Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

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Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Rayken » Fri Mar 08, 2024 1:33 am

When it comes to additional races for both Horde and Alliance, there are two that immediately jump out as making the most sense for both adding flavor and lore to the Horde and the Alliance, while keeping Turtle WoW well within "Classic" Warcraft lore, without deviating from either factions core.


Ogres need no introduction and are a clear favorite for Horde. To this day it is unclear why Ogres were not an original part of the Horde when WoW launched in 2004; maybe it was because of Orcs filling the 'brutish warrior' archetype, or maybe it was because of Tauren, since they are a large and powerful race. But Tauren could not be further from Ogres, and Orcs, the other Draenor race, while similar in heritage and personality, are much more refined thanks to Thralls leadership. All things considered, Orcs really are the "Humans" of the Horde, whereas Ogres are the true brutes.

Ogres embody everything the Horde is, maybe even more than the Orcs themselves. They are monstrously powerful, gifted with a savage cunning, and they fully embrace the shamanistic elements. While these Ogre shock troops make the most powerful soldiers, the two-headed variety are more than capable of becoming sorcerers for the Horde. These creatures rival the High Elves of the Alliance in magical prowess, while also producing some of Azeroths most wicked Warlocks.

Turtle WoW is in the unique position of offering the most 'classic' experience that exists for World of Warcraft, and because of that, Turtle WoW is also able to offer the truest "Classic+" experience. Ogres are the perfect fit and perfect culmination of this mindset, along with Goblins, to bring The Horde back to what it was in Warcraft 2 and Warcraft 3; a true home for the most shamanistic and beastly races in Warcraft lore. Ogre questlines, starting areas, and lore, are already baked into what the Horde is and there is so much potential for new level 1-10 questing, exploring forgotten Vanilla Ogre lore, and diving into what makes Ogres such an awesome race. Not to mention, there is much potential with Ogres and Orcs if Turtle WoW ever sets its sights on properly introducing Draenor if or when we go Beyond the Dark Portal (and not what TBC did with space ships and crystals...)

Some other considerations:
Ogres could be sized around Tauren, but slightly larger overall. Two-Headed Ogres do not necessarily need two helmets. One head may have a horn, one may not, which can use the helm. Most gear already fits on them with little to no adjustments, and they already have unique animations, dances, and noises.

Ogres would be the most versatile when it comes to classes on The Horde, as they have several examples of each class, including Rogues (no Paladin or Druid of course). While Two-Headed ogres are traditionally the spellcasters, there are plenty of single headed Mages as well in Warcraft lore, so Two-Heads could be a 'feature' choice.

Their racials have plenty of potential as well; but for starters
Demoralize, send nearby opponents running
Base Defense Increased/Resistant to Damage
Skill with Maces increased (Clobberin time)

Ultimately, I hope you'll agree that Ogres belong on the Horde; indeed, they already are part of the Horde in several locations within Classic World of Warcraft and Warcraft 2 and Warcraft 3 lore.

HALF-ELF or Half-Quel'dorei

Perhaps one of the more mysterious classic races that nonetheless existed in the lore if you knew where to look; Half-Elves combine two of the most key Alliance races. The Half-Elves of Azeroth are Half-Human, Half-High Elf and seem to resemble humans more so than Elves. In WoW, Kalcegos' non-dragon form is that of a Half-Elf. High Elves and Humans are staple races of the Alliance, and have always fought side by side in the Alliance/Horde faction war. As far back as Warcraft 2, Elven Rangers were incredibly powerful allies to humankind. Suffice to say, at some point over the years, High Elves and Humans got pretty close. Throughout the years, up to Vanilla World of Warcraft, so many small hints were dropped throughout the lore about the existence of this hidden race, including via various NPC dialogue in quests and subtle hints in books and stories published by Blizzard.

In Warcraft 3, "Rangers" were originally meant to be a hero unit of the Human Alliance, but were eventually cancelled. They were described as such:
These fearless Half-Elven women are masters of survival and wilderness exploration. Trained to hunt down renegade Orcs and Trolls in the wildlands of both Azeroth and Lordaeron, the Rangers are a force to be reckoned with. Being Half-Elven, the Rangers are often avoided by members of the High Elven stock. However, these crafty females make their home in the wilds and seldom feel the need for the distractions of camaraderie. Rangers are expert marksmen with the longbow and carry specially weighted bows and magically enhanced arrows.
Outside of making an argument for Half-Elves from a lore standpoint, because there is plenty of lore and so many seeds to start with for a Half-Elf questline and settlements within the world, it is said that Half-Elves hold great potential in their bloodline, and could have so many different creative ideas for mechanics for their racials and how they come to take their place in the Alliance.

