Ideas for new items

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Noce » Tue Mar 14, 2023 12:21 pm

we could use some axes 1h/2h to be caster oriented. smt like Hammer of Divine Might / Hammer of the Grand Crusader / The Hammer of Grace / Mastersmith's Hammer / Lavastone Hammer but axe counterpart.

and mail caster/resto chest. something like Robes of the Exalted or Mindsurge Robe but a mail counterpart.

also mail caster/resto boots. Faith Healer's Boots/Omnicast Boots mail counterpart.

caster/resto mail leggs could also get some Padre's Trousers / Luminary Kilt / Skyshroud Leggings counterpart.

rework The Crown of Shattering to give a not only nature dmg, but heal effect as well.

also it would be nice for xmog that shields and frills coud be xmoged.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Jombo » Tue Mar 14, 2023 12:59 pm

Is this thread still active? @Dragunovi

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Geebomb » Tue Mar 14, 2023 1:12 pm

"Goblin Safe Opener"

A dagger that is a stick of dynamite
on-hit effect: "explodes for "n" amount of damage, might also backfire and hurt you too"

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Bloodline1x9 » Tue Mar 14, 2023 2:39 pm

Special alchemy alcoholic drink


"Croak Mead"
Requires: Alchemy 135
Turns you or an enemy target into a frog. Self for 30 seconds, enemy for 3 seconds.
A frog can breathe underwater. Can be removed from yourself ahead of time.
Cooldown 10 min

This will be funny think. Helps in fight and you can also hang out by the water in Arathi Battlegrounds and waiting for ppl who come insidious_turtle

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Samsara » Tue Mar 14, 2023 8:12 pm

More haircuts, hair colors, and skin tattoos please. I read all the changes to character customization when downloading the game, and once in the character creator it felt like a big let down, a couple more dwarf skins, a few more hair colors, really not that much to brag about. Needs at least 3 times the amount of hair colors, at least 4-5 different tattoos per race encompassing all skin shades, more jewelry, many more faces and eye colors and various expressions (why out of all the high elf faces only like 2 look not angry?). Many more haircuts and hair colors would do a lot for more character options and combinations with different mogs already in game. It still feels very limiting at the present. Hell I'd love to have body type sliders even!
Last edited by Samsara on Tue Mar 14, 2023 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Samsara » Tue Mar 14, 2023 8:15 pm

I was also thinking it would be pretty cool if crafting professions would have the option to dye any gear they have the recipe for (or ilvl for non craftables), not during the crafting but as a side skill maybe through a profession quest? So that Leatherworkers could dye leather gear, blacksmith could anodize plate and mail, and of course tailors could dye cloth. With some color/specular/alpha maps it could be applied to all gear in game and really push the transmog game further without needing extra items added one by one!

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Balake » Sun Mar 26, 2023 5:44 pm ... height=306
Obtained from the new Gilneas zone. Since there's a fire rain of fire trinket I think it would be neat to add a shadow version especially since there's no shadow aoe whatsoever in Vanilla.!/itemcreat ... 5VTEwiXQ==

the exact spell id is:

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Liatris » Sun Mar 26, 2023 7:44 pm

I don't know if these items were mentioned, but there were these special shirts you could buy in Dalaran from Karandonna. I think they were called a filigreed shirt or filigreed doublet. I used to use them a lot for RPing back when I played retail.

There was also a merchant on Darkmoon Island that sold a Noblewoman's set (Noblewoman's Finery/Noblewoman's skirt) and a Nobleman's coat + Pantaloons. These items are very Gilnean in looks, and I think many people would use them if implemented.

It could be neat to have a merchant that travels around (like Antonio Perelli). Maybe between Booty Bay and Ratchet (or placed another spot accessible to both factions). Maybe they could sell these items or tailoring patterns. All of these items were white lvl 1 items when I played, so I'm thinking they should stay that way so everyone can have access to them for RPing.
Sav - Level 35 Mage (Leveling) | RP Profile

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Comrade19 » Sun Mar 26, 2023 9:10 pm

Helm of the Arcane Tempest
Intellect: +35
Stamina: +20
Equip: Critical Strike: 1%
Equip: Casting speed: 2%
Equip: Spell damage 25

