Patch 1.17.1 — Labor and Legacy

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Patch 1.17.1 — Labor and Legacy

Post by Torta » Sun Oct 15, 2023 8:05 pm


Greetings, everyone!

While brave heroes are exploring the dark halls of Karazhan and delving into the mysteries of Hyjal, we've already moved onto the development of the next content Patch 1.17.1: Labor and Legacy.

  • Goblin's player model has received an exciting upgrade! Our beloved green friends now have more customization options, bringing them on par with other playable races. If you haven't received your free appearance change on your Goblin character, please wait a couple of more day!
  • Five custom faces are now available for each gender.
  • Over 30 helmet visual issues have been fixed for both males and females.
  • Numerous casting animation issues have been resolved.
  • Problems with sheathing weapons have also been addressed.
  • The Aerie Peak forge is finally in business! Also added a new questline to the Wildhammer Keep.

  • Icepoint Rock's zone map has been updated!

  • Fixed a lot of the severe pathing issues, mainly associated with Anchor's Edge and Felpaw Village.
  • New Goblin haircuts have been introduced, replacing the previously almost identical ones.

  • More unique character customizations will become available on the character creation screen and through gameplay in Patch 1.17.1.
  • New Ship Route: Alah'thalas ↔ Auberdine
  • New Flying Machine Route: Sparkwater Port ↔ Blackstone Island (Horde)
  • Revamped Flight Route: Alah'thalas ↔ Light's Hope Chapel (Alliance)

  • New Zone: Thalassian Highlands. Located at the remote fringes of Quel'thalas, these lands were initially established as an outpost for Alah'Thalas. Over time, with your assistance, it has developed into a thriving city, complete with its own dock. However, one must not be deceived by the beauty of these lands, for lurking in the shadows are sinister forces, even within the city walls. This zone now serves as the starting point for fledgling High Elves, providing a comprehensive level 1-10 experience.

    Note: All High Elves below level 10 in the Farstrider Lodge will be automatically moved to the Thalassian Highlands when the patch is released.



  • New Zone: Blackstone Island. After escaping from the lands of Stonetalon Mountains, the goblins of the Durotar Labor Union have succumbed to their biggest weakness: greed. They have seized control of an island rich in natural resources, but this new empire has been built on the backs of hopeful goblins who sought an escape from the clutches of the Venture Co. These new recruits found themselves trapped in a similar predicament again, only this time under new management. It is now your responsibility to break free from the chains of poverty and claim your rightful place in the Durotar Labor Union. This zone serves as the new starting point for fledgling goblins, offering an expanded level 1-10 experience.

    Note: All Goblins in the Venture Camp will be automatically moved to the Blackstone Island when the patch is released.



  • New Subzone: Forlorn Summit. Forgotten and decayed, this cliff holds Prince Arthas Menethil’s base from which he issued the Culling of Stratholme during the Scourge’s infestation by the Cult of the Damned. In his fervent pursuit of Mal’Ganis, he abandoned this outpost - unbeknownst to the Silver Hand, Arthas’ suspicions were about to be verified: among the refugees of Stratholme were not only bearers of the Plague of Undeath, but also remaining agents of the Cult of the Damned, Kel’thuzad’s necromantic acolytes. To this day, the Forlorn Summit is a breeding ground of vile sorcery and crimes against all life. Are you valiant enough to stand against Kel’thuzad’s sect?



  • New Subzone: Venture Camp and Broken Cliff Mine. The Venture Company have finally arrived to check on Nert Blastentom and his crew's mission, to find no trace of their (now-ex) employees. They've now dug open a way to the valley to find a clue to their whereabouts and to finish the mission that was tasked to them all that time ago: Drain the land of all of its resources.




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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Slashignore » Sun Oct 15, 2023 8:27 pm

undead paladins yes! thats what we want mkay

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Geojak » Sun Oct 15, 2023 8:34 pm

If I could ask for one thing, it would be please consider adding a second row of unlockable bank bags. If you open your bank you will notice that there could be a second row added below the current 6 unlockable bags. The space is there on the ui.