There are so many ideas for races and combinations in the Alliance, but Half-Elves are the one that truly fit the lore and make sense from a Classic+ standpoint. Turtle WoW has already made the right choice in giving High Elves to the Alliance, where they always belonged, as well as Goblins to the Horde. The next step is to explore the deeper lore between Humans, and High Elves, and one way to do it is with Half-Elves.

Some other considerations:
Half-Elves could be sized around Humans, but slightly larger overall. They have the unique position of being able to mix the Human and High Elf models or textures in ne ways. If we look at Kalcegos' model, which is a human with a unique Half-Elf head, all gear already fits on them with no adjustments, and they already have unique animations, dances, voice acting, and noises. Any number of options are available, including mixing the old Blood Elf models from Vanilla (which were themselves Night Elf with different heads) and human models.

Half-Elves would easily be the most versatile when it comes to classes on The Alliance, as they are a fusion of High Elf and Human, and would make excellent Paladins.

Their racials have plenty of potential as well; but for starters we could mix Human and High Elf, or give Half-Elves a truly unique or powerful racial that speaks to their lore about mixing powerful bloodlines.

Summarizing Ogre and Half-Elf
Ultimately, I hope you'll see that both Ogres and Half-Elves belong on The Horde and The Alliance. I hope you'll look them up and come up with your own ideas for them; in the end, I think you will agree that both already exist in the lore and are already true parts of each faction. Ogres, a true mascot for The Horde, and Half-Elves, embodying everything the Alliance stands for by literally being Human and High Elf; I think these two races are exactly what Turtle WoW needs to continue to forge the greatest Vanilla WoW and "Classic+" experience that exists, and to expand upon the lore that Blizzard so meticulously crafted from Warcraft 2, 3, and Vanilla WoW, but for some reason abandoned with future expansions.

Thanks for reading!

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Tanasa » Fri Mar 08, 2024 2:20 am

Yeah bro give the Horde a fat guy and the Alliance another elf solid detective work.

Chat GPT level response

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Galendor » Fri Mar 08, 2024 8:47 am

Although I think that half elves have their place in the Alliance (as a fruition of two core alliance races), I must admit that half elves are:
1. few in numbers due to rare cases of interracial breeding in WoW.
2. scattered people lacking any leadership, government or territory that they could call their own.
3. don't bring anything truly new into the world. High elves have their unique style, influence to the lore, and, of course, their own story that can be developed during next patches. Same with goblins and even ogres, if you wanna develop their society to the degree of decent playable race. But half elves have nothing to offer except already existing human and elven cultures.

And ogres are good from lore perspective, but for gameplay reasons the Horde needs a banger.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Akos1896 » Fri Mar 08, 2024 10:21 am

I'm okay with ogres (besides giving them almost all classes) but for alliance another humanoid (specially an almost-elf) race would feel lazy. Someone earlier made an awesome article about furbolgs joining the Alliance and I totally see it. I'd accept an ogre + furbolg addition.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Calli » Fri Mar 08, 2024 12:17 pm

Galendor wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2024 8:47 am
Although I think that half elves have their place in the Alliance (as a fruition of two core alliance races), I must admit that half elves are:
1. few in numbers due to rare cases of interracial breeding in WoW.
2. scattered people lacking any leadership, government or territory that they could call their own.
3. don't bring anything truly new into the world. High elves have their unique style, influence to the lore, and, of course, their own story that can be developed during next patches. Same with goblins and even ogres, if you wanna develop their society to the degree of decent playable race. But half elves have nothing to offer except already existing human and elven cultures.

And ogres are good from lore perspective, but for gameplay reasons the Horde needs a banger.
Same for ogres.

As I wrote earlier, just give to the undeads human and highelf models and faction balance will be restored.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Rayken » Fri Mar 08, 2024 2:17 pm

I agree with most of these sentiments, but we also have to remember many new races could potentially be hundreds of hours of modifications and animations to work into the game and for a race that many people may not play, it seems hard to justify. Furbolgs are another race that definitely fit the Alliance (despite the fact they would for SURE have Shaman) but they would not be ready to wear any armor or do many unique animations.

Ogres and Half-Elves have the bonus of already basically being ready to go in many ways while also adding additional content. That and, Alliance has really always been the faction of Humans and Elves, so it makes sense to incorporate some kind of Half-Elf, at some point in the expanded Vanilla lore they would have to become more common.