Shoulders of the Spellbinder
Intellect: +28
Stamina: +18
Equip: Critical Strike: 1%
Equip: Increases the duration of your Arcane Power by 3 seconds.
Equip: Spell damage 15

Robe of the Runic Adept
Intellect: +32
Stamina: +25
Equip: Critical Strike: 2%
Equip: Casting speed: 1%
Equip: Spell damage 35

Bracers of the Mana Warden
Intellect: +18
Stamina: +12
Equip: Increases your maximum mana by 500.
Equip: Spell damage 15

Gloves of the Frozen Rift
Intellect: +30
Stamina: +20
Equip: Increases the damage of your Frostbolt spell by 10%.

Belt of the Firestorm Weaver
Intellect: +25
Stamina: +15
Equip: Critical Strike: 1%
Equip: Increases the range of your Fireball spell by 3 yards.

Leggings of the Arcanist Focus
Intellect: +32
Stamina: +28
Equip: Critical Strike: 1%
Equip: Hit: 1%
Equip: Spell damage 25

Boots of the Unyielding Channeler
Intellect: +28
Stamina: +20
Equip: Spell damage 25
Equip: Reduces the pushback suffered while casting spells by 30%.

Pendant of the Eternal Scholar
Intellect: +20
Stamina: +12
Critical Strike: 1%
Equip: Spell damage 15
Equip: Increases your out-of-combat mana regeneration by 10%.

Ring of the Ascendant Mage
Intellect: +18
Stamina: +10
Equip: Casting speed: 2%
Equip: Grants a 1% chance to gain a charge of Arcane Power when casting spells.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Enceebe » Mon Mar 27, 2023 9:15 am

How about the option to upgrade some crafting/drop sets and items.
Like Wolfshelmet to be upgradable into a cat or bear version with stats benefical to either specc.

Moonkin. Having sets that increase your support abillity to gain mana for you and others would make it more interesting. Moonkin is supposed to be a support spell caster that buffs others casters dmg and helps with mana regenration. Hybrid classes with heals are always abit tricky but putting the strength into the support aspect buffs their utility in raids without them being broken monsters in pvp.

Classic Feral with powershifting is some of the most fun I had in WoW classic in the open world.
Having a set for cat only that is not also needed or wanted by rogues or leather warriors would be nice to have. Like Stormshroud set. It is one of the only sets with energy gain on hit besides rogues t0/0,5.
Bloodtiger = gives spell crit and melee crit who needs both?
Ironfeather-Set is clearly designed to be a Moonkin Set. But is also only a 2 piece set and is quit bad.
One of the best Feral sets is the pvp set because of its improved armor and stats. A craftable bear set with improved armor, stamina and streangth should be nice.
Best would be to being able to upgrade them like it was done with some craftable Resistance Gear.

Also why not more specialized t0.5 The Druid t0/0,5 gives mana, energy and rage when being hit only. It would be nice to have the option to get full versions with cat/owl/tree/bear in mind. Or T0,5 quest chains for dungeon sets. Some are like Deathbone Guardian designed with Tank Paladin in mind.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Nergop99 » Mon Mar 27, 2023 4:34 pm

no hunter weapon available at rank 14, this fixes it

Grand Marshal's hunter Glaive
Weapon Polearm
235 - 353 Damage Speed 3,8
+26 Agility
+41 Stamina
Durability 120 / 120
Classes: Hunter
Requires Level 60
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.
Requires Grand Marshal / High Warlord
"hunter weapon"
Buy for: 25 Gold
Sells for: 5 Gold

upgrade weapon DPS removing spirit per crit - hit,
spirit for healers!:

High Warlord's War Staff SoM Phase 1
Item Level 78
Binds when picked up
Two-Hand Staff
131 - 225 Damage Speed 3.00
(59.33 damage per second)
+41 Stamina
+23 Intellect
Equip: Improves your chance to hit with spells by 1%.
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by 1%.
Durability 120 / 120
Requires Level 60
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 71.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Chaddypogger321 » Mon Mar 27, 2023 10:52 pm

Earth Shattered Pendant - Neck
Breastplate of Mutiny - Chest
Worshippers Undercoat - Chest
Heart of Azshara - Trinket
Forgotten Loop (of the Eagle etc) - Ring
Grundley's Sniper - Gun

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Enceebe » Sat May 20, 2023 8:14 pm

With all the HC character around and no acces to good shields outside of dungeons in lower levels and no acces to the auction house, I would suggest the option for more craftable shields and using vendor shields as part of pattern. Seeing all these shops no one buys at is a bit sad.

