The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:46 pm

Garrick was getting impatient and did not like these insults one bit. He slammed his fist on the armchair and jumped to his feet. Grabbing a cup of tea, he threw it on the floor in his rage. The cup broke into a million porcelain pieces and the tea splattered on dry wood.
Milly recoiled in fear. She had never seen Garrick this angry before but it was now clear that he had indeed changed. The bandit leader took a few moments to collect himself but he had already gotten a headache from losing his cool. His henchmen stepped over but he held up his hand, rubbing his temples with the other.
  • “Ahhh, why do you have to be so difficult? Now look what you made me do… Let’s try that again… listen here, we already got your deed to the place… whose gonna know if we…”
But as he was about to go on another one of his delusional rants, the bedroom door opened and a yawning, shivering blonde girl walked out barefoot in her chemise, rubbing her eyes.
  • “W-what’s going on, M-milly? I heard a… yawn noise…” she glanced around half asleep and shaking. “Can I g-get a… yawn …nother b-blanket, please?”
A cold wave rushed down Milly’s spine. She failed and Abbie was now in danger. Her mind raced but she was too distressed to think.
  • Hah “See? I knew something was up!” The sly thug pointed at the young girl, grinning to his large friend.
  • “Oh no…” Milly murmured to herself. “Go back to bed sweetie, we are just talking.”
  • “Who’s this, Milly? And why haven’t you told us that you have a guest here?” Garrick demanded answers.
  • “She’s my friend and she is sick! I’ll go take care of her quick and we can continue.”
Garrick stood in Milly’s way as she tried to rush over to Abigail.
  • “Please Garrick… she dropped in tonight and she has a fever. Just let me put her back to bed!” Milly pleaded desperately.
  • “No, I think both of you will stay right where you are.”
Behind the armchair, Lem was lying in wait. And it was killing him. He could not risk revealing himself too early but he needed a clear line of sight to start casting his spells. Now that Abigail had entered the picture, the situation had become worse and he was running out of options fast. Garrick stepped over to the young girl with a menacing gait.
  • “Perhaps you will be more cooperative now… for her sake…”
  • “Don’t do this Garrick… not to her, I beg you!” Milly almost screamed but her voice choked away. She took a step towards him.

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Sun Oct 29, 2023 11:30 am

  • “Restrain her, Fran!” he commanded.
The scrawny thug grabbed hold of Milly’s wrist and twisted her arms behind her back with one hand. She gasped in pain and struggled to free herself but it was futile. He pulled a knife with his other hand and held it close to her cheek.
  • “I would calm down if I were you or Fran’s hand might accidentally slip!” Garrick was enjoying his moment of power all too much. “And we wouldn’t want that now.”
Lem was determined to step out of his hiding spot and do something, when…
  • “Stop hurting her! You big meanie!” Abigail yelled at Garrick.
  • Hah “And just what are you going to do pipsqueak… Ow!” she kicked him in the shin.
  • “Let her go!”
  • “Why you little pest!” Garrick shouted, grabbing his leg in pain as Abbie ran towards her friend. “Grab her, Lloyd!”
The burly bandit did as instructed and clenched his vice grip on the young girl’s upper arms to drag her back. As soon as he touched her, a sharp pain ripped into him, from fingers to wrist. His hands had quickly turned purplish as if all the blood had suddenly rushed out of them. He recoiled with a loud cry.

Abigail kept on running and extended her arm to reach out to Milly. Just then, the temperature in the room dropped noticeably and the air around her hand began to shimmer. A cold, bluish light suddenly shot out of her fingertips. Fran could not react fast enough and the freezing air hit his hand. Just like Lloyd, he cried out, as the icy chill ran through his arm, causing him to drop his dagger and relinquish Milly. In the confusion, the older girl made a mad dash for her pan on the sofa. Another blue light hit Fran and he stumbled, crashing with his back into a cupboard of glasses.
  • “THE DAMN BRAT IS A MAGE!! STOP HER, QUICK!” Garrick yelled out the order, then quickly ducked as another bolt of cold air flew over his head.
Lloyd sprang at Abigail from behind but he was met face to face with Milly’s pan. As he retreated, holding his face in both hands, the vintner’s daughter turned round to go help her friend but a sudden shock of despair rooted her in place. She was too late.

Even through his thick leather gloves, Garrick could feel the intense cold emanating from the young mage. His fingers were slowly getting numb as he twisted her arm to the side with a firm grip. Abigail struggled but she was much smaller and far weaker compared to this giant of a man. The rogue knew he had to act quickly against a mage. While she was distracted and in pain, he pulled a dagger from his vest and stabbed her with all his remaining strength.
  • “ABIGAIL!!! NO!!” Milly screamed at the top of her lungs.

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Sun Oct 29, 2023 11:31 am

Thank you Fred! I'm glad you enjoy it! Means a lot to me :)

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:47 pm

And so too did Garrick. The piercing thrust from his dagger glanced to the side and only left a painful bruise on the girl’s side but the backlash of cold energy snapped through his entire arm. He looked down at it and just barely noticed another cold spell forming in the girl’s free hand. Without thinking, he jabbed his knees in Abigail’s stomach and slogged her as hard as he still could. The poor girl’s world had suddenly turned upside down and the room swirled around her. She was knocked out completely.
  • “That was… a close one…” he panted, holding his arm. “Your friend almost had me there but… in the end it was all useless.”
  • “Not quite!”
A shadow dashed quickly across the room, putting out the candles and hitting Lloyd, who was getting ready to take down Milly. The strong thug felt a cold pain in his chest, where he had been struck, only it was not quite freezing but more… empty.
  • “Boss… I-I can’t see!!” he shouted out.
  • “What the…?” Garrick paused.
  • “She gave me enough time…” Lem spoke with a deep and serious tone. “… to end this!”
With the candles extinguished, the room had become rather dark once more. The three rogues were caught completely by surprise and now they were at a disadvantage. The gnome could see them quite well, even in this darkness.

Garrick was now in trouble. He did not catch the position of his new enemy, nor the threat he posed. But he guessed it was another mage. His men were out of their wits or badly hurt and they were in the dark. He had to act real fast.
He dashed over to the nearest window behind the sofa, narrowly avoiding something dark that just whizzed past him. Almost desperately, he tore off the curtains to let some light in.

Fran, who had been down for the count for much of the fight, had just regained himself. Seeing his boss tearing down curtains, he knew what he had to do. He rushed over to the front door and gave it a strong kick. The old rusty hinges gave way and the birch door fell outside in the mud.

The room was now only half dark and the bandits felt their odds improving. Garrick had finally located the gnome’s position and, in the streaming moonlight, he even recognized him.
  • “YOU!?” he yelled out in surprise.
  • “Remember me, do you?”
  • “You’re the shortstop we took that book from!” Garrick recollected.
  • “I’d much like to have that back now…” Lem was not too amused by the remark.
  • Hah “You think I haul that paperweight around with me?”
  • “I guess I will just have to search your body later…” the gnome gave him a cold glare, which did not go unnoticed by the rogue leader.
  • Bwahahhaha “You what?” Fran cackled. “Big talk from such a small thing.”
  • “Watch out Fran, this one’s a spellcaster too. And a more dangerous one…”
  • “Yeah I know. Last time, he was a pushover… ‘oh! where am I? huh? Who are you?’ hahhaha easiest pickings ever!” the sly rogue gloated.
  • “It’s two for one… We can take him from both sides!” Garrick gave the command.
  • “We’ll see about that!”

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:08 pm

Lem turned around quickly and snapped his fingers. The arrogant grin instantly disappeared from Fran’s face as his legs gave way, dropping him on all fours. Despite pushing with all of his strength, he could not get himself up from the floor.

