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List of New Relics

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:30 pm
by Dragunovi
Greetings! We have compiled a list of all new relic additions for our hybrid friends to use. Our vision on relics is that relics should add new effects or change abilities in a substantial way and not to function as flat power upgrades for specific abilities like later expansions did. Though you might also encounter backports of some relic effects from later expansions and return of some retired effects from earlier versions of Vanilla.
The list will be consist of three sections, one for each hybrid class: Shaman, Paladin and Druid.

Keep in mind that the relics slated to be added are subject to change and not final.

Updated in 1.17.1: Totem of the Endless Flicker - Drops from Witch Doctor Zum'rah in Zul'Farrak.
Effect: Increases the duration of your Flame Shock by 3 secs.
1.16.1: Totem of Earthstorm - Drops from Dark Reaver of Karazhan outside Karazhan.
Effect: +5 to Strength of Earth and Grace of Air totem effect.
1.17.0: Totem of the Stonebreaker - Drops from Solnius in the Emerald Sanctum.
Effect: Your Shock spells have a chance to grant 100 Attack Power for 10 sec.
1.17.0: Totem of Crackling Thunder - Drops from Grizikil in Lower Karazhan Halls.
Effect: Your Stormstrike and Lightning Bolt have a chance to also grant 15% attack and casting speed for 8 sec.
1.17.0: Totem of Bad Mojo - Drops from Shadeflayer Goliath in Hyjal.
Effect: Your Hex lasts 1.5 secs longer.
Updated in 1.17.1: Totem of the Calming River - Drops from Epidamu in Caverns of Time: The Black Morass.
Effect: Your Water Shield ability grants an additional 8 mana per 5 sec. while active. In addition the amount of mana restored by your Water Shield when attacked is increased by 10.
1.17.2: Totem of Static Charge - Drops from Zandara Windhoof in the Wailing Caverns.
Effect: Your Lightning Bolt has a 10% chance to shock your enemy, dealing 30-50 Nature damage. This effect generates no threat.
1.17.2: Totem of Broken Earth - Unknown.
Effect: Increases damage done by Earth Shock by up to 100. Earth Shock now slows attack speed by 15% for 8 sec.

Vanilla Totem Changes:
  • 1.17.1: Totem of Flowing Water: Now grants up to 25 mana per Lesser Healing Wave cast up from 10.
1.16.?: Libram of Veracity - Drops from Dark Reaver of Karazhan outside Karazhan.
Effect: Reduces the casting cost of all your Blessings by 15.
1.16.?: Libram of the Resolute - Drops from Scarlet Commander Mograine in Scarlet Monastery: Cathedral.
Effect: Increases the duration of your Blessing of Freedom by 1 sec.
1.17.0: Libram of the Dreamguard - Drops from Solnius in the Emerald Sanctum.
Effect: Increase the number of charges of your Holy Shield by 1.
1.17.0: Libram of the Justicar - Drops rarely from trash mobs in Gilneas City.
Effect: Reduces the cooldown of Hammer of Justice by 5 secs.
1.17.0: Libram of the Faithful - Drops from Lord Blackwald II in Lower Karazhan Halls.
Effect: Your Consecration reduces damage taken by 5% for party members that are inside it.
1.17.2: Libram of Radiance - Drops from Brother Wystan in Scarlet Monastery: Library.
Effect: Increases your chance to critically strike with Holy Light and Holy Strike by 1%.
1.17.2: Libram of the Eternal Tower - Unknown
Effect: Reduces the cooldown of your Holy Strike by 0.5 sec.