For example [Dull Heater Shield]is sold by alliance vendors only and the [Worn Heater Shield] is sold by hord vendors only.

[Copper Braced Heater Shield]
The Materials could look like this:

[Reinforced Wall Shield]
1x [Wall Shield]
10x [Copper Bar]
6x [Simpel Wood]
2x [Rough Grinding Stone]
2x [Light Leather]


[Large Round Bronze Shield]
1x [Large Metal Shield]
8x [Bronze Bar]
6x [Simpel Wood]
4x [Coarse Grinding Stone]
4x [Wool Cloth]
2x [Tigerseye]


Also the idea to make upgraded version of the [Large Round Bronze Shield] a horde and a alliance version with "local" materials.

Alliance - [The Red Ridge]
1x [Large Round Bronze Shield]
2x [Coarse Grinding Stone]
1x [Silver Bar]
5x [Rethban Ore]
10x [Black Whelp Scale]
10x [Slimy Murloc Scale]
2x [Red Dye]

Horde - [Blood Tanned Shield]
1x [Large Round Bronze Shield]
2x [Red Dye]
2x [Coarse Grinding Stone]
5x [Deviate Scale]
5x [Thin Kodo Leather]
5x [Deviate Fish]
30x [Blood Shards]

Last edited by Enceebe on Sun May 21, 2023 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Psygeoff1 » Sun May 21, 2023 5:02 am

Looking at the database I saw a couple of new lategame/pre-bis guns added to the game.

I didn't see any added bows however, I'd love to see some viable pre-bis bow to make use of the High elf / Troll Bow skill racial. Just a thought.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Enceebe » Tue May 23, 2023 6:13 pm

Can we add ne weapon enchantments/consumables to Blacksmith similar to

For example a Swordsmith can make a Sword Hilt and it can only be atteched by a swordsmith similar to Weapon Chain and it increased Swords+5 as an entchantment or consumable.
You coald do the same with axesmith for Axes and Hammersmith for Hammers. And also give Weaponsmith a recipie for daggerhilt and fist weapon grip. It would add something unique to the Blacksmiths profession.

Armorsmith could get new Shield Spikes from other Materials Like Frostrune Elementium, Arcanite that adds an additional 20-30 dmg from a certain element when ever you block. That is similar to Sanctury that adds 35 additinal holy dmg when ever you block. Or they could improve shields that increase other stats like Blockvalue or Armor.

Giving new Weapon/Shield entchantments or even just as Consumables that are usefull for Melee Combat would add something to this profession that is not a sharpening stone and that pays of putting so much effort into the Blacksmith specialisation.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Erykoman123 » Thu May 25, 2023 11:23 pm

Mark of the Worgen
Item Level 65
Binds when picked up
Classes: Hunter
Requires Level 60
Requires Gilneas - Exalted (or a rare drop in a dungeon there)
Equip: Increases your chance to dodge an attack by 1%.
Equip: +1 melee Attack Power for each point of Agility you have.
Use: Makes your Strength equal to your Agility for 30 sec. (5 Min Cooldown)
Don't let your dreams be memes.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Bigsmerf » Fri May 26, 2023 1:53 pm

I'd like to see some better boomkin items at later levels. We definitely need those. Maybe in raids or higher level dungeons. Maybe an "Astral Garb" set or something like that? Or maybe even just a singular robe.
Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
Anbone 34 Shadow Priest (Planned secondary main)
Manypunchman - 10 Naked Troll Boxer (Hardcore)

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Krizpmango » Fri May 26, 2023 2:57 pm

Gauntlets of the deathguard
Req lv60
X armor (fitting amount)
6 stam
13 atk power
+5 to swords and 2h swords

Could be sold by undercity vendor at exalted rep

Posts: 5

Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Muffanzo » Fri May 26, 2023 3:15 pm

think a fun item would be all the darkmoon cards combined into one, could have a quest around fusing them all. It would be to good stat wise I believe but its just an idea.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Yoimba1 » Fri May 26, 2023 3:46 pm