Garrick seized the opportunity and lunged forward but the gnome had anticipated this and was now focusing on him. He snapped his fingers at the rogue too but he dodged behind the sofa at the last second, putting himself out of Lem’s line of sight. He waited for the gnome to try and go around but instead the unexpected happened. Lem ran at Fran with his staff, smacking the dagger out of his hand and bashing him over the head.

Seeing this, Garrick vaulted over the sofa but dodged behind the armchair immediately as another spell flew straight at him. The energy bolt hit the furniture and quietly dispersed with a hiss. The rogue leader looked frantically around for an advantage when he finally found one. Milly who had been out of sight for a while now, had taken the opportunity of the commotion, to tend to Abigail. Garrick tossed a candlestick at the gnome while making a desperate dash over to the two girls. In his mind the plan was clear, he had to take a hostage.

Milly had just noticed his intention and turned to face him but she was too slow. The ruthless man was already upon them. She closed her eyes and desperately raised her pan, when a surge of hot air knocked her over her heels. A sudden flash of light blinded her through her closed eyes, followed by a horrific howl. When she opened them, she saw before her a terrible burning effigy of the man she hated the most. Her wish had come true.

Garrick Padfoot had burst into flames. He flailed around in panic for a few seconds, screaming and stumbling until mustering the wits to drop on the ground and roll. He managed to put out the flames in time and looked over the room frantically towards his allies. Lloyd and Fran were already sprinting out the door and the gnome was now turning his attention to him once again. He knew he had no choice but to save his own skin and mustering what strength he had left, scrambled for the door. He dodged the last spell by sheer luck and yelled behind him as he ran.
  • “This is not over Milly! I’ll be back with more!”
Lem chased after them until they disappeared into the night. When he returned, he found Milly tending to her young friend. Abigail had just regained consciousness moments ago but was still a bit out of it.
  • “Looks like they are gone!” the gnome gestured at the door. “How is she doing?”
  • “Got a nasty hit but I think she’ll be okay. She’s tougher than she looks.” Milly smiled at her friend. “Lend me a hand please…”

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Sun Dec 03, 2023 9:56 am

The two of them prepped Abigail on the sofa and Milly sat down next to her, with a worried and distressed expression on her face. Lem walked up to her.
  • “Are you alright?” he asked with concern.
  • “I… I just don’t… I’m so confused right now… H-how do you stay so calm after such a thing…?” Milly asked, still shaking.
  • “I understand. I assume you have not been in many fights in your life?”
  • “No… not really. Unless you count the last time, I smacked Lloyd with my pan. But this time… I don’t know it was… different…” Suddenly, the gravity of their situation moments ago had finally hit her. “Oh my gosh… Lem! This was scary… They almost killed my Abbie!!” her breathing became more rapid.
Lem put his hand on hers.
  • “I know how you feel. And it’s my fault…” He looked away.
  • “What? How? You could have died too!” she looked at him, confused.
  • “Yes, it was too close! But I should have acted sooner! If Abigail’s spellpower had not manifested, she would have been…” he could not continue with that line of thought.
  • “What even happened? I… I didn’t really understand. Did Abbie use magic?”
  • “She did indeed…” Lem smiled proudly.
  • “She used to come over and practice but… she never could!” Milly was confused. “How…”
  • “I think when you were in danger, she reacted instinctively to protect you. That must have triggered her latent abilities.” Lem speculated.
  • “Uhhhh… wah?” Abigail had finally come to.
  • “Abbie!!!!” Milly hugged her.
  • Ehhehe Ow! “Not so tight please…” she put her palm to her cheek.
  • “Oh… oops sorry!” she chirped. “How are you feeling, dear?”
  • “Like… uhhh… like I was kicked by a horse…”
  • “I should take a look at your bruises. Lie down and rest I’ll… Hey, you aren’t shaking anymore!” Milly put her palm on Abbie’s forehead. “She’s the same temperature… is the fever’s gone!?”
  • “Then my suspicions were correct!” Lem clapped his hands together.
  • “What?... WHAT??” Milly shouted.

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Sat Dec 09, 2023 11:15 am

  • “When she stepped on a sharp rock earlier, it seems she instinctively put up a defensive spell around herself. Usually, beginner mages learn how to freeze the air around them. It is called Frost-channeling and it is one of the easier disciplines.” Lem explained in detail. “I believe her Frost Armor spell had been active this whole time, until she was knocked out.”
  • “So that’s why she…”
  • “But Lem…” Abbie interjected with a sleepy expression on her. “When the kobolds attacked me… why I didn’t do this… uhhh frost-ch… che… the armor thing!”
  • Hmm “Probably because you were in shock. Fear obstructs the flow of magic!”
  • “…Oh…” she gave a deep blink. “Okay…”
  • “What’s this I hear about KOBOLD’S ATTACKING YOU NOW??” Milly turned to Abbie with audible concern.
  • Errhe he…” Abbie bit her pinky with a cheeky grin, like a little girl when caught ‘red handed’ with an empty cookie jar. “That one slipped out…”
  • “Honestly Abbie! You really are a magnet for all sorts of trouble.” Milly shook her head. Sigh “I guess it can’t be helped…”
After they had shaken off the initial aftershock, the gnome and the vintner’s daughter cleaned up the chaos left by the battle. They picked up the broken porcelain pieces and patched up the devastated glass cupboard as best they could. Abigail protested to help out but Milly had left her on the couch, holding a piece of cold cloth to her swollen cheek. Once the knocked down door had returned to its hinges, the signs of combat had become but a memory, if not quite distant as of yet.
  • Phew “I think we did a great job here!” Milly threw herself back, tugging at her blue suspenders. “Everything looks good as new… well, sort of…”
  • “I agree but it took quite some time. Remember what Garrick said!” Lem reminded.
Milly’s expression turned grim. “… he would be back with more.”
  • “Exactly, we have to do something before that happens!”
  • “What can we do Lem? You are a capable magician but I doubt even you could take them all on. I’m just glad we survived that one time!”
  • “True but we can’t just sit here and wait…” Lem popped down on the sofa with folded arms. “It would be safest, if you came with us to the Church until the Guard deals with them.”

