cosmetic / qol / balance

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cosmetic / qol / balance

Post by Noce » Thu Feb 09, 2023 10:51 am

hello, here are some things id love to see in new patch(es):

- rework and balance buffs in general. things like pala-sham totems stacking, and above all mana cost/usage balance. mana totem gives 10 mana and palas wisdom gives 30 mana.

- general balance of classes is neverneding topic especialy in pvp. and things are needed to be done. balance some op abilities like bubble[make it so that pala cant cast healing or move or smtn like that], id love to see also all pets to be like summ ability with cd and duration [to be more of execute phase thing]. or make pets not be able to leave masters. mbe make all dots not instant casts or make em a bit weaker.
- remake a pushback talents not to be a chance, but to reduce pushbacks.
- id like to se some talent changes in way that all juicy stuff [things like crits and dmg talents] be deep in talents so they are hard/impossible to get. that would change and make new and more interesting game play.
- cant stress out how much shaman needs to be redone.

- adding new races/classes and race/class combos is always good. i vote for necros, masters or arcane and nature [poison, curses, summ skeles]

- beside adding new content like raids/dungs/zones (ex: grim batol, hyjal, timbermaw hold, uldum, gilneas, etc..), think about consmetics of world in general. add some marine npcs like sharks, whales, squids.. mbe replace those elite giants who roam shores and seas. make better connections like zepps, flypaths, airplanes/helies. especial to those new zones/hubs. imagine having a raid for lower lvls. and those poor hc tryin to clear it.
- make meeting stones a summ stones, dont think its a big deal.
- make spirit healers closer to raids. or make it even better like in hfq where u get spirit in instance.

- new proffs like insc [or as i like to call it runecrafting :)], jc, new branch of engi - dwarven. its a shame that dwarves havent been included in engi since they have marvelous flying things and wpns. also it would be nice to make profs more depandant of each other so ppl constantly make things and use ah. for insc there is a nice toping alrdy opened.

- for hunts would be awesome if we could see range wpns and ammo/bolt on chars. sheat on back, or on side. and imo hunts shouldnt be able to use 2h wpns when they have range eq.

- cool thing would be that locks can have demos as pets, just like hunts do. so u enslave demon and he stays with you. that way locks can have cool new demons like boars, hounds, satyrs...

i know some are insane, some impossible but certainly would be awesome.

Posts: 100

Re: cosmetic / qol / balance

Post by Noce » Fri Feb 10, 2023 7:54 am

to add some head models from diablo2 would be also gr8. things like:
my personal best are: Antlers, Hawk Helm, Mask, Bone Helm, Great Helm

also when adding weapons, make them to be more realistic. pure iron made wpns. for some reason i never liked those spacelike things. and add some cool wpn desingns like: flails, polearms [also make shamans use them, its a stick+blade]

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Re: cosmetic / qol / balance

Post by Noce » Fri Feb 10, 2023 9:55 am

what about trinkets, to make em to be like charms in diablo2? so keep em in inventory and they give stats and/or on use effects. mbe not all trinkets but some. or remove cd when switching trinks. but some trinks that have just on use effects could be make charms. like: Prismcharm, Enamored Water Spirit, Insignia of.., Smokey's Lighter, Luffa, Nifty Stopwatch. it would be more intersting gameplay.

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Re: cosmetic / qol / balance

Post by Andromath » Fri Feb 10, 2023 2:03 pm

While all these ideas are interesting and would add something unique to the game, one has to balance that with the stated purpose of the server, which is to maintain the feeling of a classic WoW experience. Altering how certain spells/skills work, or where talents fall in the talent tree, would change that.

On cosmetics, I think there's more leeway for expansion there, although I don't think they want to add anything that feels like it wouldn't fit the classic theme (case in point: magic space-ship fortresses from BC and Wind-Chime Angels).

Charms is an interesting idea, but not terribly WoW themed. I don't know on that one. I think it could go a ways towards enhancing the game and even addressing certain balancing issues if handled carefully, but that'd probably be a massive undertaking.

They're all good idea's for certain, I just think some miss the purpose of the server as a Classic+ WoW server.

