Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

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Re: Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

Post by Bittermens » Tue Jun 06, 2023 6:14 pm

Not only these "changes" were fucking terrible
Changing Hero of the Stormpike/Frostwolf into that Korrak shit really killed any reason to newbies to do AV, because NO ONE does Korrak, there is no reason to do so either and the buff works for nothing at all as most things in this server.

And landmines doesn't even work or stops backdoor race that is now.

The BG was better a year ago before these changes

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Re: Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

Post by Voodoochile » Wed Jun 07, 2023 3:08 am

I beg that y'all just add Reinforcement count to the game. Its so unbelievably shit to be stuck in a +3 hour AV just because Alliance can choose to turtle their base with 10 people when it would take practically the whole team for the Horde base to do the same. The balance of the NPC's and their placements on twow AV so heavily skew the faction's ability to raze the bases, it's not even funny

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Re: Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

Post by Bittermens » Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:33 pm

Voodoochile wrote:
Wed Jun 07, 2023 3:08 am
I beg that y'all just add Reinforcement count to the game. Its so unbelievably shit to be stuck in a +3 hour AV just because Alliance can choose to turtle their base with 10 people when it would take practically the whole team for the Horde base to do the same. The balance of the NPC's and their placements on twow AV so heavily skew the faction's ability to raze the bases, it's not even funny
Both sides does the same
No one gives a shit to send raid bosses
Korrak and snowfall is garbage
No landmines

At least retail i dare say it made the old av into a fun event.
here with all of these "changes" is terrible.
Instead of being a PvEvP event it is a shitshow.

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Re: Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

Post by Heine » Wed Jun 07, 2023 5:37 pm

Reinforcements was a very good addition to this game.
Had a 2 hours stalemate 10 minutes ago and people just started leaving this crap instead of playing.

These people who doent like reinforcements arent playing av on daily basis.

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Re: Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

Post by Heine » Wed Jun 07, 2023 5:39 pm

Forgot to add - the most annoying part of current av - npc improvements.
These 4k hp/ 500 dps meeles and 10k/600 dps achers become unbearable.

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Re: Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

Post by Rat2156 » Wed Jun 07, 2023 5:58 pm

Heine wrote:
Wed Jun 07, 2023 5:37 pm
Reinforcements was a very good addition to this game.
There it is, the worst AV-related take on this forum. scared_turtle

Considering how many bad takes there are around here, that's impressive

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Re: Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

Post by Dhrazar » Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:24 pm

Bittermens wrote:
Tue Jun 06, 2023 6:14 pm
Not only these "changes" were fucking terrible
Changing Hero of the Stormpike/Frostwolf into that Korrak shit really killed any reason to newbies to do AV, because NO ONE does Korrak, there is no reason to do so either and the buff works for nothing at all as most things in this server.
Yep, the Korrak Quest is pretty much not solvable and imho the biggest quest mistake on this server.
People flaming and insulting you, when you ask if someone wants to do him.
Yesterday after a 3 hour AV zerg and a lot of chat work from a fellow hunter, we managed to find enough ppl to kill him, BUT Korrak killed me infight, stupid Spirit Healer didn't revive me after two cycles and guess what, Korrak got killed and it didn't count for me.

Posts: 153

Re: Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

Post by Bittermens » Tue Jun 13, 2023 1:05 am

Rat2156 wrote:
Wed Jun 07, 2023 5:58 pm
Heine wrote:
Wed Jun 07, 2023 5:37 pm
Reinforcements was a very good addition to this game.
There it is, the worst AV-related take on this forum. scared_turtle

Considering how many bad takes there are around here, that's impressive
This entire server latest decisions since the patch dropped out has been a worst take.

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Re: Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

Post by Heine » Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:03 am

Can devs return the normal version of AV?
Current outdated crap is plain AFWUL

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Re: Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

Post by Getplucked » Mon Jun 19, 2023 8:23 pm

Yeeeaaaahhh as someone who is nearing 51 on my paladin, I'd love to have the new Hero of Stormpike quest returned so that can actually get my Ice Barbed Spear without having to sit through a 3 hour AV.

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Re: Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

Post by Zulnam » Tue Jun 20, 2023 9:20 am

I like the new AV map, I really do; but I have to side with everyone in saying that Korrak is quite broken.

His positioning and difficulty are such that it makes it an absolute chore to take down. His difficulty means you will need at least a group of 5 to kill him, but realistically because you are lacking a tank and probably healers you'll need more. All these result in him just hogging the mid GY throughout most games.

I'd like to see him tweaked before he gets shelved though. Perhaps make him more important to a match, so players are incentivised to take him out regardless of quest or not.

Easiest way to make him a target is to put a big-old honor/rep reward on his head, similar to the mid-zone captains.

Also, perhaps his adds start out as non-elites and get buffed as the match progresses, similar to faction guards but on an auto-timer. This would incentivise players to take him out sooner rather than later.

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Re: Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

Post by Bigsmerf » Tue Jun 20, 2023 2:57 pm

This is cool and all, but...

TBC honor system when?
Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
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Manypunchman - 10 Naked Troll Boxer (Hardcore)

I'm back! More or less...

