The gnomes of Regan

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The gnomes of Regan

Post by Grin » Sat Aug 12, 2023 9:08 am

  • The Gnomeregan Reclamation Facility is under construction at large. Located in Dun Morogh, the town will offer familiar amenities such like cities and stand as a symbol of their firm resolution for reclaiming their capital while as well serving as the new home for the Gnomeregan Exiles of Ironforge's Tinker Town and others joining the cause until their project bears the desired fruit.
  • Gnomish_Federation
  • Phillis Phillange's journal
The clever, spunky, and oftentimes eccentric gnomes present a unique paradox among the civilized races of Azeroth. Brilliant inventors with an irrepressibly cheerful disposition, this race has suffered treachery, displacement, and near-genocide. It is their remarkable optimism in the face of such calamity that symbolizes the truly unshakable spirit of the gnomes. No one knows much about the gnomes' history before dwarves discovered them; not even the gnomes know much of their own history prior to the Second War. Much of gnomish philosophy is focused on forward-thinking, inventive concepts; little thought has ever been given to history or non-scientific records. With their obsession for developing radical new technologies and constructing marvels of mind-bending engineering, it is a wonder that any gnomes have survived to proliferate.The first widely recorded interaction between gnomes and dwarves occurred a little over 200 years prior to The Burning Crusade... As the story goes, a dwarven explorer came across a small gnomish village. He was shocked to discover that while dwarves had just discovered gunpowder, the gnomes already had a fully automated village with such novelties as mechanical chickens. Contact between the two races grew, and soon, they became quick allies, and the dwarves allowed the gnomes to build their capital city, Gnomeregan, in the foothills of Dun Morogh, near the Dwarven capital, Ironforge. They have been allies for generations and often exchange ideas and inventions. Their bond is so great that they live in many dwarven settlements including Ironforge itself. Gnomes have fought and died alongside human soldiers and have been readily welcomed in Stormwind City with open arms. They are wary of the high elves, but so is everyone else, so they don’t feel too bad about that. They battled the Horde in the Second War and have a bit of a grudge against orcs, but gnomes are a kindly and forgiving lot and are willing to give the orcs a second chance. Gnomes and goblins have always been rivals — though whether this rivalry is friendly or brutal depends on the individuals involved. They have not been on Kalimdor long enough to form proper opinions about its denizens. Tauren and night elves both seem rather rustic for gnome sensibilities — but they can make friends with anyone. They speak their own and their 9o8lin rival's language. Gnomes overplan new projects, producing blueprints and schematics that can take longer to make than the device itself. While this cautious attitude results in higher quality products and a greater success rate, it often takes so long that cost overruns creep in. While a goblin would scream and flee at the mere thought of a cost overrun, a gnome simply shrugs and presses on. If a project fails to work correctly the first time, a gnome will continue to tinker with it, while a goblin would usually give up and move to something else. Thus, gnomish items have very low failure rates compared to goblin items. They are innovative thinkers and are responsible for a vast variety of inventions, including more than a few that are commonly attributed to dwarves. Although a diminutive people, gnomes think big, often producing designs far too complex to ever be realized. To gnomes, technology is a way of life. Even gnomes who take on other trades often tinker in their spare time. Because of their innate curiosity, they produce a wide variety of devices that are interesting or amusing but otherwise useless or impractical. While others might shake their heads at such folly, the gnomes value all invention, no matter how unimportant it might seem. Among the well-known gnomish devices are the world enlarger, net-o-matic projector, and harm prevention belt. Many of their machines last for a long time, making a significant capital for generations. Even after new, better machines are built for replacement, the older versions are usually good enough to be stored in the mountain caves, reactivating them when necessary. While goblin can build a more complex and powerful machine for the same price, a really complex machine may break for him before it could be finished. Hence the most advanced systems like Deeprun Tram are still of gnomish origin. Gnome schematics are such that machines and devices can be built as initially thought from beyond hundreds of years ago. However, this does not mean they are easy to read or easy to use. Goblin engineers keep saying they suffer strong headaches while reading the stolen gnomish schematics and tend to break out of the middle of specification by finishing the device how they themselves see fit. The gnomes have had an interest in the Light since they joined the Alliance, but they were so focused on technology and, later, the retaking of Gnomeregan that studying the Light didn't feel necessary to them; the dwarven priests and paladins of Ironforge served as the only connection to the Light they needed. Gnomes place their loyalty in themselves, in their friends, and in their inventions. Since the Ironforge dwarves' recent discovery of their titanic origins, the gnomes think that they too may be products of the Titans. Salutations. My function is to offer access to and, when permissible, insight into informations regarding the Creators' synthesis of the Earthen on the world designated as Azeroth. I am ready to share this information with you now at your leisure. Lore Keeper of Norgannon
  • Who are the Earthen?

