Pre-Emptively Ban Gold for Runs or Gold for Boosting

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Pre-Emptively Ban Gold for Runs or Gold for Boosting

Post by Angulardrift » Sat Sep 17, 2022 6:16 am

Turtle has always had a focus of taking it slow, playing casually, having fun, and not trying to rush things to farm and instead just playing the game for what it is. Because of that and how the culture developed, the community is mostly anti-boosting, but in the rules there is nothing mentioning boosting save for Goldbuying or Botting.

But the server's popularity has grown and the more people there are, the more this old culture is likely going to fade away.

I am begging. Please make a rule about run sales and boost sales for gold. Classic was ruined by this and I would hate to see it become a prominent thing in Turtle. While it isnt a prominent thing, I have seen it mentioned a couple times in the server and people asking about the rules around boosting, it would be good to Nip it by the bud.
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Re: Pre-Emptively Ban Gold for Runs or Gold for Boosting

Post by Imonobor » Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:06 am

I guess it's a bad thing, but I don't see how it would ruin your experience on the server. If these people are literally paying to get rid of half of the experience of the game, that's their loss.
The only apparent downside I can see is if you get grouped in a dungeon with them and they are one of those non-communicative speedrunner types, which is basically the norm after Wotlk's automated dungeon finder and completely sucks the social aspect from dungeons. I have not experienced such a thing yet on Turtle though, and you can always leave such groups.

So +1 I guess?
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Re: Pre-Emptively Ban Gold for Runs or Gold for Boosting

Post by Geojak » Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:45 am

Maybe just a rule that prehibits boosting advertisement in world chat.

Don't ban gold boosting perse, thought.
Nothing wrong for getting payed a bit of golf for running low level a trough something.

IF we Bann the advertisement only on world we can prevent it from becoming mainstream and replacing normal gameplay

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Re: Pre-Emptively Ban Gold for Runs or Gold for Boosting

Post by Crim » Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:08 pm

Agree Ban boosting, we want ppl in the world playing

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Re: Pre-Emptively Ban Gold for Runs or Gold for Boosting

Post by Crommush » Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:12 pm

I'm not against the mercenary idea of it, but I don't want to see channels flooded with boosters. I agree with not allowing it on public channels.

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Re: Pre-Emptively Ban Gold for Runs or Gold for Boosting

Post by Reploidrocsa » Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:46 pm

As someone who tank and heal dungeons for a living i'm against it, high end dungeons (Sunken temple and up) need to be done quite a lot for people to get their loot gear. Some of them are painfully long and most of the population want to go dps. If they ban mercenary work announces raid geared people might have no incentive on going to 5 mans, stucking 5 mans for low skilled and people in rags making most of the dungeons hard and tedious. something to consider i must say

I completelly agree to ban low level dungeon boosts announcements, those dungeons are meant to be done with a group of ppl around your level, not being zoomed for loot, or even worse, xp farm.

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Re: Pre-Emptively Ban Gold for Runs or Gold for Boosting

Post by Ishilu » Sun Sep 18, 2022 5:17 pm

Some of them are painfully long
There are 2 ways to see this problem:
a) Dungeons are too long, i.e. there's too much effort for the rewards.
This point of view is very, very popular, but I don't share it. My point of view is:

b) too many players shy away from potential challenges. Always have, always will, but I think it has become worse and the trend is continuing on many realms.

Tanking and healing lvl 60 dungeons for gold is one thing. Boosting leveling characters for gold is another. Personally, I really, really dislike the idea of boosts of any kind.

Yes, I prefer running a dungeon and getting rewarded with a dead boss mob, loot and quest XP at the end, rather than wiping for 2 hours and quitting a half completed dungeon. Who doesn't?
However, trying hard (this means: playing a support role even though I'm dps specced, 4-manning a dungeon instead of wasting time crying for help in /world, running dungeons which I don't outlevel etc.) with an actual risk of failure (can happen, but normally doesn't) is much more fun for me than afk /follow behind a lvl 60 with free loot at then end. After all there can't be a reward if there has been some effort to achieve it.

I've come to turtle hoping that my point of view is shared by a majority of players on this beautiful server. If people want their game quick and easy, chances are high that they're not going to have fun playing with me and I'm not going to have fun playing with them and (I know this is going to sound salty, I'm really sorry) I sincerely hope that these people figure out that out of the many, many wow servers they can choose from, turtle is not the right one for them turtle_tongue_head

TLDR: Boosts are bad for a slow and relaxed game and should be banned on turtle. Tanking endgame dungeons for gold isn't pretty but i can live with it.

EDIT: To adress the "missing tank and healer problem": How about a prestige mode for lvl 60 characters? Let's say a lvl 60 tank wants to help their lvl 12 friend get through RFC, but "boosts are bad".

Wouldn't it be possible to create a debuff for lvl 60s (e.g. with a free potion from an npc), setting their levels down to, let's say, lvl 15, 20, 25, etc., disabling some abilities and setting attributes down to specified values which are typical for these levels?

I this case, our lvl 60 warrior could scale down to lvl 15 and quickly help his friend and once more enjoy RFC as intended by the devs (yep, I'm that kind of player) without having to level all the way through durotar again.

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