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Re: Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

Post by Naonak1945 » Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:59 am

I must say, far more needs to be done inside AV to make it better balanced and more enjoyable.

Make the horde flag/banner quest for the AV trinket just as easy as on the alliance side. No elites on the frozen lake inside the cave or anywhere near the flag. Where on the horde side, have a couple non elite npcs and 2 elites that chain aggro/assist each other.

On my alliance alt at 51, corpse ran past 2 elites and got the flag item and quest was done. No help or anything was needed.

When Glav is dies, IB/TP towers are burning. All the horde npc pathers in those areas and including the midfield disappear and do not respawn.

Whether it be a bug or intended mechanic, I am unsure.

But when Bal dies and IW/SH bunkers are burning, all alliance npc stay, continuing to path/protect and respawn on death.

The removal of gold per kill on trash mobs was a goods start, but more needs to be done.

Remove all rare/epic items that drop from Korrak. He is a quest mob and has very little to do with PvP. Do the quest, get a nice quest turn in. But farming, game after game.

I was still very new (still am new, only 3 months playing or so) and just got my epic mount when the gold nerf was introduced. It got me enough gold in around 2 weeks following Twotoehoe and the likes around, while they farmed and I got xp and GOLD. so without that, i would have to PvE more for gold outside AV.

Remove coin drops from all mine mobs, including green item drops . Was a good add making them drop armour scraps, or increased the amount.

Currently, still being farmed to level and get nice coin per AV.

But remove XP from each kill and add more XP per turn in

If you do not wish for players to mine/herb or excessively mine/herb or farm, remove it from AV.

I personally don't give a shit what the other 39 players are doing. Every little hack,scam,afk spot in AV. I have learnt from all the other horde players, since playing TWoW.

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Re: Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

Post by Redmagejoe » Wed Aug 23, 2023 8:58 am

Naonak1945 wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:59 am
When Glav is dies, IB/TP towers are burning. All the horde npc pathers in those areas and including the midfield disappear and do not respawn.
As an Alliance player I can tell you this is 100% untrue. These NPCs kill people on their way out from killing Galv all the time. These NPCs and every NPC on the entire field ONLY vanish once Frostwolf Graveyard is turned to Alliance. Same goes for the Alliance NPCs when Horde capture Stormpike Graveyard.

All other complaints are fairly valid. People shouldn't be farming shit in AV that isn't going to benefit that AV, so I don't mind EXP and coin being removed from mine mobs and them just being a source of copious amounts of Armor Scraps.

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Re: Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

Post by Xudo » Wed Aug 23, 2023 10:07 am

Naonak1945 wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:59 am
The removal of gold per kill on trash mobs was a goods start, but more needs to be done.

Remove all rare/epic items that drop from Korrak. He is a quest mob and has very little to do with PvP. Do the quest, get a nice quest turn in. But farming, game after game.

I was still very new (still am new, only 3 months playing or so) and just got my epic mount when the gold nerf was introduced. It got me enough gold in around 2 weeks following Twotoehoe and the likes around, while they farmed and I got xp and GOLD. so without that, i would have to PvE more for gold outside AV.

Remove coin drops from all mine mobs, including green item drops . Was a good add making them drop armour scraps, or increased the amount.

Currently, still being farmed to level and get nice coin per AV.

But remove XP from each kill and add more XP per turn in

If you do not wish for players to mine/herb or excessively mine/herb or farm, remove it from AV.

I personally don't give a shit what the other 39 players are doing. Every little hack,scam,afk spot in AV. I have learnt from all the other horde players, since playing TWoW.
I think it is a great problem that people treat AV as WSG while it should be treated like Silithus or EPL.
I mean AV is just a high level instanced zone.
It differs from normal zone only by that "instanced" nature. Because of this, amount of players of both factions are balanced. I mean, there can't be 80 alliance players in the zone with 40 hordies inside. Amount of players is balanced on join and capped.
AV is alternative solution of world-pvp objectives. I think it is better solution because EPL towers are dead as PvP objective while AV is popular.
AV contain only people who expect PvP, while other zones on PvE server has a lot of players with PvP off. So you have world-pvp with players within specific level range.
AV don't suffer from overpopulation because of its instanced nature. If there are 200 people from both sides wanting to go AV, then multiple "instances" of AV will be created. Each will have herbs, ores and mobs to kill.
Every player in AV has PvP flag. It doesn't have warmode noob trap of "unflagged can attack flagged". Because all who enter the zone are flagged and they can't unflag.

I think every zone should become like AV - instanced, limited by level and amount of players, with fun pvp objectives, with herbs, ores and mobs to kill.
Xudo - tauren warrior 19 Sergeant armory.
I don't raid and rank, so you can not bother asking.
Nerf high level enchants on low level gear
Add lvl requirement to bandages
Best and optimal gear for 10-19 twinks
Have fun not only at 60.

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Re: Pre-1.12 Alterac Valley

Post by Shadalators » Sun Oct 15, 2023 7:22 pm

Iced Barbed Spear might as well have been deleted from the game. It's impossible to talk people into killing that mob. Please revert that quest back to a win in AV. I've done 50+ AVs and nobody has killed him.

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