New PvP realm is still stupid

Posts: 222

New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Tendies » Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:06 pm

I outlined almost two weeks ago why a new PvP realm is stupid: viewtopic.php?t=9809

Since then a new SEA PvP realm has been released, so I am going to further elaborate on why a new EU PvP realm is bad.

- The new SEA realm has no crossfaction, so it must be assumed a new EU PvP realm wouldn't have it either. As I touched on in the previous post this is a nightmare for dungeon and raid balance because now you have to balance this stuff for groups with no paladins or no shamans or certain racials like fear ward.

- The battleground community (the real PvP'ers) will be split over two realms unless you enable cross realm battlegrounds. Problem with that is PvP'ers on the main Turtle realm will have vastly better access to gear with the crossfaction raid groups, where it will be both easier to get into a raid group and clear the raid for gear. Naturally, once people on the PvP realm wants to start BG'ing they'll either demand transfers or reroll to the main realm so they can get gear.
If you don't enable crossrealm BGs then you will split the already very small BG community, essentially killing it. And we already know PvP servers converge towards one faction dominance so BGs will be dead there as well. Basically a lot of new people who would enjoy BGs will be lured into levelling on the new PvP server and then quit once they find out BGs are dead and they should have rerolled to main realm, so you'll starve BGs of new people.

- And since the PvP realm won't have the 30% XP boost from war mode then it will further incentivise people to reroll to the main realm.

- I think it should be noted that the people who are begging for PvP realm are not PvP'ers. Just look at them, their profiles and discord names, they don't play battlegrounds, they are war mode levellers, they will stop playing or level a new character as soon as they hit 60. End-game is gonna be dead.
Last edited by Tendies on Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 222

Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Tendies » Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:20 pm

A HC realm makes much more sense. I don't see how it splits the community in a negative way other than world chat and seeing people with guild names, becoming aware of what guilds are around once you hit 60 and become mortal again.

I suggest a crossrealm chat for this if possible.

Posts: 100

Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Fresharugula » Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:24 pm

You hit the nail on the head here.

In the discord yesterday one of the people who is the absolute loudest about fresh pvp straight up admitted he dosent even play turtle. People who aren’t even members of the community are trying to steer turtle into something it’s not

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Twinking » Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:12 pm

It's stupid to make a new pvp realm when people ask for a HC server, the HC community should be on their own server, because now they are dead for most non-HC players. You cannot interact with them, they interfere with newcomers in starting locations. Make a hc server not pvp...

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Charanko » Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:20 pm

Tendies wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:06 pm
I outlined almost two weeks ago why a new PvP realm is stupid: viewtopic.php?t=9809

Since then a new SEA PvP realm has been released, so I am going to further elaborate on why a new EU PvP realm is bad.

- The new SEA realm has no crossfaction, so it must be assumed a new EU PvP realm wouldn't have it either. As I touched on in the previous post this is a nightmare for dungeon and raid balance because now you have to balance this stuff for groups with no paladins or no shamans or certain racials like fear ward.

- The battleground community (the real PvP'ers) will be split over two realms unless you enable cross realm battlegrounds. Problem with that is PvP'ers on the main Turtle realm will have vastly better access to gear with the crossfaction raid groups, where it will be both easier to get into a raid group and clear the raid for gear. Naturally, once people on the PvP realm wants to start BG'ing they'll either demand transfers or reroll to the main realm so they can get gear.
If you don't enable crossrealm BGs then you will split the already very small BG community, essentially killing it. And we already know PvP servers converge towards one faction dominance so BGs will be dead there as well. Basically a lot of new people who would enjoy BGs will be lured into levelling on the new PvP server and then quit once they find out BGs are dead and they should have rerolled to main realm, so you'll starve BGs of new people.

- And since the PvP realm won't have the 30% XP boost from war mode then it will further incentivise people to reroll to the main realm.

- I think it should be noted that the people who are begging for PvP realm are not PvP'ers. Just look at them, their profiles and discord names, they don't play battlegrounds, they are war mode levellers, they will stop playing or level a new character as soon as they hit 60. End-game is gonna be dead.
You are saying like everything is final… this is classic plus so loosen up… they will prolly add pvp stuff and glyphs etc in line with the pvp server… let them release the realm first then we will go from there…
Overlord of Orgrimmar ; Sulfuron Champion

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Mynamewastaken » Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:36 pm

Also, we already have a stable online with no queues. And breaking up the community into two servers in the case of Turtle is a mistake.

