Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

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Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Yidhra » Mon Sep 11, 2023 1:58 pm

Make it a RP PvP realm with the War Mode glyph automatically active for the +30% bonus experience with an option to turn it off for a PvP free experience but at the detriment of losing that bonus experience.

Basically, make War Mode an OPT-OUT instead of an opt-in option.

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Hobekotkas » Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:03 pm

I dont like the idea of making more servers then its needed, if chinese players leave then queues are gonna dissappear

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Yidhra » Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:05 pm

Hobekotkas wrote:
Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:03 pm
I dont like the idea of making more servers then its needed, if chinese players leave then queues are gonna dissappear
They just announced a new EU realm on their Discord.
"Greetings (to yet another update),

The SEA network has gathered way more attention than we initially anticipated. This has lead to the 2 new SEA network realms being fully populated with enormous queues, on top of the already full UK main realm. Currently we have over 50 000 players playing or queued on both networks. Because of this, transfers from the EU to the SEA network are ill-advised until the SEA network queues are lower.

What this will mean for the near future:

Transfers will remain disabled until further notice. They will open once queues have alleviated on the SEA network.

We will do this by :

Opening another SEA realm in the coming days. Exact location of the server is yet to be determined. More info on this later.

Opening another EU realm in the coming weeks. Exact location, date and type of realm will be announced soon.

Thank you for your continued patience and support!"

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Tendies » Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:09 pm

No, how are you gonna manage crossfaction PvE'ing?
If you allow it it's gonna be a nightmare on the PvP realm, if you disallow it it's gonna be a nightmare for patch balancing on all realms.

So it's a terrible idea.

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Charanko » Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:14 pm

im down for pvp realm!
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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Yidhra » Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:16 pm

Tendies wrote:
Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:09 pm
No, how are you gonna manage crossfaction PvE'ing?
If you allow it it's gonna be a nightmare on the PvP realm, if you disallow it it's gonna be a nightmare for patch balancing on all realms.

So it's a terrible idea.
Same way they punish cross-faction pvp now. If you're cross faction PvPing it's a reportable offense.
Cross faction PVE wont be affected, you can still PVE with everyone.
I don't see why we can't have both.

Did you know you can even /trade with opposite faction flagged players? You can still invite them to groups, too. The only thing that changes is PvP is on by default instead of off. You can still turn it off, but you'll be losing that buff to experience.

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Geojak » Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:44 pm

We need crossfaction pvp as in instead of the pvp faction flag it's replaced by the black dagger ffa flagg. Which means just like in stv arena. Anyone not in your group/raid is considered and enemey. This would make way more sense on a crossfaction realm and also for rp and lore reasons. Human murdering human is a thing

You could have raid vs raid encounters fighting over wolrs bosses instead of lame as grieving with half raid fighting other half raid.

You could have a group of human orc that gets gsnked fight of together the gankers on their group no matter of human orc or anything. Instead of having to watch your teammate get slaughtered or worse get reported for healing crossfaction pvp

It would be better for our pve realm, better for warmoders, and better for any, future pvp crossfactin realms.

And if yiu don't want to pvp, just don't flag, as it always has been
Last edited by Geojak on Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Charanko » Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:46 pm

Yea i dont get it either…there is so much pushback for pvp servers here on the forums…let the people who want it play there is clearly enough players for every type of experience here… you can still play your pve on pve…
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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Charanko » Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:49 pm

Geojak wrote:
Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:44 pm
We need crossfaction pvp as in instead of the pvp faction flag it's replaced by the black dagger ffa flagg. Which means just like in stv arena. Anyone not in your group/raid is considered and enemey. This would make way more sense on a crossfaction realm and also for rp and lore reasons. Human murdering human is a thing

You could have raid vs raid encounters fighting over wolrs bosses instead of lame as grieving with half raid fighting other half raid.

You could have a group of human orc that gets gsnked fight of together the gankers on their group no matter of human orc or anything.

It would be better for our pve realm, better for warmoders, and better for any, future pvp crossfactin realms.

And if yiu don't want to pvp, just don't flag, as it always has been
That would be very interesting,especially for rp reasons! + for me personally i dont kill 99% of the prople i come across in warmode; its about having the option
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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Yidhra » Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:52 pm

Geojak wrote:
Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:44 pm
We need crossfaction pvp as in instead of the pvp faction flag it's replaced by the black dagger ffa flagg. Which means just like in stv arena. Anyone not in your group/raid is considered and enemey. This would make way more sense on a crossfaction realm and also for rp and lore reasons. Human murdering human is a thing

You could have raid vs raid encounters fighting over wolrs bosses instead of lame as grieving with half raid fighting other half raid.

You could have a group of human orc that gets gsnked fight of together the gankers on their group no matter of human orc or anything. Instead of having to watch your teammate get slaughtered or worse get reported for healing crossfaction pvp

It would be better for our pve realm, better for warmoders, and better for any, future pvp crossfactin realms.

And if yiu don't want to pvp, just don't flag, as it always has been
That's a wonderful idea I hadn't thought of. Not sure if it's possible but yeah, making War Mode a FFA PvP tag would be better than Faction flagging. Truly a PvP realm that way, only issue you might run into is guards? They attack flagged players on sight. Not sure how the FFA pvp tag would affect them.

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Geojak » Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:53 pm

Guards don't attack flagged players on sight. All guards would work like in booty Bay

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Yidhra » Mon Sep 11, 2023 3:04 pm

I mean faction flagged guards. They attack Horde and Alliance players, the guards in Booty Bay are neutral. Then again the reputation system should protect you in that case.
I give a +1 to making the War Mode PvP flag a FFA flag.

