Poll: Undead Hunters — yes or not?

Poll: Should we implement Undead Hunters in 1.15.2?

Total votes: 144

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Re: Poll: Undead Hunters — yes or not?

Post by Sandtusk » Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:34 am

Havock wrote:
Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:57 pm
I've always felt that hunter should be universal like warrior for all races.
I’d say any class that doesn’t heavily use magic is fair game for all races...*stares Grimtotem rogues*

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Re: Poll: Undead Hunters — yes or not?

Post by Entish » Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:16 am

To be honest I am all for it!

Let us have different varieties and experience Vanilla as never before.

Keep up the good work, fellas!

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Re: Poll: Undead Hunters — yes or not?

Post by Unangwata » Fri Aug 13, 2021 10:21 am

When can we expect the update ?

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Re: Poll: Undead Hunters — yes or not?

Post by Lichenwitch » Mon Sep 06, 2021 8:16 am

i love this addition. i'd also like to add this to the discussion; just because undead can do something doesn't mean humans NEED to be able to do it/have done it as well. people seem to forget the vast cultural differences that currently exist in forsaken society versus human.

in my mind, it is not a far stretch of the imagination to picture some poor undead, who has found themself outcast, forsaken, and alone, learning new tricks to survive in the wild as well as help ensure the well-being of their people. perhaps, even learning a new kinship with the wild, cruel, savage animals that also often have to fend for themsleves as well.

to me, this has always made perfect sense and been something i have wanted for a long time. the potential connection to the idea of a dark ranger is an added bonus for me as well.
satisfied_turtle_head Jules, the Satyr insidious_turtle

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Re: Poll: Undead Hunters — yes or not?

Post by Skara » Wed Oct 06, 2021 7:21 pm

I am definitely against the introduction of undead hunters. In my opinion, the introduction of class extensions brings the balance even more apart.
Otherwise I would like there to get undead shamans who can use 2h swords !

blizzard must have thought a lot when it only assigned certain classes to a certain race.
softening this system in such a way falsifies the game in a monstrous way. Why can't you just keep the original race classes? the game on turtle is already quite extended anyway, why do such changes have to be added unnecessarily? that can never be in the spirit and purpose of vanilla

take a step further and introduce the blood elves and paladins on the Horde side to follow in the footsteps of 2.4.3 - then only the "pling" is missing and we are all on the Hell Peninsula

my 5ct

avowed shaman and
avowed undead

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Re: Poll: Undead Hunters — yes or not?

Post by Unangwata » Tue Oct 12, 2021 9:59 am

Skara wrote:
Wed Oct 06, 2021 7:21 pm
I am definitely against the introduction of undead hunters. In my opinion, the introduction of class extensions brings the balance even more apart.
Otherwise I would like there to get undead shamans who can use 2h swords !

blizzard must have thought a lot when it only assigned certain classes to a certain race.
softening this system in such a way falsifies the game in a monstrous way. Why can't you just keep the original race classes? the game on turtle is already quite extended anyway, why do such changes have to be added unnecessarily? that can never be in the spirit and purpose of vanilla

take a step further and introduce the blood elves and paladins on the Horde side to follow in the footsteps of 2.4.3 - then only the "pling" is missing and we are all on the Hell Peninsula

my 5ct

avowed shaman and
avowed undead
What balance are you talking about...lol ?

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Re: Poll: Undead Hunters — yes or not?

Post by Unangwata » Tue Oct 12, 2021 10:01 am

We getting hunter this year or next ? Two ? Poll is clearly winning.

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Re: Poll: Undead Hunters — yes or not?

Post by Fin » Tue Oct 12, 2021 11:29 am

Undead hunters will be available with the release of 1.15.2.
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Re: Poll: Undead Hunters — yes or not?

Post by Borzy » Fri Oct 22, 2021 5:11 pm

I know I’m a little late to the party, and it’s all been decided and work done for it etc, but I just can’t make sense of undead hunter.

So now every race in horde can be hunters? I don’t feel like that’s adding more flavor to the game.

Outside of warriors being ubiquitous, the flavor of races was that every class was limited to certain races.

I think what would’ve added more flavor to the game would be something more in-line with that design concept. And I’m aware many don’t agree, but crossing paladin and shamans across factions would have added that level of uniqueness and separation of classes and races. And it also would expand the game in a way to let people really play according to their desire; if you want to be shaman or pally, you’re no longer locked to a faction, while maintaining uniqueness.

So for example, if you want to be Druid, you have to be NE or Tauren. If you want to be horde pally, undead or troll. If you want to be alliance shaman, dwarves or NE. These choices target races that, as is, otherwise have limited class choices.

And lore wise, you can write the lore for anything really…

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Re: Poll: Undead Hunters — yes or not?

Post by Lahire » Fri Oct 22, 2021 6:46 pm

I really dislike the class homogenization from TBC (pal and sham for everybody). And with the glyph of diplomacy, any group can already have a pal and a sham. So I really don't see why doing even more homogenization.

I agreed with your first few paragraphs though. You said you were against ubiquitous classes (so : homogenization). But after that, you ask for... more ubiquity for classes across factions. :|
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Re: Poll: Undead Hunters — yes or not?

Post by Borzy » Fri Oct 22, 2021 11:18 pm

I’m not talking so much about being anti-homogenization. The point I was making was more-so about player choice.

If Turtle Wow added no new race/class combinations, I’d be fine with that. If they were going to add more, making it so every horde race can play hunter seems pointless.

There was already a point made earlier about each race only being able to fill 6 classes, because of the way character selection screen is laid out. As it stands now, hunter would fill that 6th slot for undead and lock it.

My point was that for the last undead slot, it would be more interesting to add something more akin to the philosophy of “only NE can be alliance druids”.

To give context: a thought had occurred to me and I was interested to see what rolling shooting/bow animation would look like on undead. So I went to roll undead hunter because I knew enough to know it’s a thing on Turtlewow. Of course was then reminded it’s next patch when I couldn’t, and so decided to see what other race/class combos there are, to then notice that every horde race can already be hunters. So as someone who was curious about undead hunters, realizing that immediately make me think it was a bad idea. Hell, an undead shaman would’ve been more interesting than having another hunter… barring that undead shaman makes no sense. Undead paladins make more sense than undead hunters.

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Re: Poll: Undead Hunters — yes or not?

Post by Destruyearepas » Wed Feb 09, 2022 12:13 am

Late to the party and enjoying my undead hunter already! Thank you a ton for this addition to the game!

I really know some people pout about lore and stuff, but sometimes, I think FUN> any lore and undead hunters are actually that.

So thank you for the addition! Honestly after this many decades there should be more races open to more classes!

I would love a goblin druid myself, as goblins are my main appeal and reason to try Turtle Wow 8)

Keep up the good work!
---From Venezuela with Love! hiding_smth_turtle_head ---

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