Tel'Abim needs help. Here's my suggestions.

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Tel'Abim needs help. Here's my suggestions.

Post by Bonado » Fri Dec 08, 2023 10:59 pm

Tel'Abim needs work done.

The first and most mentioned point I've seen a lot of people bring up is the population, for now I think it's fine. Server launch is expected to have heightened numbers, that's fine. A drop off following Season of Discovery's launch is expected, that's fine. However, I fear the server is also struggling to gain players, very little promotion went into the server, it was somewhat mentioned in passing and is hidden away in the corner that people need to go out of their way to join and interact with.

World PvP
What's the main difference between a PvP server and a PvE server? One thing, always active PvP flags. So why is half the player base just spamming battlegrounds? World PvP needs to be incentivised without destroying battlegrounds entirely. Perhaps significantly reducing the honour gains while in a battleground unless it's your first visit of the day or during "battleground day"?

There is a bounty board system already added!
  • Why not make it more active by reducing the requirements for someone to get a bounty placed on them?
  • Let more people at any time have a bounty.
  • Give better rewards for completing a bounty.
This gets people to populate the world and do the thing they joined the server for in the first place.

We now have glaring one issue, if world PvP becomes the main gameplay for people looking to get rewards and honour what about ganking? While it should be an accepted fact that ganking is a part of the game I think your reasons to do it should be heavily limited outside of personal spite.
  • Reduce the level brackets for earning honour (A level 46 should not get honour for killing a level 37).
  • Get significantly reduced honour (potentially only 10/5% of the initial value) if an NPC did X% of damage to a player or is aggroed to a player before you kill them.
  • Have the previously mentioned bounty increase significantly faster when killing players lower level than you.
  • Get significantly reduced honour when doing damage to a player with multiple players attacking them but not attacking multiple players yourself (reducing the incentive for 3v1 scenarios).
  • Potentially even getting dishonourable kills for killing people a certain level below you (If you don't then do damage to someone who would give an honourable kill within a few minutes to prevent any reverse griefing).
This could incentivise fair World PvP without creating an entirely hostile world that no one can progress through, gear should not be a factor when it comes to figuring these values out as players should be rewarded for getting good gear, especially at lower levels.

Additional PvP content
TWoW has always been a PvE first server however this mentality needs to be adjusted if running a PvP server, more custom PvP content needs to be produced.
  • New open world and instanced content.
  • New battlegrounds.
  • New places like the Gurubashi arena with loot to fight over on a fixed timer.
  • New PvP reputations.
  • Meaningful contested open world objectives (i.e. SoD's battle for Ashenvale, the towers found in Plaguelands, the sand in Silithus, Halaa from BC).
Some of this content (I'm thinking mostly about the contested open world objectives) could even be exclusive to Tel'Abim as an incentive for people to play on the server.

The Fresh Server Experience
Finally I want to touch on the fresh server experience, I think I as well as many others are disappointed by the fresh server experience, it already feels fully progressed as a lot of very good gear is already available and the only locked content is AQ and Naxx, both being PvE instanced content. I don't know how you'd fix this retroactively but I think Tel'Abim would've been a lot more interesting if there was a lack of Battlegrounds, Tier 2 gear was unavailable and some kind of brand new PvP content was launched alongside the server. As it stands there is very little incentive especially with the current state of the server to play on Tel'Abim over the main Turtle WoW server in my opinion.

Thank you for taking the time to read through my post, I'm by no means a developer and have no idea on how absurd my suggestions be from a developer perspective but I'd appreciate the consideration of at least some of these suggestions as well as any additional comments from others.

Posts: 12

Re: Tel'Abim needs help. Here's my suggestions.

Post by Fanatix » Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:04 pm


Thank you for striving to improve the servers as well by bringing up your ideas as well.
Could we combine the two posts to get more traction
I think our ideas go into the same direction to give world pvp more love

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Re: Tel'Abim needs help. Here's my suggestions.

