New class but isn't totally new

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New class but isn't totally new

Post by Gomoro » Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:25 am

Hey guys,
I don't think a new class is a necesity right now, but i think it could be a great implement to the game. I also know it would be a lot of work doing it possible. It's just a suggestion for the future. So, lets start with the real post.

One of the things that I can't understand of WoW in general, it's the fact that Trolls can be Priests. I mean, since when trolls worship the light? When I think about a troll priest, what comes into my mind is a witch doctor. I don't know how it could be implemented into the game, but it has a lot of similarities to shadow priest and shaman. It could be possible to just edit some priest and shaman abilities to look more like a witch doctor.

The same thing happens with Nght Elfs priests. Since when they worship the light? I mean, they worship Elune and the forces of nature, but I haven't seen a night elf worshiping the light. I really don't know how could be fixed, but im thinking of editing some balance druid spells and priests spells to be more like an elune priests.

As you can see, I'm not talking about a brand new class, I'm talking about edit some of the classes we already have and don't really fit with all available races.

Wich classes do you guys think that don't fit with theri available races and could be turned into a "new class"?

Let me know!
Last edited by Gomoro on Fri Oct 22, 2021 4:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Lahire » Thu Oct 21, 2021 5:45 pm

According to K. Jordan, the class design is built a bit like a funnel :

1. The player choses a simple archetype. It has to be easy to understand and broad. These are your warrior, hunter, priest, etc.

2. The player choses how to spend their talent points, which gives to his archetype a personal edge and appeal. Each spec represents a character fantasy. Some of these fantasies correspond to WC3 heroes: K. Jordan gives the example of an orc arms warrior as the substitute for the a blademaster. Shadow priest is clearly the substitute for Witch Doctor, for example (see the voodoo gear). This said, it was not the design goal to play *exactly* like the heroes of WC3, as both games are very different.

3. Lastly, there are quests that are specific to races, classes, and even a race-class combo, to represent the different cultures of Azeroth. This last step isn't implemented into the game, it was droped because of a lack of time to do it properly. The remnants of that are the race priest quests for example. Originally, a quest to become more like a demon hunter, specific to Nelf warriors, was planned. I guess it would unlock an ability, like the race priest quests.

So, knowing all that, and to work with your idea, my recommandation would be to make more of these quests, in the style they were planned. A bit like the new paladin quest for holy strike. But for flavourful abilities.

The important part is that those new abilities shouldn't compete with other classes specificities, to keep the asymetry of design (very important point of vanilla's design). For example, it was a conscious decision to never give a "wind walk" ability to warriors, because the melee invisible dude is the specificity of rogue (and it must remain that way, because one of the appeals of vanilla's design is its class asymetry and specificity).
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Re: New class but isn't totally new

Post by Gomoro » Fri Oct 22, 2021 5:33 pm

I see what you're saying, but i don't think with just quests the "problem" it's solved. I mean, in the troll priest thing, all light spells should be replaced for ones more like witch doctor's. The same as night elfs priests. I don't know how it could be done. Maybe the same ability but with a recolor? Same ability with a recolor an aditional effects? Brand new ability? Combination of 2 abilities from different classes?? Idk. I agree in the fact that each class needs to have their own personality, like stealth of the rogue. That's why I asked wich class you guys think could be modified to be more accurate about the specific races. If you guys have an idea of how to do this, i would be very happy on reading it!

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Re: New class but isn't totally new

Post by Lahire » Fri Oct 22, 2021 6:40 pm

Complete class redesign would be a *huge* departure from vanilla. It wouldn't be the same game anymore. I love vanilla, personally. And turtle team seems to love it too : the goal of the project is not to create a custom wow, but a vanilla+ experience (new content in the style of vanilla, only minor design changes).
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Re: New class but isn't totally new

Post by Gomoro » Fri Oct 22, 2021 6:48 pm

I like vanilla too, but I think minor changes to classes could be made to be more accurate to their races. I see your ponit and It's not a necessity, but I just like the idea of it and think that could be an improvement to the game.

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