Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

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Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Dracarusggotham » Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:40 pm

Hello, I want to make a question in general to the players about what races them like.

For the Horde and the Alliance: What are your thoughts about the Sin'dorei in the Horde? You prefer if them are in the Alliance? Why?
For the Horde: You'l liked better if the Quel'dorei where in the Horde in Turtle WoW? Why?
For the Horde: What races you'd like to see in the Horde here?
For the Horde: What do you think about the Goblins in the Horde? You liked the idea? if yes, why? if no, you prefer another race instead the Goblins?
For the Horde: You think the Amani trolls could be better as a race instead a sub-race?

For the Alliance: What other races you think can fit in the Alliance? Worgens are discarded cause Gilneas is in-game now.
For the Alliance: You think a race of the Horde, can be from retail or from here, can fit in the Alliance? Why?

If the game allow you to create a race, and change faction whitout changing your race, you will do it? like a mercenary mode or things like that.

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Akos1896 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:07 pm

Might be a bit off-topic but what I'd like is some diversity in skins.
F.ex. being able to play an ugly human, a longer-faced elf, whatever. It feels like I'm playing with the same faces over and over again, only haircut is different.

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Hyrag » Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:59 pm

Worgens for alliance and Horde(like pandaren in MOP)
i think its the more fitting for the Twow Patch

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Galendor » Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:27 pm

Dracarusggotham wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:40 pm
For the Horde and the Alliance: What are your thoughts about the Sin'dorei in the Horde? You prefer if them are in the Alliance? Why?
In current state of lore on TWoW most of Sin'dorei are in Outland with their prince. It requires really hard mental gymnastics to advocate their union with the Horde. Also I don't see them in the Alliance - the Alliance already has its thalassian elves.
Dracarusggotham wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:40 pm
For the Horde: You'l liked better if the Quel'dorei where in the Horde in Turtle WoW? Why?
Quel'dorei are old allies of the Alliance. The Horde, on the other side, was responsible for mass destructions in Quel'Thalas during the Second War. It's not something one could forgive so easily. Besides the Horde is forging bonds with Amani again. So I doubt such union could have place.
Dracarusggotham wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:40 pm
For the Horde: What do you think about the Goblins in the Horde? You liked the idea? if yes, why? if no, you prefer another race instead the Goblins?
I definitely like an idea of goblins being in the Horde and I'm happy that their models will have huge update in the next patch. The Horde was in need of some tech-maniacs who could rival gnomes, and orcs already has strong bonds with Gazlow's guys. In the end, nothing could stop goblins from joining the Horde if they decide that this union is profitable, right?
Dracarusggotham wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:40 pm
For the Horde: You think the Amani trolls could be better as a race instead a sub-race?
An interesting question. On the one side, I definitely would love to see separate starting zone and quests for forest trolls because their beginning with Darkspears (as it is now) just doesn't feel right. But on the other side, I dislike an idea of adding more playable races on a character creation screen if their only difference is skin colour or eye colour.
In a prefect world we would have full-scale system of sub-races like this one but I doubt it's possible on Vanilla.
Dracarusggotham wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:40 pm
For the Alliance: What other races you think can fit in the Alliance? Worgens are discarded cause Gilneas is in-game now.
I believe that introduction of the Lupine Coven is opening a way to friendly gilnean worgens - and having Gilneas as a high-level zone isn't a problem. Player's character could start in a separate location (being on a diplomatic mission from Liam and crashing somewhere on their way to Stormwind or just doing job for Coven in their new place granted by new king of Gilneas). So, I definitely wouldn't be against playable worgens.
Another variants are:
- children of Cenarius (dryads/grove keepers) and furbolgs - races that have strong connections with night elves;
- half-elves who could represent Theramore or Dalaran (but this variant is highly doubtful because it adds almost nothing new into the Alliance).
I don't mention draenei because... Come on, we all know they will not be playable in any way.