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Deeken112 » Mon Sep 11, 2023 4:55 pm

I prefer PvP-server i think but RP-PVE is fine with warmode. PVP-server with FFA glyph would be crazy fun tho 😂

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Ishilu » Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:01 pm

I've played on RP PvP realms whenever possible, so the idea looks nice at first glance.

My only concern is the faction imbalance on our current realm. I believe the main reason for that is that alliance got pretty elves. Not My problem, you do you and that's not a problem on a PvE realm.
However, the factions would need to be balanced on a PvP realm.

I'm not against the idea, but the devs would need to find an elegant solution to keep both factions balanced.

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Charanko » Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:12 pm

Ishilu wrote:
Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:01 pm
I've played on RP PvP realms whenever possible, so the idea looks nice at first glance.

My only concern is the faction imbalance on our current realm. I believe the main reason for that is that alliance got pretty elves. Not My problem, you do you and that's not a problem on a PvE realm.
However, the factions would need to be balanced on a PvP realm.

I'm not against the idea, but the devs would need to find an elegant solution to keep both factions balanced.
You forgot… BUSTED AF paladins
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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Panklaza » Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:31 pm

Why are they even opening new server? Without chinese there will be no queues. This is stupidest decission turtledev ever did. Dont fix something if its not broken ffs.

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Jammyxx » Mon Sep 11, 2023 11:23 pm

Why would you create a new EU sever when in EU peak time there's 8000 players online. The Chinese are the problem not the Europe/Na players /facepalm

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Er12 » Tue Sep 12, 2023 2:15 am

I don't like PVP. Why do you have to turn this place into PVP if you like PVP?

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Charanko » Tue Sep 12, 2023 2:31 am

Er12 wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 2:15 am
I don't like PVP. Why do you have to turn this place into PVP if you like PVP?
no one is taking pve server away from you??
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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Geojak » Tue Sep 12, 2023 3:08 am

Make pvp realm so peolel thaz enjoy it can go there. It will be 90% horde in no time and alliance quit and come to pve server. I don't rly care. But hc realm would make waaaay more sense

Ffa World pvp would help to combat the faction balance so horde kill each other and make them miserable too.

Personally the most unplessent people I have encountered in playing wow for 20 years have more often than not pvp enjoyers and horde. This is just by subjective experience but I would not mind seeing those people go away to pvp realm

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Yidhra » Tue Sep 12, 2023 3:20 am

Panklaza wrote:
Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:31 pm
Why are they even opening new server? Without chinese there will be no queues. This is stupidest decission turtledev ever did. Dont fix something if its not broken ffs.
In vanilla(not classic), a populated server was around 3,000 players and considered full at 4,000-5,000 players.

This thread on the Blizzard forums in particular says it was even lower than that. ... ic/30309/2

In Classic, a medium population realm has vastly more players than even the most populated Vanilla realms, source here ... ate/255835
So if we assume a Classic medium population realm is about 7,000, that means TurtleWoW EU is roughly equal to a full/medium pop Classic Realm. Source here ... cap/105321

Currently when most Chinese players go to bed, TurtleWoW EU sees about 7,000-8,000 EU players on one realm.

If the new realm gets half or even 30% of that population, both will still be very populated and capable of sustaining themselves.

You have to remember TurtleWoW isn't on a modern client, it's on an old 1.12 revision which doesn't handle large loads well. Even Classic realms start to crumble at the 9,000-10,000 player mark. Can't expect half the stability of a classic realm on a 1.12 client.

When you play now when there's 8,000+ players online, isn't it a bit miserable for you? The lag isn't good for me, and I have an okay-connection from NA at about 120ms ping, but still playing sucks because of how many players there are.

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Charanko » Tue Sep 12, 2023 7:32 am

Yidhra wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 3:20 am
Panklaza wrote:
Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:31 pm
Why are they even opening new server? Without chinese there will be no queues. This is stupidest decission turtledev ever did. Dont fix something if its not broken ffs.
In vanilla(not classic), a populated server was around 3,000 players and considered full at 4,000-5,000 players.

This thread on the Blizzard forums in particular says it was even lower than that. ... ic/30309/2

In Classic, a medium population realm has vastly more players than even the most populated Vanilla realms, source here ... ate/255835
So if we assume a Classic medium population realm is about 7,000, that means TurtleWoW EU is roughly equal to a full/medium pop Classic Realm. Source here ... cap/105321

Currently when most Chinese players go to bed, TurtleWoW EU sees about 7,000-8,000 EU players on one realm.

If the new realm gets half or even 30% of that population, both will still be very populated and capable of sustaining themselves.

You have to remember TurtleWoW isn't on a modern client, it's on an old 1.12 revision which doesn't handle large loads well. Even Classic realms start to crumble at the 9,000-10,000 player mark. Can't expect half the stability of a classic realm on a 1.12 client.

When you play now when there's 8,000+ players online, isn't it a bit miserable for you? The lag isn't good for me, and I have an okay-connection from NA at about 120ms ping, but still playing sucks because of how many players there are.
That is correct;not to mention i couldnt find more then 1 mithril node in more 45 minures of playing yesterday...
and when i do find one someone is already smacking it...and i cant even atack him for it... cos guess what its pve ;)
Do the second server pvp... and it would end the debate forever...
you pve bois and gals will still have your pve and opt in pvp,the rest od us who love playing on a pvp server and have played it since vanilla can enjoy it there in peace :)
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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Dachengzi » Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:31 am

I think a lot of people need a peaceful game, and PVP is to add a bit of stimulation on the basis of peace, so the status quo is a good way to maintain

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Re: Make the new EU/UK realm RP PvP

Post by Bawanaruto » Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:34 pm

Cross Server battlegrounds would fix alot of issues.

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