Hardcore PVP level gate

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Hardcore PVP level gate

Post by Josephturtlef » Fri Apr 14, 2023 3:34 pm

Hi, everyone!

How about implementing a level gate for Hardcore PVP, so that a level 20 cannot be an easy prey of a level 60?
Zones are crawling right now with 60 gankers that attack hardcore players for no reason and to no benefit.
This completely eliminates the reason to go PVP in hardcore, since you will not be able to use anything from your arsenal to counter a max level player.
Introducing a Level Gate will drastically improve things, as it will allow people to only engage in PVP if a target is around their level +-2 or +-3 let's say.

That way, the thrill is still there, but it won't be a gankfest, since your chances are more equalized.

Being killed by a max level in your 10-s and 20-s is just bad design of the Hardcore feature.
Regular world PVP - doesn't matter, since you can at least call for help, with Hardcore - you just insta-die and from the combat log you see a person one-shotted you.

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Re: Hardcore PVP level gate

Post by Xudo » Sat Apr 15, 2023 3:00 am

Things were already discussed.
Worst case. If direct attack of lvl 60 against lvl 20 will not be possible, then you will be attacked by twink of lvl 19 supported by lvl 60 healer. Griefers don't do this now, because there is an easy way.
Blizz solved this by introducing phased zones. Where low and high players are like in different zones and can't attack eachother.
Xudo - tauren warrior 19 Sergeant armory.
I don't raid and rank, so you can not bother asking.
Nerf high level enchants on low level gear
Add lvl requirement to bandages
Best and optimal gear for 10-19 twinks
Have fun not only at 60.

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Re: Hardcore PVP level gate

Post by Paw » Sat Apr 15, 2023 4:38 am

Ye, there are many other pvp issues going on on this pve server, Joseph the turtle elf. Whaelcum! WM, AV, HRS etc..

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Re: Hardcore PVP level gate

Post by Archtundra » Mon Apr 17, 2023 2:12 pm

I got an easy solution for you. Turn off warmode.

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Re: Hardcore PVP level gate

Post by Rogee » Mon Apr 17, 2023 5:02 pm

Archtundra wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 2:12 pm
I got an easy solution for you. Turn off warmode.
so,how to turn off? im newer

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Re: Hardcore PVP level gate

Post by Akalix » Mon Apr 17, 2023 6:26 pm

We do not plan to add more complicated systems to enable HCs to take a 30% exp boost without the added risk.
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Re: Hardcore PVP level gate

Post by Bigsmerf » Tue Jun 20, 2023 3:07 pm

Rogee wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 5:02 pm
Archtundra wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 2:12 pm
I got an easy solution for you. Turn off warmode.
so,how to turn off? im newer
In the top left corner where your character icon is, you can right click on that, and a little window will pop down, and in that window is an option that lets you enable or disable pvp. Now, this is just how pvp flagging works. If you actually turned on WARMODE then this is a different story, and you need to go back to a starting zone to buy the glyph and turn it off the same way you turned it on.
Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
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Re: Hardcore PVP level gate

Post by Imonobor » Tue Jun 20, 2023 4:42 pm

Akalix wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 6:26 pm
We do not plan to add more complicated systems to enable HCs to take a 30% exp boost without the added risk.
Excuse me, "added risk"? That's a funny way to phrase it, because I highly doubt that anyone without a 60 bodyguard has ever made it 1-60 in HC with Warmode on. It's not a risk, it's suicide.

It's a shame too, because there is no bigger thrill than to PVP in hardcore mode with other HC players.
I think the best way to solve the issue would be to disable PVP between HC and non-HC characters. This will stop most griefers, because they'd have to level a 60 HC, and I think their attitude would change in the process.
Putting an additional restriction of having to be +-5 levels of your target in HC pvp would put an end to griefing altogether and finally allow people to experience HC as it was meant to be played.
Maybe also disable heals and buffs between HC and non-HCs to limit bodyguarding.
Nydas - 60 High Elf Mage (Nordanaar)
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Re: Hardcore PVP level gate

Post by Naajh » Tue Jun 20, 2023 5:47 pm

Akalix wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 6:26 pm
We do not plan to add more complicated systems to enable HCs to take a 30% exp boost without the added risk.
That's why we gankers love GMs. Thank you for protecting me and all my fellow gankers. we love you <3
Josephturtlef wrote:
Fri Apr 14, 2023 3:34 pm

How about implementing a level gate for Hardcore PVP, so that a level 20 cannot be an easy prey of a level 60?
To your sadness, the GMs have said several times that they do not plan to improve this problem.

I recommend that you never use WM+ HC or else you will be persecuted by me. (My goal is to surpass Valkar, but it is difficult, he has ruined 151 innocent experiences until now)

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