A few suggestions for warrior protection tree

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Posts: 12

A few suggestions for warrior protection tree

Post by Armet » Sun Jul 30, 2023 4:05 am

I know you devs are busy and warriors are still pretty strong but I do feel that prot needs some work. As I appreciate the changes to tclap and its talent I still feel like prot needs a bit of improvenent. First, revenge feels pretty bad thought it does generate threat I feel like it would benefit from a damage adjustment and I think making it on par with overpower is a good way to accomplish this. Another possibility is making it act like devastate but instead of adding sunder stacks just refreshing the duration. As far as the imp revenge talent maybe make it a copy of imp overpower. Next I think removing imp Disarm, it just feels unnecessary, and putting imp shield bash in it's place would work well. Also moving shield slam down to 20 points and concussion blow over and putting the 2004 talent shield discipline(but remove the damage increasing aspect.) as the new 30 point talent would feel pretty good. Just as a side note maybe at 25 points add imp def stance for 3/6% sp dmg reduction in def stance. Maybe that last one would be a bit much for vanilla but it's just a thought.

I was also thinking of a general improvement for both pally and warrior. Add an additional 10 yards to the range of judgement with the option to talent into 30 yards in prot. For warriors we could add heroic throw with a 20 yard range and also an option to talent into 30 yards in prot. Having a pull that's independent of items would convenient but I understand if it seems to not be in the spirit of vanilla class mechanics.

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