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Charanko » Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:51 pm

No elfs on horde,ty
Ogers tho,lets go… or the buff forrest trolls

horde should stay ugly brutes,let the alliance be pretty boys… goblins fit in really well atm
Bit overall, dont think the game needs more races
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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Drenari » Fri Nov 03, 2023 2:41 pm

So alliance can help cure the magic addiction of the high elves but cant do anything to undo the fel warlock corruption to the lost ones? I would like to see the Draenei added to alliance. Pick your character cutomization but in the starter zone you look like one of the lost ones and you do some quests that lead you to undo the warlock corruption that was done to you and you become a restored Draenei.

Plus ogres for horde.

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Lasershadow » Sun Nov 05, 2023 2:00 am

Blood Elves and Worgen for Alliance.
Ogres and Mok'nathal/Brown Orcs for Horde.

(Side Note: I am getting good at remembering how to spell Mok'nathal without looking it up thanks to threads like these.)

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Dracarusggotham » Sun Nov 05, 2023 3:34 am

Lasershadow wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 2:00 am
Blood Elves and Worgen for Alliance.
Ogres and Mok'nathal/Brown Orcs for Horde.

(Side Note: I am getting good at remembering how to spell Mok'nathal without looking it up thanks to threads like these.)
Well, considering that, the Worgen can be only in beast form, not have the option to change between human form and beast form.
Blood Elves...I still think about it, I prefer them like a sub-race edit like Wildhammer Dwarfs or let them like enemy faction as it is now.

Ogres and Mok'nathal are the same, the semi-orc in that faction is Rexxar, who allied them to the Horde in Warcraft III.
You're referring to the Mag'har orcs when you say "Brown Orcs". Can be a good addition, but it's the same as the Blood Elves and Quel'dorei, are the same race only with a change in the skin. They need to add different racials or abilities to make them a different race.

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Pauloricardo » Sun Nov 05, 2023 4:27 am

Possible races for the Horde:
2ºBlood Elf(Warrior/Hunter/Rogue/Priest/Mage/Warlock).Maybe Paladin?
3ºNaga(Warrior/Hunter/Rogue/Priest/Mage).Is there a Shaman Naga?I think not, I dont remember
For the Alliance:

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Dinoriel » Sun Nov 05, 2023 5:23 am

Dracarusggotham wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:40 pm
For the Horde and the Alliance: What are your thoughts about the Sin'dorei in the Horde? You prefer if them are in the Alliance? Why?
Sin'dorei in the horde isn't the worst thing ever to me. I agree that many of them could probably relate to the forsaken at the very least, considering that they share a common enemy (Arthas). Though I can't see them getting along with Trolls or Orcs very well due to their history with the Amani and years of being sided with Alliance forces. The reason they were in the Horde on retail was due to the fact the alliance abandoned them (even as High Elves) during and after the third war. On Turtle, the lore has changed slightly where the Alliance aided the High Elves in fleeing the Scourge and have continued to help them since. The Sin'dorei are High Elves that have been exposed to fel energies to cope with the loss of the sunwell. As long as they could prove their loyalty to the Alliance (and aren't up to shady shit in the name of Kael'Thas), I feel they wouldn't be that much different than accepting warlocks into the faction.
Dracarusggotham wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:40 pm