Turtle's feature is stability. The fresh system itself works well on other projects. And with the opening of a new server the old one dies. Because newcomers go to the new server, new characters of olds also starts on the new one. I remember either on Elysium (or on Lighthope) when on fresh was a queue of thousand, and on the old realm online in 400 people.

And here and PvP server. And compared to PvE it looks more fully functional in my opinion. If no transfer is announced, even with a delay, the old one will definitely die. It's always been like that.

Separating into HC server and normal server won't bring such problems.

Posts: 222

Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Tendies » Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:57 pm

Charanko wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:20 pm
You are saying like everything is final… this is classic plus so loosen up… they will prolly add pvp stuff and glyphs etc in line with the pvp server… let them release the realm first then we will go from there…
Yea no, Turtle has already made several mistakes that they can't/won't walk back.

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Geojak » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:07 pm

Good post op.

Kinda too late since with China pvp server they already have this nightmare of raid needing to be balanced both euth and without wf totem + paladin buffs. Warriors kinda impossible to balance now. On setting they will be either op or weak in the other

Posts: 43

Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Mikeyhong » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:33 pm

Tendies wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:06 pm
I outlined almost two weeks ago why a new PvP realm is stupid: viewtopic.php?t=9809

Since then a new SEA PvP realm has been released, so I am going to further elaborate on why a new EU PvP realm is bad.

- The new SEA realm has no crossfaction, so it must be assumed a new EU PvP realm wouldn't have it either. As I touched on in the previous post this is a nightmare for dungeon and raid balance because now you have to balance this stuff for groups with no paladins or no shamans or certain racials like fear ward.

- The battleground community (the real PvP'ers) will be split over two realms unless you enable cross realm battlegrounds. Problem with that is PvP'ers on the main Turtle realm will have vastly better access to gear with the crossfaction raid groups, where it will be both easier to get into a raid group and clear the raid for gear. Naturally, once people on the PvP realm wants to start BG'ing they'll either demand transfers or reroll to the main realm so they can get gear.
If you don't enable crossrealm BGs then you will split the already very small BG community, essentially killing it. And we already know PvP servers converge towards one faction dominance so BGs will be dead there as well. Basically a lot of new people who would enjoy BGs will be lured into levelling on the new PvP server and then quit once they find out BGs are dead and they should have rerolled to main realm, so you'll starve BGs of new people.

- And since the PvP realm won't have the 30% XP boost from war mode then it will further incentivise people to reroll to the main realm.

- I think it should be noted that the people who are begging for PvP realm are not PvP'ers. Just look at them, their profiles and discord names, they don't play battlegrounds, they are war mode levellers, they will stop playing or level a new character as soon as they hit 60. End-game is gonna be dead.
i don’t know why you so worried about new PvP server,and I even didn’t seem andthing you said it in logic. You said ,without shaman and paladin the dungeon will not be passed,what a mess? Have you play wow original?so funny,especially we have so much new equipment for support everything. In other way,you don’t know what exactly pvp means,it not only for the battleground,how dare you define the people who are the really pvper? On the other hand,you said people will back to the major server(the first server) because of they can’t pass the dungeons and they don’t have the 30%ex, what do you mean of this?and what do you want to say? Now china got the pvp server,the people is nearly balanced,as I know ,the mostly is 4500:4000 almost. And also it just a start,Twow not only for you guys who come here first,and also many old players wanna try a new style of don’t use like stupid words to define this ,to ignore the hardworking of the production team! Is only a game,for everyone who really like Twow and who really wanna play a game.not because the national,language,or the benefits you have got and afraid it to loss. Ty

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Darktifa » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:48 pm

Tendies wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:06 pm
- I think it should be noted that the people who are begging for PvP realm are not PvP'ers. Just look at them, their profiles and discord names, they don't play battlegrounds, they are war mode levellers, they will stop playing or level a new character as soon as they hit 60. End-game is gonna be dead.
It's the 3rd time i'm gonna ask you the same question, that you are deliberately ignoring...
How do u know this?
Ok Charanko admitted it, any more proof or just assumptions?
Czasku wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:31 pm
After Reading Turtle WoW's forum i understood why Blizzard stopped responding on their own forum topics.

