How does it feel to play your build?

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How does it feel to play your build?

Post by Akos1896 » Fri Feb 23, 2024 11:19 am

As the title says. What do you like with your main build? What you feel lacking, how does the gameplay feel like? Why do you like it so much that it is your main?

Personally, I main a resto shaman, because I love the shaman utility via totems while heals are still decent. Mana was a problem but gear mostly solves it. Liking the horde because of their zepp system and specially the trolls (there is something about the trolls I love plus berserking and hex are really cool). What I feel lacking is a way to add caster damage without spending mana (like a priest with a wand), some viability for niche totems (like health totem and flametongue), maybe some kind of curse DoT (fitting for trolls) and a shield or HoT effect (improved life totem could function as a HoT). Also, ancestral fortitude proccing from lesser healing wave would be a godsend since lesser healing wave is used much more frequently than healing wave during raiding. Gameplay is fun, getting geared is relatively easy since you only get challenged by palas at mail healing items. Healing is more diverse than hpal's one button gameplay. You have less tools than a priest would but you also bring a huge amount of utility. Slowing mobs down, decreasing received melee damage, spell misdirection, threat reduction, you name it. Also, ghost wolf is a huge help in mobility for leveling. If you get bored, you can always OS to a caster or to a melee, too.

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Re: How does it feel to play your build?

Post by Bigsmerf » Fri Feb 23, 2024 4:54 pm

Feral druid has to be the most fun I've had with any spec. Both tanking and DPS feels much more fun and flavorful than just "One handed or two handed melee with a special twist."

On top of all this, the spec performs very well in both roles that it fills. Bear is a competitive and easy to play tank, and while cat has a lot more complexity, at least in comparison to most rotations, you can get by just dropping a faerie fire, powershifting and shredding and spending on ferocious bite. Honestly, I'm not a fan of MCP or powershifting from a class identity standpoint, but it feels very innovative and original. The only thing coming close would be totem twisting or stance dancing. Stuff like that.

I guess this isn't really specific to druid, but definitely more pronounced. The use of profession items and consumables is very common, with dragonbreath chili giving you aoe, immolation potion also being a source of that, grenades etc. I mean- who wouldn't want to be a fire breathing smoldering horned lion of death that strengthens their allies and tosses explosives before leaping in and mauling shit?

Also, 30% move speed at all times except indoors is pretty sick.
Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
Anbone 34 Shadow Priest (Planned secondary main)
Manypunchman - 10 Naked Troll Boxer (Hardcore)

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Re: How does it feel to play your build?

Post by Jan125 » Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:25 pm

Bash one button vehemently, then wait for 10 seconds for the tank to build up threat again, repeat.


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Re: How does it feel to play your build?

Post by Tanasa » Fri Feb 23, 2024 11:03 pm

Not an endgame experience but I'll chime in. I'm cresting level 45 as a Warlock who respecced to a drain tank/dark pact build at 40. Stacked shadowweave and have +spell damage in every available slot. It's the most damn fun I've ever had playing a character in this game, even compared to retail.

100% sells the class fantasy of outright harvesting the life force of your enemies. With fear and nightfall procs and all the other goodies in the warlock toolkit you are basically unstoppable, and it's so refreshing and active compared to the void and wand on the way up previously. And you never ever run out of mana.

Know it doesn't have much to do with what warlock does at cap (shadowbolt) but it's worth trying out for something cool as hell.

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Re: How does it feel to play your build?

Post by Kwall » Sat Feb 24, 2024 1:45 am

My main is a beastmaster hunter. I'm not huge into roleplaying but at the same time I like to feel like I have a strong bond with my pet a night saber named Fang I'd really like to stay beast master in raiding but we all know marksman is the way to go. Ive always maxed out fishing cooking skinning and leatherworking on my hunter it just feels right a quick nimble hunter with his trusty companion living off the land and selling his wears to other travelers.

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