For the Horde: You'l liked better if the Quel'dorei where in the Horde in Turtle WoW? Why?
For the Horde: What races you'd like to see in the Horde here?
Quel'Dorei to me just don't make a lot of sense in the Horde, for reasons listed above. Although there's two races that come to mind when thinking of a potential horde race: Ogres and Draenei. Ogres have been a popular choice, and with their connections to the orcs, it makes a lot of sense. In fact, there's already some Ogres in Dustwallow Marsh that are sided with the Horde there. As for the Draenei, their lore is quite similar to the Orcs that originated from Draenor, and actually lived peacefully among them until the Burning Legion came into the picture. Should the Draenei join the horde, there could be a questline similar to the High Elven questline where the Orcs and Draenei attempt to make amends, similarly to how the High Elves would have done so with the Night Elves. (I know this isn't a popular option and won't happen, just saying Draenei would be a better fit than Quel'Dorei/Sin'Dorei in the Horde. Just brainstorming as to how it could happen.)
Dracarusggotham wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:40 pm
For the Horde: What do you think about the Goblins in the Horde? You liked the idea? if yes, why? if no, you prefer another race instead the Goblins?
For the Horde: You think the Amani trolls could be better as a race instead a sub-race?
I don't think the Goblins are a bad addition to Turtle, and have been pretty fun to play. Although I think the Amani Trolls make a bit more sense considering that the lore has them allied with the Horde more so than the Goblins. Many also forget that they were affected by Arthas' attack as well, so I don't see them having any issues allying with the Forsaken, either. Making the Amani Trolls a solid race rather than a sub-race wouldn't feel any different than having Quel'Dorei or Sin'Dorei as separate races. Even the Night Elves look somewhat similar to High/Blood Elves, but have a different enough history and culture to be separate. I believe Amani Trolls are the same way, and could be great with their own zones (Perhaps in Quel'Thalas?).
Dracarusggotham wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:40 pm
For the Alliance: What other races you think can fit in the Alliance? Worgens are discarded cause Gilneas is in-game now.
I don't see why Worgens would have to be completely discarded. There are still Worgen outside of Gilneas that could potentially fit within the Alliance, with enough effort. The first that come to mind are the Sons of Arugal and the Night-Elven Worgen that were affected by the Scythe of Elune in Duskwood. Though there would have to be a lore-friendly way of making them less aggressive.
On that note, I think the Furbolgs could make a decent Alliance race. They lived peacefully with Night Elves for years until being corrupted by fel. The Night Elves only ask you to fight them because there is no known cure for said corruption. Though (from what I know) there are some quests around Felwood that show they are trying to find ways to find this cure. I don't see anything wrong with uncorrupted Furbolgs joining the Night Elves (and the Alliance) to find a cure as well.
Dracarusggotham wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:40 pm
If the game allow you to create a race, and change faction whitout changing your race, you will do it? like a mercenary mode or things like that.
I would give it a try for RP purposes, perhaps. Darkfallen, for example, should definitely be part of the Forsaken. Yet High Elves with the Darkfallen skin are still part of the Alliance, which is difficult to make a lore-friendly backstory for. I think what would fit even better is a factionless mode where you simply choose to be neutral. Neither horde nor Alliance. It could be cool to use that (again for RP purposes) to make a Scarlet Crusade character, Scourge character, or some other neutral party.

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Charanko » Sun Nov 05, 2023 8:07 am

Can we get the buff forest trolls??
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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Marty1980 » Sun Nov 05, 2023 4:55 pm

I am not even a horde player , but i really think horde should have get ogre a LONG LONG time ago .... they were their caster since warcraft one.

I wouldnt even mind if horde have 6 race and alliance have 5 ....

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Dracarusggotham » Sun Nov 05, 2023 9:33 pm

Marty1980 wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 4:55 pm
I am not even a horde player , but i really think horde should have get ogre a LONG LONG time ago .... they were their caster since warcraft one.

I wouldnt even mind if horde have 6 race and alliance have 5 ....
Yeah, but the game cannot be broken at that point.
I guess the devs can give the Horde a popular race now and give the Alliance a most common race. After all, we already have the Quel'dorei, the most asked race in retail for the Alliance we have it now, so, the next races can be more unpopular.
I changed my mind and I guess the Worgens can be a good addition now, but only the time will say what will happen with TWoW from now.

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Mativh » Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:17 am

Marty1980 wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 4:55 pm
I am not even a horde player , but i really think horde should have get ogre a LONG LONG time ago .... they were their caster since warcraft one.