When we wonder about keeping things cohesive and keeping Horde and Alliance centered (and not pushing in 'good' eredar or good demons called Draenei and forcing evil Angel Siphoning Paladin Blood Elves onto Horde) Ogre and Half-Elf seems to be the most grounded ideas in terms of already existing Vanilla Lore. There is definitely room for Furbolgs to be brought into the Alliance by Night Elves, but again, it poses a lot of challenges from a gameplay standpoint; you can't have Furbolgs without Shamans.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Eversongwoods » Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:44 pm

draenei and worgen would get played more than either of those two and would be less work

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Borislav4o » Fri Mar 08, 2024 4:34 pm

yes sure, another elf race, amazing!

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Rayken » Fri Mar 08, 2024 5:53 pm

Eversongwoods wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:44 pm
draenei and worgen would get played more than either of those two and would be less work
Is there a reason you want Draenei and Worgen on Turtle WoW and don't just play retail?

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Akos1896 » Fri Mar 08, 2024 6:15 pm

Personally I like the playing as a big wolf fantasy but it would be hard to make it work.
That's personal but I dislike shapeshifting mobs.
From a less personal note, creating a background lore explaining why any faction accepted the demented wolves at this point would be very hard.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Dracarusggotham » Fri Mar 08, 2024 6:34 pm

Worgen for Alliance:
Lore: Gilneas, once a proud nation, now is only a shadow from the past, suffer, corruption, the Greymane Wall hide a cruel story, now, released from the tyranical king Genn Greymane, the Gilnean people tries to find a new future, lead by the King Liam Greymane and the Princess Tess Greymane and aid by the Alliance, they fight against the Horde for recover the Gilneas Peninsula and rebuilt their Kingdom to its firmer Glory.
They are fully Worgen, can't switch to humans.
Starting area: Pirewood Village.
Racial: Nocturnal Rage

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Darktifa » Fri Mar 08, 2024 7:34 pm

keep suggesting and dreaming
but the real question is,
do we really need more races?
Czasku wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:31 pm
After Reading Turtle WoW's forum i understood why Blizzard stopped responding on their own forum topics.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Rayken » Fri Mar 08, 2024 9:25 pm

Darktifa wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2024 7:34 pm
keep suggesting and dreaming
but the real question is,
do we really need more races?
I think grounded lore accurate or lore expanded Vanilla races would really continue to help Turtle WoW stand out in the crowd of retail copies and chaotic servers out there.

I think adding races that make sense and are well thought out, with time and patience applied to them, that actually belong in this era of Warcraft, are something that will help Turtle WoW in the long run.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Darktifa » Fri Mar 08, 2024 11:26 pm

Rayken wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2024 9:25 pm

I think grounded lore accurate or lore expanded Vanilla races would really continue to help Turtle WoW stand out in the crowd of retail copies and chaotic servers out there.

I think adding races that make sense and are well thought out, with time and patience applied to them, that actually belong in this era of Warcraft, are something that will help Turtle WoW in the long run.
I don't want to derail the main topic, but ill share my thoughts...

Let's be real, in the end, for the majority of players, Lore means nothing
unlike looks and maybe racial skills

Twow is already unique by adding 2 new races, no need for 4
the main argument against new races
is obviously

New races + new starting areas = a lot of work
which can be used in more important aspects of the game (with actually better long term results)
such as
new raids + dungeons (generally more end game content)
and maybe finally addressing the numerous pvp imbalances (boosting Tel'Abim)

Yeah, one day, new races could be implemented, but imo
that won't be soon (keep in mind no mention about races in roadmap)
Czasku wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:31 pm
After Reading Turtle WoW's forum i understood why Blizzard stopped responding on their own forum topics.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Rayken » Fri Mar 08, 2024 11:40 pm

I completely agree, and it's one of the reasons why I think Ogres and Half-Elves would be the best fit when considering time and effort required to implement. Almost every other suggestion, bar just adding in retail races (please, never), would require extensive changes, animations, or model work plus armor texturing work.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Deso5618 » Sat Mar 09, 2024 6:27 am

While i agree, Ogres would be fun addition to the horde. i think half - elves are not that high in numbers lorewise, to be playable. Why not suggesting instead of half - elves either furbolgs or broken draenei?
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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Shapeshifter » Sat Mar 09, 2024 1:25 pm

I get your points for the whole half-elf thing but they just seem kinda unnecessary, just pick a high elf and roleplay as one (not like there's really any RP going on in the so called RP realm anyway), there you go, I mean that's what Blizzard did with Arator or whatever his name was.

