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Location: USA


Post by Aikidad » Sun Aug 06, 2023 2:32 pm

I've lost a few lower-level HC toons lately to what seems to be griefing. I engage with NPC only to find that they are a stacked crowd of duplicates.

This happened to me with Verog the Dervish...I was in the Barren Oasis area and saw the "I have been summoned" speech, so I went by his headquarters planning to ask to join whatever group was there, but there Verog was...seemingly alone in his hut with no group waiting.... but it was actually 6 copies of Verog who destroyed me!

I had a very similar experience with Warlord Krom'zar....I turned in Hezrul's head, and the Warlord was just hanging out there without his bodyguards. So I attacked with my druid in bear form...and it really was a bunch copies of him who trashed me very quickly.

It also happened to another toon at the end of Vanquish the Betrayers. I looted Lieutenant Benedict's key with a group and we all run up to the roof without looking ...and instead of one Kul Tiras Marine up there, there were about twenty! After we were slaughtered, there was a HE rogue who pointed at our ghosts and laughed.

At first I was ascribing this to some kind of game bug, but it seems to be deliberate griefing. Not sure how they do it....

I don't mind loosing a toon to my own skill issues...but this is definitely not fun!

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