Vanilla Libram Changes:
  • 1.17.0: Libram of Fervor: Holy Spellpower increase is now 7 per stack of Crusader Strike, stacking to 35 extra Holy Spellpower with five stacks of Crusader Strike. The original version of the relic increased the holy spellpower component of the Judgement of the Crusader debuff by 33, which this value was unintentionally left the same when the source of the holy spellpower was shifted to Crusader Strike, allowing this effect to stack up to 5 times, resulting in a crazy 165 holy spellpower, this change corrects it to the original intended power of the relic, with 2 extra holy spellpower.
  • 1.17.1: Libram of Truth: Devotion Aura reduces physical damage taken by 2% instead of granting 55 extra armor.
Updated in 1.17.1: Idol of Evergrowth - Drops from Razorlash in Maraudon: Orange.
Effect: Your Thorns additionally gives a 3% chance when attacked to inflict 15-20 Nature damage to nearby enemies.
1.16.?: Idol of the Wildshifter - Drops from Dark Reaver of Karazhan outside Karazhan.
Effect: Reduces the Mana cost of your shapeshifting spells by 75.
1.17.0: Idol of the Emerald Rot - Drops from Solnius in the Emerald Sanctum.
Effect: Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to deal 150 - 191 Nature damage.
1.17.0: Idol of the Moonfang - Drops from Clawlord Howlfang in Lower Karazhan Halls.
Effect: Increases the critical chance provided by Leader of the Pack and Moonkin Aura by 1%.
1.17.0: Idol of Savagery - Drops from Rotmaw in Caverns of Time: The Black Morass.
Effect: Reduces the time between periodic ticks and duration of Rake and Rip by 10%.
1.17.2: Idol of the Apex Predator - Drops from Vangros in the Wailing Caverns.
Effect: Reduces the Rage cost of your Demoralizing Roar by 2.
1.17.2: Idol of Laceration - Unknown.
Effect: Your Rip has a 20% chance per combo point to make your next Shred cost no energy.
1.17.2: Idol of Ebb and Flow - Unknown.
Effect: Reduce the cast time of Starfire by 0.2 seconds.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 3:52 pm
by Qvberzelt
Libram of the Resolute - Drops from Scarlet Commander Mograine in Scarlet Monastery: Cathedral.
Mmmmh, I guess it's not real, right ?

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 3:57 pm
by Dragunovi
Qvberzelt wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 3:52 pm
Libram of the Resolute - Drops from Scarlet Commander Mograine in Scarlet Monastery: Cathedral.
Mmmmh, I guess it's not real, right ?
Database displays durations in miliseconds, its only 1 second in-game.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:10 pm
by Jammyxx
Increases the duration of Hammer of Justice by 1.5 sec.

PLEASE tell me this is a joke??? 7.5s Pala stun in PvP!??

The 6 second instant stun atm is long enough.... Meanwhile bash is 4 seconds and melee.............

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:12 pm
by Holyhorrorr
1.16.6: Libram of the Justicar - Drops rarely from trash mobs in Gilneas City.
Effect: Increases the duration of Hammer of Justice by 1.5 sec.
So... paladins will not stun in PvP now 6 seconds and instead 7.5 seconds?
Or what use would an increased Hammer of justice stun have in PvE?

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:18 pm
by Jammyxx
Holyhorrorr wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:12 pm
1.16.6: Libram of the Justicar - Drops rarely from trash mobs in Gilneas City.
Effect: Increases the duration of Hammer of Justice by 1.5 sec.
So... paladins will not stun in PvP now 6 seconds and instead 7.5 seconds?
Or what use would an increased Hammer of justice stun have in PvE?
All we can hope is we haven't seen the class changes yet and hammer basline is reduced to 4 seconds...

That would be the only explantion for this insanity.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 7:57 pm
by Jammyxx
I think the new druid idols are abit lacklustre... I think the below changes would help them be abit more useful, as honestly I can't see anyone using these over the current Brutality Idol.

Idol of the Wildshifter - Drops from Dark Reaver of Karazhan outside Karazhan.
Old: Reduces Mana cost of shapeshifting by 75
New: Reduces Mana cost of shapeshifting by 100

1.16.6: Idol of the Emerald Rot - Drops from Solnius in the Emerald Sanctum.
Old: Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to deal 90 - 130 Nature damage.
New: Your finishing moves now add 80-120 Nature damage per Combo Point

1.16.6: Idol of the Moonfang - Drops from Clawlord Howlfang in Lower Karazhan Halls.
Old: Increases the critical chance provided by Leader of the Pack and Moonkin Aura by 1%.
New: Increases the critical chance provided by Leader of the Pack and Moonkin Aura by 2%.