Anyway, I wouldn't mind if they somehow added the draenei, not because the female space goats have nice butts or anything :^).
I have no idea how the devs would incorporate them without going full idiot mode like Blizzard did, just don't make them shamans.
I know it won't happen but let a man dream.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Czasku » Sat Mar 09, 2024 5:12 pm

Ogres? Sure.
Elven Bastards? NEVER!

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Rayken » Sun Mar 10, 2024 12:14 am

I mean, I think Half-Elves could totally be made unique enough as a race to stand out among High Elves and Humans. It just takes a bit of creativity.

As to the Furbolg/Broken Draenei question... Both would bring problems. Furbolgs are definitely the coolest race to bring to Alliance from a Vanilla perspective, but are absolutely required to also bring Shamans with them, and it's just a no go as far as Vanilla/Classic+ is concerned, because as much as Undead Paladin is thrown around, it's not realistic. So Horde just won't have Paladin in this case.

As for Broken Draenei, there's just no lore or anything in Vanilla Lore to integrate them into any faction. The Draenei we see in TBC are totally made up "Good" Demons that destroyed a lot of lore and feel very last minute.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Dingoman » Sun Mar 10, 2024 1:16 pm

playable ogres in the horde: yes please i've been waiting since before i was born.

another flavour of elf in the alliance? meh, you already got high elves, night elves and humans, it's just more of the same.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Syrathegreat » Sun Mar 10, 2024 8:24 pm

I think in an ideal world we would have done High Elves and Ogres initially - in classic goblins are pointedly neutral, despite their previous leanings towards the horde in like WC2.

You could add a goblin faction to the alliance as well, kinda like pandas, however I can't imagine that would have as much draw unfortunately
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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Mac » Mon Mar 11, 2024 12:40 pm

Ogres would be great. Definitely something players want.

Half-Elves are an interesting choice, but unfortunately there's already Night Elves and High Elves on Alliance. Adding Half-Elves means half the Alliance is now Elf. Elfiance. Still, I think playable Half-Elves isn't a bad idea. But if the option are Half-Elves or something like Furbolg or Worgen, I'd side with Furbolg or Worgen because they bring something different to the table, especially Furbolg.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Calli » Mon Mar 11, 2024 2:05 pm

You can play as an ogre, worgen, furbolg, etc I don't understand this conversation...

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Dracarusggotham » Mon Mar 11, 2024 2:20 pm

Calli wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2024 2:05 pm
You can play as an ogre, worgen, furbolg, etc I don't understand this conversation...
All of us here dream of seeing new races introduced that Blizzard refused to put in retail.
Among them, the ogres.
The Alliance already has the High Elves so the Horde deserves its own unique race, I would have preferred the Ogres over the Goblins.
And no, not just a simple skin, starting areas, missions, capitals.
Hell, the goblins need their capital, I vote for introducing Horde-aligned Kezan.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Hyrag » Mon Mar 11, 2024 3:53 pm

Worgen for alliance and San'layn(vampire elfs)

Worgen: we already know the lore and etc. So now that the scyther of elune is found NE and Gilnean humans become allies to fight the curse. so worgen to alliance.

+5 Shadow resist.
at night cicle or in dungeons/raid:
children of the night: +5% mov speed.
u get a % chance to become enraged when hit or being hitted = lupine agillity: +haste and +resilience.
classes - cant be paladin. can be druid.

San'layn in needs to be changed for turtlewow lore.
u know the high elfs that are aflicted by the lack of magic. they found a new way to channel magic through blood magic.

+ frost resist
+ 1% vampyrism
- dagger mastery
vampiric seduce: channel a seduce in target.
if the channel is completed the target get bitten and is afflicted by a debuff that decreases healing. the player gets a buff to healing for the same duration.
Classes - cant be druid or shaman.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Natuaduck » Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:03 pm

The ogre idea, hell yeah.

Although half-elves, as others have said in this thread, really don't offer anything new and not even anything old. They literally are just humans, but like not.

If there's one thing the Alliance lack though is beastly race of their own that openly opposes Horde expansionism but values the more civilised and peaceful nature of the Alliance. Furbolgs are really the only race that fits in that niche, but figuring out armour design for furbolgs would be one hell of a headache without creating and altering a whole new model for furbolgs.