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Thu Dec 28, 2023 12:13 pm

  • “I’m not letting them take my home for themselves! I can’t!” Milly stubbornly refused.
  • “It is not worth throwing your life away…” Lem pleaded. Seeing the adamant expression in Milly’s eyes, he sighed. “I have an idea!”
Milly and Abbie turned to him, listening intently.
  • “They want your house, right? So, they won’t burn it down or anything. We just have to steal the deed back from them… maybe even the manifest if it is possible and then you could leave with us.”
Abigail’s eyes lit up.
  • “By ‘we’ I meant myself!” he corrected himself, much to the young girl’s dismay.
  • “I appreciate your offer Lem but I can’t let you do this for my sake.” Milly put her had on her heart. “It would not be right.”
  • “Normally, I would not put myself in such an obviously dangerous situation but sadly, I’ve got no choice. I mentioned earlier that I have a personal stake in this too.”
  • “Oh, your book!”
  • “Yes. Well it is not really mine, I was lent this magical tome to study it. I can’t have it sitting in the hands of such thugs.” Lem sighed. “So... I must go. Might as well get your deed back too.”
  • “I understand.” Milly smiled. “I appreciate your help. I only wish I could do something to help you out.”
  • Umm “Maybe I could…?” Abigail attempted.
  • “Absolutely NOT!” Milly slammed the sofa cushion. “You are not putting yourself in more danger on my account, missy!”
  • “But… but…”
  • “NO BUTS! You have to get back home before they find out you are missing!” Milly threw her hands up. “And they stabbed you for crying out loud!!”
  • “Well… yeah but… it didn’t work!” Abbie shrugged.
  • “THIS TIME!! What about the next?! They know you are a mage now; they will not hesitate! And you don’t even have control over your magic yet!!” Milly raised her voice in an attempt to dissuade Abigail.
  • “But you could leave if you had the deed! And when the guards beat them, then… then you could come back and everything will be fine… right?” Abbie asked in a sort of pleading way.
  • “Well, yes but…”
  • “See? And then you can come with us and be safe! Everything will work out...”
  • Sigh “Abbie, I don’t want to see you get hurt. This is too dangerous for you! For any of us… And I don’t feel right abandoning the vineyard either…” Milly had to look away. She did not know what to say to her friend to not shatter her hopeful optimism.
  • “I’ll be okay, I can take care of myself! And… and Lem can’t do it alone! I’m the only one who can help him and… Lem tell her!” she pushed on.
  • The gnome cleared his throat with a grumble. “I have to agree with Milly. This is way too dangerous for you Abbie… let it go.”
“But… sigh but…” the young girl was completely defeated. She felt a constricting sensation in her chest, like trying to push herself through a small tube and getting stuck. Her perfect plan to help her best friend and save everything had fallen apart in a moment. Powerless, she plopped down in the armchair, sinking into it.
  • “It’s okay Abbie.” Milly comforted her. “Don’t worry about this. You need to get back home now…”
  • “I… I just wanted to…” Abbie spoke with a faint voice.
  • “I know. And I appreciate that you cared so much to come here and check on me.”
  • “Will you be… okay?”
  • “I’ll be fine. You ought to get dressed now dear.” Milly nudged her a bit.
  • “O-okay, I’ll do that.”

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Thu Jan 04, 2024 7:09 pm

Abigail got up from the armchair and dragged herself slowly to the room she had her clothes in. In truth, she did feel rather exhausted already from this whole day and more so from the scuffle they just had. She sighed audibly when opening the door and then closed it shut behind her. Once Abbie was out of earshot, Milly turned to the gnome and lowered her voice.
  • “Lem, I need to talk to you about Abbie.”
  • “Oh, what about her?” the gnome asked.
  • “Look, I know Abbie can be a handful at times and a bit hard to deal with but she is a sweet, kind girl at heart and…”
  • “You don’t have to convince me; I have already found that to be true.” Lem admitted.
The door to Abigail’s room creaked a little.
  • “I just feel that… well… you are a more experienced magician and she certainly looks up to you… but I have seen the kind of magic you have and…” Milly stopped short to gather her thoughts.
  • “What are you… saying?” Lem asked with some unease in his voice.
  • “I guess what I’m trying to say is… no… to ask is… I don’t want you to teach her any spells of that sort.” Milly had finally managed to convey her feelings and a content sigh of relief left her. “I don’t know much about magic but Abbie is too young and… too innocent to be casting such dangerous, destructive spells…”
  • “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that.” Lem sighed in relief as well. “I can’t teach her that kind of magic… Besides, this is way too advanced anyway.” he added quickly. “But I can help her learn how to focus her casting and control it, so she won’t hurt herself.”
  • “Then I’m happy she has such a good, reliable friend watching over her…” Milly smiled.
Lem sniffed and had to look away. This conversation was making him too emotional and fuzzy. Two things he did not like to show all too much. The door of the guest room creaked again and quietly closed.
  • “Well… I guess it’s time for me to go.” the gnome adjusted his bag and staff.
  • “Are you sure you will be alright Lem?” Milly voice her concern.
  • “Don’t worry. I’m difficult to find if I don’t want to be seen.” he reassured her. “I will be back before you know it!”
  • “Then good luck to you! I’ll go check on Abbie in a moment. See if she needs anything. She should be ready soon Be careful out there.”
  • “I will return I promise you that.” And with that Lem was gone.
Milly watched from the window as the gnome’s silhouette and glowy light bobbed away in the darkness until it faded away. She gave out a deep, concerned sigh and poured herself some more tea to calm her nerves. Sipping it quietly she got up from the couch and walked over to the bedroom door, knocking on it.
  • “Abbie!! Sweetie, are you dressed?” There was no response. “She probably fell asleep on the bed… sigh Guess I’ll have to wake her then.” Milly opened the door with a smile but her expression quickly turned to shock and she almost dropped her cup.
The room was empty and Abigail was nowhere to be seen. An open window into the pitch-black night was the only indication of what had happened. Milly was confounded for a few seconds and then the panic set in.
  • “Oh no no no no! She went after Lem… No no no… this is bad… really bad!”
Milly scrambled and ran to the window, yelling loudly into the darkness. “Abbie!!! Come back!” But only the faint echo of her voice could be heard from the still woods. Grabbing her coat she ran outside as quickly as she could. She searched the vineyard for what seemed like an eternity but found no trace of the girl. A light breeze caught her coat as she stood there by herself in the silvery moonlight, with her hands held to her chest. Peering into the nothingness, a worried expression lingered on her face.

Posts: 7

Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Thrallodar2 » Fri Jan 05, 2024 6:42 am

Hello. I never commented yet but red the whole thread and loved it. Keep the good work and thank you !

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Tue Jan 09, 2024 5:06 pm

Thank you! It means a lot, to see a comment on my story, especially if you enjoyed it so far. Next chapter coming up soon. I'm a bit behind on the cover artwork for each chapter. Currently other projects taking away the time. :)

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Thu Jan 11, 2024 3:31 pm

Sorry, no cover art yet, I am a bit behind with my projects. scared_turtle

Chapter VII: To steal from thieves

Lem was not an expert tracker. In fact, he was not a tracker by any means. But even he could see the clear trail of footprints left in the mud. They were about the right size for human bandits. He followed the tracks in the darkness as they led away from the winery and ever deeper into the woods. He noted they were still in a panicked dash and the sporadic nature of their steps indicated that.

After a good while of hiking, Lem was getting a bit weary and fed up. This hidden camp was certainly well hidden… During this long walk, all sorts of thoughts came to his mind. He was starting to doubt his own abilities and whether this was a bad idea after all. And what if he can’t even find the deed… let alone the manifest AND his book… Ah yes, THE book. The book that would unlock his path to greater magical secrets and power. Was that not why he had lingered around this place? And look at him now… getting emotional and soft pfff fighting lowlife bandits pfff and now, risking his life unnecessarily for this deed… what’s gotten into him. Where was the pragmatic and powerful Lemagrag, Sorcerer Extraordinaire etc. now? He left his best friend Pip and his promising engineering career for the pursuit of magical power and now… prioritizing a grape manifest over such a tome… unthinkable. He had to get a grip on himself. But he had to admit – with all his grumbling and stern attitude – he really did become fond of that human girl.

He let out another sigh and felt better for it. Maybe he could do this little bit of kindness, get it over quickly and then be back to his simple, boring life. Yes, that would be comfortable. Back to how things always should have been. In Kharanos, with the book, summoning the… But his thoughts were cut short by an audible Ouch! somewhere behind him. He sprung around to find the source until… he saw Abigail.
  • “Arrhh! Lemme go! Lemme goooo!” she yelled, thrashing about blindly.
  • “Abbie… what are you doing out here!!” Lem was shaking his head in disbelief.
  • “LEM! Quick, something’s got me! Help!!” she cried.
  • “Yeah… a branch…”
  • “Well, don’t just stand there… Huh?”
Lem unhooked the branch from her shirt and the girl turned away in embarrassment.
  • “Umm… Yeah I knew that… heh
“Sure… Abbie, why did you do that?” Lem put his arms on his hips.
  • “I didn’t get stuck on purpose!” she argued.
  • “I meant coming after me like this?”
  • “Oh… uhh…”
  • “Do you know how scared Milly is right now?” the gnome scolded. “She is probably worried sick for you!”
  • “I’m sorry… it’s just… well…” The girl looked down on the ground, averting her eyes in shame. “I just wanted to help...”
  • “How?? By putting yourself in danger?” Lem gestured in frustration but Abbie couldn’t see.
  • “No, by stealing the stuff back, silly!” an innocent, hopeful smile flashed at Lem in the darkness.
  • “We have to go back.”