1.16.6: Idol of Savagery - Drops from Rotmaw in Caverns of Time: The Black Morass.
Old: Reduces the time between periodic ticks and duration of Rake and Rip by 10%.
New: Increases the damage of Rake and Rip by 12%.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 8:36 pm
by Bayanni
Barkskin increase makes sense if it's being changed to a spell you can cast in bear form since you can swap idols during combat. It's not massive, and I'd honestly prefer an increase in the damage reduction over an increase in time, but this is also from Mara so I don't expect anything game-breaking from a non-endgame instance.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:08 pm
by Getplucked
Jammyxx wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:10 pm
PLEASE tell me this is a joke??? 7.5s Pala stun in PvP!??
It literally says "against non-player targets"


people are so blind with paladin-hate rage that they can't even read

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:21 pm
by Ghola
Getplucked wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:08 pm
Jammyxx wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:10 pm
PLEASE tell me this is a joke??? 7.5s Pala stun in PvP!??
It literally says "against non-player targets"


people are so blind with paladin-hate rage that they can't even read
This was added later after the outcry, and for a brief period they even completely changed the effect to reduced cooldown before changing it back only a little bit later

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:27 pm
by Getplucked
Dragunovi wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:30 pm
1.16.6: Libram of the Faithful - Drops from Lord Blackwald II in Lower Karazhan Halls.
Effect: Your Consecration reduces damage taken by 5% for party members that are inside it.
Please don't try to fix class balance problems with max level equipment.

Paladin's issue is that it lacks the defenses that Warrior and Druid have. Paladin doesn't have the baseline -10% damage taken of Defensive Stance, nor do they have the massive armor bonus that Bear Form has. Tacking 5% DR onto Consecration is not only awkward but it means you only get that much-needed DR once you're max level and get geared enough for that dungeon and get the item to drop.....and only when Consecrate is down.

Why not attach that DR% onto Holy Shield instead? Or even make it part of Ardent Defender?

Holy Shield (Rank 1) - Now also reduces damage taken by 3% while active.
Holy Shield (Rank 2) - Now also reduces damage taken by 6% while active.
Holy Shield (Rank 3) - Now also reduces damage taken by 9% while active.

Easy enough. Or for Ardent Defender:

-When you have less than 35% health, all damage taken is reduced by 25%. Also reduces damage taken by 10% while Holy Shield is active.

We need to be fixing class balance problems at the spell/talent level, not band-aid fixes with pieces of gear.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:58 pm
by Jamey
Ghola wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:21 pm
Getplucked wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:08 pm
Jammyxx wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:10 pm
PLEASE tell me this is a joke??? 7.5s Pala stun in PvP!??
It literally says "against non-player targets"