    The Earthen are a synthesized race engineered by the Creators, functioning as one of the seed races in the initial population of the world designated as Azeroth. The Earthen were created to aid the Creators' efforts in shaping the deep regions of this world.
    They are a modification of the standard subterranean being matrix used on other worlds that the Creators have seeded. The construction of this prototype race created various anomalies that were observed after initial synthesis.
  • What is a 'subterranean being matrix'?

    It is one of the synthesis matrices the Creators use when seeding a world. Each synthesis matrix is used to achieve the Creators' goals. For Azeroth, a subterranean being matrix was modified to create a being with increased durability with an affinity for deep region shaping; the Earthen are the product of this modification.
    After the Earthen had been put into service for the Creators, unforeseen anomalies were discovered that affected their synthesis matrix due to high-stress environments.
  • What are the anomalies you speak of?

    Additional background information on the Earthen must be given to you before this question may be answered properly. Processing.
    To understand the anomalies of the Earthen, it is first important to understand what the Earthen represent in their design intent. The Earthen represent the Creators' attempt at improving the survivability paradigm of the standard subterranean being matrix. This was done by incorporating a resilient foundation of construction inherent to the world into said matrix.
  • What is a resilient foundation of construction?

    It is the baseline material used in race synthesis. A cross-section of Azeroth's crust was used as the foundation for the Earthen's synthesis rather than the typical biomass construction foundation used by the Creators.
    Research on the world's composition led the Creators to theorize that an enhanced being could be synthesized that would epitomize the resiliency of this world's essence. This was accomplished by choosing to use a blend of Azeroth's various stone core compounds as the foundation.
  • So... the Earthen were made out of stone?

    Simply stated, this is correct.
    The Earthen's physical features are that of a smaller stature humanoid, though their composition is that of Azeroth's various stone core compounds. Their design maximizes strength and stamina without sacrificing cognitive processing power. Their skin and musculature are nearly impervious to physical damage, and with very minor modifications the Earthen display a remarkable resiliency to unwanted magical forces.
  • Anything else I should know about the Earthen?

    It is integral to the assimilation of this data that it is understood that the Creators wanted to synthesize a race that would long be an integral part of this world's development cycle after they had departed. This race would be instrumental in fulfilling the Creators' long-term development objectives for Azeroth.
    As an ancillary note, the nomenclature "Earthen" was deemed apropos for the new race by the Creators, based on the Earthen's composition.
    • I think I understand the Creators' design intent for the Earthen now. What are the Earthen's anomalies that you spoke of earlier?

      The Earthen's only anomaly in synthesis is the tendency for matrix destabilization while being utilized in high-stress environments.
      Addendum: Deep earth sculpting was naturally suited to the new matrix design and thus never met the qualifications of duplicating a high-stress environment.
      Destabilization was not discovered until well into the Earthen's primary service cycle for the Creators. The Creators began work on post-synthesis modification, rather than recall and re-synthesis.
    • What high-stress environments would cause the Earthen to destabilize?

      [There is a noticeable pause after you ask this question.]
      The information you request is not currently available in this repository's data cycling. I sincerely apologize for this omission.
      Please request this information after a data cycling update has been performed on this information repository. You may also request this information from another information repository located on Azeroth.
    • What happens when the Earthen destabilize?

      There are two potential results when the Earthen's synthesis matrix destabilizes. Initiating visual aid representation number one.
      The first variant matrix is a degenerative product of synthesis, hereby designated with the common nomenclature of "Trogg". This variant maintains strength and stamina comparable to the Earthen, but its cognitive processing power has been almost completely compromised. Force of will and a strong sense of cunning are the only driving factors in the psyche of the trogg.
    • Troggs?! Are the troggs you mention the same as the ones in the world today?

      I am unable to process your chronological reference in comparison to the recording of this data, my apologies.
      The trogg retains some composition of Azeroth's various stone core compounds, but the loss of cognitive power makes this variant unacceptable to the Creators.
      The trogg procreates as per a standard biomass. By default it consumes stone and anything else it can acquire, including other troggs. Cannibalism is considered unacceptable by the Creators.
    • You mentioned two results when the Earthen destabilize. What is the second?

      Initiating visual aid representation number two.
      The second resultant variance of the Earthen matrix retains many desired elements when compared to the standard subterranean matrix. The common nomenclature for this variant is "Dwarf".
      This variant retains strength and stamina inherent to the Earthen. In some cases, the dwarf even exceeds the cognitive powers of the Earthen's matrix. The dwarf, however, retains none of the physical composition of Azeroth's various stone core compounds.
    • Dwarves!!! Now you're telling me that dwarves originally came from the Earthen?!