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Thu Jan 18, 2024 9:04 am

  • “If… if we don’t do this then… then Milly will be… they…” her voice choked away. “I can’t let that happen to her. Not if I can do something…”
  • “This got too dangerous too quickly already. And how is ‘you getting hurt’ going to help out Milly? Look… Why don’t we just go back and try to convince her to leave again?”
  • “But… what about your book?” Abbie attempted a push.
  • “Alone I might be able to slip in unnoticed but now that you are here… I don’t know. Maybe this was not one of my better ideas.” he concluded. “I’ll wait till the guards find it… much safer.”
  • “I… I guess you’re right Lem…” Abbie admitted it grudgingly. “Sorry for… running away.”
  • “Just don’t do that again, okay?”
  • “I won’t… I promise… so umm which is the way back? I’m kinda lost…” she admitted.
  • “Ahh no problem, I think it was this way, come.”
The two of them walked on for quite some distance, rustling and cracking while wading in the chest high bushes. Abigail almost lost track of the gnome twice, so she made effort to stay as close as she could. Her blue apprentice robe, which had been fresh and clean this evening, was now dirty and all cut up. She mourned for it quietly.
Suddenly the gnome stopped in front of her.
  • “W-what is it?” She whispered, looking around anxiously.
  • “There is a light up ahead, in the distance…”
  • “Where… oh I see it!” she pointed at the light. “Are we going there?”
  • “We have no choice; I need some landmarks to find our way. But it might get dangerous, so let’s keep our head cool. And here, better take this.” The gnome handed a long piece of wood to her from the ground.
  • “What’s the branch for?” Abbie asked bluntly.
  • “It’s a makeshift staff.” He pulled out a pocket knife. “Hold it for me, so I can clean it.”
Abigail held the branch like the gnome told her and he quickly cut off all the gnarls and loose ends. This was clearly a routine operation for him. She handed it back to him.
  • “No-no, it’s for you.” A proud smirk wiggled his moustache.
  • “What, me?”
  • “Yes, a starting staff for a starting mage.”
  • gasp “Eeeeee, thank you!” she cheered.
  • “SSSHHH!”
  • “Oh right, sorry.” she chirped. “But what can I do with it?”
  • “It should help you focus your magic a bit, you can also defend yourself with it… but that’s a last resort.” He explained as she nodded. “Also, helps you walk and not trip over so much like you do.”
Last edited by Xantros on Thu Jan 25, 2024 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Thu Jan 25, 2024 1:52 pm

  • Hey! “But wait… I dunno how to… ya know… cast spells?” Abbie shrugged her shoulders.
  • “What about the ones you cast against those rogues?”
  • “It just kinda… happened?” she smiled with some embarrassment. “I’ve tried to do it again but… Could you umm… show me?”
  • “What, now?! Here??”
  • Abbie shrugged. “I need to learn it, before we have a fight or something I guess…”
  • “Okay, fine but I think this is a bad idea.” The gnome grumbled. “Listen up, it’s really easy. You hold your hand out like this.”
Abbie paused.
  • “Got it?”
  • “Umm… I can’t see you silly…”
  • Heh “Oh right… Okay, give me your hand.”
Lem felt a bit awkward. He had never really mentored anyone in magic before and especially not on the fly like this. It was a strange new experience for him. More so because it was a human girl and a complete beginner at that. He had to manually arrange her fingers one by one. He wondered if all human girls had such big, ungainly hands…
  • “Okay, now keep that form… no, not like that, I said keep this form!”
  • “Oh, I think I got it. What now?”
  • “Now, close your eyes and move your arm slowly along, in a flowing motion… DON’T JERK IT ABOUT LIKE THAT!”
The gnome was already getting frustrated.
  • “You have to let the air pass through your fingers and concentrate on the temperature of it. Feel the texture of the air and make it lower, with your thoughts.”
Abigail furled her brow and squinted her eyes as hard as she could, concentrating on what her mentor had just said. Her head was starting to hurt. She had never concentrated this much in her life. Finally, SHE FELT IT! Well… something at least. Her fingers sailed smoothly through the air and it started to feel colder… and colder…

  • “I… I think I… got it! It’s really cold… Ow!”
  • “Don’t hold it! You have to release it!” The gnome pushed her on.
The young apprentice lunged her hand forward and just like before, a small burst of cold air shot at the nearest tree, splashing against it and melting away on the spot.
  • “You did it, Abbie!” Lem congratulated.
  • “YEEEEE! I DID IT!” Abbie cried out in joy.
  • I said SSSSHH!!
  • “Eeep!” she plugged her mouth with her hand. “And how do I do that…. Uhhh Forsty Armor thing again?” she asked squeaked.

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Thu Feb 01, 2024 8:52 am

“Oh that? Well, that’s a bit different than an attack spell. You need to feel the air around your entire body and concentrate on the temperature. Then you direct the flow of it by bringing your arms low and then raising it over your head, like this.” he demonstrated.

Abigail followed her tutor’s motions. Her arm movements were quite a bit more clumsy but after half a dozen tries she finally felt something flowing. She imagined to grab hold of it and raised above he head then… she released! POOF!

A burst of cold-blue light lingered above her head for a moment then a shimmery haze, not unlike frosty flakes on trees, fell down slowly on her entire body. The young girl was completely mesmerized by the beautiful show. She even twirled her body a little, enjoying the frosty wonder until…
  • Brr “I feel so c-cold… ha… how d-do you... t-turn it off?” she stuttered.
  • “You do the flow control but in reverse and then release it away from you.”
She did as was instructed and after only four attempts, she managed to cancel the Frost Armor affect, shaking herself as the cold air left her comfort zone.
  • “I don’t know how other mages can get used to that…”
  • Believe me, there are worse spells than that…” Lem shuddered. “But hey! Look at you! You actually cast some spells by yourself! And getting better at it as you go!” Of course, the gnome KNEW it was HIS tutoring that had really made the real difference here.
  • “Yay! Hihhi!” Abbie clapped and giggled.
  • “Ssshh! Let’s not get too excited… Well, this should do for now. At least you can defen…”
But Lem cut himself short and dropped down in the bushes, pulling his companion under with him. Abigail was about to protest loudly, when the gnome blocked her mouth with his palm and shushed her. She looked left and right without a clue as to what’s going on until she heard the footsteps.

In the faint moonlight, two dark figures approached their position. They could not get a good look at them for fear of giving themselves away. At least they could tell, the two were heavily armed from all the clanking noise each of their steps made. The two figures started talking.
  • “You heard it too?”
  • “Yeah, definitely something was here just now. Let’s look around.”

