Portable Wormhole Generator and "Griefing"

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Portable Wormhole Generator and "Griefing"

Post by Firevulcan » Sun May 31, 2020 6:25 pm

For the umpteenth time that a person uses PWG to "grief", I feel like i have to suggest this:
As the title says, this post is about PWG and its uses. During raids and bgs people are using it to port out people. I don't know what happened to the old "Portable Meeting Stone" (and if someone wants to explain to inform me, that would be appreciated), but it did the same as the PWG, but without the "griefing" possibilities... How about bringing it back to avoid this stuff from happeing?

Sincerely yours,

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Re: Portable Wormhole Generator and "Griefing"

Post by Pompa » Sun May 31, 2020 6:30 pm

I'll add a message to let everyone know who's using the item. ;) "Tyrelys has just opened a wormhole."

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