Player Looking for a guiild

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Posts: 265
Location: Brasil

Player Looking for a guiild

Post by Wilsonsds » Sun Jul 09, 2023 11:13 pm

Hello all, i have a holy priest 60 and a prot warrior 60, both with pre bis gear. I have good experience in raiding.

Im after a raiding guild, that sees the importance of geting the best avaliable gear and not just sit around waiting for a chance in AQ20 or ZG.

I dont mind where in the raid progression the guild is. For me what is more important is a group of players that help each other to seek out their gear.

I just have one minor problem, i can play only 2 weeks per month since i travel a lot.

I just got in a point that i realized that ive playing a MMO alone doing pugs and nothing by the guild part, and before anyone thorw any stones, i aways help everyone that i can.

If anyone is interested in recruiting me, send a message in private.`

My pref raid timer is about 22:00 server time
Schala (Priest - Holy)
Lusiena (Warrior - Prot)
Lyane (Rogue - Combat)
Fellem (Hunter - Marks)
Lustrazalux (Mage - Frost)
Gondwana (Warlock - Demo)
Esmeralden (Druid - Resto)
Aldebaran (Shaman - Ele)
Almandinite (Pally - Prot)

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