Make Skin of Shadow Tradable

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Make Skin of Shadow Tradable

Post by Withinamnesia » Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:08 am

Skin of Shadow in its base form is Bind of Pick Up and thus cannot be traded.

Skin of Shadow drops in Scholomance and is currently used to make two epic pre-raid items, Persuader and Shifting Cloak. Here is a link ... eagent-for and some quest related pre-raid epics link ... jective-of. These items are not great end game items and only serve as pre-raid items aimed to help transition players from dungeons to raids. Vanilla needs extra work in pre-raid gear up.

Currently almost no one makes Persuader for everything in MC and any weapon dropped in a raid is a better weapon. In order to make persuader the crafter has to farm dungeons in order to craft the item. This drives up the cost and labour to make the item; thus no one makes it and no one buys it. Commonly (myself included) people just make Ebon Hand (link ) and are done with the pre-raid weapon gear up if they are looking for dual wielding weapons. We can do better.

Make Skin of Shadow tradable (remove the bind on pick up status). This will make Hammersmiths more business and people can sell Skin of Shadow on the auction house and boost the server economy. Also they can encourage new pre-raid recipes with skin of shadow by the community. I would suggest item level 65 epic hit and crit black plate boots made from 4 Arcanite bars, 10 Dark Iron bars, and 20 Enchanted Thorium bars, 6 Star Ruby and 2 Skin of Shadow.

This is a simple fix that adds a lot of value and boost the pre-raid gear up on a server with low raid participation and is easy to change.

Skin of Shadow should be tradable.

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Re: Make Skin of Shadow Tradable

Post by Sinrek » Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:24 am

Is it tradeable in any other expansion and if so then did Blizzard somehow motivate the change?
satisfied_turtle Slowly turtling my way up.

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Re: Make Skin of Shadow Tradable

Post by Withinamnesia » Tue Mar 03, 2020 12:52 am

Who cares what blizzard thinks XD?

If given the chance they would sue your ass and everyone at Twow; look at Nost lol. We need to think on our own. Torta can host the Server in Russia and has the option to say no to Blizzard suing him XD. I can't host my own server for I live in Canada, I'd get sued if I ever got more than 100 people on the server. This is in part why I am here to make new content and have it hosted away from being sued so people can enjoy the content.

Why make custom content if we have to follow suit to Blizzard who ruined their own franchise after they sold out? I agree that Blizzard should be used as inspiration but the company changed after they planned to sell out in summer of 2006. We should focus on what will make vanilla great for our server and not follow blizzard's example of retail. We have a golden opportunity to make something really great!

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Re: Make Skin of Shadow Tradable

Post by Torta » Tue Mar 03, 2020 5:45 pm

Sounds reasonable, yet I'd like to hear more from players about this proposal :)

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Re: Make Skin of Shadow Tradable

Post by Chlothar » Tue Mar 03, 2020 5:59 pm

theres also other items used for crafts, that are not tradeable. Demonic runes, abomination stitchings, certain power crystal makings, Stratholme holy water etc. I don`t really see a reason to make it tradeable. Just run Scholomance, others run it too every week to make flasks for raids. Communicate with em and get all the skins of shadow.

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Re: Make Skin of Shadow Tradable

Post by Pompa » Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:28 pm

I have to agree with Chlothar about this matter.

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Re: Make Skin of Shadow Tradable

Post by Sinrek » Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:25 am

Did some research on that… there'd be too many craftables affected by this and hinder the balance for the items significantly, therefore it's better to leave it as it is. Also, there seems to be a certain plan to make players visit all these 5-mans again for improving professions skills and helping out levellers and those who run it the first time and so on.
satisfied_turtle Slowly turtling my way up.

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Re: Make Skin of Shadow Tradable

Post by Withinamnesia » Sat Mar 07, 2020 6:18 am

I wrote you guys a book
I remember getting Ebon Hand made. I had to dig up a hammersmith from discord, it took 2 weeks on Kronos in 2018 when it had more players and it was a right pain in the bum.

We had to go to the Black Forge in Brd for the hammer can only be crafted there. I was able to trade all the mats to the guy and we got it crafted.

If we have to include dungeon runs for crafting items can we make the black forge used more?

Or maybe we can make new recipes that are not designed to put into a vise and squeeze the balls purple of the players every time they are crafted? For all that is unholy Naxxramas epic frost gear is easier to craft than this crap design and it requires a naxx clear to craft! Make the crafter farm the mats yeah just like every world trade transaction XD. Let me pull my teeth out and light my hair on fire and get the hammer smith to farm scholo TWICE for the customers hammer XD.

Instead of dragging the one or two guys who don't even play on the server anymore through scholo to craft a hammer for someone else TWICE (for gold they don't even value for they don't play here anymore). Can we make skin of shadow tradable but make Persuader and other dungeon grade farmable crafted epics require the black forge to craft? So they require dungeons craft but are fair to both parties?

No one is going to make the Persuader if instead you can trade all the mats to the hammersmith and hop into a pre-cleared brd (or just run to the anvil) and craft Ebon Hand a better mace for pure dps (which is what Fury and Rogues do time and time again, skip Persuader because it is designed to cuck the player with anti-social requirements).

Right now we are barely doing MC, we need more pre-raid gear for all the badly geared 60s for we are operating on an unnaturally low server population.