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Re: cosmetic / qol / balance

Post by Noce » Sun Feb 12, 2023 8:06 am

- and what about using mounts and eating/drinking during combat? ok, eat/drink during combat is bit much, but if ppl leave you to eat in middle of fight, well shame on them :). but to be able to mount up in combat seems legit id say. w8ing to combat stance go off and be able to eat or ride is silly. as for drink/eat make it not be usable in dungs/raids?

- make all mounts not to parish when they get into water. or is this feature kept only for turtle mount?

- id like to see some xmog changes. can we get all off-hand to xmog. shields and frills. also, daggers to be xmog into swords at least, if not maces and axes. this would so cool. so we can see priest with shield, pala with book or shaman with sword instead of some dagger.

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Re: cosmetic / qol / balance

Post by Ishilu » Sun Feb 12, 2023 1:27 pm

I'm open for optional cosmetic changes of most kinds.

Eating/drinking and mounting up during combat is another thing though. Especially the ability to mount up during a fight would be highly problematic in pvp, enlarging the power gap between rich and poor players.

Also, I'm generally opposed to Qol "improvements" of any kind. Part of the vanilla experience is that the game is supposed to be a bit unwieldy. While modern wow (for me, that's every patch that came after tbc. God, do I hate wotlk...) seems to be mostly about streamlined all-out "pumping" as fast as possible, classic encourages a slower-paced playstyle that rewards reasonable management of resources.

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Re: cosmetic / qol / balance

Post by Andromath » Sun Feb 12, 2023 1:32 pm

Mounted Combat would be pretty awesome, honestly.

I imagine you couldn't re-mount in combat, so once you're knocked off you're on the ground until you're out of combat again. Maybe remove it in PvP so it doesn't affect that too much.

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Re: cosmetic / qol / balance

Post by Noce » Sun Feb 12, 2023 6:51 pm

sry im posting things like this but i cant sit and make a huge novel. who would read that much. so im dropping things as i see them in game.

- how about enabling us to trade items within dung/raid. so if some get item by mistake/ninja, we can just trade item. you know what im talking about.

- rearange travel patterns. make more zepps/ships/airplanes(why not :)) and connect some far,far away zones. also get new zones FP of their own. and 1 more thing id love to see is more usage of boats. make all docks have a route. for instance, tanaris+telabim island make a small ferry to drag us. make so for all small distance islands. and zepps only to connect within land, and see only for boats.
- can we get a zepp timers, to ask those npc and it can tell us when zepp is comming. and mbe speed them up

- can we get rid of that fear and knockback/puchback/punchup mechanics? fear can be just a "cover in fear" mechanic so we dont run all-over the place. and that pucn mechanic is also kinda stupid. i can understand knockdown but why do we have to fly away after a punch :)

- can we fix those pet vendors to work in xfaction mode while we r in party? also one suggestion to add a alchemy lab bot, it would be cool. so we dont have to run to scholo all the time.

- and can we make locks summ inside dung even if player is outside dung?

- for love of god, think about those cc durations. balance them out. some are ridiculously op and long.

Posts: 100

Re: cosmetic / qol / balance

Post by Noce » Wed Feb 15, 2023 4:18 pm

- aliance gets Wintersaber Trainers, can u pls make horde counterpart with Mor'vek in Un'Goro Crater for Venomhide Ravasaur?

- can u pls make not to dismount in TB when passing from peak-to-peak?

- one suggestion for dwarfs. mbe via glyph or just remake enrage or w/e to became a Avatar (from wc3) or to become a Mountain Giant :)

- can we pls make water walk buff from shamans not to disappear when mount or take dmg

- is is possible to make herbs to see way easier?

- and can we make items that give on use buff, when used we can swap them but to leave buff for duration? items like Headmaster's Charge.

- as stated b4 to remake fly paths (zepps, taxis, boats, airports) and connect all hubs (new and old) but make one hub to be master FP. so u can only get from zone to zone from one hub FP. and then u can fly from that master zone to other fp hubs.

Posts: 100

Re: cosmetic / qol / balance

Post by Noce » Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:22 pm

is it possible to add feature when looting and not having bag space to get items via mail? that would be nice in dungs/raids.

Posts: 100

Re: cosmetic / qol / balance

Post by Noce » Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:28 pm

can we get all capital towns more relevant? to have a DMF npc, to have XMOG npc, more mailboxes, PVP vendors and stuff like that. so we dont have to be in org or sw all the time.

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