A list of unrelated ideas

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A list of unrelated ideas

Post by Akos1896 » Thu Mar 07, 2024 11:44 pm


I was thinking about what aspects of the game could be changed with a minimal effort resulting in qol improvements or added fun. This list will cover a bunch of ideas but no long elaboration this time. No radical theorycrafting either. Some ideas are stole... Some ideas might have some resemblance towards retail mechanics. Not too many, though. The list doesn't contain ideas which are very interesting but would be harder to implement.

Donation shop
Added glyphs would generate some nice income in my opinion. Druids have some. Shamans could have them for the totems, warlocks for the demons, spellcasters for spellcasting effects. For warriors, maybe the stance animation and for rogues, the way they go to stealth.
Unique TMOG items. People would spend quite the money for some unique looks.
Summonable fashionista and summonable class trainer.

Added speed to flight masters and added frequency for zeps and ships. People are right that insta travel kills immersion but making it a bit easier to get to a place would not harm worldbuilding.
A vendor NPC with repair options on a ship/zep.
The zep/ship NPC telling you when the next one will arrive (for example, the ship arrives in 20 seconds).
Would slightly increase corpse speed. Corpse run should still feel punishing but spending 20 minutes to be able to play again can be too much (I'm looking at you, brave Alliance character getting killed in the Barrens).
Please by any means make TB-Orgrimar zep more frequent. The fact that it doesn't port between maps like the others make it travel longer which can really be felt when you are waiting for one to come.

Auction house
Some added search filter would be nice. For example only searching for items based on rarity or only searching for items which are sold in an at least 10-bundle. No more weirdos filling up the first 10 page of AH with linen cloth-1-a-piece.

Map could show the mob level (and the fishing level) of the areas. If you are new to the game and wonder where to go, the map could tell everything.

Would add a conversation option to city guards to tell where DMF is. Currently you can ask for profession trainers, class trainers, etc. Just an added line for DMF.

Class trainers
Would consider class trainers for each faction-available class in the major cities. Let's say you are a tauren druid and you lack masochism so you don't level in Mulgore. You either detour after level ups to Moonglade and HS back or a long journey awaits you to get to the class trainer.

Would disallow respeccing in instances. That's a personal take but coming as two spec and magically learning how to play a totally different role before a boss always felt weird.
Please allow the first 5-10 respeccing to be free. It would target the new players who either don't know how to optimize their character or just want to experience everything a class can offer before settling in. At low levels, without a main char boosting you, that 1-5G can be a real pain. I'm even fine with making respeccing more expensive later but those 5-10 tries should be given to fresh players to experiment with the builds.

Please consider changing how summoning works. If the summon spell becomes a channelable spell which can summon any number of players within the channeled timeframe (lets say, 30 seconds), then warlocks would become less reliant on their mini-game of soul-gathering. It's a quality of life change. -> To be fair I'm not sure if it's an easy to implement-change.

Raid reset
I think the time of raid reset should be shown in raid info, not just the expiration time of your ID.

Would disable Tmog effect as long as a character has PVP on so the opponents have a fair chance to determine how geared the opponent is. As soon as PVP is turned off, Tmog effect could be visible again. A character with warmode could not have Tmog unless warmode is turned off, for the same reasons.

Enchanting glow color should be changeable or be turned off at the fashionista as a Tmog service.

A bigger change but I really think that Tanaris, Ratchet and Booty Bay should have a 3-way ship route. It just feels natural.

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Re: A list of unrelated ideas

Post by Tanasa » Fri Mar 08, 2024 2:03 am

Lot of solid ideas here. Some of your suggestions are taken care of through addons and may make it into the game as they've promised UI improvements this year.

Travel time could be trimmed a bit as it seems to be a complaint you see in game all the time. The class trainers thing is big brain idea as someone who likes to hop around zones a ton.

A special note maybe someone has an answer here but is this ten pages of cloth or really any stackable item the result of some jabroni saying you can make 5% more profit selling your items one by one in some dumbass youtube vid or goblin guide? Who is buying this shit?

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Re: A list of unrelated ideas

Post by Ishilu » Fri Mar 08, 2024 6:32 am

As you say, traveling buffs should be applied only within reason. Maybe boats and zeppelins could swim/fly slightly faster. Maybe vendors for reagents and ammo could be placed near, not on these things? Corpseruns are fine ;-).

