Future Class Combos?

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Future Class Combos?

Post by Hawkknight » Tue Aug 09, 2022 5:11 am

Any Plans on making Future Class Combos like Human Hunters, Dwarf Shamans, Troll Druids, Tauren Rogues, and etc?

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Savionight » Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:15 pm

I think that would break vanilla spirit.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Proudwell » Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:55 pm

Savionight wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:15 pm
I think that would break vanilla spirit.
I respect that point of view, but I also believe we've passed that point.
One of the few original things from vanilla is the restriction of Shaman to Horde and Paladin to Alliance. Aside from that, we've already seen class changes (incl. paladin taunt, which was controversial), new races, new quests (some of which give WAAY too much experience like the Tuskarr in Darkshore), and cross-faction play.

And I don't think that just because we've changed things, this means we must change other things. Instead, I just want things to not be removed from the table that could be things players want- provided they are not destructive to the gameplay experience.

While I think that dwarf shamans and undead paladins would be great, I understand that they're not around in the game normally. But I will say that with cross faction gameplay being fully possible at this point, this would not upset the balance of the factions as much as allowing x-faction play has.

That's just my opinion on it, and if you disagree, that's cool.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Striderbrah » Tue Aug 09, 2022 3:34 pm

would be nicer to get Furbolgs and Ogres before adding more classes to the originals

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Proudwell » Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:18 pm

Striderbrah wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 3:34 pm
would be nicer to get Furbolgs and Ogres before adding more classes to the originals
There's a notable difference in development time between adding a race and adding classes to an existing race.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Anjou » Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:28 pm

The Vanilla client is limited to 6 classes per race, so even if having Human Hunters makes sense lore-wise, it's not possible. Dwarven shamans are part of the Wildhammer Clan, which isn't part of the Alliance in Vanilla.
Tauren rogues do not exist, and Darkspear Troll druids have never made sense.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Bainville » Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:33 pm

Anjou wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:28 pm
The Vanilla client is limited to 6 classes per race, so even if having Human Hunters makes sense lore-wise, it's not possible. Dwarven shamans are part of the Wildhammer Clan, which isn't part of the Alliance in Vanilla.
Tauren rogues do not exist, and Darkspear Troll druids have never made sense.
Actually this limitation is a myth, people have already "broke" it by adding more than 6 classes to a race. Plus, even if it wasn't possible you can go around the problem by making "Human race n°2" on the character creation screen.

But i don't see many other race/class combo that would fit lorewise : Maybe troll warlock, dwarf warlock, human hunter. I don't see anything else.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Phoenixphire » Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:36 pm

Honestly I believe its just a natural part of vanilla plus to add new race class combinations I know for some people it would "break the vanilla feel.' but not if its done with care and grace like the current combos. The only current combo I find meh is gnome hunters but it isn't bad. THE BIG THING I think to make new race class combos work is good race class quests, to really sell the lore a little bit. Here's a few of my thoughts.

Undead paladins: YES PLEASE. Such a cool class fantasy and finally gives paladins to horde on a server that allows cross faction play. Having faction specific classes while a cool idea, is restricting and honestly pointless on a server with cross faction play. Why this works, for one it doesn't mean that horde races are figuring out how to be paladins, it means that dead paladins are simply becoming forsaken. Now before the whole "UnDeAd CaN't UsE tHe LiGhT." Yes. I know that in the lore undead priests are all shadow. But I point to Sir Zeliek as my counter as a paladin turned Undead AND death knight and can still use the light... isn't that much of a stretch and could make for awesome scarlet crusade themed class quests as your forsaken paladin uses light to fight zealots that think them an abomination.

Goblin Shamans: This one is pretty easy and obvious especially if you don't care about them have unique totems. Tons of goblins that cast shaman spells out in the world, easy sell.

Dwarf Shamans: Same as the undead paladin it is about time alliance got a shaman race on a server with cross faction play. Also dwarf shamans are an easy sell, griffin riders from WC3 throw lightning infused hammers. This one is kinda a no brainer if they added shamans and pallys to the other factions.

Human hunters: Human hunters is an easy sell and honestly a lot of people would play them. Lots of examples of humans using ranged weapons in the game. Multiple examples of humans with animal pets like in the scarlet monastery.

Troll Warlocks: Another pretty easy one, voodoo and dark magic come easy to trolls. There are multiple examples of trolls using warlock spells out in the world. Also in ZG there are summoned imps in the Madness area so they are capable of bringing beings of the twisting nether into reality. Another pretty easy sell that a lot of people would like.

