Asian new servers!

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Posts: 5

Asian new servers!

Post by Rmemery » Sun Sep 10, 2023 7:01 am

So bad,when I wake up at 9 am Beijing time,I'm trying to log in to the new server,but both server with 6000+ and 8000+queue!!!I went to watch the live ,Many players don't do anything on the sad many robots make the server so crowded that real players cannot enter the game.They're studios ,their purpose is to use the game's resources or to generate in-game gold to sell to other players.The Asian server is contaminated by the studio,They are sucking up resources like garbage, and hopefully they can be stopped before they spread

Posts: 8

Re: Asian new servers!

Post by Keyeokeyeo1 » Sun Sep 10, 2023 7:24 am

actually It's not the server too crowded. Turtle team has technical issue with newtork and had to limit the number of online plays even the capacity is much more than that.

Posts: 2

Re: Asian new servers!

Post by Onewant » Sat Nov 04, 2023 7:25 am

Signed up 2 accounts and cant even login on cn client . What is wrong with it ?

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