All the lore is there, made up lore could easily make sense, class choices are a no brainer (and should it ever occur, Furbolgs would be the ideal race for an Alliance Shaman. Makes a lot more sense than the Wildhammer Dwarf as a shaman that people keep trying to argue over), and implementing a little custom area in Teldrassil would be just as easy.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Natuaduck » Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:07 pm

Hyrag wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2024 3:53 pm
Worgen for alliance and San'layn(vampire elfs)
San'Layn are literally agents of the Scourge and serve Arthas. There's no where near enough of them let alone are they a "race" really. They're not just "High Elf/Blood Elf but vampire" lol. The San'Layn are more or less Elves turned into undead blood mages, that's really it. They'd be enemies to both the Horde AND the Alliance.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Rayken » Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:26 pm

Natuaduck wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:03 pm
The ogre idea, hell yeah.

Although half-elves, as others have said in this thread, really don't offer anything new and not even anything old. They literally are just humans, but like not.

If there's one thing the Alliance lack though is beastly race of their own that openly opposes Horde expansionism but values the more civilised and peaceful nature of the Alliance. Furbolgs are really the only race that fits in that niche, but figuring out armour design for furbolgs would be one hell of a headache without creating and altering a whole new model for furbolgs.

All the lore is there, made up lore could easily make sense, class choices are a no brainer (and should it ever occur, Furbolgs would be the ideal race for an Alliance Shaman. Makes a lot more sense than the Wildhammer Dwarf as a shaman that people keep trying to argue over), and implementing a little custom area in Teldrassil would be just as easy.
I firmly agree, Half-Elves on the surface seem kind of bland and would make Alliance very Elf heavy, but when we break down all the races available, it's tough to come up with one that fulfills the two main requirements which are:
1. Easy to incorporate models
2. Don't include Shamans

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Syrathegreat » Tue Mar 12, 2024 2:13 am

Dracarusggotham wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2024 2:20 pm
Hell, the goblins need their capital, I vote for introducing Horde-aligned Kezan.
*Undermine - Kezan was just the island in Classic. It should definitely be added but I fundamentally disagree with it being horde aligned. It's the capital for all the cartels of the Trade Coalition, the majority of which are neutral to both factions and some are even antagonistic to both. If Undermine was to become Horde then Gadgetzan, Ratchet, Booty Bay, and Everlook would all also become Horde cities.
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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Imonobor » Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:11 am

Honestly, why do the two factions NEED to have the same amount of races? This has been discussed a lot, and there is no one race that most people would agree is a good fit for the Alliance. So just leave them with 5 races.
Either way, there is a faction imbalance. Adding Ogres to the horde might help (I know I'll play the heck out of one). Besides, from development time perspective, it's half the work to add one race instead of two.
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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Calli » Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:16 pm

Imonobor wrote:
Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:11 am
Honestly, why do the two factions NEED to have the same amount of races? This has been discussed a lot, and there is no one race that most people would agree is a good fit for the Alliance. So just leave them with 5 races.
Either way, there is a faction imbalance. Adding Ogres to the horde might help (I know I'll play the heck out of one). Besides, from development time perspective, it's half the work to add one race instead of two.
Better funnel that resource to make class changes 2 and new content, don't you agree?

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Mac » Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:24 pm

Half-Elf is an interesting idea but as others have pointed out it is yet another elf. If you add them, half of the Alliance races will be some kind of elf. The Elfliance.

Worgen is a good idea. The uninstanced version of Gilneas City could make a good 1-5 starting area for them. I peeped around it using Eagle Eye and it seems some of it is finished but parts were left unfinished. Porting the dungeon version into the open world should be easily doable. Seems like there’s enough space there to make it work. And it would be fun to level 1 to 5 fighting off the Worgen invasion of Gilneas only to succumb and become one, and then be forced to flee from the city and wind up in Stormwind Harbor.

But I think among the proposed Alliance races, Furbolg is the most interesting since it hasn’t been done.

And yes playable Ogres would be awesome.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Akos1896 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:50 pm

Here it is:
Not my idea but I honestly think it is very well done. + it would be an alliance race without druids.

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Galendor » Tue Mar 12, 2024 2:16 pm

Akos1896 wrote:
Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:50 pm
Here it is:
Not my idea but I honestly think it is very well done. + it would be an alliance race without druids.
You mean without shamans - because druids were in my suggestion hiding_smth_turtle_head

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Re: Races: Ogre for Horde and Half-Elf for Alliance

Post by Akos1896 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 2:22 pm

Yeah, wrong wording from my part. :P Without shamans

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