people are so blind with paladin-hate rage that they can't even read
This was added later after the outcry, and for a brief period they even completely changed the effect to reduced cooldown before changing it back only a little bit later
The initial one was wrongly worded to begin with. But the current one is also still tentative.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 3:11 am
by Tenant
Dragunovi wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:30 pm
Idol of Evergrowth - Drops from Razorlash in Maraudon: Orange.
The effect is slated to change in 1.16.6 to the following: Increases the duration of Barkskin by 2 sec.
Idol of the Wildshifter - Drops from Dark Reaver of Karazhan outside Karazhan.
1.16.6: Idol of the Emerald Rot - Drops from Solnius in the Emerald Sanctum.
Effect: Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to deal 90 - 130 Nature damage.
1.16.6: Idol of the Moonfang - Drops from Clawlord Howlfang in Lower Karazhan Halls.
Effect: Increases the critical chance provided by Leader of the Pack and Moonkin Aura by 1%.
1.16.6: Idol of Savagery - Drops from Rotmaw in Caverns of Time: The Black Morass.
Effect: Reduces the time between periodic ticks and duration of Rake and Rip by 10%.
You know what, don't bother. Brutality and Ferocity beat every one of these except the Wildshifter, and Wildshiter was a mistake to begin with.
Better no changes than filler changes.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:50 am
by Elesion
Tenant wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 3:11 am
You know what, don't bother. [...]
Better no changes than filler changes.
That was my knee-jerk reaction as well. They seemed utterly underwhelming at first glance. But maybe we should take a closer look?
Tenant wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 3:11 am
Brutality and Ferocity beat every one of these except the Wildshifter, and Wildshiter was a mistake to begin with.
I think everyone with half a brain has to agree that Ferocity and Brutality are incredibly overpowered for how early you can get them. They had to be nerfed in TBC because they were BiS forever, no contest. Lowering an otherwise flat cost is just a super powerful effect. I think it's arguable that Brutality and Ferocity were a mistake. Don't get me wrong, they're fun and I love them, but relics were supposed to have quirky and situational effects to boost the hybrid classes. This is just a flat power increase with perfect scaling that you get very early on.
But maybe we're underrating the new idols? You mention Wildshifter and when I first joined TWoW and looked at the database I thought Wildshifter was a joke item. I couldn't imagine a use for it. But there's the very narrow niche of powershifting where it shines.
Dragunovi wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:30 pm
Idol of Evergrowth - Drops from Razorlash in Maraudon: Orange.
The effect is slated to change in 1.16.6 to the following: Increases the duration of Barkskin by 2 sec.
You can get this super early and the old effect (increases the duration of Thorns) was exclusively one of utility with zero in-combat advantage. Also weirdly close to the T1 set bonus. I saw it drop on my Mara quest run and didn't even roll on it over the other druid because it provided me with no appreciable advantage. So I welcome pretty much any change. Barkskin duration is weird and interesting. It's not super overpowered but it does provide some advantage, potentially a lot more if we ever get to use Barkskin in bear form. I'm fine with this change.
Dragunovi wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:30 pm
1.16.6: Idol of the Emerald Rot - Drops from Solnius in the Emerald Sanctum.
Effect: Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to deal 90 - 130 Nature damage.
This is like discount rogue instant poison added to cat form? Also one of the very few ways of doing magical damage as a cat. It drops from the endgame raid. So either we get encounters where nature damage is required (like Viscidus requires frost?) or this is just a buff for non-powershifters who right now have no idol at all (Ferocity doesn't affect Shred).
Dragunovi wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:30 pm
1.16.6: Idol of the Moonfang - Drops from Clawlord Howlfang in Lower Karazhan Halls.
Effect: Increases the critical chance provided by Leader of the Pack and Moonkin Aura by 1%.
If you think the new idols are trash, you might be horribly underrating this one. Drops from an entry-raid and might be BiS for any raiding dps spec. Right now moonkins have Idol of the Moon which slightly boosts Moonfire damage. This gives 1% spell crit to 5 casters in your raid - it's a massive massive buff over Idol of the Moon! It's literally half a mage Atiesh! And it might be even better for raiding cat dps, because 1% melee crit automatically means 1% more damage (melee crits are +100% without any talents, unlike spell crits). Again, Ferocity isn't on the table (doesn't affect Shred) so right now you only have Wildshifter (though the power rating after the nerf with the next patch remains to be seen) and maybe you don't want to (or come next patch: don't have to???) powershift?
I think this idol is incredibly powerful and any raid who already has a dps druid will want them to use it.
Dragunovi wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:30 pm
1.16.6: Idol of Savagery - Drops from Rotmaw in Caverns of Time: The Black Morass.
Effect: Reduces the time between periodic ticks and duration of Rake and Rip by 10%.
I don't get it, but maybe I don't understand the mechanics enough. Also drops from a pre-raid dungeon, so it shouldn't be surprising if this isn't super powerful. Increases armor-ignoring DoTs, maybe for PvP burst?

In conclusion: The idols could be better. The one from Emerald Sanctum seems bafflingly weak compared to how late you get it and also weirdly geared for personal dps (so solo play or 5 people groups). While the one from Karazhan Halls seems very overpowered compared to how early you get it and weirdly geared for raids. But otherwise they seem completely fine to me upon closer look. Every non-healing spec gets a boost and I suspect we might be missing mechanical changes that would really make these idols shine (use Barkskin in bear form, viable raid cat dps without powershifting, etc).