WoW servers have a plan to have the player base run the max tier raids everyweek and have multiple guilds running the same raids (thus why instances were designed).

Although right now we are artificially nerfing the 40 man raids, using cross faction to boost raiders and we can barely do one raid event per week and we have to pool the entire server to do it.

This kills the economy for Lava core and Fiery Cores and ZG crafting items.

If anything about breaking the design of wow (an archaic one in places like this anyway) Turtle wow is violation the core principles of how blizzard planned to run wow servers for we lack the critical mass to make the economy properly function.

This is why the auction house 'health' is important in private servers. In the end game it offers a place to collect resources from guild excess (extra cores, souldarite, frozen runes, nexus crystal etc.).

This is so that non-raiding players (the majority of wow Twow player base) who wish to raid (and get past MC in 2 years XD) can farm the world, make gold, buy these raid crafting items, tip guild crafters and give them the mats and BINGO!

We have a non-raid player who is ready to raid and just made the guild bank richer and able to buy more raid pots and consumables; the cycle of life on a vanilla server.

When we lock all the pre-raid items behind archaic broken farming time sinks (that no game uses anymore) we drive the demand down to make said item.

Couple this with the fact also when you can just skip Persuader for a better crafted weapon Ebon Hand (but we don't have a proper raid seen so we are a bit ham-stringed here) this get even worse.

Look if we had 500 people online all the time here sure, keep skin of shadow broken because there are about 5 hammer smiths online per week for either faction; we can by pure numbers alone brute force a hammer smith to run scholo twice.

Although since we are running on a server with at times 9! (Yes nine, that include your own player!) people online at times we need a better solution.

Skin of shadow being non-trable was designed for a game in that was untested both in release and in genre (wow made mmorpgs a smash hit) when the recipe was released, the recipe in 2003 wow was expecting ~100,000 players in a year (not ~400-700 total as in here) and the people who made that recipe never player over a decade of mmorpgs and the mmorpgs they did play were Ultima and EQ.

This is also 2020, on a private server of a game last patched 14 years ago. With content was worked on up to 21 years ago. Experimental content designs to boot.

With a player base that is less than 0.02% of what is expected a wow server population should run on 50/2000 = 0.025% and we have less than 50 players on at any time on average (peak is higher like 66-80 but a low of 9 in dead hours say a lot).

I've played wow for 12 years started when I was 12 I am 24 now and I have never seen a single digit server pop XD. If there ever is such a thing as vanilla / wow whale here I am.

My point is we should be make moves to make pre-raid items (like Persuader) easier to get on a critically low pop server such as Turtle WoW so we can break out of this unnatural content stagnation. What server is up for 2 years and has not killed nef yet honestly? We are in a rut XD. No one is crafting Persuader. Ask Edd, what does he see in MC. People with greens, people who are god awful at raiding (but you got to start somewhere XD).

People joke about getting dungeon groups for with (at times 9 people online) you cannot buy a group XD.

Just yesterday, I was trying to do princess Mara runs for the hit ring. I was literally who whispering EVERYONE one from 1-60, no joke asking every level of char if they had chars who were 44-60 to do mara princess run.

This is a unique experience for myself never have I had to work like a demon to get 5 people in a group for one run. ~7 PM to 5 AM (PST) ~11 hours (maybe even longer) I was at it and I got 3 runs mostly with the same people.

We have an unnatural vanilla server that is not working as blizzard designed in 1999-2004.

So let us make low population solutions.

Make pre-raid items easier to craft.

If you farm have the mats, on a server that hits scholo once a week, if you somehow drag a retired hammersmith out of discord over a two week period (prob the only one of 2 or 3 in the history of twow who knows); let the player craft it with full mat trading.

To make a hammer that no one crafts on this server for they don't go through infernal hoops of herding cats because players have a life to live; let the player craft it with full mat trading.

If you can get the mats and drag out a hammersmith you should be able to craft the hammer by trading all the mats; let the player craft it with full mat trading.

Or we can be okay and let hammersmith be a complete joke compared to armorsmith (which I have been on kronos since 2015 on my main Veldryn XD).

Look I cannot paint the picture more clear, I am running out of mental ink and canvas; I care about these things even if spending an hour typing out my points in their full form is a waste of my time so be it!

If I don't try to apply my exhaustive experience and my crushing understanding for solutions to fix broken areas of this server; I will reget not trying. Nonconstructive complaints and suffering in the dark go nowhere. Voice your gripes let the world know!

If still this fails, I will try and try and try and somehow, somewhere like I ways have, and give myself breath and I will succeed. Even if not here but I keep pressing onwards. Players are not rats in a rat race they are playing to have fun not work like a demon. We are much more people than we are players XD!

We have a broken anti-social game design on a critically low pop server with an end game player base who is entering a nerfed easy as pie raid (compared to what comes next) with greens making the veteran raiders pull their hair out.

We have the ability to fix old issues, we are not a museum server.

Make pre-raid epics and hit gear and tools to raid mc and zg properly within reach of the everyday turtle wow player.

No one likes getting cucked, so lets not cuck them on Persuader and Shifting Cloak and any other item by requiring the crafter to farm the mats for the customer.

Being a master hammersmith is hard enough let's not be fiends of suffering and rat race our low pop server by locking pre-raid items behind needless and broken anti-social experimental systems designed without over a decade of playing World of Warcraft.