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Thu Feb 08, 2024 2:57 pm

The pair separated and began scouring the bushes in the area. Lem and Abbie were huddled together in the underbrush motionless, sweating a puddle. A twig snapped not two meters away from Abbie and she started shaking. Finally, the two gave up their search.
  • “Ahh let’s go, there is nothing here. Must have been a critter yelping.”
  • “Probably… Can’t see anything in this darkness. This whole ‘operation at night’ was a bad idea…”
  • “Yeah, leave it to the top brass to make stupid decisions. Let’s move…”
Once the sounds of metal gear clanking died down, the young girl and her gnome got up and sighed in relief. They brushed themselves off and quietly crept away, opposite where the pair of men went.
  • Phew “That was a close one…” Lem wiped the sweat off his brow.
  • “Y-yeah… how d-did you know they were coming?”
  • “I heard them making noise.” He stated.
  • “But h… oh that’s right you’re a gnome!” Abbie smiled at the realization then shuddered. “D-do you think there are more of those guys walking about?”
  • Hmm “I don’t know. Didn’t sound like bandits but… anyways let’s keep moving. That light up ahead must be a torch or a campfire, so I’m guessing we are near their camp. This is bad.” Lem paused. “Really bad. We should go the other way.”
  • “And run into those guys again? They will catch us for sure!”
  • “Have you got any better ideas then?” Lem asked in a skeptical tone.
  • “Well… I have an easy one but… you’re probably not gonna like it…”
  • “Out with it…” the gnome sighed.
  • “Well, we can’t go back that way, we might as well… umm… sneak in and grab the papers?” Abbie let slip a shy smile.
  • “Sneak?? Since when did you become a rogue?” he blurted.
  • “Umm…”
  • “Precisely! You are a mage and I’m a wa…” he cut himself short.
  • “…A gnome!” Abbie finished the sentence for him “Exactly! You can see in the dark and hear better and… and they can’t see you and…”
  • “Are you a loonie? Better take that head of yours out of your mana potions girl! Hah Easy she says…” the gnome shook his head in disbelief.
  • “I told you, you won’t like it.”

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Fri Feb 16, 2024 9:15 am

  • “Of course not! This is the most dangerous thing you could have come up with!!!” Lem took a deep breath. “This is not a better idea… I don’t know what it is even…”
  • “At least I have ideas… unlike you!” Abbie folded her arms in defiance.
  • “Hey! That’s not tr…”
  • “No, it is! You’re just a quitter!” bleh she put her tongue out.
  • “What?! Now listen here you brat!” Lem pointed at her. “I NEVER QUIT! Never! I told you already!”
  • “Prove it! Help me get the papers.” Abbie pushed him on. “Unless you’re a scaredy cat!” bleh
  • “I will show you who’s scared!” Lem threatened. “And you can put that tongue of yours away, it’s not even pointing in my direction…”
Frustrated and annoyed, the gnome started towards the lights in the woods. Abigail followed him with a wide grin covered by her robe sleeve. The two of them rustled and cracked their way through bushed and twigs. As they crept ever closer, Lem was beginning to realize what he had gotten himself into.

There was indeed a camp in the direction they were headed. A camp full of bandits and cutthroats, all armed to the teeth he thought. From this distance, he could already see the silhouettes of a few tents surrounding a campfire… and hear the rowdy voices that lived in them.

Luckily for the duo, the foliage was dense enough to keep them out of sight and allow them to observe the scene. Abigail put her head through the leaves to have a quick peek. The shadows on her face careened rhythmically to the silent tune of the fire. Despite the dangerous situation they were in, she had always enjoyed nightly walks outside. It was just a bit colder and the night breeze caressed her hair lightly. There was a smell in the air… and it tasted like lavender.

The camp was not all that small: several tents, a rickety shack, a big soup cauldron sitting on the campfire and a large group of red bandana-wearing bandits around it. Despite the same ‘uniform’, these men and women came from all walks of life and there was at least some variety between them. They seemed to be having a feast over the loot they had stolen. Abigail counted about seven.

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Thu Feb 22, 2024 4:33 pm

  • “Okay…” Lem pulled her back. “I think we might actually be able to do this!”
  • “How?” Abbie was skeptical. “There’s like… uhh five-times more than us!”
  • “Three-times and one…” Lem corrected her.
  • “Yeah… I counted the one too…”
Lem shook his head… He didn’t want to understand.
  • “Anyway… they are drinking.”
  • “So?”
  • “So, they are drunk and we can sneak past them easier…” Lem explained with a bit of irritation in his voice.
  • “Why would that make it easier? They can see, right?” Abbie asked with genuine confusion. “At least when I drink, I can…”
  • “Have you never had any booze?”
  • “What’s that then?” she raised an eyebrow.
  • “Ya know, swill, grog, firewater… Wine?” The gnome listed.
  • “Ohhhh, wine!” her eyes lit up. “Of course, I know about wine but… I’m not allowed to have any. Milly says ‘You’re too young for that Abbie! When you get older…’ bla bla” She imitated.
  • “She’s right you know. And believe me when I say I had my fair share of alcohol in my youth. It’s not good for you. You should listen to her.”
  • “Now you sound like my mom…” Abbie pouted with a frown.
  • “Maybe you should listen to her too. Now be quiet and look.” Lem pointed to a wooden structure just on the edge of the campfire’s dim light. “See that shack over there?”
  • “That old, creepy looking thing?”
  • “Yeah. There’s a pile of books and papers to the right.”
  • “Where? I can’t see anything there, it’s too dark.” She squinted her eyes in vain.
  • “But I can! Come on, it’s worth a look!” the gnome gestured. “We can sneak past them behind this tent.”

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Fri Mar 01, 2024 8:42 am

Lem crept out of the bushes and hurried quietly to the closest tent. After a few moments of hesitation, Abigail followed. Now they were only a couple of meters from the old storage shack. The gnome surveyed the area, wary of any patrolling rogues but they were in luck. The bandits had just burst into a kind of song and dance revelry. Abigail could see their shadowy silhouettes flowing up and down like waves on the tent canvas. This was their best chance.

The gnome made a quick dash to their destination and quietly gestured for his companion to do the same. Abigail was tense. She knew this was it and one mistake could… She took a deep breath and ran. The green grass rustled under her feet and her robes flowed around her. It was all a blur for her until… There she was. Nothing bad had happened. She was amazed at herself that she had not messed this one up.

Being right next to it, she could now see the book pile Lem had indicated earlier. It was indeed an impressive collection and as the gnome began searching, she noticed that he had all but disappeared into it. Since the tension was now over and her eyes were of little use in the dark, Abigail’s attention wandered and she found herself peeking over the corner, enjoying the celebrations. The song had a nice tune to it and despite not understanding the drunken choir, she began humming it after a while.
  • “I’m happy you are enjoying yourself over there but I could use some help!” Lem glowered.
  • “One sec…” she brushed him off.
  • “Fine… I’ll just do all the work myself then…”
  • “Hey, this guy is… hugging that girl…” she exclaimed.
  • “They must really like each other…” Lem concluded, returning to his pile in frustration.
  • “Oh, and now they’re… eeewww!”
  • “Abbie stop looking at that!” the gnome snapped. “And help me!”
  • Sigh “Fine but I can’t see much ya know.” She settled down next to the pile.
  • “You were ‘seeing’ plenty back there from what I could tell…” he scolded.

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Thu Mar 07, 2024 4:18 pm

She sighed, picked up a book and peered at the title: Reginald’s Dissertation of Arcane… she put it back quickly. “I mean, I liked the dancing and the singing but… kissing is gross!”
  • “You won’t think like that in a few years or so…” Lem looked at a piece of paper but it was only a pamphlet.
  • “Nuh-uh! I’m not doing that ever… ugh.”
  • “Yeah right… I would bet big money against… hey! Scroll of Spirit, might come in handy.” He put away the parchment in his pocket. “Well, I guess the documents are in a more secure place. Should have known that Padfoot guy was more clever than to leave it out here.”
  • “He’s real mean…” Abbie rustled through some more books on her side of the pile, while Lem dusted himself off. “I don’t like him…”
  • “Yeah… I’ll take a quick look, see if we are clear. You finish up.”
Abbie nodded and lost herself in yet more magical-studies research papers. Lem quietly checked around the corner. The campfire had dimmed a bit. It seemed the bandits were either too drunk or too busy with more… frivolous pursuits to keep an eye on the flames. All the better, the gnome thought. They might even be able to look inside a tent or two…
  • “Hey, this is an interesting book!” Abbie exclaimed suddenly.
Lem spoke behind himself, still keeping watch. “What’s the title?”
  • “Uhh… I dunno…”
  • “What do you mean ‘you dunno’?” the gnome asked. “It’s a book, right? It has a title…”
  • “This one doesn’t!” Abbie protested.
  • “Then check inside, usually on the first page…”
  • “I can’t open it!” she whined.
  • “Oh, for the love of…” he stomped over to her in frustration. “Hand it over, I’ll take a look.”