Tanking Shaman Relic. Increases threat produced by Rockbiter totem. Also increases Stoneclaw Totems health by ~500% (large percent to make it useful) and increase Stoneclaw's threat generation as well.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Ibux » Fri May 26, 2023 3:54 pm

here are some classic style items by the chat ai turtle_tongue_head
Claw of the Wild - A dagger with +20 Agility, +10 Strength, and +1% Critical Strike Chance. It has a chance on hit to increase your attack power by 50 for 10 seconds. This weapon is ideal for cat form DPS and has a sleek design with a curved blade and a paw print on the hilt.

Staff of the Moonkin - A staff with +40 Intellect, +20 Spirit, and +40 Nature Spell Damage. It also increases the damage of your Starfire and Moonfire spells by 5%. This weapon is perfect for balance druids who want to unleash their lunar power. The staff is adorned with feathers and a glowing moonstone at the top.

Maul of the Bear - A mace with +30 Strength, +15 Stamina, and +10 Defense. It also increases the armor of your bear form by 500 and reduces the cooldown of your Frenzied Regeneration by 1 minute. This weapon is great for feral tanks who want to be more durable and resilient. The mace is shaped like a bear’s head with sharp teeth and claws.
Fang of the Panther - A dagger with +15 Agility, +10 Stamina, and +20 Attack Power. It also increases the damage of your Rake and Rip abilities by 10%. This weapon is suitable for cat form DPS who want to shred their enemies with bleeding effects. The dagger is black and sleek with a panther’s eye embedded in the hilt.

Staff of the Grove - A staff with +25 Intellect, +15 Spirit, and +30 Healing Power. It also increases the duration of your Rejuvenation and Regrowth spells by 3 seconds. This weapon is ideal for restoration druids who want to heal their allies more effectively. The staff is green and leafy with a flower at the top.

Hammer of the Earth - A mace with +20 Strength, +10 Stamina, and +15 Nature Resistance. It also increases the damage of your Maul and Swipe abilities by 15%. This weapon is good for feral tanks who want to deal more damage and resist nature-based attacks. The mace is brown and sturdy with a rock-like head.
Elemental Set - This set is inspired by the Nordrassil Regalia tier 5 set and the Sunwell Druid Raiment tier 6.5 set. It has a yellow and orange color scheme with sun-like motifs and fiery effects. The set bonus increases the damage of your Wrath and Starfire spells by 15% and reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.5 seconds. The set pieces are:

Helm of the Sunwell - A helmet with +25 Intellect, +15 Spirit, and +40 Nature Spell Damage. It also increases the critical strike chance of your Starfire spell by 3%.

Shoulderpads of the Sunwell - A pair of shoulder pads with +20 Intellect, +15 Spirit, and +35 Nature Spell Damage. They also increase the damage of your Moonfire spell by 15%.

Robes of the Sunwell - A robe with +30 Intellect, +20 Spirit, and +50 Nature Spell Damage. It also increases the range of your Wrath spell by 10 yards.

Gloves of the Sunwell - A pair of gloves with +15 Intellect, +15 Spirit, and +25 Nature Spell Damage. They also increase the damage of your Hurricane spell by 20%.

Belt of the Sunwell - A belt with +15 Intellect, +15 Spirit, and +20 Nature Spell Damage. It also increases the healing done by your Tranquility spell by 20%.

Leggings of the Sunwell - A pair of leggings with +25 Intellect, +20 Spirit, and +45 Nature Spell Damage. They also increase the damage of your Insect Swarm spell by 15%.

Boots of the Sunwell - A pair of boots with +15 Intellect, +15 Spirit, and +20 Nature Spell Damage. They also increase the speed of your Travel Form by 15%.
Feral DPS Set - This set is inspired by the Stormrage Raiment tier 2 set and the Malorne Harness tier 4 set. It has a blue and green color scheme with horn-like spikes and leather straps. The set bonus increases the damage of your Shred and Ferocious Bite abilities by 20% and reduces the energy cost of your Cat Form abilities by 10%. The set pieces are:

Helm of the Stormrage Clan - A helmet with +25 Agility, +15 Strength, and +2% Critical Strike Chance. It also increases the damage of your Tiger’s Fury ability by 15%.

