Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

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Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Nixors » Wed Nov 01, 2023 2:39 am

It has become evident that the recent change to the Goblin Brainwashing Device has not had a fantastic reception. For those unaware the change is as follows:
  • Brainwashing Device will no longer saves specs with unspent Talent Points.
As a Paladin that enjoys solo farming, raid healing, providing raid dps, as well as PvPing, I'm personally looking at an estimated 100g weekly respec cost. The quality of life we've previously enjoyed in terms of spec flexibility makes this change feel like a gameplay enjoyment tax. One that I personally deem unfavourable to a positive, enjoyable gameplay experience. For that reason I figured I'd start a thread where people can suggest solutions as to how this can be improved. So I'll start this off.
  • Increase the quantity of saved specializations inthe Goblin Brainwashing Device
  • Reduce the respec cost cap from 5g down to 50s
Whilst I get the tendency to sarcastically express dissatisfaction, let's try to keep the conversation constructive.

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Gantulga » Wed Nov 01, 2023 3:32 am

I suggest just reverting it to how it worked during all these years.

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Kord24 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 3:58 am

I don't understand this one at all. The respec device was literally my favorite part of this server. I bought one for all of my characters, even the non-hybrid ones. Experimenting endlessly with different specs was a great part of this server you didn't get to enjoy in classic. Literally everyone I talked to loved the way the respec device worked. Why are you making the game worse?

Please just revert it back to how it was. If you strongly feel the need to stomp all over our fun for some insane reason, just put a longer cooldown timer on it or something.

Seriously... what were they thinking?

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Williamson75 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:02 am

Its a pretty sad change missed being able to swap talents to healing or tank depending on what we needed. Usually i am a dps but can tank dungeons if needed due to the sheer bulk of raid gear. wish they would swap back but its not something i cant live with

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Jc473 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:12 am

I haven't bought one of these items. Can you explain how it worked before please?

Judging from the patch note, it sounds like people were using it in unintended ways. If that is the case, I'm not surprised that the devs corrected it. I'm just wondering how this slipped under their radar for so long...?

Either way, it sounds like it costs 5g when you use this item 'as intended'. This is 10% of the original respec cost cap (50g). A lot of people would've bitten your hand off if respec'ing was this cheap!

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Kastok » Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:27 am

Jc473 wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:12 am
I haven't bought one of these items. Can you explain how it worked before please?

Judging from the patch note, it sounds like people were using it in unintended ways. If that is the case, I'm not surprised that the devs corrected it. I'm just wondering how this slipped under their radar for so long...?

Either way, it sounds like it costs 5g when you use this item 'as intended'. This is 10% of the original respec cost cap (50g). A lot of people would've bitten your hand off if respec'ing was this cheap!
You could save a specialization with one single talent point in it and then turn it into anything you wished.

It was really, really nice for a lot of classes that are forced into certain roles to do content.

If it was unintended, they never spoke up about it or mentioned it or wrote how it was truly meant to work as JUST for two entire saved specs at once.

And even a 5g respec cost cap is too much. I've always thought it was a frustrating and poor decision to have in the game. It hurts experimenting, it does not encourage you to try new things, it makes you less flexible.

And the device already costs 350g anyway. Its enough of a gold sink to begin with.
Last edited by Kastok on Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Kodama024 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:27 am

As a druid main iam offended by these changes.

I need to save unspend talent points cuz there are FOUR FUCKING SPECS and its pvp versions. -.-

Either roll back the nerf or give us 4 specs to save.

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Jc473 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:00 am

Kastok wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:27 am
You could save a specialization with one single talent point in it and then turn it into anything you wished.

It was really, really nice for a lot of classes that are forced into certain roles to do content.

If it was unintended, they never spoke up about it or mentioned it or wrote how it was truly meant to work as JUST for two entire saved specs at once.

And even a 5g respec cost cap is too much. I've always thought it was a frustrating and poor decision to have in the game. It hurts experimenting, it does not encourage you to try new things, it makes you less flexible.

And the device already costs 350g anyway. Its enough of a gold sink to begin with.
Forgive me, I'm a little confused because the last comment said they would like four save slots for their specs. Doesn't that mean they'd still be spending 5g each time they want to rotate through their four PvP ssaved specs?

