Silver Quests Preview Suggestion

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Silver Quests Preview Suggestion

Post by Xerrash » Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:38 pm

Hello smiling_turtle

I've levelled quite few characters on this server and I've noticed there is a lot of Silver quests (Quests that are too high level to accept) in lower level areas.

The issue with this is I can never remeber which npcs have them once I leave the area, and I usually have no will to return to check, as I have no idea what level they unlock at.

So here's my solution to the problem: Give us the ability to look at a preview of Silver quests! Let the quest option appear in the dialogue window along with normal quests, with brackets next to the name of the Silver quest like "(Too low level)" to give an idea of why it's not acceptable, But still be readable! If this existed I would personally read and be better able to remeber those quests, where they are and when I might want to go and incorporate it into my levelling plans. I think it would be really nice, as I simply don't find it fun to go back to low level areas every 5 levels to check if a new quest unlocked that I might or might not want to do, and if it turns out to be a quest that I want to do, it would be something to look forward to doing instead of defaulting to skipping it.

Tell me what you think. happy_turtle_head

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Re: Silver Quests Preview Suggestion

Post by Xudo » Wed Jul 05, 2023 5:19 pm

Good idea. Can be implemented as add-on. I personally use database in browser in second window.
Xudo - tauren warrior 19 Sergeant armory.
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Re: Silver Quests Preview Suggestion

Post by Ugoboom » Sun Jul 09, 2023 1:22 am

I dont believe this is technically feasible in the client. And i can't imagine the confusion from people who are like "Why is Accept Quest grayed out?????? wtf buggy server"
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Re: Silver Quests Preview Suggestion

Post by Emilyrose89 » Sun Jul 09, 2023 1:25 pm

This is a cool idea! I don't know how the server works on the back end or if this is doable but it'd be cool if gray quest npcs could have a bit of dialog along the lines of "I'm looking for someone at least level X to help <quick summary of quest>" to get the info across without breaking story immersion.

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Re: Silver Quests Preview Suggestion

Post by Jaxel » Sun Jul 09, 2023 4:12 pm

There are already addons that do this. Try pfquest and pfquest-turtle. The quest exclamation point will show on your map and when you mouse over it you get the quest name, minimum level to accept the quest, and suggested level to do the quest.

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