      The data stored in this repository does indeed correlate with your astute proclamation.
      The dwarf maintains an affinity for the stone composition of Azeroth, but due to the high-stress environmental anomaly within the Earthen's synthesis matrix, the dwarf reverts to a default biomass composition as seen in the standard subterranean matrix.
      Ergo, the dwarf variant does synthesize from the degeneration of the Earthen creation matrix, as you inferred with your query.
    • These dwarves are the same ones today, yes? Do the dwarves maintain any other links to the Earthen?

      I am unable to process your chronological reference in comparison to the recording of this data, my apologies.
      Though the dwarf maintains most of the Earthen's mental attunement to Azeroth's stone composition, the reversion back into living biomass remains the main degeneration of the matrix. Dwarves eat and procreate through means typical to other standard biomasses.
      The Creators view the dwarf as an acceptable variant, worthy of genesis in its own right.
      • Who are the Creators?

        The Creators are... the Creators.
        They are the beings that seeded and shaped this world by their own design. They are the reason for this world's existence, as well as many other worlds. They are the wellspring from which Azeroth flows.
      • This is a lot to think about.

        The Creators are cognizant of the magnitude of the information housed in this repository. Subsequently, a portable copy of the data stored here will be made available to your once you are attuned with the Discs of Norgannon.
        Please consider your cursory requirements for the assimilation of this knowledge to be complete. At your leisure, access the Discs of Norgannon to begin synthesis of your discs.
      • I will access the discs now.
Norgannon the Dreamweaver is a male aesir titan. His platinum-skinned body emanates arcane power like a tangible force, making skin prickle and hair stand on end. He wears a long cloak covering his head and a tunic, and has a long beard.

Norgannon is master of the arcane magic, knowledge, secrets and mysteries. In many of the worlds created by the titans, spellcasters revere him as paragon of their spellcrafts, and whisper his name when casting a spell while others beseech his protection against the corruption of the arcane. Azeroth doesn't know anything about him, except for his Watchers of Uldaman, Ulduar, and Uldum.

The titans prefer not to use arcane magic because of its corrupting nature. Aman'Thul the Highfather charged Norgannon with the task of cataloging all spells and magical currents in the universe, including Arcane magic. With the knowledge gathered concerning Arcane magic, the Highfather hopes one day to defeat the Burning Legion and other enemies. Norgannon knows almost everything and is passionless, his face expressionless and rigid. He is the historian of the Titans and holds a massive disc in his hand with sculpted glyphs and recordings, similar to the Discs of Norgannon within Uldaman.

Aman'Thul was the first Titan to awaken from the long slumber as a world-soul. After his awakening, Aman'Thul started his quest to locate other world-souls and bring other Titans like him out of their slumber. The awakened Titans joined Aman'Thul and they became known as the Pantheon. The Titans of the Pantheon continued searching for other world-souls, bringing order and stability to every world they encountered.

The Pantheon oversaw the creation of innumerable worlds across the Great Dark Beyond and gently guided countless races to greatness. Sargeras was Aman’Thul’s closest advisor and supporter until he turned to evil. Now Aman’Thul looks to his consort, Eonar, for counsel. Though the mysterious High Father is rarely seen, every world feels his presence. As leader of the titans, Aman’Thul is responsible for the creation of all worlds, including Azeroth. All those who revere the titans ultimately pay their respects to the High Father. On Azeroth, explorers have only recently uncovered the titans’ existence, and few aside from the Ironforge dwarves venerate them. Dwarves, being a practical lot, show their respect for the titans by delving ever deeper into their mysteries.

Originally, when the first mechagnomes left Uldaman under the effects of the Curse of Flesh, they dwelt in mountain caves in Dun Morogh. Focusing purely on survival and expanding their technological knowledge, the early gnomes eschewed any form of record keeping and thus forgot their heritage. When the transformed earthen from Uldaman, now being fleshy creatures called dwarves, arrived in Khaz Modan, they discovered the gnomes in their mountain caverns. Enthralled by their technological knowledge, and sensing a kinship between the two species, the dwarves aided the gnomes in laying the foundations for what would later become Gnomeregan. During the Second War, the Orcish Horde tried to siege the city. They were defeated by the ingenuity of the gnomish inventors, whose booby traps and rigged explosives claimed many orcish lives while the city itself was shielded by an impenetrable iron gate. Eventually, Doomhammer called off the attacks after weeks of fruitless siege. Instead, the Bleeding Hollow clan, who controlled Khaz Modan, would ensure that no gnome would leave the city.


Following the conflict and until the Third War, from their wondrous techno-city, gnomes provided invaluable support in weaponry, vehicles, and energetic troops to the Alliance of dwarves, humans, and high elves. When Lordaeron fell, the gnomes mysteriously withdrew all their aid. It would be only after the Third War that the rest of the Alliance would learn the reason.


