Ideas Promote World PvP specifically on Tel Abim

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Ideas Promote World PvP specifically on Tel Abim

Post by Fanatix » Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:28 pm

Ideas Promote World PvP specifically on Tel Abim

With Warmode like benefits not beeing available on Tel Abim I would love to see something implemented to promote World PvP in all level brackets because it’s just plainly unrewarding in classic

Examples beeing:

Rewarding a honorable kills outside of BGs with more than Honor

1. with a reputation addition to one of the local factions in endgame zones under same rules level depending and DR as normal HKs
2. For lower level characters additionaly Add an additional increase to all XP gained by 30%?% for the next 30 Minutes (buff Lars through death)
3. OR instead the above with „marks“ which can be traded for xp, reputation or Items

1. Increase number of graveyards in some zones to offset the annoying risk of world of walkcraft which why is some don’t even engage.
2. Add worthy rewards to world pvp system in eastern plagues/ silithus (for example receiving a stackable item f.ex *mark of domination“ after capturing a point or defeating players in vicinity which can be traded for new pvp rewards

For all level 60 players because of vast possible gear advantage all this should only apply for kills against lvl 60s

Those are just some very unrefined ideas so please add or cut away or dismiss fully. All comments welcome.

As I am not aware of client limitations all above might not even be up for discussion, please enlighten me.

Thank you for reading.

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Re: Ideas Promote World PvP specifically on Tel Abim

Post by Majestik51 » Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:39 pm

smiling_turtle_head very nice bro! gj!! smiling_turtle_head
Necromantis - 60 lvl Warlock

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Re: Ideas Promote World PvP specifically on Tel Abim

Post by Ataika » Wed Dec 06, 2023 1:12 pm

Outdoor activities should be fun to play, you can not stimulate players like dogs giving them minor treats

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Re: Ideas Promote World PvP specifically on Tel Abim

Post by Fanatix » Wed Dec 06, 2023 3:59 pm

I see your point.
Altough I think Minor treats is what most mmos hand out with great success. Or does anyone enjoy doing dailies quests for months.

PvP is or should be the fun activity and as BGS give it context in a controlled environment I try to give in context and a reward loop comparable in the open world.

But as it is way less rewarding or even punishing in comparison to BGs it’s not an attractive activity even while waiting for a BG to start. Because time can be invested way more effective in other fields.

Therefore I tried to create additional motivators while limiting the punishment for failure (graveyards)

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Re: Ideas Promote World PvP specifically on Tel Abim

Post by Whalemilk » Wed Dec 06, 2023 5:57 pm

I think it would be nice to have towers to capture like in EPL. The 2 towers in Hillsbrad Foothills could easily be changed to this. I would have it so it has alliance/horde units that spawn so you can’t just sit in it and capture.

Since everyone has a hard-on for +exp, provide +5% exp boost for the zone for each tower captured.

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Re: Ideas Promote World PvP specifically on Tel Abim

Post by Mackylol » Fri Dec 08, 2023 1:13 am


Create incentives for world pvp. Raid groups not to be included OFCOURSE into these incentives to avoid zergs.

I remember Blizzard announcing the outdoor pvp offering in EPL and ended up being terribly disappointed because there was no reason to participate. The honor gain from BGs was 1000x.

I liked OPs suggestion.

A basic template suggestion would be:
* Add a new faction with neat rewards.
* Reward 1-5 reputation gain with the new faction per (60) kill in the assigned zone.
* Reward 10x honor per kill with diminishing returns after 2-3 kills for 15-45min.
* Assign a zone to the BG rotation to disincentivize BGs and to promote pvping in the assigned zone.
* Rotate between different 50+ zones with each rotation.. heck, rotate zones several times during the ”world pvp” day.

And.. BAM, world pvp is a thing — atleast on the day of the rotation. The honor part might need adjustment to make it somewhat equal to battleground gains.

But .. it will be tough to combat multiboxing wintraders who has characters on both factions that sit in a corner of the map and kill eachother. Harsh punishment is needed.

Ataika wrote:
Wed Dec 06, 2023 1:12 pm
Outdoor activities should be fun to play, you can not stimulate players like dogs giving them minor treats
This is an odd thing to say, or believe. People do the same dungeon, raid or battleground over and over for treats. Thats the game.

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Re: Ideas Promote World PvP specifically on Tel Abim

Post by Xudo » Fri Dec 08, 2023 4:13 am

Reputation, new faction, honor gains is all good. But it can be made fun. Not just rewarding.
I mean - horde and alliance should have quests with mutually exclusive objectives.
For example Hillsbrad Foothills.
Horde has a lot of quests to kill farmers and humans there.
Allance could get quests to buff farmers by giving them militia-like armor, sword and bow. It will improve their damage, health and probably changing their name to prevent killing for quest objective.
Those militia-farmers could stop roaming the field and group up near named farmers. So they attack any horde player together.
Xudo - tauren warrior 19 Sergeant armory.
I don't raid and rank, so you can not bother asking.
Nerf high level enchants on low level gear
Add lvl requirement to bandages
Best and optimal gear for 10-19 twinks
Have fun not only at 60.

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Re: Ideas Promote World PvP specifically on Tel Abim

Post by Eversongwoods » Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:41 am

They could have a random contested zone be at war every few hrs for 45mins or so. When at war you get double honor for kills in that zone, or something simple like that. I remember archeage had a system like this and having to get out of the zone if you were doing anything other than pvp because it would turn into a gank fest.

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Re: Ideas Promote World PvP specifically on Tel Abim

Post by Ataika » Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:54 am

Mackylol wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2023 1:13 am
This is an odd thing to say, or believe. People do the same dungeon, raid or battleground over and over for treats. Thats the game.
There is a big difference to farm gold or needed item and go to zone for minor treats like bonus honor. Because last one has deminishing. Without deminishing its a granted abuse to reskill friends/twinks.
From what i have noticed people here enjoy dungeoning, i always meet some1 who doesnt need anything really but joins for fun.

In that case outdoor wpvp activity must be fun at frist and treaty at second, otherwise it wont proc outside of minor activity and windows for abuses. So you can not increase honor/slap repitation and think the wpvp will bloom.

Look at warmode, i often seen places where 10 plaeyrs of horde and alliance run around warmoded but do not attack eahother. Thats a good example of failed concept "we gib em treat they will start pvping". No they wont.

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Re: Ideas Promote World PvP specifically on Tel Abim

Post by Mackylol » Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:58 am

Ataika wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:54 am
Mackylol wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2023 1:13 am
This is an odd thing to say, or believe. People do the same dungeon, raid or battleground over and over for treats. Thats the game.
There is a big difference to farm gold or needed item and go to zone for minor treats like bonus honor. Because last one has deminishing. Without deminishing its a granted abuse to reskill friends/twinks.
From what i have noticed people here enjoy dungeoning, i always meet some1 who doesnt need anything really but joins for fun.

In that case outdoor wpvp activity must be fun at frist and treaty at second, otherwise it wont proc outside of minor activity and windows for abuses. So you can not increase honor/slap repitation and think the wpvp will bloom.

Look at warmode, i often seen places where 10 plaeyrs of horde and alliance run around warmoded but do not attack eahother. Thats a good example of failed concept "we gib em treat they will start pvping". No they wont.
I realize that you will have a handful of people who will do it just to do something, to have fun. But the majority of people are doing tasks that build their characters, aka character progression. I know more people who do the AV grind out of necessity than those who do it because of enjoyment and still AV is popping over and over.

Incentive creates fun. Fun is temporary, incentive is permanent.

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