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:47 pm

  • “Here!” she pushed the book into the gnome’s hands and quickly rubbed her hands together. “I feels really cold like when I cast… well not really like that at all but…”
  • Hmm “You are right it does feel cold, let me… no way…”
  • “What?” Abbie looked over.
Lem’s mood had changed drastically in the span of a second. Just moments ago, he had been grumpy and frustrated but now… He was ecstatic! He gripped the book Abigail had given him with both hands and looked it over several times, from front to back. When he was done, he did a little celebration dance by tapping his foot. Abigail raised her brow in utter perplexion. This was very uncharacteristic of Lemagrag the Magnificent.
  • “Lem… uhh what are you… doing?” she asked in confusion.
  • “No way… no way! Hahah I can’t believe it… WHAT LUCK!” Lem was completely in his own little space, with a permanent wide grin on his cheeks.
  • “LEM!” Abbie raised her voice.
  • “Yeah?”
  • “What’s with you??” she asked with some concern in her voice. “Are you okay?”
  • “Oh… I’m okay alright… In fact, I’m feeling really good right now!”
  • “You’re scaring me!” Abigail shivered. “You are acting so strange…”
  • “Strange? No, I’m just… relieved… I haven’t been this happy since… hmm. Anyway, you have done a wonderful thing for me just now, Abigail.” The gnome walked over and patted the confused girl on the back.
  • “That’s nice, I guess…” she replied, shaking her head in disbelief. “I dunno what I did though…”
  • “This is it! This is the book that bastard Garrick Padfoot took from me, when I got here!”
  • “OHHH! It’s that magic book you told Milly about.” She remembered. “But you never said how it happened.”
  • “Well, it’s a bit of a long story and we aren’t really in the safest of places…”
  • “C’mon! I wanna hear…” Abigail pried.

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:06 pm

The tension seemed to have dissipated and the young girl had completely forgotten the danger they were in. Right now, she wanted to hear a story. Lem, being the boastful gnome that he was, could not help but to oblige.
  • Khhm “Well… I found myself in these woods, surrounded by a dozen rogues!” Lem exaggerated a fair bit. “They held be at knife point and threatened to take my life.”
Abigail’s eyes were wide open as she listened intently.
  • “Of course, I was not going to back down, so I showed them the power of my magic! You should have seen how some of them ran…” All this postulating had made the gnome appear slightly taller than he really was… or so he had thought. “But even I could not handle so many brigands at once and eventually I had to try and make a run for it.”
  • Wow “That’s intense Lem!” she was clearly thrilled. “What happened next?”
  • “I’ll tell you what really happened, girl!”
Abigail froze on the spot and a cold wave phased through her entire body when she saw Garrick’s cronies emerge from the emptiness of the woods. The bushes seemed to part by themselves, to make way for the heavy footsteps of these brigands.
  • “This sorry excuse of a gnome got his hearthstones mixed up and transported himself right into our lap.” Fran chewed on his words.
  • Hehhe “Yeah… Caught practically with his pants down! Talk about easy loot! Hah!” Lloyd cackled.
  • “And now… here we are again. Nice of you to join us…” Fran savored the moment. “I have to hand it to you. Didn’t expect the two of you to come to OUR camp and try to steal from US! You’ve got some guts!”
  • “I’m taking back what belongs to me!” Lem shoved his thumb into his chest in anger.
Abigail had found herself shaking and unable to move a muscle. Their scuffle a while back was a complete blur to her. When it came to protecting Milly, she did not think and took action… but now… Her mind was all over the place. Lem was right, this was a horrible idea and she had only now realized the full weight of the situation.

She can’t possibly fight these armed bandits. Last time she got lucky but now they know she is a mage and Milly said they won’t hesitate to… ‘We have to run’ she thought. But where? It’s all dark in the woods… and empty… Suddenly she realized that she had moved a bit and Lem was now positioned between her and the rogues. The gnome was trying to bargain with them.

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Thu Mar 28, 2024 8:51 am

  • “Look, I only came to get this book. It’s magical, you can’t use it anyway.” He brokered. “Even I don’t know how to break the seal on it. Just let us go and we won’t bother you again.”
  • “Really? And here I was thinking, maybe they came looking for the deed to the that wench’s winehouse.” The sarcasm oozed from the bandit’s mouth.
  • “I couldn’t care two cogs about the deed! Or Milly’s house… I only came for the book.”
  • “But…” Abbie chirped behind him. She felt her heart sink and tears building.
  • “I really wish I could let you go but now that you know the location of our camp…”
  • “If you let me go, I’ll never come back here again. Heck, I didn’t even want to be here in the first place. I should be in Kharanos right now, reading this book.”
  • “You really care so much for this one book that you would risk your life for it?” the scrawny bandit was genuinely curious now.
  • “You don’t understand what this book means to me!” Lem punctuated.
  • “Oh, I think I do… And I think your friend understands now as well.”
As the gnome turned around and saw the tear ridden face of Abigail, he realized what he had done. In his attempt to persuade the thugs to let him go, he had completely forgotten about her. Abigail’s trust had just poured down her cheeks and fallen to the ground.
  • “Abbie…”
  • “It’s okay… Lem.” She sniffed. “I get it now.”
  • “No, I… I didn’t mean…”
  • “You can go… I’ll manage sniff somehow…”
  • “While I’d hate to interrupt, neither of you are going anywhere.” Fran had dropped the indulging tone and his voice hardened quickly. Lem put the book back on the pile and turned to face him.
  • “I guess I have no other options then…” Lem readied himself. “I hope you remember how our last encounter went?”
  • “Last time we were caught off guard. And we were only three…”
Fran let out a sharp whistle and within mere moments the few bandits that were not completely smashed, came to join the two. Lem knew this was bad. In fact, right now, he was in the worst situation of his life.

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Thu Apr 04, 2024 10:27 am

  • “Abbie, get ready to cast some spells!” he shouted behind him.
When he got no response, he looked back only to see a young human girl, huddled with her back to the shed, her eyes gazing sadly at the ground and a shattered expression on her face. He was alone and it was all his fault.