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:19 am
by Flor
1.16.6: Libram of the Justicar - Drops rarely from trash mobs in Gilneas City.
Effect: Increases the duration of Hammer of Justice by 1.5 sec.

But what are you doing, eliminate that book, your community has asked you for a balance and not something worse. On what planet has seen too much duration of this spell, no one will want to do pvp, are you aware of that or are those who decide this mockery are children with their whims.

You yourselves will face the consequences ruining what with years you managed to grow in the population, now it will be the opposite, You are just in time to stop inventing crazy things.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:22 am
by Sylveria
Flor wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:19 am
1.16.6: Libram of the Justicar - Drops rarely from trash mobs in Gilneas City.
Effect: Increases the duration of Hammer of Justice by 1.5 sec.
You mean:
Libram of the Justicar - Drops rarely from trash mobs in Gilneas City.
Effect: Increases the duration of Hammer of Justice by 1.5 sec against NPCs.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:24 am
by Jammyxx
Mavbyte wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:22 am
Flor wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:19 am
1.16.6: Libram of the Justicar - Drops rarely from trash mobs in Gilneas City.
Effect: Increases the duration of Hammer of Justice by 1.5 sec.
You mean:
Libram of the Justicar - Drops rarely from trash mobs in Gilneas City.
Effect: Increases the duration of Hammer of Justice by 1.5 sec against NPCs.
Read like this originally, the Devs edited the post after people called them out for it.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:03 am
by Flor
Flor wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:19 am
1.16.6: Libram of the Justicar - Drops rarely from trash mobs in Gilneas City.
Effect: Increases the duration of Hammer of Justice by 1.5 sec.

But what do you do, delete that book, your community has asked you for a balance and not something worse. Paladins currently in pvp do 4k critical in one hit that's unbalanced it doesn't make sense to play on top of that combined with

The Unstoppable Force with continuous long stuns is impossible to move.

On what planet has seen too much duration of this spell, even if it says npc only obviously there will be bugs and it will work with players, stop making up crazy stuff.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:54 am
by Flor
Flor wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:03 am
Flor wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:19 am
1.16.6: Libram of the Justicar - Drops rarely from trash mobs in Gilneas City.
Effect: Increases the duration of Hammer of Justice by 1.5 sec.

But what do you do, delete that book, your community has asked you for a balance and not something worse. Paladins currently in pvp do 4k critical in one hit that's unbalanced it doesn't make sense to play on top of that combined with

The Unstoppable Force with continuous long stuns is impossible to move.

On what planet has seen too much duration of this spell, even if it says npc only obviously there will be bugs and it will work with players, stop making up crazy stuff.

also delete the libram of the resolute, that spell blessing of freedom is the main cancer in pvp for several classes even worse with frost mage, and now you want in conclusion the paladin to be immune to movement reduction "unlimitedly", We have asked you for a balance in damage and spells, not perfect but as close as possible, what right now is unbalance will become an "extreme unbalance" and you can imagine in which hole this will end up.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:58 am
by Flor
Flor wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:54 am
Flor wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:03 am
Flor wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:19 am
1.16.6: Libram of the Justicar - Drops rarely from trash mobs in Gilneas City.
Effect: Increases the duration of Hammer of Justice by 1.5 sec.

But what do you do, delete that book, your community has asked you for a balance and not something worse. Paladins currently in pvp do 4k critical in one hit that's unbalanced it doesn't make sense to play on top of that combined with

The Unstoppable Force with continuous long stuns is impossible to move.

On what planet has seen too much duration of this spell, even if it says npc only obviously there will be bugs and it will work with players, stop making up crazy stuff.