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Harkus » Mon Sep 25, 2023 3:26 pm

Charanko wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:20 pm
Tendies wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:06 pm
I outlined almost two weeks ago why a new PvP realm is stupid: viewtopic.php?t=9809

Since then a new SEA PvP realm has been released, so I am going to further elaborate on why a new EU PvP realm is bad.

- The new SEA realm has no crossfaction, so it must be assumed a new EU PvP realm wouldn't have it either. As I touched on in the previous post this is a nightmare for dungeon and raid balance because now you have to balance this stuff for groups with no paladins or no shamans or certain racials like fear ward.

- The battleground community (the real PvP'ers) will be split over two realms unless you enable cross realm battlegrounds. Problem with that is PvP'ers on the main Turtle realm will have vastly better access to gear with the crossfaction raid groups, where it will be both easier to get into a raid group and clear the raid for gear. Naturally, once people on the PvP realm wants to start BG'ing they'll either demand transfers or reroll to the main realm so they can get gear.
If you don't enable crossrealm BGs then you will split the already very small BG community, essentially killing it. And we already know PvP servers converge towards one faction dominance so BGs will be dead there as well. Basically a lot of new people who would enjoy BGs will be lured into levelling on the new PvP server and then quit once they find out BGs are dead and they should have rerolled to main realm, so you'll starve BGs of new people.

- And since the PvP realm won't have the 30% XP boost from war mode then it will further incentivise people to reroll to the main realm.

- I think it should be noted that the people who are begging for PvP realm are not PvP'ers. Just look at them, their profiles and discord names, they don't play battlegrounds, they are war mode levellers, they will stop playing or level a new character as soon as they hit 60. End-game is gonna be dead.
You are saying like everything is final… this is classic plus so loosen up… they will prolly add pvp stuff and glyphs etc in line with the pvp server… let them release the realm first then we will go from there…
That is because this is final. There have been many (fresh) PvP servers so we know exactly what will happen. And Turtle just releasing a realm without any forethought would be incredibly dumb considering we do not know what effect it will have on the main realm... but why would you care? You said you do not play on Turtle but on Blizz servers after all...

So Turtle devs, please do not release a new realm, as others have said the queues are now fine despite transfers not being open yet. It will split the Turtle community. It will invite people who do not care about Turtle and will just play on the PvP server for a few months until it is gank city, one faction and dies. It will increase the PvP whining and make the community more toxic. It will force PvP balance changes on the RPvE players.

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Charanko » Mon Sep 25, 2023 3:48 pm

Harkus wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 3:26 pm
Charanko wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:20 pm
Tendies wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:06 pm
I outlined almost two weeks ago why a new PvP realm is stupid: viewtopic.php?t=9809

Since then a new SEA PvP realm has been released, so I am going to further elaborate on why a new EU PvP realm is bad.

- The new SEA realm has no crossfaction, so it must be assumed a new EU PvP realm wouldn't have it either. As I touched on in the previous post this is a nightmare for dungeon and raid balance because now you have to balance this stuff for groups with no paladins or no shamans or certain racials like fear ward.

- The battleground community (the real PvP'ers) will be split over two realms unless you enable cross realm battlegrounds. Problem with that is PvP'ers on the main Turtle realm will have vastly better access to gear with the crossfaction raid groups, where it will be both easier to get into a raid group and clear the raid for gear. Naturally, once people on the PvP realm wants to start BG'ing they'll either demand transfers or reroll to the main realm so they can get gear.
If you don't enable crossrealm BGs then you will split the already very small BG community, essentially killing it. And we already know PvP servers converge towards one faction dominance so BGs will be dead there as well. Basically a lot of new people who would enjoy BGs will be lured into levelling on the new PvP server and then quit once they find out BGs are dead and they should have rerolled to main realm, so you'll starve BGs of new people.

- And since the PvP realm won't have the 30% XP boost from war mode then it will further incentivise people to reroll to the main realm.