Dwarf Warlock: Lots of examples of Dark Iron Dwarfs using warlocks spells all over the place. Off the top of my head one of the 7 Dwarf bosses summons voidwalkers. Honestly don't know how this one hasn't happened yet. I bet a lot of people would love to make Dwarf Warlocks with the dark iron skin, great class fantasy.

Those are all the one's in game with clear examples of being already in the lore, I know there are some others that could easily be added but those have less clear examples to point to in the current vanilla lore.

Awesome post really love the discussion and I hope the Turtle WoW team adds more combos, not only because it adds new and cool class fantasy stories to create with your character, but also would just be plain fun for HC and other players.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Bainville » Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:47 pm

Phoenixphire wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:36 pm

Undead paladins

Goblin Shamans

Dwarf Shamans

Those are all the one's in game with clear examples of being already in the lore.

Paladin are exclusive to the alliance and shaman to the horde. Turtle staff already said there weren't gonna change that.

Also, i would love to see the actual piece of lore that make undead paladin lore accurate because it's quite an abomination lol.

EDIT : I just noticed the whole zeliek thing. It's not an argument in favor of undead paladins : He has no freedom of movement and no free will. He is basically a puppet of the scourge. The only reason he can still cast holy spells and his conscious is because its connection to the light was too strong. Lorewise he would be in insufferable pain both physically and mentally each time he cast a holy spell. And as said, he is just a scourge puppet. He is a parody of a light user.

And goblin are too greedy to be shaman, they don't care about nor respect the elements. The Cataclysm lore that allowed them to be shaman is - and i'm not kidding - that they finessed some elementals to sign binding contract without them realising it and basically enslaved them.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Proudwell » Tue Aug 09, 2022 5:11 pm

Bainville wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:47 pm
Phoenixphire wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:36 pm

Undead paladins

Goblin Shamans

Dwarf Shamans

Those are all the one's in game with clear examples of being already in the lore.

Paladin are exclusive to the alliance and shaman to the horde. Turtle staff already said there weren't gonna change that.

Also, i would love to see the actual piece of lore that make undead paladin lore accurate because it's quite an abomination lol.

EDIT : I just noticed the whole zeliek thing. It's not an argument in favor of undead paladins : He has no freedom of movement and no free will. He is basically a puppet of the scourge. The only reason he can still cast holy spells and his conscious is because its connection to the light was too strong. Lorewise he would be in insufferable pain both physically and mentally each time he cast a holy spell. And as said, he is just a scourge puppet. He is a parody of a light user.

And goblin are too greedy to be shaman, they don't care about nor respect the elements. The Cataclysm lore that allowed them to be shaman is - and i'm not kidding - that they finessed some elementals to sign binding contract without them realising it and basically enslaved them.
I disagree with you on many points. However, I want to preface this by just saying that while I disagree, it's not an attack on you.

Regarding undead paladins: I believe paladins are immune to disease lorewise because of some old lore. Not sure if that's canon for Turtle's setting, but assuming that this is upheld, then paladins could not have fallen to the plague. However, paladins that die fighting the Scourge can be raised by necromancers directly. Undead paladins hypothetically can exist just fine, but they would be rare. Unlike pretty much everyone else, they wouldn't be susceptible to the plague, so they wouldn't have been raised as mere mindless zombies that way.
Regarding the part about agony, well, using the light enables the senses of the undead. They feel the pain of decomposing. However, this does not mean they cannot exist, and that they cannot use the light. Just like undead priests, which can use the light.

Your part about goblins being too greedy. I get that it's a cultural thing, but you cannot speak to the character of every individual. There would need to be a precedent, such as learning from those with ties to the elements, but most importantly I want to say that it should be considered a possibility.

Overall, a problem for a lot of story writing is that we do not hold humans to the exact standard that we hold other races to. "Night elves can't be X", "Tauren can't by Y" when we would ordinarily not bat an eye at human flexibility.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Bainville » Tue Aug 09, 2022 5:23 pm


Regarding the part about agony, well, using the light enables the senses of the undead. They feel the pain of decomposing. However, this does not mean they cannot exist, and that they cannot use the light. Just like undead priests, which can use the light.

Your part about goblins being too greedy. I get that it's a cultural thing, but you cannot speak to the character of every individual. There would need to be a precedent, such as learning from those with ties to the elements, but most importantly I want to say that it should be considered a possibility.


For the paladin immune to disease thing, i didn't know. But even if that was true/applied to turtle lore, the plague is magical in essence, it is not a "natural" disease like the flu.

Also let's be real, the whole "undead priest can still use the holy light even if painful" was just an excuse by blizzard and is more due to gameplay than accurate to lore. They weren't gonna restrict undead to play shadow only.