""Libram of the Resolute
Binds when picked upRelicLibramRequires Level 39
Equip: Increases the duration of your Blessing of Freedom by 1000 sec. ""

also delete the libram of the resolute, that spell blessing of freedom is the main cancer in pvp for several classes even worse with frost mage, and now you want in conclusion the paladin to be immune to movement reduction "unlimitedly", We have asked you for a balance in damage and spells, not perfect but as close as possible, what right now is unbalance will become an "extreme unbalance" and you can imagine in which hole this will end up.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 12:43 pm
by Inovatu
Idol of Evergrowth - Drops from Razorlash in Maraudon: Orange.
The effect is slated to change in 1.16.6 to the following: Increases the duration of Barkskin by 2 sec.
-> isnt useful at all, because you can only use Barkskin in Humanoid/Owl Form

Idol of the Wildshifter - Drops from Dark Reaver of Karazhan outside Karazhan.
-> Manareduce on your Shapeshift; only useful in PVP, because in PVE you have a Paladin judging Seal of Wisdom

1.16.6: Idol of the Emerald Rot - Drops from Solnius in the Emerald Sanctum.
Effect: Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to deal 90 - 130 Nature damage.
-> kindy okayisch, but little weak for the Engame, pump those Numbers UP!!!

1.16.6: Idol of the Moonfang - Drops from Clawlord Howlfang in Lower Karazhan Halls.
Effect: Increases the critical chance provided by Leader of the Pack and Moonkin Aura by 1%.
-> 1% is fine, but i think only Cats and Owls will equip it, because Idol of Brutality for Bear is really, really strong

1.16.6: Idol of Savagery - Drops from Rotmaw in Caverns of Time: The Black Morass.
Effect: Reduces the time between periodic ticks and duration of Rake and Rip by 10%.
-> absolute crap, Rake is so garbage, almost nobody will use it and Ripdmg should be more, like 20% or something to make it on the List of worth Idols

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:41 pm
by Bayanni
Inovatu wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 12:43 pm
Idol of the Wildshifter - Drops from Dark Reaver of Karazhan outside Karazhan.
-> Manareduce on your Shapeshift; only useful in PVP, because in PVE you have a Paladin judging Seal of Wisdom
It's currently used very heavily in PvE for cat powershift dps and is considered insanely strong in it's current iteration. Cat DPS has gone over 1350dps and is close behind hunters and warlocks in endgame content, currently ahead of ret paladins and other off-classic-meta dps. It's the very definition of useful in PvE and has been since implementation.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:34 pm
by Inovatu
what 1350 DPS from a Cat?
Pls send a link, thats more than most Warriors do with full Naxx-Gear

i dont see the value in pve with this idol, when you have a retpala in your Raid, you cant go oom, its literally impossible

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 12:11 am
by Ghola
please consider changing water shield totem from a flat 6mp5 to a higher value, perhaps tied to orb number or when in range of mana sprign totem. 6mp5 for a relic slot especially when water shield is not up 100% of the time seems extremely low compared to other totems