Shoulderpads of the Stormrage Clan - A pair of shoulder pads with +20 Agility, +15 Strength, and +25 Attack Power. They also increase the damage of your Rake ability by 15%.

Vest of the Stormrage Clan - A vest with +30 Agility, +20 Strength, and +35 Attack Power. It also increases the critical strike chance of your Rip ability by 3%.

Gloves of the Stormrage Clan - A pair of gloves with +15 Agility, +15 Strength, and +20 Attack Power. They also increase the damage of your Claw ability by 15%.

Belt of the Stormrage Clan - A belt with +15 Agility, +15 Strength, and +20 Attack Power. It also increases the duration of your Prowl ability by 5 seconds.
Feral Tank Set - This set is inspired by the Dreamwalker Raiment tier 3 set34 and the Malorne Raiment tier 4 set2. It has a white and gold color scheme with feather-like patterns and a bear-like mask. The set bonus increases the armor of your Bear Form by 1000 and reduces the cooldown of your Frenzied Regeneration ability by 1 minute. The set pieces are:

Helm of the Dreamwalker Tribe - A helmet with +20 Strength, +20 Stamina, and +20 Defense. It also increases the threat generated by your Growl ability by 10%.

Shoulderpads of the Dreamwalker Tribe - A pair of shoulder pads with +15 Strength, +15 Stamina, and +15 Defense. They also increase the healing done by your Leader of the Pack ability by 5%.

Chestguard of the Dreamwalker Tribe - A chestguard with +25 Strength, +25 Stamina, and +25 Defense. It also increases the damage reduction of your Barkskin ability by 5%.

Gloves of the Dreamwalker Tribe - A pair of gloves with +10 Strength, +10 Stamina, and +10 Defense. They also increase the damage done by your Maul ability by 10%.

Girdle of the Dreamwalker Tribe - A girdle with +10 Strength, +10 Stamina, and +10 Defense. It also increases the duration of your Demoralizing Roar ability by 3 seconds.
Elemental Set - This set is inspired by the Cenarion Raiment tier 1 set1 and the Nordrassil Regalia tier 5 set2. It has a green and brown color scheme with leafy motifs and glowing gems. The set bonus increases the damage of your Wrath and Starfire spells by 10% and reduces the mana cost of your healing spells by 5%. The set pieces are:

Helm of the Cenarion Circle - A helmet with +20 Intellect, +10 Spirit, and +30 Nature Spell Damage. It also increases the critical strike chance of your Wrath spell by 2%.

Shoulderpads of the Cenarion Circle - A pair of shoulder pads with +15 Intellect, +10 Spirit, and +25 Nature Spell Damage. They also increase the duration of your Moonfire spell by 3 seconds.

Robes of the Cenarion Circle - A robe with +25 Intellect, +15 Spirit, and +40 Nature Spell Damage. It also increases the range of your Starfire spell by 5 yards.

Gloves of the Cenarion Circle - A pair of gloves with +10 Intellect, +10 Spirit, and +20 Nature Spell Damage. They also increase the damage of your Hurricane spell by 10%.

Belt of the Cenarion Circle - A belt with +10 Intellect, +10 Spirit, and +15 Nature Spell Damage. It also increases the healing done by your Tranquility spell by 15%.

Leggings of the Cenarion Circle - A pair of leggings with +20 Intellect, +15 Spirit, and +35 Nature Spell Damage. They also increase the damage of your Insect Swarm spell by 10%.

Boots of the Cenarion Circle - A pair of boots with +10 Intellect, +10 Spirit, and +15 Nature Spell Damage. They also increase the speed of your Travel Form by 10%.

Posts: 6

Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Cygnus00 » Fri May 26, 2023 6:57 pm

The Emperor's New X

Item set that goes along with The Emperor's New Cloak, with lvl 55 appropriate amounts of Agi/Stam similar to the cloak.

These items have no model, so wearing the entire set would leave you looking naked.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Enceebe » Mon May 29, 2023 9:09 pm

How about a new Survival item similar to the gnomish army knife.

