So how does it work? And am i qualified for this?

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So how does it work? And am i qualified for this?

Post by Fadingship » Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:25 am

Hey guys. First let me tell my small exprience on WoW. I always loved playing MMORPG's since i was 9 years old, i usually played bad F2P ones because my parents wouldnt pay digitally for a game each month back then. But still i love them. As you know theres a huge MMORPG droughtness in last years, me and my friends wanted to play an MMORPG and decided to give WoW private servers a shot(we couldnt and cannot pay for the original, the price is way too high in our country at the moment) and months ago we were playing on Sunwell private server with my friend, and we enjoyed for a time. I wish i've exprienced WoW during 2005s, i cannot even imagine how amazing the game was in those times.

I wanna play an MMORPG again but droughtness is real, i was searching for a private server WoW and found this. It sounds like an interesting idea, but im not sure if i am qualified.

1-I never RP'ed before
2-I played on a 2x Server
3-Do i need some partners? Because my friends wouldn't come to this server and i fear that it becomes ultimately boring without a party. And becomes kinda impossible to level up because after some time you'd get underleveled right? Correct me if im wrong.
4-As i stated before, i dont have a decent WoW exprience.

Im appreciated for the help, TY.

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Re: So how does it work? And am i qualified for this?

Post by Talespinner » Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:55 am

This server is very casual-friendly.

Roleplaying is entirely optional. If you want to get into it, there's some guidelines you can look up on various WoW websites.

The lowered EXP rate encourages the intended casual content of WoW - levelling - to be further enjoyed for longer periods of time. You're encouraged to explore every last bit of the worlds and do just about every quest you find.

I would recommend getting some partners. You can find some in the open world right now, but I'm not certain that will last too long. If you go without a partner, you will pretty much have to do Orange and Red quests when you start reaching level 50, which will probably lead to excessive mob grinds.

You don't need a decent WoW experience to play, leveling teaches you most mechanics of the game as long as you pay attention and think about things.
Premier Vanilla Moonkin

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