Introduction to our Chat server & Support channel

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Posts: 522
Location: Hungary, Eger

Introduction to our Chat server & Support channel

Post by Paw » Sun Aug 06, 2023 7:41 pm

If you find yourself in a situation where you wish to discuss your thought, ask your question or share your idea with an open audience then you will find our lively community in these chatrooms more then welcoming!

Official information
  • announcements
  • media-content
  • server-status
  • information
  • rules
Event calendar
  • roleplaying
  • seasonal
  • general
  • support
  • live
  • media
  • text-edits
  • guilds
  • turtle-wiki
  • explorers
  • lf-group
  • trade
  • addons
  • transmog
  • theorygcrafting
  • legacy-players
  • wow-humor
  • wow-arts
  • rea-life-pets
  • music-talk
  • off-topic
  • rules
  • lounge
  • gallery
  • dungeons
  • trade
  • guild
  • voice
  • information
  • guilds
  • lounge
  • gallery
  • lore
  • lfg
  • stories
  • rumors
  • voice
Creative corner
  • artworks
  • screenshots
  • modding
PvP on Turtle
  • general
  • battlegrounds
  • blood-ring
Class channels
  • paladin
  • warrior
  • rogue
  • warlock
  • priest
  • mage
  • shaman
  • druid
  • hunter
  • russian
  • chinese
  • german
  • polish
  • french
  • spanish
  • turkish
  • bulgarian

If you are facing techical difficulties or any game related issues you may propose your problem in our #support channel to our assist crew!

In case you find Discord's interface uncomfortable for your vision you may find changing the settings to compact-mode to be more familiar to your taste.

Posts: 7

Re: Introduction to our Chat server & Support channel

Post by Forzamilanlyt » Wed Sep 13, 2023 1:39 pm

I think it should be links?

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