Re 'intention' - I think it's pretty clear that it was meant to be a dual spec option at the cost of 5g. Anyone who has played later versions of the game know this. Whenever it was introduced (Wrath?), it cost you 1000g and you could switch between two specs freely. So, to get dual spec for about a third of the price and subsequent 5g charges still seems like a fantastic deal, IMO. So, it should logically follow that the people who were using this trick are simply getting way too much value for 5g...

Re 'design' - I'm torn on this. I absolutely love the identity of people being known for a role but I absolutely agree that it strongly disincentivises experimentation which is a real shame. Perhaps I just hate spending the money :)

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Nixors » Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:15 am

Jc473 wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:00 am
Whenever it was introduced (Wrath?), it cost you 1000g and you could switch between two specs freely. So, to get dual spec for about a third of the price and subsequent 5g charges still seems like a fantastic deal, IMO. So, it should logically follow that the people who were using this trick are simply getting way too much value for 5g...
You speak of logic, but it seems most illogical to draw a comparison in the cost reasoning of the Brainwashing Device between our 'Classic+' environment and the WotLK economy. To imply that the costs and gold income between the two expansions translate 1:1 is completely nonsensical.

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Foobs » Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:38 am

I have bought one for each of my characters on two accounts.

The only reason I spent real money on these items is that I didn't want to waste 5 gold each time I had to respec for a group run or whatever a raid deemed I should specc. Now that I have to spend gold again I do not think I'm going to be using it as often. At earlier levels, 5 gold is nothing to sneeze at until you reach 60 where it is much easier to earn.

I believe it's going to make finding healers and tanks much harder at earlier levels because in the world you grind with DPS specc but when you're in a group and you can tank you will often be asked to do so and then will need to respecc. But now that it's gonna cost some gold It's pointless to do so and respec because the gold earned in that run NOT including wipes in repair costs is gonna burn through gold just to respec leveling.

My recommendations for the Turtlewow overlords:

1. Lower the cost of respeccing
2. Revert the change back to what it was
3. Add a third save slot making it possible to save three talent specc not just two.
4. Refund the tokens to those who spent tokens on this item in the donation shop

Pick one or all but stop pissing off your player base. Especially those who give to your cause.

If anything needed to be changed to this item is should have been to add one more save slot making it three saves instead of just two.

My afterthoughts. TWOW is turning more retail every day. Really sad to see this server starting towards a trend that no longer looks out for the community an innovates to make playing the game more enjoyable for the player.

If this is going to become a job and everything I need in the game is going to have some cost associated with it be it gold, time, or whatever. I'd rather quit this game and say thanks for all the fun till now and take care.
wary_turtle_head I'm just here for the GM's replies--Carry on!!

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Xudo » Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:43 am

Hey, turtle devs lowered respec cost from 50 (fifty) gold and added ability to dualspec.
They already did great step to your convenience. Now you are complain and ask for lesser gold cost because you have 4 specs for PvP and 4 specs for PvE.
What about making 2 specs and playing them?

You guys got too greedy on features. You say turtle got more "retail" while you got more and more ungrateful for the work they done.

From this thread: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=11354
You can get refund device by ingame ticket if you bought it with tokens.
Xudo - tauren warrior 19 Sergeant armory.
I don't raid and rank, so you can not bother asking.
Nerf high level enchants on low level gear
Add lvl requirement to bandages
Best and optimal gear for 10-19 twinks
Have fun not only at 60.

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Foobs » Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:54 am

Xudo wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:43 am
Hey, turtle devs lowered respec cost from 50 (fifty) gold and added ability to dualspec.
They already did great step to your convenience. Now you are complain and ask for lesser gold cost because you have 4 specs for PvP and 4 specs for PvE.
What about making 2 specs and playing them?

You guys got too greedy on features. You say turtle got more "retail" while you got more and more ungrateful for the work they done.

From this thread: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=11354
You can get refund device by ingame ticket if you bought it with tokens.
Just because you have a difference of opinion does not make what I think invalid or not worthy of stating. We are ALL entitled to state an opinion. And that is mine. If you don't like it I suggest you keep your comments to strictly boot licking and not call out anyone who thinks differently than you.

How about you play how YOU want I will play how I want.

To the point, I could care less what you think and I will always state my mind.

