Hardcore Multi-boxing. How is this even allowed??

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Hardcore Multi-boxing. How is this even allowed??

Post by Mmoplayer77 » Sat Feb 05, 2022 7:53 pm

This should not be allowed on this Server! There are plenty of other WOW-Private Servers you can play on that allow such behavior. this should not be one of them..
The entire point of HC is to be challenging... when you allow this it takes away the challenge, and if you going to allow it then what's the point of HC, everyone could just multi-box it!


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Re: Hardcore Multi-boxing. How is this even allowed??

Post by Merikkinon » Sat Feb 05, 2022 9:42 pm

HC has increasingly become less impressive as to 'achievement'. There is both what you are mentioning, and players who create another toon HC toon healer that is set to follow the prime player toon, and they just top off with a heal.

It's just not impressive anymore.

It's down to whether the player enjoys it (which is probably the most important feature). I no longer think there need to be any special rewards for it at this point other than a title and some non-flying mount. It's trite and been done ad nauseum.

In the end, who gives a s***. Let them play, but I'd hate to see any meaningful awards for people.

And the more people are playing HC, the less they are engaged in the greater community of leveling players and future raiders. That's just math.

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Re: Hardcore Multi-boxing. How is this even allowed??

Post by Mmoplayer77 » Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:38 pm

I understand your position, but the greater point being made here is this.

By allowing people to multi-box, your saying it is "Okay". Trust me when I say this, Its not something you want to allow. Once you start allowing this to happen more and more people will follow, and eventually that 'community' your talking about will just be a bunch of Multi-boxers that don't work within the community because they no longer have too.

Too see this first hand, go on over to an EQ-PS where boxing is allowed and see if you find any 'Community'.

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Re: Hardcore Multi-boxing. How is this even allowed??

Post by Merikkinon » Sun Feb 06, 2022 2:28 am

So is your point about multi-boxing in general, or specifically about HC multiboxing? The first post seems to indicate the latter, but then your most recent post just talks about it generally.

As to multi-boxing, there are ample threads on the forum debating it, along with the developers viewpoints.

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Re: Hardcore Multi-boxing. How is this even allowed??

Post by Emberlain » Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:12 am

I still enjoyed doing the HC challenge. Getting 60 was a cool achievement and it was just a fresh way to experience the game. The vast majority of people doing the challenge aren't doing this either.

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