Garrick’s cronies unsheathed their swords from their scabbard, the orange light of the fire gleamed on their sharpened edges. The other bandits heckled and did the same. In the dim light, their red bandanas made them look like hyenas that had just gorged themselves on a fresh kill. The gnome knew it was over and let out a deep sigh.
  • “Alright, you win!” he tossed his staff before the bandit’s feet. “I surrender!”
Fran held up his arm and all the rogues stopped advancing. “You surrender?”
  • “Yeah! I’m not stupid!” the gnome conceded with some difficulty. “I can’t fight so many of you. You can have my bag too, it’s full of expensive equipment.”
  • “Hmm… That’s quite generous of you gnome but give me one good reason, why we shouldn’t cut you down and take the loot anyways?”
  • “Why make a mess, when you could ransom us and make some more money out of it.” Lem steeled his nerves.
  • “Hey, that does sound good!” Lloyd pitched in.
  • “Hmm… Well, what do you say boys? Free loot now and more gold later?”
  • “Yahhaha!!” came the unanimous cheer.
  • “Alright, looks like this is your lucky day gnome!” Fran licked his lips with greed and gestured for Lloyd to take the bag. “Make sure you don’t break anything in it! Uhh… how valuable you said this loot was??”
  • “You could at least buy a carriage with it.” Lem rolled with it, although he was probably correct.
  • “You know how to bargain for your life, I’ll give you that but I’m afraid your luck has run out. We wouldn’t get much here for a random gnome and a lowly apprentice.” Garrick Padfoot stepped out of his tent and his tone was grave. His whole gang fell silent and Lem had understood that he never had any options to begin with. “Deal with the midget quickly but leave the girl! We can use her later to squeeze Milly.”
The glazy eyed Abigail was pulled away by the arm and Lem was left by himself as the red bandanas closed the circle around him.
  • “Wait!” Lem shouted with his hands in front of him. “I… I know of something that might interest you!”
Garrick held up his hand and his men stopped at ease.
  • “Then I suggest you speak quickly.”

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:01 am

  • “I have a friend in Ironforge. His name is Pip Copperspur. He is an artisan engineer.” Lem’s mouth was getting dry from all the talking but he had no choice. This was his last resort. “Some months ago, we scanned a collapsed cave in Dun Morogh and we found a chest full of gold bars and coins inside. We couldn’t drill through so we re-engineered the drill, hooking up a power battery to it, creating an energy beam powerful enough to disintegrate the hardest known rock and metals. We call it, the Mettalurgic Evaporator!”
This created a stir among the rogues gathered around him. The gnome knew, if he had one last card to play then this was it. If he could not convince Padfoot, then maybe he could convince his men.
  • “There ain’t no way you could dis…entergate rock!” Lloyd exclaimed, scratching his head. “That’s… well, ‘tis rock innit?”
  • “They are gnomes you idiot!” Fran pointed at Lem. “They make crazy stuff like that all the time.”
  • “A fascinating story…” Garrick folded his arms. “But what use would we have for a…?”
  • Lem gritted his teeth. “It’s a weapon!” he shouted.
The other rogues gasped in surprise. Even Garrick, who had remained unamused thus far, raised an eyebrow. Lem had their curiosity now. He pushed his advantage.
  • “At least, it could be used that way. We have accidentally disintegrated a boar with it. It could be used on… people as well. Or to destroy a building for instance...”
An audible “woah” washed across the rogue gallery like a wave on the shore. Garrick did not fail to notice the excitement of his men and knew he had to capitalize on it. He was their “boss” after all.
  • “Hmm… If we had a weapon like that, the Padfoot gang could climb the Brotherhood ranks in no time! Well? What do you say men?” He seemed to be in an elated mood now.
All the red bandanas started nodding and cheering to each other. Lem’s final bargain had succeeded at last. Now all that was left, was to seal the deal.
  • “My life... in exchange for the Evaporator, the manual for how to use it and the location of the cave with the chest full of gold. I will give you my friend’s address so you can contact him.”
  • “Alright gnome, you’re in luck!” Garrick motioned to his henchmen. “Fetch him a parchment and ink so he can write a letter. Then tie him up in a separate tent from the girl and bring that letter to me.”
Lem breathed a sigh of relief. He was glad he realized in time that Garrick Padfoot was not motivated by greed but by power. Now all he had to do was wait for the right opportunity, free Abigail and escape unnoticed.

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Thu Apr 18, 2024 2:54 pm

The bandits did as their boss commanded and the gnome wrote the letter as promised. He made sure to include a subtle bit of text that he knew, only Pip would understand. And with that he handed it to one of the goons. The others grabbed him by the elbow and dragged him to one of the tents. Just two tents away from where they took Abigail, he noted.

The tent in question was absolutely empty. No boxes, no torch. Nothing. Only a single wooden pole holding it up in the middle. They tied the gnome to it, high enough that his feet would not touch the ground. He felt like a cocoon, his arms and legs held closely together. But the knot was not tied very well, which he also noted.

After the rogues left his tent, cackling amongst themselves, Lem waited for a good long while, biding his time until the right opportunity presented itself. Eventually, he heard Garrick telling one of his men to post the letter in Goldshire tomorrow and the rest of the Defias bandits returned to their singing and drinking. By the sounds of it, they became so wasted, no one bothered to check in on him anymore. That was the opportunity he had been waiting for.

Being a gnome, Lem was naturally nimble and managed to wiggle his arms out of the loosely tied rope. Though it was rather uncomfortable to walk in, he was glad he had slipped his pocket knife in his boots. And thankfully, they did not check him too thoroughly. Once he cut himself loose he quickly looked for another way out and managed to crawl under the tent sheet in the back.

It was rather dark outside. The fire had died down a bit and most of the rogues were there, including Garrick’s two cronies. Lem decided, it was now or never. He snuck around the back of the tent and dashed over to the next one. He was about to make another dash, when a ruffian came, waltzing out of the bushes. His heart skipped a beat and jumped in his throat; he was completely out in the open. He dropped to the ground and remained motionless. Then he saw this bandit was barely able to walk and had probably just taken a leak. Lucky for him, his small stature, black robes and hair concealed him among the dark grass. When the drunkard finally passed, he quickly skipped over to the last tent. This was where they had taken Abigail.

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:56 am

The gnome lifted the tent sheet and crawled under as quietly as possible. Just like in his “own” tent, there was nothing inside but the main support pole in the middle. And as he expected, the young girl was tied to is just like he was. Only… her legs did in fact, reach the ground.

Lem approached her quietly from the back. He could hear a faint sobbing and sniffing coming from her and it made him feel awful.
  • Pssst “Abbie, it’s me!” he whispered.
  • “Lem?! You got away!” Abigail gasped. “But… but I thought you… didn’t care and… left…”
  • “Of course I care about you!” Lem stomped his foot.
A teary eyed smile flickered on her face in the dark.
  • “Damn it! Now you made me say it too…” he grumbled. Sigh “I’m sorry… I betrayed your trust and should not have said the things I said.”
  • “It’s okay… sniff I get it. You really wanted to get your book back.”
  • “Yes but that is no excuse for how I acted. Anyways, I’m here to get you out! Now stay quiet okay?”
  • “MmMm.” Abbie mumbled.
The sharp pocket knife cut through the rope quite easily and it dropped on the ground at the young girl’s feet. She stretched her sore body a bit and was now following her companion where he came in.
  • “Okay, now listen up!” Lem instructed. “You crawl under this sheet and make a quiet run to the nearest bushes, got it?”
  • Abbie nodded, turning back in her crawl. “But wait, what are you going to do?”
  • “We need a distraction. I’m going to set a far off tent on fire. That should get their attention. If they catch me, then at least you will…”
All of a sudden, a loud commotion ran through the bandit camp. Food plates and tankards were dropped, voices were getting louder.
  • “Oi! One of the tent’s on fire!” someone yelled.
  • “That was quick!” Abbie exclaimed.
  • “Well, that obviously wasn’t…”
Garrick Padfoot came running as well. “Did you drunken idiots knock down a torch?”
  • “No boss, it just… sorta ‘appened.” Lloyd slurred in a drunken stupor. “T’was like the fire came flyin in, it did!”
Just then, a couple more fiery arrows came whistling through the darkness, most of them hitting their mark. Commanding shouts could be heard from the woods on all sides of the camp and the clanking of heavy gear.