Post by Jstansberry » Sat Dec 09, 2023 7:07 am

Unfortunately the initial population seems to have been made up of "tourists". A big portion of the WoW private server community are "tourists" who don't feel attached to servers they play on. If a new "fresh" comes out, they will almost always move on to that, even if the server they were playing on wasn't even in phase 5 yet. It's a neurological disorder of some sort.

Incentivizing open world PvP carries a lot of baggage with it. There would be no reason to not take over Blackrock Mountain or even just outside Stormwind/Orgrimmar gates with all your guildies/friends for easy honor farming.

Open world PvP will never be "fair" and was never meant to be, that is why Blizzard opted to facilitate all PvP progression in battlegrounds where it would not disrupt the open world. Open World objectives would be easily abused by simply bringing more numbers - battlegrounds have a minimum and maximum player limit.

Turtle WoW's design ethos also kind of conflicts with what most PvP server players are looking for. Turtle WoW's design weighs more heavily into the casual aspects of vanilla WoW while players looking for PvP servers are generally going to be the more competitive/hardcore type of player. In retrospect, I've come to the conclusion that the PvP server was doomed to fail before it even launched. The initial success was almost entirely tourists that have moved on to other private server projects or SoD.

I honestly think that the best solution would be for the Turtle team to transfer Tel'Abim characters to the main server. If no open world PvP is happening on Tel'Abim due to low population then the PvP server tag is basically decorative.

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Re: Tel'Abim needs help. Here's my suggestions.

Post by Tekamthi » Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:19 pm

Just throwing in my two cents as a newcomer to wow/turtle. Back when I was playing beta wow and decided not to become long term subscriber, my main game was lineage 2, and I preferred the relatively free PvP system there, PKers and griefers and all...

As I was picking a server to play on about 1-2 months ago, turtle had just launched their PvP realm, but the offering of the main server was just incomparable. Can play all kinds of different modes on one, all missing on the other. Now the existing glyphs don't really suit PvP server (but why no turtle mode?? It's the signature 'turtle' glyph! Seemed odd not to have it available, doesn't really conflict with the PvP focus imo). But I woulda liked to see some available nonetheless.

I almost decided to play on Ascension instead of turtle; the classless system, though interesting, was actually a turn off; I've never leveled a character to 60 in the conventional wow system, seemed a step too far to start with their reimagining of how it all works. But I did really like their PvP glyphs, particularly the "high risk, high reward" one, and the one that lets player fight their own faction and become outlaw. I don't know the details of exactly how they work, but just saying, these things were almost the selling point that got me to start on Ascension instead of turtle.

Ultimately the mix of all the playmodes and general turtle community reputation won out for me (plus the client size lol, turtle leaves more room for other games on my drive than Ascension does). I wouldn't mind making a PvP server alt after my first lvl 60 in wow, but will look for some of these interesting glyphs etc before deciding on where that will be.

It would be especially interesting to me if I could somehow participate "part-time" on the other server with the same character, like stepping into a parallel dimension of the multiverse or something, possibly without access to ah and trading systems so as not to upset the economy

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Re: Tel'Abim needs help. Here's my suggestions.