Survival Kit

Survival Kit
Bind on pickup
Not equipable
Requires Survival (100)
"Includes Gyromatic Micro-Adjuster, Arclight Spanner, Flint and Tinder, Blacksmithing Hammer, Mining Pick, and a Skinning Knife."

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Gantulga » Mon May 29, 2023 10:02 pm

Enceebe wrote:
Mon May 29, 2023 9:09 pm
How about a new Survival item similar to the gnomish army knife.

Survival Kit

Survival Kit
Bind on pickup
Not equipable
Requires Survival (100)
"Includes Gyromatic Micro-Adjuster, Arclight Spanner, Flint and Tinder, Blacksmithing Hammer, Mining Pick, and a Skinning Knife."
Please make this possible. Bag space is a dire issue and it'd make survival actually worth leveling.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Enceebe » Wed Jun 07, 2023 7:56 pm

An idea for Blacksmithing Gloves that can be sold by the Goblin Vendor in the Wetlands. With a similar on use effect like magic candles.

Plans:Requires Blacksmithing (120)
10xIncendicite Ore
4xCoarse Grinding Stone
1xLesser Moonstone
1xMoss Agate

Pyrophoric Gloves

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Edouchan » Thu Jun 08, 2023 2:53 am

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Bloodline1x9 » Thu Jun 08, 2023 8:00 am

=Armorsmith= 300
Royal Armor
[Chest] [Plate]
Requires: Blacksmithing 300
+25 Str
+25 Int
+25 Spi
+25 Stam
Equip: If the carrier does not use mana, it transforms ALL of his intelligence into strength.
Use: +25 to all magic resistance and +5% critical strike bonus. For 1 min / 5 min cooldown

To craft requires:
12 Arcanite Bars
100 Truesilver Bars
100 Gold Bars
12 Huge Emeralds
12 Azerothian Diamonds
12 Star Ruby

This is rich ceremonial armor that strives for a balance of stats, defense and offense.
To learn this recipe, you need to do a quest in which you need to bring 1 Lionheart Helm and 1 Titanic Leggings. All materials are precious metals and gems.

It will be a good option for both warriors and paladins. Both tanks and DPS. Both in pvp and pve. You have to be a blacksmith to wear this armor.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Drubarrymooer » Thu Jun 08, 2023 10:52 am

Idol of Bestial Fury:
50 armor
Swipe hits up to 5 targets
On use ability: can break fear (shares CD with pvp trink)

Posts: 866

Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Drubarrymooer » Thu Jun 08, 2023 10:54 am

Cygnus00 wrote:
Fri May 26, 2023 6:57 pm
The Emperor's New X

Item set that goes along with The Emperor's New Cloak, with lvl 55 appropriate amounts of Agi/Stam similar to the cloak.

These items have no model, so wearing the entire set would leave you looking naked.
I like this! Great rp items

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Enceebe » Thu Jun 08, 2023 12:48 pm

Cygnus00 wrote:
Fri May 26, 2023 6:57 pm
The Emperor's New X

Item set that goes along with The Emperor's New Cloak, with lvl 55 appropriate amounts of Agi/Stam similar to the cloak.

These items have no model, so wearing the entire set would leave you looking naked.
I like this idea a lot. It is so simple and yet so good!

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Darbo » Thu Jun 08, 2023 1:43 pm

RNGitems massive discrepancy between high and low damage roll.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Isvya » Thu Jun 08, 2023 4:32 pm

Darbo wrote:
Thu Jun 08, 2023 1:43 pm
RNGitems massive discrepancy between high and low damage roll.
Corruption system with chance of upgrading the item or competely breaking it.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Saltie » Fri Jun 09, 2023 4:19 pm

King Magni's Favor
+3 Agility
+5 Strength
+4 Intellect

Could maybe come from a quest from Magni to kill Kam Deepfury in Stockades? Alliance only, of course.

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Re: Ideas for new items

Post by Bigsmerf » Fri Jun 09, 2023 5:18 pm

"Axe Of Cleavage"
+3 Stamina
+5 Strength
lvl 18

Thought people might want an item with a funny or suggestive name. Like Wirt's third leg. Doesn't have to be too fancy, or broken, just there for the funny. Would be cool to walk around flexing this item like "Hey, check out my cleavage."
Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
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Manypunchman - 10 Naked Troll Boxer (Hardcore)

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