I have mixed feelings about the map suggestions. Displaying mob level would also warn new players away from doing some discovering. "Remember back then, when I tried to run from Booty Bay to Grom Gol at lvl 20?". These stories are funny in retrospective and I wouldn't take them away from newcomers. Some information for fishing would be valuable, though.

The DMF suggestion is a good one.

Class trainers: honestly, don't see the need for this. We're speaking about levels 5-10 here for druids.

Respeccing: Costs are more than fine for high levels, but maybe they could be adjusted for low levels so a newcomer who has wasted his first 5 points can afford to correct his error.

Warlock: Maybe let them create a "summoning stone" that stand around for a few minutes. Creating and using the stone should still require help from a party, but it would reduce the need for soulshards.

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Re: A list of unrelated ideas

Post by Darktifa » Fri Mar 08, 2024 7:11 am

Czasku wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:31 pm
After Reading Turtle WoW's forum i understood why Blizzard stopped responding on their own forum topics.

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Re: A list of unrelated ideas

Post by Ishilu » Fri Mar 08, 2024 7:25 am

Darktifa wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2024 7:11 am
I know that's a thing on Nordranaar, but I just tried it on Tel 'Abim (horde) and it didn't work...

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Re: A list of unrelated ideas

Post by Ingameacc12345 » Fri Mar 08, 2024 8:13 am

Ishilu wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2024 7:25 am
Darktifa wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2024 7:11 am
I know that's a thing on Nordranaar, but I just tried it on Tel 'Abim (horde) and it didn't work...
IIRC it never worked for horde, they are just not cultured enough.

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Re: A list of unrelated ideas

Post by Akos1896 » Fri Mar 08, 2024 9:03 am

Forgot to mention one:
If you ever misclicked at a flight master or changed mind midflight on a really long journey, a stop at the nearest possible location button would be very cool. Retail has it and it's a very reasonable addition I think.

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Re: A list of unrelated ideas

Post by Hctwowfan » Fri Mar 08, 2024 11:48 am

Akos1896 wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2024 9:03 am
Forgot to mention one:
If you ever misclicked at a flight master or changed mind midflight on a really long journey, a stop at the nearest possible location button would be very cool. Retail has it and it's a very reasonable addition I think.
Logout and login again and your flight stops at the next flight master on your route.
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Re: A list of unrelated ideas

Post by Akos1896 » Fri Mar 08, 2024 12:25 pm

Yes, but it is abusing the system, not a built-in feature. An added button would make it much more elegant.

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Re: A list of unrelated ideas

Post by Tekamthi » Sun Mar 10, 2024 8:33 pm

Akos1896 wrote:
Thu Mar 07, 2024 11:44 pm

Added speed to flight masters and added frequency for zeps and ships. People are right that insta travel kills immersion but making it a bit easier to get to a place would not harm worldbuilding.
A vendor NPC with repair options on a ship/zep.
The zep/ship NPC telling you when the next one will arrive (for example, the ship arrives in 20 seconds).
Would slightly increase corpse speed. Corpse run should still feel punishing but spending 20 minutes to be able to play again can be too much (I'm looking at you, brave Alliance character getting killed in the Barrens).
Please by any means make TB-Orgrimar zep more frequent. The fact that it doesn't port between maps like the others make it travel longer which can really be felt when you are waiting for one to come.

A bigger change but I really think that Tanaris, Ratchet and Booty Bay should have a 3-way ship route. It just feels natural.
I generally enjoy the zeps that don't teleport, and kinda wish they all just traveled the full route BUT with more stuff to do onboard, and with more boats/zeps per route so frequency is not so bad in such a case Gambling seems an obvious ship/zep NPC pastime.

Seems to me there should be a boat between Ratchet and spark water as well. Generally would love to see more of the public transport, maybe some horse-drawn wagons between the smaller centres

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Re: A list of unrelated ideas

Post by Noce » Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:48 am

Map could show the mob level (and the fishing level) of the areas. If you are new to the game and wonder where to go, the map could tell everything.
- or just make the npc trainer to tell you where u can fish at certain lvl for a price or smtn

Forgot to mention one:
If you ever misclicked at a flight master or changed mind midflight on a really long journey, a stop at the nearest possible location button would be very cool. Retail has it and it's a very reasonable addition I think.
- yeah log out and its done. but nice idea, also even better is to be able to just parachute out

Enchanting glow color should be changeable or be turned off at the fashionista as a Tmog service.
- agree

Please consider changing how summoning works.
- or make soulshards stackable, like 5 per stack. or give us a summ portals.

here are also some nice ideas: viewtopic.php?p=35252#p35252

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