Post by Bonado » Sun Dec 10, 2023 12:00 pm

Fanatix wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:04 pm
Could we combine the two posts to get more traction
Oops, only just saw this now ...
Jstansberry wrote:
Sat Dec 09, 2023 7:07 am
Unfortunately the initial population seems to have been made up of "tourists". A big portion of the WoW private server community are "tourists" who don't feel attached to servers they play on.
I get that and encompass it when talking about population that it's expected to drop off but I don't see how this is ever a bad thing, with some tourism a few are bound to stick around.
Jstansberry wrote:
Sat Dec 09, 2023 7:07 am
Incentivizing open world PvP carries a lot of baggage with it. There would be no reason to not take over Blackrock Mountain or even just outside Stormwind/Orgrimmar gates with all your guildies/friends for easy honor farming.
What you're suggesting here sounds like win-trading which is a bannable offense.
Jstansberry wrote:
Sat Dec 09, 2023 7:07 am
Open world PvP will never be "fair" and was never meant to be, that is why Blizzard opted to facilitate all PvP progression in battlegrounds where it would not disrupt the open world. Open World objectives would be easily abused by simply bringing more numbers - battlegrounds have a minimum and maximum player limit.
Oh definitely but I'd like to at least encourage it, there's no point in having any world PvP if the only times it's relevant is when one side never stood a chance to begin with the other side receiving no penalty for playing dirty hence my suggestions to reduce the level bracket for honourable kills and potentially introducing dishonourable kills or harsh honour penalties for consistently participating in extremely one-sided attacks, I want to see improvements rather than say it was broken from the beginning and to give up immediately.
Tekamthi wrote:
Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:19 pm
Can play all kinds of different modes on one, all missing on the other. Now the existing glyphs don't really suit PvP server (but why no turtle mode?? It's the signature 'turtle' glyph! Seemed odd not to have it available, doesn't really conflict with the PvP focus imo). But I woulda liked to see some available nonetheless.
I completely forgot about it but I remember thinking the exact same at the time, all the other glyphs don't mesh well sure but Slow and Steady not being present makes zero sense. You don't lose XP if a player kills you from my experience of combining it with War Mode so it doesn't harm you there and by slowing down the levelling experience for some players it keeps the lower levels more populated and allows people to experience all the custom content without overlevelling it. It would also have been interesting to see potentially new glyphs that can only work in an always PvP setting.
Jstansberry wrote:
Sat Dec 09, 2023 7:07 am
I honestly think that the best solution would be for the Turtle team to transfer Tel'Abim characters to the main server. If no open world PvP is happening on Tel'Abim due to low population then the PvP server tag is basically decorative.
This is the biggest point I want to emphasise too, if the end game for Tel'Abim is mostly in instances and all the world PvP really is for most people is an inconvenience to get around why is anyone opting in or playing on a PvP server? If get a sudden increase in open world PvP objectives I think it'd go a really long way for Tel'Abim.

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Re: Tel'Abim needs help. Here's my suggestions.

Post by Xudo » Sun Dec 10, 2023 12:41 pm

Bonado wrote:
Sun Dec 10, 2023 12:00 pm
Jstansberry wrote:
Sat Dec 09, 2023 7:07 am
I honestly think that the best solution would be for the Turtle team to transfer Tel'Abim characters to the main server. If no open world PvP is happening on Tel'Abim due to low population then the PvP server tag is basically decorative.
This is the biggest point I want to emphasise too, if the end game for Tel'Abim is mostly in instances and all the world PvP really is for most people is an inconvenience to get around why is anyone opting in or playing on a PvP server? If get a sudden increase in open world PvP objectives I think it'd go a really long way for Tel'Abim.
Mandatory PvP tag is the only thing that can help you to reduce competition on resources farmed in open world: E'kos, herbs, RTV, twilight texts.
You can do nothing to node campers on PvE realm. On PvP realm you can kill at least half of them. If other fraction is active, then they can help to kill another half.
Xudo - tauren warrior 19 Sergeant armory.
I don't raid and rank, so you can not bother asking.
Nerf high level enchants on low level gear
Add lvl requirement to bandages
Best and optimal gear for 10-19 twinks
Have fun not only at 60.

Posts: 7

Re: Tel'Abim needs help. Here's my suggestions.

Post by Rainny » Mon Dec 11, 2023 1:53 pm

+1 for transfer to the main server.. i honestly miss playerbase, maybe later on ppl will come back to pvp server, but its not too much pop on it. will be there a transfer for main server? please TWOW!

Posts: 12

Re: Tel'Abim needs help. Here's my suggestions.

Post by Fanatix » Mon Dec 11, 2023 6:55 pm

No transfers necessary.
Start at new toon invest the leveling time. It’s not like you probably leveled 20+ characters in your wow career so far.
Like this you can the return whenever you think it’s better or you lost all your trust in pvp server and only loved it to spice up leveling?

And imagine even if everybody just stays t0,5 and can’t raid or just reach t1 level because crazy low pop wouldn’t that improve pvp balance ? 😂

Back tô topic as discussed in other post
New open world pvp objectives / reputation/ rewards would definitely make people at minimum invest there waiting time for bgs/dungeons in these zones.