As for the "You cannot speak to the character of every individual" well yes, i fully agree with you but we need restriction otherwise it would just be a shitshow.

Cannot wait for the :

"Hum, ackchyually my gnome was raised by a family of trolls and became a shaman, even though he joined alliance back when reaching adulthood."

"Hum, ackchyually my orc felt a very strong connection to the light when fishing for ashbringer, he went to see the argent dawn and trained as a paladin, he is an orc paladin now."

It's basically what blizzard did in Cata, made up shitty new lore to justify non-sense classcombo. (Hello night elf arcane mage)

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Proudwell » Tue Aug 09, 2022 5:46 pm

Bainville wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 5:23 pm
"Regarding the part about agony, well, using the light enables the senses of the undead. They feel the pain of decomposing. However, this does not mean they cannot exist, and that they cannot use the light. Just like undead priests, which can use the light.

Your part about goblins being too greedy. I get that it's a cultural thing, but you cannot speak to the character of every individual. There would need to be a precedent, such as learning from those with ties to the elements, but most importantly I want to say that it should be considered a possibility."

For the paladin immune to disease thing, i didn't know. But even if that was true/applied to turtle lore, the plague is magical in essence, it is not a "natural" disease like the flu.

Also let's be real, the whole "undead priest can still use the holy light even if painful" was just an excuse by blizzard and is more due to gameplay than accurate to lore. They weren't gonna restrict undead to play shadow only.

As for the "You cannot speak to the character of every individual" well yes, i fully agree with you but we need restriction otherwise it would just be a shitshow.

Cannot wait for the :

"Hum, ackchyually my gnome was raised by a family of trolls and became a shaman, even though he joined alliance back when reaching adulthood."

"Hum, ackchyually my orc felt a very strong connection to the light when fishing for ashbringer, he went to see the argent dawn and trained as a paladin, he is an orc paladin now."

It's basically what blizzard did in Cata, made up shitty new lore to justify non-sense classcombo. (Hello night elf arcane mage)
I hate to nitpick but regarding night elf mages... that's tied into the lore of the Shen'dralar, which ever since classic were primarily nelf mages. Survivors of the Shen'dralar that broke away came back to the night elves in Teldrassil and were able to integrate and even teach magic.

The confusing bit is that magic was forbidden by the night elves, and I can't remember why they changed their minds and let mages into their ranks. I think it was because of the war with the Horde?
Last edited by Proudwell on Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Adunai » Tue Aug 09, 2022 5:47 pm

This would indeed break the vanilla spirit. Tauren Rogues? Alliance Shamans? Hell no.

I would even oppose Orc Magi, but as I showed here, the only other option would be Tauren Priests on whose lore I'm not sure.

Again, 6 class limit per race. And Trolls already diluted their identity enough with Mages, don't add Druids, please. Less is more.
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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Gr33k » Thu Aug 11, 2022 6:01 am

I second the Goblin shamans, and im going to invoke the old neckbeard lore that goblins have been shamans in many games like magic the gathering and warhammer, does that hold in this world where goblins are greedy gweedos? well idk but man would i love to play one. ( also that part about finessing the elements into a contract is hilarious)

is anyone reallty against goblin shaman as much as tauren or undead paladin? there we even some interesting points about undead paladin here if you contrast that with undead priest who can use holy spells.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Gheor » Thu Aug 11, 2022 6:18 am

Gr33k wrote:
Thu Aug 11, 2022 6:01 am
I second the Goblin shamans, and im going to invoke the old neckbeard lore that goblins have been shamans in many games like magic the gathering and warhammer, does that hold in this world where goblins are greedy gweedos? well idk but man would i love to play one. ( also that part about finessing the elements into a contract is hilarious)

is anyone reallty against goblin shaman as much as tauren or undead paladin? there we even some interesting points about undead paladin here if you contrast that with undead priest who can use holy spells.
Forsaken who once followed the tenets of the Holy Light often alter their philosophy upon their transformation. Former priests of the Holy Light lost their faith when they became undead. Lost and hurt, these priests founded a new religion based on a self-centered version of their former faith.

https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Cult_o ... en_Shadows - Vanilla and RPG Section are the ones worth looking at.

As for Goblin Shamans.

Goblin shaman are an extension of their society's single-minded devotion to making a profit; to a goblin shaman, elementals are potential customers. Goblins do tend to be a bit more forceful in their negotiations than the other shamanic races (especially the tauren) would like, though they are far less forceful than what we've seen from the taunka in Northrend. (Unless the elemental tries to weasel out of its contract. Elementals tend not to have breakable knees, so goblins sometimes have to resort to other methods of control.)