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 2:08 am
by Tenant
Elesion wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:50 am
I think everyone with half a brain has to agree that Ferocity and Brutality are incredibly overpowered for how early you can get them. They had to be nerfed in TBC because they were BiS forever, no contest. Lowering an otherwise flat cost is just a super powerful effect. I think it's arguable that Brutality and Ferocity were a mistake. Don't get me wrong, they're fun and I love them, but relics were supposed to have quirky and situational effects to boost the hybrid classes. This is just a flat power increase with perfect scaling that you get very early on.
Have you seen the relics for other classes?
And I'll take this "nerf" any day.
Elesion wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:50 am
You can get this super early and the old effect (increases the duration of Thorns) was exclusively one of utility with zero in-combat advantage. Also weirdly close to the T1 set bonus. I saw it drop on my Mara quest run and didn't even roll on it over the other druid because it provided me with no appreciable advantage. So I welcome pretty much any change. Barkskin duration is weird and interesting. It's not super overpowered but it does provide some advantage, potentially a lot more if we ever get to use Barkskin in bear form. I'm fine with this change.
You will get to very strange places discussing what-ifs. I discuss what's offered now.
Barkskin is used essentially never. Its only niche is pvp moonkins, and that slot is occupied with Moon idol.
Elesion wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:50 am
1.16.6: Idol of the Emerald Rot - Drops from Solnius in the Emerald Sanctum.
Effect: Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to deal 90 - 130 Nature damage.
This is like discount rogue instant poison added to cat form? Also one of the very few ways of doing magical damage as a cat. It drops from the endgame raid. So either we get encounters where nature damage is required (like Viscidus requires frost?) or this is just a buff for non-powershifters who right now have no idol at all (Ferocity doesn't affect Shred).
Again, "what if we get encounters...". If we get such encounters, you'll be better off just spamming Wrath.
This idol is an attempt to add burst damage to cat, which is desirable in pvp. I commend the attempt, but as is, I'm pretty sure it's not going to be used.
Elesion wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:50 am
1.16.6: Idol of the Moonfang - Drops from Clawlord Howlfang in Lower Karazhan Halls.
Effect: Increases the critical chance provided by Leader of the Pack and Moonkin Aura by 1%.
If you think the new idols are trash, you might be horribly underrating this one. Drops from an entry-raid and might be BiS for any raiding dps spec. Right now moonkins have Idol of the Moon which slightly boosts Moonfire damage. This gives 1% spell crit to 5 casters in your raid - it's a massive massive buff over Idol of the Moon! It's literally half a mage Atiesh! And it might be even better for raiding cat dps, because 1% melee crit automatically means 1% more damage (melee crits are +100% without any talents, unlike spell crits). Again, Ferocity isn't on the table (doesn't affect Shred) so right now you only have Wildshifter (though the power rating after the nerf with the next patch remains to be seen) and maybe you don't want to (or come next patch: don't have to???) powershift?
I think this idol is incredibly powerful and any raid who already has a dps druid will want them to use it.
Counting like that, Moonkin aura by itself is 1.5 mage Atiesh! Have you seen guild recruitment ads? Are moonkins in high demand?
But I agree, this one actually has its uses.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 12:42 am
by Dogfight
Relic Changes:
  • Libram of Fervor: Holy Spellpower increase is now 6 per stack of Crusader Strike, stacking to 36 extra Holy Spellpower with five stacks of Crusader Strike.
This change along with the change to PvP gloves will be a huge nerf to PvE damage and threat. It's actually taking the piss out of everyone who has spent hundreds of gold on Libram of Fervor and countless hours to get the PvP Gloves.
I hope there's something to come that we don't know about yet that will compensate for this, because this change will not fix the PvP burst issue. Stacking CS takes some time and is only relevant after first burst anyways.

Besides healing librams, all other librams will be close to garbage. 2 extra block on Holy Shield (HS) wont do much unless we get an encounter that will eat warriors Shield Block and favor paladin HS tanks. 5% dmg reduction while standing in consecration forces R1 Consecration spam and you'll likely just stand next to a warrior tank so they can get 15% total dmg reduction. No personal benefit at all. Nothing that will make paladin tanks more viable.
1 sec longer stun libram is also VERY niche.

I'd like to see librams that gives a chance to increase Haste, Crit or Attack Power on Judgement. Librams that increase HS % Block Chance or Block Value. Librams that enhances abilities, i.e adds Cleave effect to JotC or converts damage into holy damage while SotC is active. Or adds something to other core abilities.

Looks like druid and shamans are getting the better relics by far. And it looks like you're trying to fix class problems with items when it should be the other way around. Fix class toolkit first, then make items to complete the class.
Bit of a rant late at night. Just hope there's something good to come that we don't know yet.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 8:10 pm
by Geojak
Libram that only works against npcs sucks. Can't Iu give it some other effect. 0.5s longer stun and wir in pvp. Or 50% reduced mana cost in stun, something like 50 paladins woukd still find usefull.

I rly dislike this "only work on npcs" for no good reason.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 8:13 pm
by Geojak
Why does the hex last 1.5 sec longer not get the same treatment onyl works agaiant npcs? Hexx is insane in arena.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 5:29 pm
by Apimius
How about a better version of Libram of Fervor in upcoming scarlet citadel raid? smiling_turtle

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:55 am
by Templar85
Effect: Your Thorns additionally gives a 3% chance when attacked to inflict 15-20 Nature damage to nearby enemies.
3% little low. It can be 5% still wouldn't be overpowered.

1.16.?: Idol of the Wildshifter - Drops from Dark Reaver of Karazhan outside Karazhan.
Effect: Reduces the Mana cost of your shapeshifting spells by 75.
The reason I don't care this at all because there is no World Boss ID with week or 2 week lockout. Boss farmed by maffia. Only 1% of the player base have a chance to get it so it is meaningless.