Adding more cool stuff is cool. Adding future raids with arcane resistance needed is cool. But where do we put all this gear? Many players Epsecially hybrids that collect gear for all roles hit a wall at some point. And that is even with full 36 sizes shop bags.

A second row of bank ui space won't hurt anyone, it will add a nice extra gold sink and way to further progress our character and hoard happy tokens.

The current bags cost
10s, 1g 10g 25g 50g 100g
We can continue with
200g 400g 600g 800g 1000g 1500g

6 more expensive bag slots.

Many will rejoice. If you can pull of a functional guild bank, I am hopeful you can make this happen too, pleaaaaase?

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Asdasdasdsa » Sun Oct 15, 2023 9:01 pm

People will keep making bank alts if they're going to be 200g 400g etc

If 20-30-40-50 MAYBE they will buy them

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Wrathweaver » Sun Oct 15, 2023 9:09 pm

Will this be the patch with the class updates?

Edit: Would be cool if a more vanilla style judgement of the crusader can brought back to Turtle a bit earlier than the content patch, i have waited almost a year with this obsession unhappy_turtle_head
Last edited by Wrathweaver on Mon Oct 16, 2023 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Geojak » Sun Oct 15, 2023 9:52 pm

Asdasdasdsa wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2023 9:01 pm
People will keep making bank alts if they're going to be 200g 400g etc

If 20-30-40-50 MAYBE they will buy them
You don't understand the issue if you think bank alts can help.
Soulbound items can not be sent. You can not gather more gear on your main no natter how many bank alts.

This is targeted at end gamers thaz have collected their t1 t2 t3,fire ress, nature ressi, frost ressi, heal gear, pvp gear, engie gadgets, tank gear, dps gear, cool toys, tabards and shirts all soulbound.

You come to the point where you rly don't wanna sell anything and can't sent anything away by mail anymore. Gathering more items and new content just makes you sad because it means playing the game of what to sell again.

For people like this, paying 1000g for another bank bag is peanuts

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Nett » Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:11 pm

There is any updated focused on class/spec balance/updates?

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Tendies » Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:13 pm

Please get China out of the main realm before patching next time, thank you.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Wilsonsds » Sun Oct 15, 2023 11:43 pm

please reduce the server population to 8.000
Schala (Priest - Holy)
Lusiena (Warrior - Prot)
Lyane (Rogue - Combat)
Fellem (Hunter - Marks)
Lustrazalux (Mage - Frost)
Gondwana (Warlock - Demo)
Esmeralden (Druid - Resto)
Aldebaran (Shaman - Ele)
Almandinite (Pally - Prot)

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Grandyman » Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:01 am

Old Turtle High Elf model rework soon?

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Akalix » Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:05 am

Wilsonsds wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2023 11:43 pm
please reduce the server population to 8.000
Tendies wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:13 pm
Please get China out of the main realm before patching next time, thank you.
Our average population has already decreased significantly due to the opening of multiple CN realms. We have lowered our playercap by 3,000 from peak (down to 10,000) and queues have still become less frequent.

A vast majority of players on at any time are parts of the English community.
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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Toirto » Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:08 am

would be nice to have 1 more row of bag slots in the bank

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Raffix » Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:21 am

Will my Goblin finally show my off-hand from Twin Emps?

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Bayanni » Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:24 am

Fookin hype! Grabbing a new high elf name for the new content.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Jimyape » Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:24 am

Can you add a taunt talent for shamans and a set tailored towards tanking for shamans?

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Amani » Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:30 am

YES! Im focking loving these goblins, can I get the new faces from barber?
And when would it be released?