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Sat May 04, 2024 12:04 pm

Lem grabbed Abigail and the two dashed behind a some nearby crates; safe and out of sight for the moment. As they looked on, an intense scene unfolded before their eyes. About two dozen Stormwind guards and warrior trainees, armed to the teeth, charged at the center of the camp. Two or three tents went up in a flames and the clashing of weapons and shields was deafening. Abigail looked on, completely shocked and terror-struck at the same time… So this was a real battle…
  • “Abbie, we can’t stay here! We have to leave fast!” Lem shook her out of it. “We don’t want to be caught up in this!”
  • “But... your book and your bag!” she shouted over the noise.
  • “Forget about it!” the gnome yelled at her. “It’s not worth it! We were already ten times in over our heads before! We have to save ourselves!”
  • “W-what do we do?
  • “Okay now... listen to me!”
Abbie listened as hard as she could.
  • “We have to get to the woods! It’s our only option! If we do it right, we won’t have to fight anyone but… just to be absolutely clear… if we have to fight, then I am counting on you to cast some frost spells! I don’t care what or how you do it, just do it! Don’t think, just do! Like I showed you earlier. Got it?”
Abbie gave a determined nod. This time it looked like she really did pay attention for once.
  • “Good! Avoid everyone! Even the guards!” Lem commanded. “They might mistake us for bandits!”
  • “What if we get separated?” Abbie asked with concern.
  • “Then you run! Like the wind! Away from this camp and try to find Milly’s house!”
  • “But…”
  • “No buts!” he made it very clear.
Abbie accepted it with some reluctance.

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Thu May 16, 2024 4:45 pm

As they discussed their escape plan the battle had gotten considerably louder and more fierce. They were safe behind these crates for the moment but who knows when the tent next to them would get torched. Warriors and Rogues were throwing themselves at each other left and right and the situation seemed hopeless. All of a sudden two stray arrows flew at them, one hitting the crate infront; the other whistling above their heads. They quickly ducked and avoided but Lem could see the growing panic in his companion.
  • “That does it! When I signal, we run to that tent over there, together!” he pointed.
The girl steeled herself with some difficulty.
  • “Ready?” Lem waited for her a moment. “GO!”
The duo made a mad rush to the back of the nearest tent, which was not on fire. Yet. As they stopped to regain their breath another fire-arrow surged through the smoke filled air and just barely missed the tent they had been hiding at moments ago. Shaking himself Lem looked around for their next move. Then he saw it. The old shack they got captured at. Perfect! From there, the woods are a mere stone’s throw away.

It was all clear. He gestured to his young companion and the two started running when… An arrow flew from the bushes right at them. Abigail’s heart skipped a beat as the arrow zipped between them and a cold sweat ran through her entire body. Without thinking, Lem grabbed the girl and the two hit the ground to the side. They made a desperate crawl to a nearby collection of large ceramics. Another arrow whizzed above their heads.
  • pant “W-why are they s-shooting at us Lem??” Abigail cried out.
  • “They think there are only bandits here!” the gnome explained in a hurry. “We need more cover! This way!”
Lem grabbed her sleeve and pulled the young mage behind him, desperately trying to find another way. There was only one option. Lifting the tent canvas, the two crawled under and gave a loud sigh of relief. Finally they had a moment to calm their nerves. Lem checked himself and his friend to make sure they were both unhurt.

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Sun May 26, 2024 7:44 am

  • “They... a-almost... h-hit... us!” Abbie spoke in between deep breaths.
  • “Now do you understand why I didn’t want you to come along?”
  • “Y-yes… this is scary!” she admitted. “I-I want to go back… to Milly.”
  • “I know. I will do whatever I can to get you back there!” Lem promised.
  • “And you too!” she added.
  • “Don’t worry, with the two of us we can do this but we have to focus! Remember what I said about fear?”
  • “Yes… But… but h-how do I? I mean i-if you get hurt a-and me, I… I c-can’t and…” she stuttered her words. “I-I don’t want to lose you!”
  • “Abbie, I know this is too much for you!” the gnome held her hand for support. “But know that I’m here for you… And you know why I am not scared? Because I am alongside a good friend! And I know I can count on her!”
Lem could feel Abigail’s hand had slowly stopped shaking and she gave a little squeeze along with a smile in her eyes. He could hardly believe that his encouraging words had worked. This type of talk was not his forte. Or so he had thought.
  • “Thank you, Lem.” she stood up and shined a smile in the dark. “So, what do we do now?”
  • “We might have to pass through the thick of the battle!” he pointed out.
  • “Then I’m glad I have a good friend with me who I can trust.”
The gnome noticed that Abigail’s tone and demeanor had changed. Gone was the timid, scared and often times carefree girl. In this moment, she was focused and determined. Then she squinted her eyes and raised her arms above her head, concentrating intensely. A freezing aura slowly permeated the air around her and moments later Abigail released a beacon of cold-blue light above her head; the icy particles flaking down around her surrounding her form in a shimmering display. She gave a little shake, getting used to the cold and beamed at her surprised gnomish friend, simply saying...
  • “I’m ready now!”

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Sat Jun 01, 2024 9:35 am

Lem nodded at her in approval, feeling proud that it was because of his teachings that had allowed Abigail to grow so quickly in her magic. And the focusing staff probably helped a little too… Now that he was not having to hold her hands that much anymore, the gnome was feeling more confident in their chances. He gestured towards the other side of the tent.

Lifting up the canvas slowly, they peeked under. The coast was clear for the moment. Much of the fighting was concentrated in the center of the camp to their right, mostly obscured by a larger tree; they really didn’t want to go there. Lem crawled out first, with Abbie following suit and they quietly skipped between two tents, one still standing, the other with the support knocked down. Lem could see a clear path to the bushes again. With some measure of confidence in his voice and sureness in his gait, he stepped out from their hiding spot, postulating to his companion.
  • “See? I knew we could make…”
  • “WATCH OUT!!!”
A long-sword cleaved the air in front of the gnome’s nose, as he felt a strong yank. Abigail pulled him back at the last moment.
  • “Hah! You missed me, fool!”
  • “Your luck is about to run out, you lowlife!”
The duo had walked right into a duel between a Defias Rogue and an Armored Guard. The bandit took the opportunity at hand, thrusting his sword out but the guard blocked it with his shield. The exchange of slashes and parries that followed was a sight to behold. The light of the fire and the silvery moon danced along with the blades, accompanied by the music of clinks and swishes. Both fighters were considerably experienced with only a greater difference in their gear.
  • “Not bad… for a slave of the law!” the rogue taunted.
  • “I will teach you some manners, scum!” the soldier retorted in anger.
The bandit’s gambit had paid off, as the guard lunged at him. Being lighter and more nimble, he got around the armored man and kicked him in the back. The Northshire guardsman lost his balance and clambered onto the tent the duo had been hiding behind, bringing it down with him. The bandit was about to take his advantage and attack when he noticed the surprised gnome and girl.
  • “What? … who’s th..?” AAAA-SSSSHHHFFF!

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Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Daedalus007 » Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:11 pm

Xantros wrote:
Mon Nov 28, 2022 4:33 pm
What a nice comment, thank you.
They did, didn't they? And I'm happy for it and more to come! :)
This story is fantastic! Please consider adding it in-game as a custom quest of some kind in a future content update! Yes, even if it is 'wordy' that's fine! Love it!

Alternatively, put all the text (and maybe an image or two) into a book and scatter it around the world of Azeroth ;)

Desperately need a 'Library' function to store and recall all the books we come across tbh.

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Posts: 182

Re: The Wayward Apprentice - A WoW Classic Story

Post by Xantros » Sun Jun 02, 2024 2:50 pm

Makes me happy if you enjoy it! Sometimes I am a bit slow to keep the schedule of every thursday. With all the traveling I do lately.
Oh that would be awesome! I'm already very happy that my drawings can be seen in game. :)
That was a nice surprise.

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