- I think it should be noted that the people who are begging for PvP realm are not PvP'ers. Just look at them, their profiles and discord names, they don't play battlegrounds, they are war mode levellers, they will stop playing or level a new character as soon as they hit 60. End-game is gonna be dead.
You are saying like everything is final… this is classic plus so loosen up… they will prolly add pvp stuff and glyphs etc in line with the pvp server… let them release the realm first then we will go from there…
That is because this is final. There have been many (fresh) PvP servers so we know exactly what will happen. And Turtle just releasing a realm without any forethought would be incredibly dumb considering we do not know what effect it will have on the main realm... but why would you care? You said you do not play on Turtle but on Blizz servers after all...

So Turtle devs, please do not release a new realm, as others have said the queues are now fine despite transfers not being open yet. It will split the Turtle community. It will invite people who do not care about Turtle and will just play on the PvP server for a few months until it is gank city, one faction and dies. It will increase the PvP whining and make the community more toxic. It will force PvP balance changes on the RPvE players.
How many of those servers were managed in the way turtle is? And how many had propper classic + as turtle has?
How many had horizontal progression? How many had persistant world goals?

And how many died from internal dev drama?
Im here just as you to enjoy classic +… why cant you see people want to play differently then you?

And why does a servwr need 10 k online… when the game was not made for that?
Overlord of Orgrimmar ; Sulfuron Champion

Posts: 222

Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Tendies » Mon Sep 25, 2023 4:05 pm

Geojak wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:07 pm
Good post op.

Kinda too late since with China pvp server they already have this nightmare of raid needing to be balanced both euth and without wf totem + paladin buffs. Warriors kinda impossible to balance now. On setting they will be either op or weak in the other
Simple, we don't balance for Chinese servers, only EU.
Mikeyhong wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:33 pm
i don’t know why you so worried about new PvP server,and I even didn’t seem andthing you said it in logic. You said ,without shaman and paladin the dungeon will not be passed,what a mess? Have you play wow original?so funny,especially we have so much new equipment for support everything. In other way,you don’t know what exactly pvp means,it not only for the battleground,how dare you define the people who are the really pvper? On the other hand,you said people will back to the major server(the first server) because of they can’t pass the dungeons and they don’t have the 30%ex, what do you mean of this?and what do you want to say? Now china got the pvp server,the people is nearly balanced,as I know ,the mostly is 4500:4000 almost. And also it just a start,Twow not only for you guys who come here first,and also many old players wanna try a new style of don’t use like stupid words to define this ,to ignore the hardworking of the production team! Is only a game,for everyone who really like Twow and who really wanna play a game.not because the national,language,or the benefits you have got and afraid it to loss. Ty
Shut up China.
Darktifa wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:48 pm
It's the 3rd time i'm gonna ask you the same question, that you are deliberately ignoring...
How do u know this?
Ok Charanko admitted it, any more proof or just assumptions?
You have? Think I'm actually gonna ignore you now lvl 32 mage, haha

Posts: 143

Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Wafflecrusher » Mon Sep 25, 2023 4:12 pm

Can the turtle team manage a pvp server and all of the issues that will arise from it? Sure. It may be a huge pain, and not deliver the kind of experience people expect, and will draw a huge amount of resources, but yes. They can probably tackle all of the issues that will inevitably arise from a PvP server. Should they? No.

The dev team should instead focus on solving problems that already exist, the animosity between the HC and non HC players for example. Or the constant server restarts and shutdowns. Or the various quests that bug out. Or launching the new patch. Or the bugs that will come from launching the new patch. Or developing new content. The list goes on.

In my opinion a PvP server is a bad idea, and the dev team should focus on other things. The first post here, and his previous post summarize the issues aptly.

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Darktifa » Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:58 pm

Tendies wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 4:05 pm

Darktifa wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:48 pm
It's the 3rd time i'm gonna ask you the same question, that you are deliberately ignoring...
How do u know this?
Ok Charanko admitted it, any more proof or just assumptions?
You have? Think I'm actually gonna ignore you now lvl 32 mage, haha
You must be really "smart", assuming that i only have a 32 LvL HC mage
Czasku wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:31 pm
After Reading Turtle WoW's forum i understood why Blizzard stopped responding on their own forum topics.

