024 6:34 pm
Tauren need a new class combination to try and correct the imbalance plaguing our factions.
Incorrect, it will not help faction balance at all.
Personally I think tauren have just enough options, if you think about it. Three tank classes, two healers, I think nine separate dps options between all the classes. Gnomes, the race that was originally the counterpart to tauren- in that they had the least amount of class options, could ONLY play full dps and one tank. Lots less options in practice. Even still with hunter you're not getting much in terms of variety.
Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
Anbone 34 Shadow Priest (Planned secondary main)
Manypunchman - 10 Naked Troll Boxer (Hardcore)

I'm back! More or less...

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Re: Tauren Priests or Tauren Rogues, Dwarf Warlocks

Post by Adahel2162 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:07 pm

Gladeshadow wrote:
Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:15 am
Really, we're well past the point where *all* races could conceivably be any class, perhaps barring druids if the Cenarion Circle is set on only night elves and tauren. Because there's been enough time for all the races to learn how to be any* class. And some classes are simply game mechanics; we all know the priests of different races hold vastly different faiths, but they play more or less identically aside from priest racials for fair game mechanics.
Calli wrote:
Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:11 am
Adahel2162 wrote:
Sun Apr 14, 2024 6:34 pm
Tauren need a new class combination to try and correct the imbalance plaguing our factions.
Incorrect, it will not help faction balance at all.
Great day to everyone,

I understand the perspective of the original comments, but allow me to present a different view on the diversity of classes and races in World of Warcraft.

Each race brings with it a rich tradition and culture. Night elves, for example, have a deep connection with nature and the moon. Tauren, in principle, revere spirits and the earth, but through druidism tauren also have beliefs similar to those of night elves. These beliefs shape your class choices.

My proposal is to expand past lore and not create future lore out of nothing, the night elves have already taught druidism to the tauren, so it is possible that the tauren priest is inspired, but not equal, by Sisters of Elune.

Rogue tauren is also possible by expanding the Grimtotem lore, with the player being a traitor to this tribe, placing them as the marginalized class of tauren, much like warlocks are to other races.

Imagine a tauren mage: he would have to overcome centuries of shamanic tradition and find a delicate balance between the elements and arcane magic.

Tauren is the most deficient race in turtle wow, with fewer combinations than all other races.

For those who don't like expanded lore, even when it makes some sense, remember that you are in a very small niche bubble. Players want to discover new experiences that make sense and not be stuck in time. If something has changed in a way you don't like, you can always play on a vanilla server where time never passes.

Diversity of classes and races is fundamental to maintaining balance in the world of Azeroth.

Thanks for reading smiling_turtle_head !

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Re: Tauren Priests or Tauren Rogues, Dwarf Warlocks

Post by Adahel2162 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 6:23 pm

Xudo wrote:
Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:02 am
Tauren rogues please.
Bigsmerf wrote:
Mon Apr 15, 2024 3:55 pm
Calli wrote:
Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:11 am
Adahel2162 wrote:
Sun Apr 14, 2024 6:34 pm
Tauren need a new class combination to try and correct the imbalance plaguing our factions.
Incorrect, it will not help faction balance at all.
Personally I think tauren have just enough options, if you think about it. Three tank classes, two healers, I think nine separate dps options between all the classes. Gnomes, the race that was originally the counterpart to tauren- in that they had the least amount of class options, could ONLY play full dps and one tank. Lots less options in practice. Even still with hunter you're not getting much in terms of variety.
Great day to everyone,

When I made this suggestion, I was thinking more about new RP experiences, exploring parts of the lore that are still little explored, like the priest side of the tauren of Elune or the bad side of the tauren.

I didn't necessarily think about variety in terms of gameplay, so I didn't suggest the other classes because there's no prior lore to expand on.

There is a Grimtotem in the game with mage spells, but searching the NPC's title reveals that it has nothing to do with mages: "Geomancy literally translates to "earth divination" and the term was originally used to mean divination methods that interpret geographic data. Data features, markings on the ground, or patterns formed by soil, rocks, or sand."

Personally, I think that the decision whether the tauren should have a new class combination is not mine or that of anyone else who comments on this matter, but rather the server owner, who can decide unilaterally or through a vote.

This server is not a democracy but a business. If new RP experiences generate more hours for old players and attract new players, it will be done.

If I think exclusively about gameplay to the exclusion of lore, yes, I agree with you, the tauren have enough options, but I believe that having one more option, as with the gnomes, although the tauren are not getting much in terms of variety either, no it must considerably alter the status quo to be considered a culture totally different from the previous one.

Although I have shown two options, I only want one to be added to the game, excluding the second one for Twisting Nether.