I wouldnt even mind if horde have 6 race and alliance have 5 ....
As long as the overall class/race combo is more or less equal.. and both Tauren and Ogres would have only 4 classes.. add to it that High Elves are much more popular than Goblins, actually Horde getting Ogres and Alliance not getting a new race would be real equality.

There is no reason to push right now for some artificial equality, that is like when people suggest nonsensical race class combos that go completely against the lore of both that race and class.. just so all races have equal amount of classes...

Leave the Alliance spot open for when it'd make sense to add a race to them (vanillified northrend shores being explored and Vrykul joining the Alliance, or Outland Hellfire Peninsula incorporated as horizontal content and the development of the lore would lead to the Broken or Naga joining the Alliance, etc)
And for now add only the Ogres to the Horde.

All races dont have to have equal amount of classes and the factions dont have to have equal amount of races.

Lore/immersion/coherent worldbuilding > retcon/artificial equality/standardization
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost;
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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Ortogs » Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:30 am

Furlborg as a neutral race that can ally or horde… maybe allow shaman or paladin? Not sure paladin would fit…

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Philandros » Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:39 am

Right off the bat should probably be :
Dryad / Keeper of the Grove for Alliance
Ogre for Horde
Both factions get unique 'large' races.

Could even call them hero races or something, if you already have a lv 60 or get a hardcore to 40 or getting a certain rep to exaulted. Could be turtle wows reflection of allied races.

Could probably do a similar thing with additional races and give larger appearance and racial traits.
Arathi humans / Aerie peak Dwarves / Dalaran for Alliance
Amani forest trolls / Zandalari / Abominations / Orc clans for Horde

Im sure you can use your imagination for more. There are plenty of kingdoms and Clans in the warcraft universe. Id say think about the lore of the warcraft series before WoW, and get into the headspace of Turtle WoW.
There are 6 other nations of humans and over 10 Orc clans to go wild with.

At the end of the day it is probably a nightmare to scale and code armor, items, and animations to new races.

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Ishilu » Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:29 pm

Charanko wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:51 pm
No elfs on horde,ty
Ogers tho,lets go… or the buff forrest trolls

horde should stay ugly brutes,let the alliance be pretty boys… goblins fit in really well atm
Bit overall, dont think the game needs more races
100% agree.

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Dracarusggotham » Mon Nov 06, 2023 4:12 pm

Ortogs wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:30 am
Furlborg as a neutral race that can ally or horde… maybe allow shaman or paladin? Not sure paladin would fit…
The furlborg are friends of the Night Elves, and I don't see how them can join the Horde, the only connection that them have to the Horde are the Taurens, but with the destruction that is causing the Horde in Ashenvale is a bit complicated to see them joining the Horde.
The furbolgs are shamans and druids, so, I see them more in the Alliance with the druid class and not allowing the shaman.

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Ortogs » Mon Nov 06, 2023 7:55 pm

Dracarusggotham wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 4:12 pm
Ortogs wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:30 am
Furlborg as a neutral race that can ally or horde… maybe allow shaman or paladin? Not sure paladin would fit…
The furlborg are friends of the Night Elves, and I don't see how them can join the Horde, the only connection that them have to the Horde are the Taurens, but with the destruction that is causing the Horde in Ashenvale is a bit complicated to see them joining the Horde.
The furbolgs are shamans and druids, so, I see them more in the Alliance with the druid class and not allowing the shaman.
I dunno, plenty of questing in Felwood and Ashenvale shows Furlborg to work with both Ally and Horde. I dont see how you could restrict it unless they were hostile to Horde.

