Different kind of humans

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Different kind of humans

Post by Xudo » Mon Mar 27, 2023 5:53 am

Reading all those threads about new races, I decided to start one too.

What about making second human-looking race?
1. It require less work from developers compared to completely new race like nagas.
2. There are a lot of potential humans for this. For example Kul-tiran kin. Lordaeron kin.
3. New humans should start in their own 1-10 area.
4. New humans could get alternative racials. Or they could stay the same.
5. New human races will decrease amount of players in Elwyn forest.
6. Starting areas isolated from rest of the world will protect new players from all kinds of lowbie griefers.
7. It could help to split class bloat of humans.

Kul-tiran humans could have their own Island in the sea featuring basic new-player education. When they finish it, they should travel to Wetlands. They could board any ship to continue journey there.

Lordaeron humans could have special location "in the past, before scourge outbreak". For example start in Garren's Haunt. It is inhabited by gnolls now. Meaning that humans left this place in proper time. They could do quests in reskinned Tirisfal glades. Their final quest is going to be "Evacuation". It should look like several years have passed since they evacuated their village. They will continue their journey in existing Silverpine. Their settlement could take place on the shore north of Ambermill. It allows access to all areas of Silverpine on any level. Murlocks from this shore can be moved or just henocided.
Last edited by Xudo on Mon Mar 27, 2023 9:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Different kind of humans

Post by Mac » Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:46 am

Something like that could definitely work.

Posts: 45

Re: Different kind of humans

Post by Andima » Mon Mar 27, 2023 10:20 am

This i like. Not only for humans but may be implemented for other races.

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Re: Different kind of humans

Post by Xerilin » Tue Mar 28, 2023 8:15 am

There is already so many humans as it is, though.
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