Posts: 43

Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Mikeyhong » Mon Sep 25, 2023 8:12 pm

Tendies wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 4:05 pm
Geojak wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:07 pm
Good post op.

Kinda too late since with China pvp server they already have this nightmare of raid needing to be balanced both euth and without wf totem + paladin buffs. Warriors kinda impossible to balance now. On setting they will be either op or weak in the other
Simple, we don't balance for Chinese servers, only EU.
Mikeyhong wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:33 pm
i don’t know why you so worried about new PvP server,and I even didn’t seem andthing you said it in logic. You said ,without shaman and paladin the dungeon will not be passed,what a mess? Have you play wow original?so funny,especially we have so much new equipment for support everything. In other way,you don’t know what exactly pvp means,it not only for the battleground,how dare you define the people who are the really pvper? On the other hand,you said people will back to the major server(the first server) because of they can’t pass the dungeons and they don’t have the 30%ex, what do you mean of this?and what do you want to say? Now china got the pvp server,the people is nearly balanced,as I know ,the mostly is 4500:4000 almost. And also it just a start,Twow not only for you guys who come here first,and also many old players wanna try a new style of don’t use like stupid words to define this ,to ignore the hardworking of the production team! Is only a game,for everyone who really like Twow and who really wanna play a game.not because the national,language,or the benefits you have got and afraid it to loss. Ty
Shut up China.
Darktifa wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:48 pm
It's the 3rd time i'm gonna ask you the same question, that you are deliberately ignoring...
How do u know this?
Ok Charanko admitted it, any more proof or just assumptions?
You have? Think I'm actually gonna ignore you now lvl 32 mage, haha
Racist fascist, you're ridiculous, you know that? Those who want to keep the old server, hope they are not as ridiculous and short-sighted as you. Read more books, children with low IQs。such a poor boy

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Bigsmerf » Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:44 pm

Mikeyhong wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 8:12 pm
Tendies wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 4:05 pm
Geojak wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:07 pm
Good post op.

Kinda too late since with China pvp server they already have this nightmare of raid needing to be balanced both euth and without wf totem + paladin buffs. Warriors kinda impossible to balance now. On setting they will be either op or weak in the other
Simple, we don't balance for Chinese servers, only EU.
Mikeyhong wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:33 pm
i don’t know why you so worried about new PvP server,and I even didn’t seem andthing you said it in logic. You said ,without shaman and paladin the dungeon will not be passed,what a mess? Have you play wow original?so funny,especially we have so much new equipment for support everything. In other way,you don’t know what exactly pvp means,it not only for the battleground,how dare you define the people who are the really pvper? On the other hand,you said people will back to the major server(the first server) because of they can’t pass the dungeons and they don’t have the 30%ex, what do you mean of this?and what do you want to say? Now china got the pvp server,the people is nearly balanced,as I know ,the mostly is 4500:4000 almost. And also it just a start,Twow not only for you guys who come here first,and also many old players wanna try a new style of don’t use like stupid words to define this ,to ignore the hardworking of the production team! Is only a game,for everyone who really like Twow and who really wanna play a game.not because the national,language,or the benefits you have got and afraid it to loss. Ty
Shut up China.
Darktifa wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:48 pm
It's the 3rd time i'm gonna ask you the same question, that you are deliberately ignoring...
How do u know this?
Ok Charanko admitted it, any more proof or just assumptions?
You have? Think I'm actually gonna ignore you now lvl 32 mage, haha
Racist fascist, you're ridiculous, you know that? Those who want to keep the old server, hope they are not as ridiculous and short-sighted as you. Read more books, children with low IQs。such a poor boy
Yes. Maybe if I insult them back in broken english it'll make me look like I'm the better person. This logic totally checks out.
Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
Anbone 34 Shadow Priest (Planned secondary main)
Manypunchman - 10 Naked Troll Boxer (Hardcore)

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Fresharugula » Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:59 pm

Mikeyhong wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 8:12 pm
Tendies wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 4:05 pm
Geojak wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:07 pm
Good post op.