Thanks for reading smiling_turtle_head !
Last edited by Adahel2162 on Fri Apr 19, 2024 6:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tauren Priests or Tauren Rogues, Dwarf Warlocks

Post by Leojje » Tue Apr 16, 2024 4:52 am

Do Taurens have a stealth idle/walk animation? If they do then rogue em up!

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Re: Tauren Priests or Tauren Rogues, Dwarf Warlocks

Post by Adahel2162 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:44 am

Xudo wrote:
Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:02 am
Tauren rogues please.
Leojje wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 4:52 am
Do Taurens have a stealth idle/walk animation? If they do then rogue em up!
Great day to everyone,

According to the Warcraft Wiki, tauren have stealth idle/walk animation due to the following mechanic:

"Both male and female tauren models have [Stealth] animations, complete with the transparency effect. Several players (mainly level 70 rogues, as only they would know) have claimed to have seen Tauren rogues using stealth (Orb of Deception, prominently), but they have also been seen using [Vanish] and even a few very stealthy rogue moves that only a rogue would know about."

Don't take into consideration the part of the wiki that talks about level 70; the Orb of Deception item is present in vanilla and the record is not as rigorous as a wiki, as it is a humor page, but there is the mechanic that It is written on the wiki and is present in the game.


Source - Rogue Tauren

I love socializing and I was curious because you are more interested in the rogue class than in the priest class, if you Xudo and Leojje, could enlighten me I would be very happy to increase my knowledge with your opinions.

Many thanks for supporting and reading this sugestion smiling_turtle_head !
Last edited by Adahel2162 on Fri Apr 19, 2024 6:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tauren Priests or Tauren Rogues, Dwarf Warlocks

Post by Xudo » Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:23 am

This topic was brought to recent ideas many times. I think devs are fully aware of this possibility.
Though, they have their own vision about race-class combinations. So I doubt that we can change things by just suggesting it over and over.

From my point of view, from lore perspective, tauren rogues can be treated as different kind of hunters. All tauren are hunters. Different classes just choose different styles of hunting.
While warriors use "boar style" with charging and bashing opponent, rogues could use "lion style" with prowling and unexpected attack.
I think it is totally fine if Tauren trainers wouldn't teach pickpocketing, disarm trap and Sap and other things that are related to humanoids.
They might need different poison class quest. Original one is related to thievery and humanoid assasination. Tauren could learn poisons through studing herbs and animal parts like scorpions and vipers.
Xudo - tauren warrior 19 Sergeant armory.
I don't raid and rank, so you can not bother asking.
Nerf high level enchants on low level gear
Add lvl requirement to bandages
Best and optimal gear for 10-19 twinks
Have fun not only at 60.

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Re: Tauren Priests or Tauren Rogues, Dwarf Warlocks

Post by Calli » Tue Apr 16, 2024 10:35 am

Give stealth to all hunters please for RP purposes. Or at least shadowmeld. Seriously. Hunters are better stalkers than rogues.

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Re: Tauren Priests or Tauren Rogues, Dwarf Warlocks

Post by Adahel2162 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 10:49 am

Xudo wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:23 am
This topic was brought to recent ideas many times. I think devs are fully aware of this possibility.
Though, they have their own vision about race-class combinations. So I doubt that we can change things by just suggesting it over and over.

From my point of view, from lore perspective, tauren rogues can be treated as different kind of hunters. All tauren are hunters. Different classes just choose different styles of hunting.
While warriors use "boar style" with charging and bashing opponent, rogues could use "lion style" with prowling and unexpected attack.
I think it is totally fine if Tauren trainers wouldn't teach pickpocketing, disarm trap and Sap and other things that are related to humanoids.
They might need different poison class quest. Original one is related to thievery and humanoid assasination. Tauren could learn poisons through studing herbs and animal parts like scorpions and vipers.
Great day to everyone,

While I respect your perspective, I didn't see any expansion of tauren lore with your proposal. It's as if the class appeared out of nowhere in Thunder Bluff and wasn't something from outside like my proposal.

Much like what happened with World of Wacraft Retail: "What? I've been here the whole time."

I believe that treating tauren rogues as hunters of a different kind dilutes the unique identity that rogues have.
Rogues are not just simple hunters; They are masters of stealth, sabotage and subterfuge. They operate in the shadows, using tactics that go beyond traditional hunting.

This idea that all tauren are good people have to be purged from the community. I showed this in the topic with a source with a date from the vanilla era that shows that there are genocidal tauren who want to eradicate the "inferior races". Teaching skills like stealing, disarming traps and Sap is essential to maintaining the integrity and balance of the class. Because of this, I bet on the traitor's lore.

Preserving the rogue's outlaw lore is about respecting the complexity and depth of the class, allowing tauren to express their versatility and adaptability, even if it means embracing a darker path.

Thanks for reading smiling_turtle_head !

