Regarding so called pvp

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Regarding so called pvp

Post by Badling » Sat Nov 23, 2019 3:55 am

Ok to start off go watch this, "" it always puts me in a real good mood turtle_in_love

And despite popular belief i don't hate anyone on this server, i have said so but its mostly in jest, i AM willing to give even Aurrius and Matt a pass for literally dropping N-bombs in raid wary_turtle

but i will still say that i love this server so much that i spend most of my free time here.


So the acual arguments i saw, and possible solutions as written, because if a system can be abused by and i quote "CHEATNG CUNTS" and being a "braindead idiot that can't fight" like me, it will be abused by idiots like me, especially on a small server like this.

The argument that pvp gear is only for pvp is something i don't agree with at all, gear is gear, its like saying molten core gear is not for 5 man dungeons because its raid gear and i think its silly, unfair advantages would be more of an argument because of how it was procured, but it still takes ages to get and i do not agree at all.

The only thing adding ranks requirements outside the normal ones will do is discourage people from ranking at all is what i belive (also maintaining r13+ will be impossible), trading in the gear sure but this will just lead to people doing pvp for a few weeks and trade it in for gear, also alot of the pvp gear is the better or only gearsets for some classes/specs, and is a fun progression path.

Removing all the honor in world or arena is one way to go, it will either kill pvp it completely or make people queue for BG, witch is the goal i belive, leaving the arena for the once every half moon jump in and slaughter fests, (btw the ressers there i think is awesome)

Also a honor and ranking sheet is completely normal if you have EVER ranked, any server i have played on did the exact same thing because the pvp system was designed by an individual that thinks that only acual complete nolifers (like i have been my entire life) should get rewards out of pvp. Atleast i know that organising things makes me a cheating cunt, and i won't repeat this mistake.


so in this part i will speak more personaly, skip it if you wish only its all good. insidious_turtle

I speak only for myself, Smulton - Kaorul - Mirage.

Regarding the wintrading itself, i will not say i am sorry, What i did was fun and a way to progress, saying that its the reason there is low dungeons and such is just lies, people does not go to the arena to get some gear instead of ever doing dungeons, dungeons don't happen because theres not enough 60s and atleast in the past we didn't have enought tanks, or healers, or dps for dungeons.

Personlally did it because i wanted something more after getting Bispreraid Tank gear, Bispreraid dps gear, Bispreraid FR gear, i have even worked on natres, shadow, arcane, all to help out as much as possible and i will never apologise for the fun we had (you all know who you are <3), all those times sitting around talking in the arena having a go.

So i feel like i have to write this aswell the reason i can't win against Rogues/Frostmages/shadowpreists as a prot/fury warrior "with my gear" is because of wintrading right? not that this lovely game was designed 15 years ago and is completely unbalanced (both gear and class wise), "pvp" as its called is unbalanced and crap, the side with the right class will win, and in an 1v1 some classes will always abuse the system outside its design and intention to such lengths as it being impossible to lose (how is this not bannable? Its clearly abuse), try doing pvp as something thats not in the literal first answer if you google "vanilla wow best classes for pvp"

apologies for the rant, but i need people to understand, but if you want to sit on your moral holy horse then get off it and get dirty and get some dungeons going lads and lasses, complaining about dungeons not doing anything about it won't help. turtle_tongue


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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Xerron » Sat Nov 23, 2019 11:44 am

I say we settle this like men !

A fight in the arena ! The people who complain about people getting pvp gear versus people who got it.

Some rules apply :
- same number of players for each side
- only blue pvp gear allowed
- ???

[open for discussion]

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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Torta » Sat Nov 23, 2019 4:02 pm

We had a long night discussion about it on Stomwind's Bridge with both side involved.
Seems like we've found a compromise:

1. For a short time as an experiment we turn off honor gains in the open world to encourage battlegrounds.
2. Transfer some of the Alliance PvP players to the Horde to build a PvP core on their side.
3. Don't change item requirements at all and come back to this discussion in a far future if it's still even relevant.
4. No wintrading. WSG is set 3x3.

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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Kazgrim » Sat Nov 23, 2019 5:39 pm

In my humble opinion we must save Azeroth from the impending Silithid threat and the shadow that looms over Lordaeron!

And -then- destroy the Alliance.
Chieftain of the Dreadskull Clan

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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Pompa » Sat Nov 23, 2019 6:28 pm

Just to clarify: honor gains in the open world won't be completely removed, just reduced drastically.

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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Badling » Sat Nov 23, 2019 10:06 pm

And i will say this one thing first, working every day for months more or less every day, killing and killing and killing, i have 2100HKs, if thats a shortcut then i don't know what would apply as effort in your eyes, jesus christ get over it, unearned. ill use my effort as the metric for unearned from now on.


the argument was being made specificaly as to pvp gear being ONLY for pvp, perhaps in jest but it is literally one of the many arguments, i did try to answer as much as i could that i felt was relevant.


Xerron - As fun as the idea of a fight in the arena is, it will mean that only the imba classes gets to keep anything, its a great idea if you let me class change first...


Now lets see where this leads tho, it will be interesting to see if anything changes to the better with regards to pvp, i do truely hope so, but i suspect it will be just as dead as before, again this is not even a pvp server.

and again im being told over and over that i didn't deserve anything of what i did and got, and im starting to lose hope, so ill try to leave it at this, its costing me alot of undue energy in something i love.

tldr fuck it - Smul

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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Sinrek » Sat Nov 23, 2019 10:14 pm

Killing an AFK 60-s who just drop onto the arena to die is an effortless grind, no skill required here so it is a HUGE shortcut to what it was designed to be originally in vanilla and you know it.
satisfied_turtle Slowly turtling my way up.