Kinda too late since with China pvp server they already have this nightmare of raid needing to be balanced both euth and without wf totem + paladin buffs. Warriors kinda impossible to balance now. On setting they will be either op or weak in the other
Simple, we don't balance for Chinese servers, only EU.
Mikeyhong wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:33 pm
i don’t know why you so worried about new PvP server,and I even didn’t seem andthing you said it in logic. You said ,without shaman and paladin the dungeon will not be passed,what a mess? Have you play wow original?so funny,especially we have so much new equipment for support everything. In other way,you don’t know what exactly pvp means,it not only for the battleground,how dare you define the people who are the really pvper? On the other hand,you said people will back to the major server(the first server) because of they can’t pass the dungeons and they don’t have the 30%ex, what do you mean of this?and what do you want to say? Now china got the pvp server,the people is nearly balanced,as I know ,the mostly is 4500:4000 almost. And also it just a start,Twow not only for you guys who come here first,and also many old players wanna try a new style of don’t use like stupid words to define this ,to ignore the hardworking of the production team! Is only a game,for everyone who really like Twow and who really wanna play a game.not because the national,language,or the benefits you have got and afraid it to loss. Ty
Shut up China.
Darktifa wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:48 pm
It's the 3rd time i'm gonna ask you the same question, that you are deliberately ignoring...
How do u know this?
Ok Charanko admitted it, any more proof or just assumptions?
You have? Think I'm actually gonna ignore you now lvl 32 mage, haha
Racist fascist, you're ridiculous, you know that? Those who want to keep the old server, hope they are not as ridiculous and short-sighted as you. Read more books, children with low IQs。such a poor boy

I’ll never not be amused by people living under the Chinese government calling other people fascist. So funny

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Bigsmerf » Tue Sep 26, 2023 1:41 am

Fresharugula wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:59 pm
Mikeyhong wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 8:12 pm
Tendies wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 4:05 pm

Simple, we don't balance for Chinese servers, only EU.

Shut up China.

You have? Think I'm actually gonna ignore you now lvl 32 mage, haha
Racist fascist, you're ridiculous, you know that? Those who want to keep the old server, hope they are not as ridiculous and short-sighted as you. Read more books, children with low IQs。such a poor boy

I’ll never not be amused by people living under the Chinese government calling other people fascist. So funny
Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
Anbone 34 Shadow Priest (Planned secondary main)
Manypunchman - 10 Naked Troll Boxer (Hardcore)

I'm back! More or less...

Posts: 43

Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Mikeyhong » Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:41 am

Fresharugula wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:59 pm
Mikeyhong wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 8:12 pm
Tendies wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 4:05 pm

Simple, we don't balance for Chinese servers, only EU.

Shut up China.

You have? Think I'm actually gonna ignore you now lvl 32 mage, haha
Racist fascist, you're ridiculous, you know that? Those who want to keep the old server, hope they are not as ridiculous and short-sighted as you. Read more books, children with low IQs。such a poor boy

I’ll never not be amused by people living under the Chinese government calling other people fascist. So funny
I living spain,ty.fascist bro, can i say that? read more book your world will expense

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Bigsmerf » Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:48 am

Mikeyhong wrote:
Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:41 am
Fresharugula wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:59 pm
Mikeyhong wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 8:12 pm

Racist fascist, you're ridiculous, you know that? Those who want to keep the old server, hope they are not as ridiculous and short-sighted as you. Read more books, children with low IQs。such a poor boy

I’ll never not be amused by people living under the Chinese government calling other people fascist. So funny
I living spain,ty.fascist bro, can i say that? read more book your world will expense
This isn't helping yourself or anyone else in any way, shape or form. This behaviour only breeds more toxicity and disrespect. Backpedalling and throwing insults only makes you look petty, and desperate. Grow up.
Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Hoodooman » Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:23 pm

It is astounding you think other people being able to play how they like is a problem because it might effect your safe pvp despite it being something those pvpers want.

On the pvp realm there will be plenty of pvp. While I agree that splitting populations is never a good idea there is really no other choice. I doubt you guys want to world pvp and every player doesn't want that crutch. The rest of us have played the pvp maps to exhaustion, and even he HC experience on a pve server is hardly a achievement. I think a pvp server is a great Idea we are currently all playing on a server with 2-4x the original nilla pop so it isn't even close to the same experience. While it is great in some aspects is certainly isn't in others.

