These factions need some love

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These factions need some love

Post by Burgerwapper » Fri Feb 17, 2023 3:41 pm

I think the turtle devs need to show more love to the Gnomeregan exiles,SILVERMOON REMNANTS and DUROTAR LABOR UNION factions

Come on let's face it outside of Durotar, Elwynn Forest and Dun Morogh there's not very much lore content or any content for that matter related to the Gnomeregan exiles, SILVERMOON REMNANTS and DUROTAR LABOR UNION

Ya the Elves and Goblins have their own starting zone and the Elves have Alah'Thalas and the Goblins have SPARKWATER PORT But outside of that there's vary little in regards to the Gnomeregan exiles,SILVERMOON REMNANTS and DUROTAR LABOR UNION

Now the best way to fix this is by adding more Faction Quest hubs to the game

Gnomeregan exiles: add more Gnome Quest hubs to areas such as Loch modern, the wetlands, searing Gorge, burning steppes and
Thousand Needles

SILVERMOON REMNANTS: add more High elf Quest hubs to Westfall, duskwood, redridge mountains, swamp of sorrows, blasted lands, western plaugelands and the Eastern plaugelands

DUROTAR LABOR UNION: add more Goblin Quest hubs to the Barrens, Stonetalon Mountains, Thousand Needles, Dustwallow Marsh, Stranglethorn Vale and Tanaris desert

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Re: These factions need some love

Post by Andromath » Fri Feb 17, 2023 3:55 pm

Would love to see some more hubs added in, although where is up for question. I also wouldn't mind seeing some existing hubs updated. For example, take the Lodges used by the High Elves in the Hinterlands, Loch Modan, and Eastern Plaguelands. They use a Night Elf style building. There is a High Elven version of that very same building available.


We've also seen in certain media that some of the lodges have more than just the primary building. Quen'Danil in the Hinterlands, for example, has a building which looks like an Arcane Sanctum in the comics. I'd link another image, but its not loading for some reason, so here's just the link. ... ge#Gallery

Anyways, back to the topic at hand, the location for new hubs would have to be very carefully chosen, I think. A hub in Elwynn Forest, close to Stormwind, would make a degree of sense, but one in Duskwood feels like it might be out of place, and that they'd be better served by sprinkling High Elf Questgiver NPCs in existing hubs.

That's my two coppers on the matter, at least.

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Re: These factions need some love

Post by Illyane » Fri Feb 17, 2023 4:32 pm

Please, don't ask to put quest hubs everywhere. The High elfs are not supposed to be legions since their genocide by the Scourge, they still got their temporary capital in the North and plenty of npcs in IF and SW. And for the DLU goblins, they litteraly got towns created for them in Kalimdor. Even Gnomeregan got a hub in Azshara.

I don't want (imo, my take) that every zone is full with quests and towns as Vanilla is also about some sort of wilderness with great "empty" (of friendly npcs) spaces between faction hubs. If every zone is full to the brim, I will just go to retail play the Cataclysm extension.

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Re: These factions need some love

Post by Andromath » Fri Feb 17, 2023 5:04 pm

To be fair, a quest hub need not necessarily be over-large either. It could be something as simple as a wagon and a campfire and some tents.

I agree that expanding High Elven settlements excessively isn't a good idea, but I think it's entirely fair to add one or possibly two, as well as to revamp existing ones where possible. While Quel'Thalas left the Alliance, the race of High Elves never did. Plenty continued to serve the Alliance as priests, and Dalaran remained a part of the Alliance and boasted a healthy population of High Elves as well.

I wouldn't mind seeing a few Kirin Tor outposts with a High Elf presence. Nethergarde could have some High Elven quest-givers around, for example, perhaps with quests trying to glean information about the fate of Kael'thas' expedition to Outland or such.

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Re: These factions need some love

Post by Aeliren » Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:21 pm

For Silvermoon Remnants, maybe add quest givers and quests in the following areas:
  • Quel'Danil Lodge, Hinterlands
  • Quel'Lithien Lodge, Eastern Plaguelands
Both of these are already established high elf outposts that would simply need a few NPC additions to be made into proper questing hubs. Quel'Danil already has two NPCs added to it from one of the Warcraft manga.

For the Durotar Labor Union, they now have Powder Town in Stonetalon Mountains, but adding another hub somewhere possibly in a higher level zone to mirror Quel'Lithien Lodge could be interesting. This way, both player race factions get two extra hubs added somewhere around mid-level and high-level. As both Quel'Danil and Quel'Lithien are also targets for Horde quests, maybe make these hubs targets for Alliance quests; allows to add more quests to the world without removing any while also making it fairer that the hubs are targets for the opposing faction.

Towns/outposts aside, individual NPCs related to those factions could be added to various towns across the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor that give quests that give rep with their relevant faction. For example, a Durotar Labor Union NPC in Crossroads who gives a quest to kill rival Venture Co. employees, or a Silvermoon Remnant NPC in Duskwood or Stranglethorn that gives a quest to go kill Gurubashi/Hakkar-aligned forest trolls, although these are very basic examples.
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Re: These factions need some love

Post by Andromath » Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:29 pm

Aeliren wrote:
Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:21 pm
Towns/outposts aside, individual NPCs related to those factions could be added to various towns across the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor that give quests that give rep with their relevant faction. For example, a Durotar Labor Union NPC in Crossroads who gives a quest to kill rival Venture Co. employees, or a Silvermoon Remnant NPC in Duskwood or Stranglethorn that gives a quest to go kill Gurubashi/Hakkar-aligned forest trolls, although these are very basic examples.
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Re: These factions need some love

Post by Jongyi » Sun Feb 19, 2023 4:01 am

Gnomes and High Elves? Yes
Goblins, i am not so sure. Durotar Labor Union has Powder Town in Stonetalon and there is another horde goblin town mudsprocket.
For high elves, there are some quests in Quel'Danil and npcs reference from WoW manga (high elf Voldana and twin human sisters, one in aerie peak and another in quel'danil) though their quest are short, brief despite them being cool interesting characters in manga. Quel'danil and these npcs not being expanded further is understandable as devs might not want to expand Quel'danil further as it is horde quest target area.
And devs might be saving some of high elf content later for Quel'thalas expansion, but it would be cool to see a high elf town or two b4 the Quel'thalas content.
And gnomes, well...they exists.
Would love to see them with quest hub of their own too.

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Re: These factions need some love

Post by Aeliren » Sun Feb 19, 2023 4:48 am

Jongyi wrote:
Sun Feb 19, 2023 4:01 am
Durotar Labor Union has Powder Town in Stonetalon and there is another horde goblin town mudsprocket.
You know, I did forget about Mudsprocket. That's a good point. With Mudsprocket and Powder Town, the Durotar Labor Union has two whole questing hubs added to the game already.
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Re: These factions need some love

Post by Andromath » Sun Feb 19, 2023 2:01 pm

Jongyi wrote:
Sun Feb 19, 2023 4:01 am
Quel'danil and these npcs not being expanded further is understandable as devs might not want to expand Quel'danil further as it is horde quest target area.
In my opinion, there wouldn't be a reason to simply not add another location in the Hinterlands for the Horde to tackle NPCs for that quest. Maybe some tower on one of the hills in the zone, for example. The original quest could be altered to suggest the High Elves have begun expanding under Alliance orders, harrying hunting parties and some such.

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