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Pauloricardo » Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:24 am

Dracarusggotham wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 4:12 pm
Ortogs wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:30 am
Furlborg as a neutral race that can ally or horde… maybe allow shaman or paladin? Not sure paladin would fit…
The furlborg are friends of the Night Elves, and I don't see how them can join the Horde, the only connection that them have to the Horde are the Taurens, but with the destruction that is causing the Horde in Ashenvale is a bit complicated to see them joining the Horde.
The furbolgs are shamans and druids, so, I see them more in the Alliance with the druid class and not allowing the shaman.
I think the answer will depend the tribe we are choosing:
1)Timbermaw is a good choice only if you make a Neutral faction(and this will be very difficult)
2)Barkskin will be great: they were the ones who helped the N.E.,Humans and Orcs against the Burning Legion, so the Lore will sustain them as a new race for the Alliance(as far as I know)
3)If Turtle WOW create The Azuremist Isle, is it possible to implement the Stillpine tribe?

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Bluecow89 » Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:39 pm

Philandros wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:39 am
Right off the bat should probably be :
Dryad / Keeper of the Grove for Alliance
Ogre for Horde
Both factions get unique 'large' races.

Could even call them hero races or something, if you already have a lv 60 or get a hardcore to 40 or getting a certain rep to exaulted. Could be turtle wows reflection of allied races.

Could probably do a similar thing with additional races and give larger appearance and racial traits.
Arathi humans / Aerie peak Dwarves / Dalaran for Alliance
Amani forest trolls / Zandalari / Abominations / Orc clans for Horde

Im sure you can use your imagination for more. There are plenty of kingdoms and Clans in the warcraft universe. Id say think about the lore of the warcraft series before WoW, and get into the headspace of Turtle WoW.
There are 6 other nations of humans and over 10 Orc clans to go wild with.

At the end of the day it is probably a nightmare to scale and code armor, items, and animations to new races.

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Pauloricardo » Wed Nov 08, 2023 2:31 am

Bluecow89 wrote:
Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:39 pm
Philandros wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:39 am
Right off the bat should probably be :
Dryad / Keeper of the Grove for Alliance
Ogre for Horde
Both factions get unique 'large' races.

Could even call them hero races or something, if you already have a lv 60 or get a hardcore to 40 or getting a certain rep to exaulted. Could be turtle wows reflection of allied races.

Could probably do a similar thing with additional races and give larger appearance and racial traits.
Arathi humans / Aerie peak Dwarves / Dalaran for Alliance
Amani forest trolls / Zandalari / Abominations / Orc clans for Horde

Im sure you can use your imagination for more. There are plenty of kingdoms and Clans in the warcraft universe. Id say think about the lore of the warcraft series before WoW, and get into the headspace of Turtle WoW.
There are 6 other nations of humans and over 10 Orc clans to go wild with.

At the end of the day it is probably a nightmare to scale and code armor, items, and animations to new races.
Sons and Daughters of Cenarius could only be Druids and Hunters(hardly warriors)
It's easier think in a Centaur Tribe becoming playable.....their faction Leader could be a Keeper of the Grove,something like a Zaetar follower,with the help of their sisters, trying to guide them in a good path.

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Philandros » Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:10 am

Pauloricardo wrote:
Wed Nov 08, 2023 2:31 am
Bluecow89 wrote:
Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:39 pm
Philandros wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:39 am
Right off the bat should probably be :
Dryad / Keeper of the Grove for Alliance
Ogre for Horde
Both factions get unique 'large' races.

Could even call them hero races or something, if you already have a lv 60 or get a hardcore to 40 or getting a certain rep to exaulted. Could be turtle wows reflection of allied races.

Could probably do a similar thing with additional races and give larger appearance and racial traits.
Arathi humans / Aerie peak Dwarves / Dalaran for Alliance
Amani forest trolls / Zandalari / Abominations / Orc clans for Horde

Im sure you can use your imagination for more. There are plenty of kingdoms and Clans in the warcraft universe. Id say think about the lore of the warcraft series before WoW, and get into the headspace of Turtle WoW.
There are 6 other nations of humans and over 10 Orc clans to go wild with.