Posts: 43

Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Mikeyhong » Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:39 pm

Bigsmerf wrote:
Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:48 am
Mikeyhong wrote:
Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:41 am
Fresharugula wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:59 pm

I’ll never not be amused by people living under the Chinese government calling other people fascist. So funny
I living spain,ty.fascist bro, can i say that? read more book your world will expense
This isn't helping yourself or anyone else in any way, shape or form. This behaviour only breeds more toxicity and disrespect. Backpedalling and throwing insults only makes you look petty, and desperate. Grow up.
Haha,cute one,you really a poor boy. We are not on the same level of thinking consciousness and don't need to say a word more to losers like you as well as scum. You are pathetic.

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Drubarrymooer » Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:59 pm

Fresharugula wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:24 pm
You hit the nail on the head here.

In the discord yesterday one of the people who is the absolute loudest about fresh pvp straight up admitted he dosent even play turtle. People who aren’t even members of the community are trying to steer turtle into something it’s not
I've noticed this. There are druids that hang out in the #druid channel there and give advice but don't actually play on the server. I don't understand the thought process behind that. I'm not against the new realm being pvp tbh. The more they clear off the OG server, the better it runs. But if folks aren't on the server are contributing to the direction/polls/etc, I DO have a problem with that.

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Charanko » Fri Sep 29, 2023 5:30 pm

Same could be said about anti pvpers / pveers… one of the loudest ones yesterday …is on discord for 1 week and just finished starting zones …
So now what?
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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Bigsmerf » Fri Sep 29, 2023 9:13 pm

Mikeyhong wrote:
Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:39 pm
Bigsmerf wrote:
Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:48 am
Mikeyhong wrote:
Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:41 am

I living spain,ty.fascist bro, can i say that? read more book your world will expense
This isn't helping yourself or anyone else in any way, shape or form. This behaviour only breeds more toxicity and disrespect. Backpedalling and throwing insults only makes you look petty, and desperate. Grow up.
Haha,cute one,you really a poor boy. We are not on the same level of thinking consciousness and don't need to say a word more to losers like you as well as scum. You are pathetic.
Try to insult me when you've learned the language well enough to make sense. Until then, good luck with google translate.
Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Fundin » Fri Sep 29, 2023 9:49 pm

Drubarrymooer wrote:
Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:59 pm
Fresharugula wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:24 pm
You hit the nail on the head here.

In the discord yesterday one of the people who is the absolute loudest about fresh pvp straight up admitted he dosent even play turtle. People who aren’t even members of the community are trying to steer turtle into something it’s not
I've noticed this. There are druids that hang out in the #druid channel there and give advice but don't actually play on the server. I don't understand the thought process behind that. I'm not against the new realm being pvp tbh. The more they clear off the OG server, the better it runs. But if folks aren't on the server are contributing to the direction/polls/etc, I DO have a problem with that.
Yep. Its typical cliche astroturfing. Protesting - saying this and that, trying to derail a grassroots movements.

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Daedric » Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:12 pm

People don't seem to understand that some who prefer PVP servers came to Turtle because Warmode is the best option for PVP , given the competition (that was my case at least.) Given the chance I'd 100% have gone onto a strictly PVP server and let PVE'ers and those who want to play HC be. They're fully entitled to a server which had settings they enjoyed from the start of the project- PVP-prefering individuals are the ones who needed to adapt because all of the other options, quite frankly, were garbage. As someone who has been on most of the large, previous vanilla-WoW private servers, Turtle WoW has a solid team and vision.

I'm fairly new to the server (relatively), but it seems the team has had to shift their priorities to accommodate a massive influx of new interest. That's to be expected.

Considering the flak Warmode seems to have gotten, it could even make sense for the Dev team to remove it so the OG realm could go back to the PVE/HC elements, and then have the separate PVP server. Then make the PVP servers have cross-realm battlegrounds/etc, and there you go. Maybe even link all realms in battlegrounds. Balancing is a whole 'nother issue.

I don't fully understand the rather narrow and selfish "you shouldn't have a PVP server" mindset when, ultimately, it will detract very little from the OG server in the long term. Yes, it's a departure from the Team's past statements, but some changes are to be expected when faced with a massive demand. Ultimately, you'll get a healthy population enjoying the culture on each. PVE/HC and PVP have vastly different goals. As was the case with Blizzard servers, let each type of gamer have their fun, and potentially link the battlegrounds to ensure stability.