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Re: Tauren Priests or Tauren Rogues, Dwarf Warlocks

Post by Bigsmerf » Tue Apr 16, 2024 2:05 pm

Adahel2162 wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 10:49 am
Xudo wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:23 am
This topic was brought to recent ideas many times. I think devs are fully aware of this possibility.
Though, they have their own vision about race-class combinations. So I doubt that we can change things by just suggesting it over and over.

From my point of view, from lore perspective, tauren rogues can be treated as different kind of hunters. All tauren are hunters. Different classes just choose different styles of hunting.
While warriors use "boar style" with charging and bashing opponent, rogues could use "lion style" with prowling and unexpected attack.
I think it is totally fine if Tauren trainers wouldn't teach pickpocketing, disarm trap and Sap and other things that are related to humanoids.
They might need different poison class quest. Original one is related to thievery and humanoid assasination. Tauren could learn poisons through studing herbs and animal parts like scorpions and vipers.

This idea that all tauren are good people have to be purged from the community. I showed this in the topic with a source with a date from the vanilla era that shows that there are genocidal tauren who want to eradicate the "inferior races". Teaching skills like stealing, disarming traps and Sap is essential to maintaining the integrity and balance of the class. Because of this, I bet on the traitor's lore.

Preserving the rogue's outlaw lore is about respecting the complexity and depth of the class, allowing tauren to express their versatility and adaptability, even if it means embracing a darker path.

Thanks for reading smiling_turtle_head !
You forgot to mention that's not Bloodhoof behavior at all.

Which (I think) is the tauren clan players are by default. You wanna roleplay a genocidal sneaky maniac? Sure, but that one example doesn't exactly unlock rogues as a general class for the otherwise honorable and peaceful general populace of spiritualists/hunters/warriors.
Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
Anbone 34 Shadow Priest (Planned secondary main)
Manypunchman - 10 Naked Troll Boxer (Hardcore)

I'm back! More or less...

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Re: Tauren Priests or Tauren Rogues, Dwarf Warlocks

Post by Adahel2162 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:11 pm

Bigsmerf wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 2:05 pm
Adahel2162 wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 10:49 am
Xudo wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:23 am
This topic was brought to recent ideas many times. I think devs are fully aware of this possibility.
Though, they have their own vision about race-class combinations. So I doubt that we can change things by just suggesting it over and over.

From my point of view, from lore perspective, tauren rogues can be treated as different kind of hunters. All tauren are hunters. Different classes just choose different styles of hunting.
While warriors use "boar style" with charging and bashing opponent, rogues could use "lion style" with prowling and unexpected attack.
I think it is totally fine if Tauren trainers wouldn't teach pickpocketing, disarm trap and Sap and other things that are related to humanoids.
They might need different poison class quest. Original one is related to thievery and humanoid assasination. Tauren could learn poisons through studing herbs and animal parts like scorpions and vipers.

This idea that all tauren are good people have to be purged from the community. I showed this in the topic with a source with a date from the vanilla era that shows that there are genocidal tauren who want to eradicate the "inferior races". Teaching skills like stealing, disarming traps and Sap is essential to maintaining the integrity and balance of the class. Because of this, I bet on the traitor's lore.

Preserving the rogue's outlaw lore is about respecting the complexity and depth of the class, allowing tauren to express their versatility and adaptability, even if it means embracing a darker path.

Thanks for reading smiling_turtle_head !
You forgot to mention that's not Bloodhoof behavior at all.

Which (I think) is the tauren clan players are by default. You wanna roleplay a genocidal sneaky maniac? Sure, but that one example doesn't exactly unlock rogues as a general class for the otherwise honorable and peaceful general populace of spiritualists/hunters/warriors.
Great day to everyone,

There are several tribes in Thunder Bluff, but I agree with you that under the leadership of Cairne Bloodhoof this type of behavior would not be tolerated.

Do you want to play a sneaky genocidal maniac?

Never. Who would really want to play a character like that?

In the idea of the topic, the rogue player would be a member of the Grimtotem tribe who betrayed him, as he does not agree with the idea of eradicating the “inferior races” of Kalimdor. The rogue player would be an enemy of the genocidaires, making them taste their own poison, but no living natives in Thunder Bluff approve of these methods, so the player would receive the same treatment that other races treat warlocks. It's basically a mild version of the story of the demon hunters of the elven races. I have already clarified the main difficulty of this method and it is a well-written and well-presented story.

Because of this, it is the second option, besides the tauren priest making more sense in relation to the rogue, making a quest line explaining everything I said is not easy at all; perhaps the developers will even have to implement a starting zone for the first 5 levels showing the betrayal.