At the end of the day it is probably a nightmare to scale and code armor, items, and animations to new races.
Sons and Daughters of Cenarius could only be Druids and Hunters(hardly warriors)
It's easier think in a Centaur Tribe becoming playable.....their faction Leader could be a Keeper of the Grove,something like a Zaetar follower,with the help of their sisters, trying to guide them in a good path.
What classes would an Ogre be? Warrior, Mage, Warlock, and Hunter? Thats 4 classes like the Tauren.
What classes could the Dryads be? Warrior, Hunter, Druid, and I'd say priest (NE influence) Matching 4 classes.

I think the worst part of my idea would be the work it would take to itemize these races. Re-skinning H-elves into darkfallen for horde and giving another human kingdom for alliance would be much easier. (might also ballance out the population of players who pick elves - like why blizzard had belves on horde.)

But imho if horde get Ogres, alliance should get the Children of Cenarius.

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Ishilu » Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:32 am

Philandros wrote:
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:10 am

What classes would an Ogre be? Warrior, Mage, Warlock, and Hunter? Thats 4 classes like the Tauren.
Rather shamans than hunters, I'd say.

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Imonobor » Wed Nov 08, 2023 6:58 am

Ogres in horde when?

I think it's pretty lore-friendly, because a clan of ogres were recruited (at least temporarily) into the horde in the Warcraft 3 Rexxar campaign. And being able to play a two-headed race would be pretty sweet RP-wise.
About classes, I think Warrior, Shaman, Mage, Warlock and Hunter might be appropriate. I imagine Ogre Shamans a bit like the Ogre Magi from Warcraft 2, where they enhanced their melee attacks with magic.
Nydas - 60 High Elf Mage (Nordanaar)
Farren - 60 Tauren Shaman (Nordanaar)
Gothric - 23 Human Paladin (Nordanaar)
Markal - 58 Undead Priest (Tel'Abim)

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Pauloricardo » Fri Nov 10, 2023 2:56 am

Philandros wrote:
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:10 am
Pauloricardo wrote:
Wed Nov 08, 2023 2:31 am
Bluecow89 wrote:
Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:39 pm

Sons and Daughters of Cenarius could only be Druids and Hunters(hardly warriors)
It's easier think in a Centaur Tribe becoming playable.....their faction Leader could be a Keeper of the Grove,something like a Zaetar follower,with the help of their sisters, trying to guide them in a good path.
What classes would an Ogre be? Warrior, Mage, Warlock, and Hunter? Thats 4 classes like the Tauren.
What classes could the Dryads be? Warrior, Hunter, Druid, and I'd say priest (NE influence) Matching 4 classes.

I think the worst part of my idea would be the work it would take to itemize these races. Re-skinning H-elves into darkfallen for horde and giving another human kingdom for alliance would be much easier. (might also ballance out the population of players who pick elves - like why blizzard had belves on horde.)

But imho if horde get Ogres, alliance should get the Children of Cenarius.
Ogre Classes(my opiniom, I don't know if you will agree): Warrior/Hunter/Shaman/Mage/Warlock
Cenarius Children: Druid/Hunter.They might even be Priests but its very Hard Imagine them as Warriors.That's why I said The Centaurs could be a better choice.They could be Warriors/Hunters/Shamans but I don't know if they could be Priests and Mages(some kind of Geomancy).But that's only my opinion, because due to their deer/horse bodies its very difficult expect them as a playable race( even Naga could be easier).

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Re: Actual races and new races thoughts and suggestions

Post by Whalemilk » Fri Nov 10, 2023 4:01 am

Imonobor wrote:
Wed Nov 08, 2023 6:58 am
Ogres in horde when?

I think it's pretty lore-friendly, because a clan of ogres were recruited (at least temporarily) into the horde in the Warcraft 3 Rexxar campaign. And being able to play a two-headed race would be pretty sweet RP-wise.
About classes, I think Warrior, Shaman, Mage, Warlock and Hunter might be appropriate. I imagine Ogre Shamans a bit like the Ogre Magi from Warcraft 2, where they enhanced their melee attacks with magic.

I made a post about this. I think ogres are definitely the next race to be added if there ever will be (which the devs said they won’t add anymore races).

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