Posts: 38

Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Xwolfi » Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:40 pm

Man its funny seeing all these PVE Cupcakes crying about a PVP server... Imagine being this triggered simply because it wont improve your experience and your to afraid to roll pvp.

Posts: 2

Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Schnitter » Sat Sep 30, 2023 12:03 am

Even if you read all the pros and contras, even if you realize how much impact whatever twow does have to some individuals, many of guys forget: this is a private fan project. this is not a business. this is not the place to put blame on someone because you are not satisfied. Don´t argue with "but I donated this much and...", because no one forced you to do that. Even if all of twow is going south (in your opinion) many, if not most of you, ask yourself: what have I done for this project? You felt comfortably for years, and you did not see any reason to give, but now, anything you do is to take. This is NOT your server, if it would, you wouldn´t be here to complain, think about that for a minute before making any claims at all.

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Aydea » Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:33 am

Schnitter wrote:
Sat Sep 30, 2023 12:03 am
Even if you read all the pros and contras, even if you realize how much impact whatever twow does have to some individuals, many of guys forget: this is a private fan project. this is not a business. this is not the place to put blame on someone because you are not satisfied. Don´t argue with "but I donated this much and...", because no one forced you to do that. Even if all of twow is going south (in your opinion) many, if not most of you, ask yourself: what have I done for this project? You felt comfortably for years, and you did not see any reason to give, but now, anything you do is to take. This is NOT your server, if it would, you wouldn´t be here to complain, think about that for a minute before making any claims at all.
I like this post very much. turtle_in_love_head

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Harkus » Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:41 am

Xwolfi wrote:
Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:40 pm
Man its funny seeing all these PVE Cupcakes crying about a PVP server... Imagine being this triggered simply because it wont improve your experience and your to afraid to roll pvp.
I do not know if you noticed but Turtle is an RPvE server... you coming here and insulting the entire server because it is not the way you want it to be is ridiculous. Go back from whence you came.

Posts: 43

Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Mikeyhong » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:36 am

Bigsmerf wrote:
Fri Sep 29, 2023 9:13 pm
Mikeyhong wrote:
Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:39 pm
Bigsmerf wrote:
Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:48 am

This isn't helping yourself or anyone else in any way, shape or form. This behaviour only breeds more toxicity and disrespect. Backpedalling and throwing insults only makes you look petty, and desperate. Grow up.
Haha,cute one,you really a poor boy. We are not on the same level of thinking consciousness and don't need to say a word more to losers like you as well as scum. You are pathetic.
Try to insult me when you've learned the language well enough to make sense. Until then, good luck with google translate.
…. You are nothing,I don’t have any motive to prove something for you,bro. By the way is just a language,you know any Spanish or Chinese?you soo poor like a should read more and know how old you are…poor lady

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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Charanko » Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:59 pm

Harkus wrote:
Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:41 am
Xwolfi wrote:
Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:40 pm
Man its funny seeing all these PVE Cupcakes crying about a PVP server... Imagine being this triggered simply because it wont improve your experience and your to afraid to roll pvp.
I do not know if you noticed but Turtle is an RPvE server... you coming here and insulting the entire server because it is not the way you want it to be is ridiculous. Go back from whence you came.
maybe he wouldnt be like that with all this blatant anti pvp sentiment from the community... and then people confused why no one is playing BGs
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Re: New PvP realm is still stupid

Post by Bigsmerf » Sat Sep 30, 2023 4:01 pm

Mikeyhong wrote:
Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:36 am
Bigsmerf wrote:
Fri Sep 29, 2023 9:13 pm
Mikeyhong wrote:
Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:39 pm

Haha,cute one,you really a poor boy. We are not on the same level of thinking consciousness and don't need to say a word more to losers like you as well as scum. You are pathetic.
Try to insult me when you've learned the language well enough to make sense. Until then, good luck with google translate.
…. You are nothing,I don’t have any motive to prove something for you,bro. By the way is just a language,you know any Spanish or Chinese?you soo poor like a should read more and know how old you are…poor lady
No, keep going. This is hilarious.
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