Mutilating the class to fit into the lore, I am totally against this approach, in addition to breaking the balance with other races, a class is a spectrum and an ability that is canonical for one race is not always canonical for another, but it has to be that way for a question of balance. To play wow, when it comes to class, you have to suspend disbelief because not everything that appears there is canonical to your race.

Thanks for reading smiling_turtle_head !

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Re: Tauren Priests or Tauren Rogues, Dwarf Warlocks

Post by Adahel2162 » Fri Apr 19, 2024 6:14 am

Xudo wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:23 am
This topic was brought to recent ideas many times. I think devs are fully aware of this possibility.
Though, they have their own vision about race-class combinations. So I doubt that we can change things by just suggesting it over and over.

From my point of view, from lore perspective, tauren rogues can be treated as different kind of hunters. All tauren are hunters. Different classes just choose different styles of hunting.
While warriors use "boar style" with charging and bashing opponent, rogues could use "lion style" with prowling and unexpected attack.
I think it is totally fine if Tauren trainers wouldn't teach pickpocketing, disarm trap and Sap and other things that are related to humanoids.
They might need different poison class quest. Original one is related to thievery and humanoid assasination. Tauren could learn poisons through studing herbs and animal parts like scorpions and vipers.
Calli wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 10:35 am
Give stealth to all hunters please for RP purposes. Or at least shadowmeld. Seriously. Hunters are better stalkers than rogues.
Bigsmerf wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 2:05 pm
Adahel2162 wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 10:49 am
Xudo wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:23 am
This topic was brought to recent ideas many times. I think devs are fully aware of this possibility.
Though, they have their own vision about race-class combinations. So I doubt that we can change things by just suggesting it over and over.

From my point of view, from lore perspective, tauren rogues can be treated as different kind of hunters. All tauren are hunters. Different classes just choose different styles of hunting.
While warriors use "boar style" with charging and bashing opponent, rogues could use "lion style" with prowling and unexpected attack.
I think it is totally fine if Tauren trainers wouldn't teach pickpocketing, disarm trap and Sap and other things that are related to humanoids.
They might need different poison class quest. Original one is related to thievery and humanoid assasination. Tauren could learn poisons through studing herbs and animal parts like scorpions and vipers.

This idea that all tauren are good people have to be purged from the community. I showed this in the topic with a source with a date from the vanilla era that shows that there are genocidal tauren who want to eradicate the "inferior races". Teaching skills like stealing, disarming traps and Sap is essential to maintaining the integrity and balance of the class. Because of this, I bet on the traitor's lore.

Preserving the rogue's outlaw lore is about respecting the complexity and depth of the class, allowing tauren to express their versatility and adaptability, even if it means embracing a darker path.

Thanks for reading smiling_turtle_head !
You forgot to mention that's not Bloodhoof behavior at all.

Which (I think) is the tauren clan players are by default. You wanna roleplay a genocidal sneaky maniac? Sure, but that one example doesn't exactly unlock rogues as a general class for the otherwise honorable and peaceful general populace of spiritualists/hunters/warriors.
Great day to everyone,

This post should have been done before, but it wasn't done due to lack of time, sleep problems and also because I didn't need to respond to anyone.

I just wanted to clarify one last detail. I already clarified in the post above the first part of my opinion that I am against mutilating classes and I would like to clarify now that classes also have lore.

You cannot bend the lore of a class to a part of a race, destroying the dark lore of the class and the race discussed in this topic is not even completely peaceful, as has been proven above and repeated several times.

Any destruction of lore has a name, let's do a test to find out: If it looks like a retcon, nothing like a retcon and quacks like a retcon, then yes, it's a retcon and I hate retcons. There was a retcon of the good rogue with the pandarem rogue, probably for political reasons because of a certain Asian country, nothing against the people, just the politicians.
Those who like retcons will play in retail, pandaren or taurem, those who like expanding the established lore with sources—yes, I showed sources—play here.

Some above criticized whether this class could be released for tauren in the first place, so I'll answer why I took such a big detour instead of maiming the class: If night elves, good people, can be demon hunters in another starting zone in retail, why can't Tauren be a rogue in another starting zone too???

This is called lore expansion without retcon; like I said, I hate retcons.

Xudo if you want a good rogue, you can create a thread about Calli's message; it's the closest you can get without mutilating the class. To be quite honest, no professional developer would mutilate a class because of the lore and anyone who knows the basics of programming and understands the lore understands that classes are abstractions; the specialization that may or may not be canonical for the race is what will give it the identity of the character.

Please, if anyone sends a message, don't make me repeat the source at the beginning of the thread for the third time, thank you.

I'm sad that the topic was limited to tauren rogues, when there has been great interest in tauren priests in the past.

This will probably be my last post; unless someone publishes another relevant post, I'm already preparing my next suggestion.

Thanks for reading smiling_turtle_head !

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