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Whalemilk » Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:58 am

Pretty hype.

hopefully it doesn't take 6 months

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Uatu » Mon Oct 16, 2023 1:31 am

Uhh I like Geojak idea with an extra row of bank bag slots and the prices would be good as he suggested, maybe 1k instead of 1.5. Would also make players donate for more 36 slot bags (I know I would)

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Naonak1945 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 2:23 am

Uatu wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 1:31 am
Uhh I like Geojak idea with an extra row of bank bag slots and the prices would be good as he suggested, maybe 1k instead of 1.5. Would also make players donate for more 36 slot bags (I know I would)
I know it is targeted at 4/5 year veterans. But what about the less than 1 year players that also have multiple healing/dps/pvp and toys etc

Some of us do not have those resources in game, but have some Real Life donation money instead.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Xudo » Mon Oct 16, 2023 4:38 am

Expanding starting zone of high elves from 6 to 10 levels is good. The more elves stay in their starting location, the less elves crowd in Elwyn forest.
Cant say the same for goblins though. They don't seem very popular. Though getting their own land is good thing anyway.
Xudo - tauren warrior 19 Sergeant armory.
I don't raid and rank, so you can not bother asking.
Nerf high level enchants on low level gear
Add lvl requirement to bandages
Best and optimal gear for 10-19 twinks
Have fun not only at 60.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Kanto123 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 4:47 am

Looking good, thank you!

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Delsin » Mon Oct 16, 2023 5:37 am

I've already gotten my high elf and goblin characters past 10, but still excited to see new zones for them. More leveling options for helves than Elwynn Forest will help relieve congestion in the mines and farms. As for the goblins...they could use the love they are getting this patch lol. Maybe we will see more of the lovable scamps in the wild. The new goblin customization also looks great.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Gnomoerectus » Mon Oct 16, 2023 6:41 am

What happens when we get the new customization options if you roll a goblin now? Are you stuck with your old face that may or may not have been changed overnight or do you get a chance to change your appearance?

Edit: thank you for the clarification, and the free token :)
Last edited by Gnomoerectus on Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Galendor » Mon Oct 16, 2023 6:54 am

I hope new thalassian settlement will have walls. Sunwell Plateau's ones, for example, looks very nice.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Karrados » Mon Oct 16, 2023 7:07 am

The Goblin rework is a godsend and it was badly needed. Out of all the Races, they were, by far, the lowest quality of them all.

You had the same faces, you basically had no hair or beard customization, and they just were not fun to play with, which may contribute to their abysmal player numbers.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Eversongwoods » Mon Oct 16, 2023 7:23 am

why not just use eversong woods for the high elf starting zone? It would be so perfect for 1-10 and that music is as good as it gets

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Sylveria » Mon Oct 16, 2023 7:34 am

Eversongwoods wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 7:23 am
why not just use eversong woods for the high elf starting zone? It would be so perfect for 1-10 and that music is as good as it gets
I can only guess that Quel'thalas (Eversong Woods, etc.) will be Endgame-Content in the future.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Karrados » Mon Oct 16, 2023 7:43 am


Because that is how Quel'thalas looks like.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Galendor » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:00 am

Eversongwoods wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 7:23 am
why not just use eversong woods for the high elf starting zone? It would be so perfect for 1-10 and that music is as good as it gets
Because lore-wise Eversong is a dead land just like Plaguelands. It was retconned in TBC only.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Paw » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:06 am

You have to figure out the story revolving around Kael and his followers to open the forest.
Last edited by Paw on Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Tencent » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:08 am

Is it a plan to make it possible to rearrange my characters on selection page??
Hoping not cause many troubles on doing this turtle_tongue_head turtle_tongue_head

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Kyzen » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:12 am

This patch already looks promising ! turtle_in_love_head

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Grybank » Mon Oct 16, 2023 9:47 am

Please fix all the custom wands thats already in the game. They are held in left hand and projectiles are shoot out of an empty right hand.

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Harkus » Mon Oct 16, 2023 10:13 am

The new zones already look great, can't wait to level in them! Thank you for not just reusing Eversong Woods, as that is supposed to be completely ruined by the Scourge. Also glad gobbos are getting some love, they really need it.

Will high elves get new combat voices by the way or is the plan to keep using the TBC blood elf ones forever?

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Re: Patch 1.17.1 — Work in progress!

Post by Catnip05 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 10:19 am

Archaeology please. Thank you.
