Rare spawn camping by level 2 player in level 50 zone

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Rare spawn camping by level 2 player in level 50 zone

Post by Iroctd » Thu Feb 29, 2024 2:46 am

Finally tracked down the location of a rare spawn and found a level 2 player sitting nearby. Doing a /who I found a few other level 2 players in high level zones they should not be in. I stuck around for an hour and it didn't go AFK once. I believe there is some anti AFK happening here along with some addon to notify in some way when the mob becomes targetable. How are legitimate players suppose to have a chance?

My suggestion is to make all desirable loot from ALL rare mobs Bind on Pickup and sell for nothing. That way those who would use it can get it and it doesn't get abused as a money making venture. As a new player and a new 60, I saw one item on the auction house from one of these rares listed for 1,000 gold. At that rate, many, many will never get to enjoy it. Sure, players aren't meant to experience everything but these rares are within the reach of a lesser geared players to kill them solo.

I hope the turtle team takes this into consideration unhappy_turtle

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