1.17.0: Idol of the Emerald Rot - Drops from Solnius in the Emerald Sanctum.
Effect: Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to deal 150 - 191 Nature damage.
Nature damage will have spell power coefficency? If not the numbers are very low from a high level Raid loot item. If druids can not lower target nature resistance then quarter of the nature damage get resisted average. Usually Moomkin gear have spell penetration on their gear but this is feral item and feral gear don't have spell penetration baked on their gear.

1.17.0: Idol of the Moonfang - Drops from Clawlord Howlfang in Lower Karazhan Halls.
Effect: Increases the critical chance provided by Leader of the Pack and Moonkin Aura by 1%.
So far this is the only idol that is worthy for lvl 60 of the new ones. It is surprising that coming from a 10 man raid, but more powerful than the ones coming from raids.

1.17.0: Idol of Savagery - Drops from Rotmaw in Caverns of Time: The Black Morass.
Effect: Reduces the time between periodic ticks and duration of Rake and Rip by 10%.
Rake and Rip absolute garbage. They need very significant buff to have an alternative to powershift -> shred playstyle.
Assuming this will change with new talent changes. Still 10% is lacklustre.

1.17.2: Idol of the Apex Predator - Drops from Vangros in the Wailing Caverns.
Effect: Reduces the Rage cost of your Demoralizing Roar by 2.
Good to have an idol from early game but demo roar need to be fixed for that.

1.17.2: Idol of Laceration - Unknown.
Effect: Your Rip has a 20% chance per combo point to make your next Shred cost no energy.
It can be only useful in case Rip getting very significant boost to use it instead of Ferocious Bite. Rip is a dot which can not crit.
Ferocious Bite can crit for 2400 in high end raid gear and consumes and ferals have 30%-40% crit chance. Rip has to do similar damage to be an alternative to use 5 Cp for.

In Aq40 and Naxx there are 2 idols for Healing Touch but there is none for Regrowth.

Some Ideas

Regrowth Idol:
Each critical Regrowth increases its healing power by 4% (for both the upfront heal and the hots part) and lowering mana cost by 5% for the next Regrowth cast. Stack up to maximum 2 times. Effects lost on non critical Regrowth cast.

Synergises with Improved Regrowth talent.

Rejuvenation Idol:
If the target taking damage while have Rejuvenation buff on them the last tick will do 50% increased healing.

Good for healing tanks and when raid taking aoe damage. Druid can use lower level of Rejus to avoid overheal due to the last tick bigger healing part if calculated the target’s HP and incoming damage correctly.[/i]

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:40 pm
by Dragunovi
Updated for Patch 1.17.2: Tower of Karazhan.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 3:14 pm
by Elisleris
1.17.2: Libram of Radiance - Drops from Brother Wystan in Scarlet Monastery: Library.
Effect: Increases your chance to critically strike with Holy Light and Holy Strike by 1%.

"critically strike with Holy Light" - that sentence confuse me: Holy Light is healing spell, it can do critical heal or, other word, critical effect but it can't strike someone.

Re: List of New Relics

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 3:35 pm
by Reaver594
>1.17.2: Idol of Ebb and Flow - Unknown.
>Effect: Reduce the cast time of Starfire by 0.2 seconds.

I dont think an idol stat simply benefits only starfire is a good idea.

Moonkin have been wishing for some reason to actually use Wrath AND Starfire for a long time now. This will just push people back to use Starfire only.

Which would also invalidate all the recently added Nature Spell Power Consumables, Items and Enchants.

Also for fights that have damaging auras (or anything similiar) the only way for Balance Druids to keep Pumping is to put talents into [Nature's Focus] in the resto tree, which gives a 70% chance to avoid spellcast intrerruption caused by damage BUT ONLY for Wrath.
Owlkinfrenzy is just to unreliable to matter much here.

Please consider to either add some bonus / another Idol for Wrath too, or even make the "Ebb AND flow" idol to give us Moonkins benefits by using Starfire AND Wrath in our rotation.