Cataclysm context of the Goblin Shamans, can be found here: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Shaman_races

These kind of shamans resemble these kind of shamans:

Which has no place in Thrall's Horde.
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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Zulnam » Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:08 am

To be honest, what I'd really like over seeing new race-class combos is seeing classes given unique flare, specific to their race. For example:

Dwarf Hunter > Dwarf Mountaineer
Orc Warrior > Orc Grunt
High Elf Hunter > High Elf Ranger

It would be difficult, and I am not expecting a full class revamp for each race. Just one or two unique abilities, similar to how Priests have. And some classes might be very challenging to do (Warlock comes to mind; Paladin as well); whereas others would be very easy I believe (Warrior, Hunter).

But it would be lore-friendly and give some more RP opportunities and replayability, in my opinion.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Mac » Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:04 am

Just open all race/class options, but paywall the abnormal ones. That way it keeps stuff like Gnome Priests rare and if some guy wants to play a Tauren Rogue, well, at least he’s supporting the server to do so.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Kyzen » Thu Aug 11, 2022 12:06 pm

Zulnam wrote:
Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:08 am
To be honest, what I'd really like over seeing new race-class combos is seeing classes given unique flare, specific to their race. For example:

Dwarf Hunter > Dwarf Mountaineer
Orc Warrior > Orc Grunt
High Elf Hunter > High Elf Ranger

It would be difficult, and I am not expecting a full class revamp for each race. Just one or two unique abilities, similar to how Priests have. And some classes might be very challenging to do (Warlock comes to mind; Paladin as well); whereas others would be very easy I believe (Warrior, Hunter).

But it would be lore-friendly and give some more RP opportunities and replayability, in my opinion.
Even though I know It would potentially break the meta and things like that.
I really like the idea to give each race of each class one or two "special abilities". Maybe with a custom quest or something. turtle_tongue

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Aszura » Thu Aug 11, 2022 1:34 pm

Tauren and Gnome priest should be real.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Bricius » Thu Aug 11, 2022 3:13 pm

Actually, I think rather then new class combos Id like to see if they could design the classes we see in Lore and the old Warcraft games that we don't have. Like a specific Scientist/Tinker class for Alchemists and Class-based engineers exclusive to Goblins/Gnomes, Necromancers, Runemasters, Shadow Hunters/Witch Doctors. Blademasters and Wardens.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Kyzen » Thu Aug 11, 2022 3:29 pm

Bricius wrote:
Thu Aug 11, 2022 3:13 pm
Actually, I think rather then new class combos Id like to see if they could design the classes we see in Lore and the old Warcraft games that we don't have. Like a specific Scientist/Tinker class for Alchemists and Class-based engineers exclusive to Goblins/Gnomes, Necromancers, Runemasters, Shadow Hunters/Witch Doctors. Blademasters and Wardens.
Actually a great suggestion, but It would need a lot of work. But I wouldn't be surprised if we see a new class in Twow one day.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Whalemilk » Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:55 pm

I would only want human hunters. Everything else is a hard NO

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Proudwell » Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:13 pm

Whalemilk wrote:
Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:55 pm
I would only want human hunters. Everything else is a hard NO
Not to challenge you but just to get more of an idea, why is everything else a hard no for you? I'm interested.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Gheor » Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:36 pm

Aszura wrote:
Thu Aug 11, 2022 1:34 pm
Tauren and Gnome priest should be real.

Based on what?
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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Akalix » Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:36 pm

It could be considered with a suggestion including lore justification, why the races need more classes, etc. -- however we do try to stay in the overall vanilla spirit.
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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Whalemilk » Thu Aug 11, 2022 8:31 pm

Proudwell wrote:
Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:13 pm
Whalemilk wrote:
Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:55 pm
I would only want human hunters. Everything else is a hard NO
Not to challenge you but just to get more of an idea, why is everything else a hard no for you? I'm interested.
Having dwarf shamans, undead paladins, etc. you really have to start reaching. Shamans are a staple of horse identity and once you take that away, it kind of ruins the immersion. I don’t even like orc mages.

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Re: Future Class Combos?

Post by Proudwell » Thu Aug 11, 2022 8:42 pm

Whalemilk wrote:
Thu Aug 11, 2022 8:31 pm
Proudwell wrote:
Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:13 pm
Whalemilk wrote:
Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:55 pm
I would only want human hunters. Everything else is a hard NO
Not to challenge you but just to get more of an idea, why is everything else a hard no for you? I'm interested.
Having dwarf shamans, undead paladins, etc. you really have to start reaching. Shamans are a staple of horse identity and once you take that away, it kind of ruins the immersion. I don’t even like orc mages.
I see. Thank you for expanding on that. smiling_turtle

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