A hostile race of mutant troggs infested several regions of Dun Morogh - including the great gnome city after their awakening caused by the dwarven discovery team sent to Badlands, Uldaman. In a desperate attempt to destroy the invading troggs, High Tinker Mekkatorque ordered the emergency venting of the city's radioactive waste tanks. Several gnomes sought shelter from the airborne pollutants as they waited for the troggs to die or flee. Unfortunately, though the troggs became irradiated from the toxic assault - their siege continued, unabated. Those gnomes who were not killed by noxious seepage were forced to flee, seeking refuge in the nearby dwarven city of Ironforge. There, High Tinker Mekkatorque set out to enlist brave souls to help his people reclaim their beloved city. It is rumored that Mekkatorque's once-trusted advisor, Mekgineer Thermaplugg, betrayed his people by allowing the invasion to happen. Now, his sanity shattered, Thermaplugg remains in Gnomeregan - furthering his dark schemes and acting as the city's new techno-overlord.


  • The Clockwerk Run
  • Loading Room
  • The Old Dormitory
  • Train Depot
  • Workshop Entrance
  • The Clean Zone
  • The Dormitory
  • Engineering Labs
  • The Hall of Gears
  • Launch Bay
  • Tinkers' Court
  • Gearshaft University (Mekgineer)
  • Gnomeregan Institute of Tinkering (Doctor Weavil)
  • Sector 17 (Gelbin's abode inside.)
  • Mekgineer Thermaplugg
  • Viscous Fallout
  • Grubbis and Chomper
  • Electrocutioner 6000
  • Crowd Pummeler 9-60
  • Dark Iron Ambassador
Mekgineer "Sicco" Thermaplugg was once a brilliant and wise tinker, who despite being incredibly frail even at a young age, was destined to be High Tinker. He cunningly laid the way to the seat, charming people to his side and cranking out one great invention after the next. He worked unceasingly toward his goal, for Thermaplugg planned not only making High Tinker, but also becoming the gnome's first true king in over four hundred years. He envisioned a great kingdom out of Gnomeregan, carved out of the entire western half of Dun Morogh, even if it meant relocating the nearby dwarven communities in the name of progress. Nothing would stop him! However, his closest friend, Gelbin Mekkatorque, ruined all of his goals when the council of tinkers decided that Thermaplugg was too ambitious and chose Mekkatorque instead.

Thermaplugg's sanity broke that day, and he planned on gaining revenge over his friend. Through working the system and gaining favor among the intellectual elite, Thermaplugg eventually won the seat of advisor to the High Tinker. A brooding but imaginative engineer, he served as Mekkatorque's chief advisor for many years, continuing to covet the role of High Tinker. It was his idea that, during the trogg invasion, the gnomes shut themselves from the world. Thermaplugg claimed that the world outside didn't need to be bothered by gnomish problems, for he had an idea that would both destroy the image of Mekkatorque and win him the throne. After weeks of debate, he convinced Mekkatorque to flood the halls of Gnomeregan with radiation via a bomb, thus killing the troggs. If a few gnomes died in the process, he stated, it would be a worthy sacrifice for saving the entire race. This treason against his people was only worsened when he used trickery and guile to convince the High Tinker to open the flood vents and release the bomb's radiation upon the grand city knowing well the result.

It is rumored that Thermaplugg actually knew of the trogg invasion before it began, and that he ushered in the events that befell the Gnomish race. Though those reports were never verified, Mekkatorque believes they could be true. It's currently only speculation, but many believe that Thermaplugg was the mastermind behind the entire trogg invasion.
However, due to reasons even Thermaplugg can't remember, he found himself locked inside Gnomeregan when the bomb release began. Despite his age and frailty, he did not die. Some speak that it was his ambition that saved him, while others say he hid and suffered the least of the poison. Despite this, he lived and mutated into a leper gnome. The radiation killed more gnomes than troggs, and many other gnomes in Gnomeregan's walls also suffered from radiation and became leper gnomes. However, in the ensuing chaos, Thermaplugg had begun calling himself a king. To this day he rules over the leper gnomes and continues fighting the troggs. He controls his land with a tyrannical fist, destroying outsiders as rapidly as any other enemy. He keeps to himself most of his time since becoming king of Gnomeregan, working on insane world-conquering inventions. Thankfully, few if any will ever see the light of day. Paranoid beyond rational thought, Thermaplugg destroys anything that disturbs his work, even his own leper gnome servants. Recently, he even opened up negotiations with the Dark Iron dwarves who aim to take Ironforge. No one knows what may be come of this alliance but they built a patrol to protec their negotiation route and aid the technoking of leper.
Last edited by Grin on Tue Dec 26, 2023 4:00 am, edited 7 times in total.

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