I will thank you for the info on refunding my tokens and I will see how this all plays out.
wary_turtle_head I'm just here for the GM's replies--Carry on!!

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Elisleris » Wed Nov 01, 2023 7:11 am

Ability to increase quantity of specs and add aditional spec to device for some gold, like 350 g will be good solution.As paladin, I am only use 4 specs and that solution will be fine for me.

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Paw » Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:20 am

Hello there!

The decision was made by taking into consideration those people who abused its use. What you describe defines as such. Originally it was meant to provide two solid trees. The fix simply reverts its use.

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Brandwacht » Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:29 am

you used a bug, now you won't be able to do it

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Kastok » Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:50 am

Paw wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:20 am
Hello there!

The decision was made by taking into consideration those people who abused its use. What you describe defines as such. Originally it was meant to provide two solid trees. The fix simply reverts its use.
I think it was in for long enough and relied upon that it could just be called a QoL feature.

Turtle is a server with practically infinite rested xp and extra travel options and training dummies to grind weapon skills on and a myriad of other things that don't make it ~vanilla~. They make it better.

It's fantastic the BWM exists, and its great that respec is capped at 5g.

But I'd rather there just be no respec fee at all. Turtle adds in new spells and abilities and items on top of the vanilla game that BEG you to try them out and experiment and have fun. Why make it inconvenient in a way that adds nothing to the game?

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Paw » Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:23 am

Kastok wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:50 am
Paw wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:20 am
Hello there!

The decision was made by taking into consideration those people who abused its use. What you describe defines as such. Originally it was meant to provide two solid trees. The fix simply reverts its use.
I think it was in for long enough and relied upon that it could just be called a QoL feature.

Turtle is a server with practically infinite rested xp and extra travel options and training dummies to grind weapon skills on and a myriad of other things that don't make it ~vanilla~. They make it better.

It's fantastic the BWM exists, and its great that respec is capped at 5g.

But I'd rather there just be no respec fee at all. Turtle adds in new spells and abilities and items on top of the vanilla game that BEG you to try them out and experiment and have fun. Why make it inconvenient in a way that adds nothing to the game?
It does give to the game. It gives the game difficulty.

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Kastok » Wed Nov 01, 2023 1:57 pm

Paw wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:23 am
Kastok wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:50 am
Paw wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:20 am
Hello there!

The decision was made by taking into consideration those people who abused its use. What you describe defines as such. Originally it was meant to provide two solid trees. The fix simply reverts its use.
I think it was in for long enough and relied upon that it could just be called a QoL feature.

Turtle is a server with practically infinite rested xp and extra travel options and training dummies to grind weapon skills on and a myriad of other things that don't make it ~vanilla~. They make it better.

It's fantastic the BWM exists, and its great that respec is capped at 5g.

But I'd rather there just be no respec fee at all. Turtle adds in new spells and abilities and items on top of the vanilla game that BEG you to try them out and experiment and have fun. Why make it inconvenient in a way that adds nothing to the game?
It does give to the game. It gives the game difficulty.
There is absolutely no difficulty whatsoever. It is a totally arbitrary thing. That's like saying having to go smack boars for 30 minutes to level up your weapon skill is difficult.

Its not. Its tedious. And so Turtle added training dummies.

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Kharkov72 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:23 pm

I just don't see the benefit in making flexibility more difficult. The thing already had a 350g cost, but now if you want to do something other than your main specs, you're taxed 5g. You're gonna see less tanks and healers of course, but you're also going to see more people in pvp that just come in with a raiding spec since they only play pvp casually and usually do pve, and the reverse, with people coming into raids with hemo specs just because they don't want to spend 5g to do something they don't do frequently. "It's a gold sink" it already cost 350g, if its such a problem just make it cost more, hell I'd still pay it because of the annoyances it used to save me from.
Takatunda, GM of <AFK 5 Minutes>

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Re: Goblin Brainwashing Device - Solution Suggestion Thread

Post by Blackduck » Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:28 pm

If going back isn't an option then introduce a new true free respec machine that costs twice as much as the old one and allow it to have unlimited respecs. The people that bought the old will will automatically have theirs upgraded to the new version for free. New players in the future can choose between the old one or the far more expensive upgraded version.

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