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Re: Tel'Abim needs help. Here's my suggestions.

Post by Manletow » Fri Dec 15, 2023 4:28 pm

Jstansberry wrote:
Sat Dec 09, 2023 7:07 am
Unfortunately the initial population seems to have been made up of "tourists".

Turtle WoW's design ethos also kind of conflicts with what most PvP server players are looking for. Turtle WoW's design weighs more heavily into the casual aspects of vanilla WoW while players looking for PvP servers are generally going to be the more competitive/hardcore type of player.
I'm more interested in PVP so I made a toon on Telabim and got to level 14 but realized "I don't really want to do the 60 grind again" and came crawling back to the PVE realm.

I have too much time/effort invested in my PVE server Character to "start again fresh" and I suspect many 'visitors' have similar sentiments.

(T-WoW is adding a 20% EXP-boost to PVP server probably to address this matter.)

But yeah T-WoW dev's have admitted more or less that they are concerned much more with PVE than PVP so it makes sense that a T-WoW PvP server would have a tepid response/population.

T-WoW staff have only made very minor QoL changes to PVP -- there would need to be radical changes/improvements to intrigue hardcore PVPers to flock to Telabim.
Paladin is broken in PVP.
Frost Mage is broken in PVP/PVE.
Warrior is awful in PVP.
Feral Druid is mediocre in PVP.
Enhancement Shaman is fine. Stop begging for goofy custom abilities.

Posts: 44

Re: Tel'Abim needs help. Here's my suggestions.

Post by Scelus12 » Fri Dec 15, 2023 4:50 pm

First, thank you. I love Telabim and I want to see it thrive.

There are three main things I’d love to implement to induce players:

- Free transfers from the PvE server, max 100g and blue gear.

- XP boosts for levelers. Maybe a “play with a friend” bonus. Or triple quest XP. Something.

- DRASTIC PvP content changes. Sometime truly new and fun to attract PvP focused players. I’m talking like a new 5v5 battleground, revamp EPL towers so that they drop epics or honor, just do anything. It can’t get any worse.

I will stay on Telabim raiding with friends. But I am sad that we’ve seen so much population loss.

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Re: Tel'Abim needs help. Here's my suggestions.

Post by Manletow » Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:13 pm

Scelus12 wrote:
Fri Dec 15, 2023 4:50 pm
- Free transfers from the PvE server

- XP boosts for levelers. Maybe a “play with a friend” bonus. Or triple quest XP. Something.

- I’m talking like a new 5v5 battleground
Realistically only after a lot of time passes could I see transfers PvE-->PvP being allowed.
Right now it would be pretty goofy to see High Warlords go from PvE--PvP and instantly buy full epic PvP set and dominate BGs.

Like I said.. they just added/announced a 20% XP boost. Its temporary tho I believe.
Anyway aren't there Survival tents on Telabim...? Thats 100% increased XP (from Mob kills) right there.

Theres already a custom BG 'SunnyGlade Valley' and it has seen virtually no play whatsoever (on the PVE sever at least).
Maybe now that they are nerfing AV honor maybe people will start playing it...? I doubt it tho.

Anyway yet another new BG would spread the already low population even thinner. Making BG's take forever to pop.
If BG's dont pop then people will log out/leave making the pop even lower.

But yeah they need to get some kind of attraction to lure people to the new server.
Paladin is broken in PVP.
Frost Mage is broken in PVP/PVE.
Warrior is awful in PVP.
Feral Druid is mediocre in PVP.
Enhancement Shaman is fine. Stop begging for goofy custom abilities.

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Re: Tel'Abim needs help. Here's my suggestions.

Post by Za5adlo » Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:18 pm

Tbh i like pvp realm population rn. Ye i pretty understand ppl who prefer more wpvp on pvp realm and more bgs but I like less population cuz it magnets more social ppl by some reason. I was lvling my main war on twow pve like 1-2 years ago. I adored twow for community etc. pve server now is so thing i better play pvp one, with less online but more social n talkable eng speaking ppl. No offence.

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