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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Qixel » Sun Nov 24, 2019 2:24 am

Lots of people got gear afking in Alterac Valley. How was this any different beyond requiring more work?

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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Sinrek » Sun Nov 24, 2019 2:42 am

Gathering people, that's how.
satisfied_turtle Slowly turtling my way up.

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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Seelenschmied » Mon Nov 25, 2019 1:54 pm

The most part I read here is "MIMIMI they want to take away something from me MIMIMI"

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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Voj » Tue Nov 26, 2019 1:42 pm

Hello, I'm not actually involved in the PvP problem, since I'm low level , but I would like to share my thought since I'm lover of PvP.
I'm my opinion the root of the problem is that the 1-14 ranking system is created for a high active & populated PvP servers, thus is a low populated one it won't really work.

Now maybe we just might have to change the system that is awarding the Marshal/Warlord sets, maybe it should have something to do with PvE ( maybe quests awarding honor for killing bosses etc.) , that will even make sense - Imagine you have done few PvP , but you have killed Onyxia - so what you a just a scout for the Horde/Alliance, not really how it is supposed to be?

My second proposal is actually very interesting. When Blizzard was creating the battlegrounds they intended to have one at Azhara Crater that was never implemented. It was going to be a DoTa like BG and the zone itself is 80-90% finished - here is a link of an exploration video :
Basically it is mini version of AV and it could work really good with low populated server like this one, since it won't actually matter if you are in PvE spec or PvP since you will be fighting with both players and opposing faction NPC's.

Anyway I think the Marshal/Warlord set can very good be used in PvE since they can allow uncommon class & specks that are not usually good to somewhat work ( shaman tanks for eg.)

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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Durnbrok » Sun Mar 01, 2020 10:01 am

Adding a Rank 6 requirement on the Blue pvp set and a rank 11 on the Purple set,would certainly make people pvp more and those ranks aint that hard to get but still require SOME skill and effort to get.

Imo the only reason this happend was because that spirit healer was added in the arena,i mean think about it -would someone corpse run all the way from booty bay to the arena just to be killed again and again? If it was impossible to get rank14 before just dont bother once you hit rank 13,let the pop increase and then do bgs, do events like the arena tournament to earn that gear.Cause look at bgs now,its almost always a 2v2 or 3v3 and only pop like 8 times(sometimes its only 2 bgs a week) a week more content keeps people on the server regardless if its pvp or pve right? Well why would we reduce the already existant content and go through this major short cut?

I also heard(cant rememer if it was a post) that the mere existance of the server was depended on the top gear pvp offered...Now what argument is that? So you are telling me you wouldnt be able to progress in raids or dungeons without the pvp gear? Tier 0,5 exists for that purpose(which is added pretty late game) and other random boss drops like savage gladiator chain etc etc.

I do believe the "rewards" from the gurubashi arena vendor should be removed,because before this whole conversation started, people could farm the bloody coins to get free epics along with their rank.People cant earn those rewards anymore sadly,sure zg raids didnt happen before, but now I (for example) would have to do zg to get what im looking for (hope that the item i want drops and win the roll) while others got it by wintrading(without needing to worry that the item might not "drop" since it aint no luck based drop,nor worry about rolling a 1 and losing the item to someone else and have to wait a week).
Ret pally best pally!

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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Sinrek » Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:46 pm

You sound like your only goal is to get bis gear and then ... what then? Game over?
satisfied_turtle Slowly turtling my way up.

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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Pompa » Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:59 pm

Also, as a note for Durnbrok, the items that were available through Bloody Coins were BLUES from Zul'Gurub trash mobs, so I'm pretty sure you won't need them at this moment checking your current gear. ;)

We'll study your other suggestions!

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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Chilltools » Sun Mar 01, 2020 11:33 pm

So I was a 55 war when this went down and did some PvP at arena and not win trading but when the shutoff came I didn't get rank for the Knight gear. So I had to level to 60 and do WSG PvP and get my gear I'm currently up to Marshall I've been thinking if this server is tainted but If you put in the effort you can rank on this server.

With that said can you put in random team PvP don't want to mention retro wow but if they can do it it's worth a shot. Thoughts ?. We need to encourage PvP this server is 1.13, after all, that's why I'm and many others are here after all.

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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Durnbrok » Mon Mar 02, 2020 6:49 pm

I personally like pvp more than pve and it saddens me there is so few battlegrounds that happen at the time i play.
Getting bis gear i one of the reasons people pvp and rank up in the first place,though,i dont think it 's necessarily "game over" once i get bis gear.I personally feel like once i get the gear im looking for i would be much more efficient in dmg and more useful overall in raids(which is the reason i dont participate atm in bwl raids).
Pretty sure the vendor in gurubashi arena used to sell Band of Servitude and Seal of the gurubashi beserker,which are good rings with solid stats.
Just like what chilltools said,im just trying to suggest some ideas to make pvp a bit more alive on the server.
Ret pally best pally!

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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Sinrek » Mon Mar 02, 2020 8:22 pm

There's one very nice suggestion was made some time ago with "advertise and organize those who want some PvP / gear" narrative.

We just need more players. That simple.
satisfied_turtle Slowly turtling my way up.

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Re: Regarding so called pvp

Post by Chlothar » Tue Mar 03, 2020 6:10 pm

With the current number of players, no matter what the team making looks like, will not offer a 24/7 bg queque.

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