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The 3rd Call of the Silver Hand

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 5:34 pm
by Ruphuhell
The 3rd Call of the Silver Hand
To all Knights of the Silver Hand, Argent Dawn, Scarlet Crusaders and other heroes of the Alliance and Azeroth. A meeting of the Order has been called on the evening of Wednesday the 31st of May at the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind City. We ask you to bring information about your activities to further our order’s knowledge and understanding of worldly matters.
Event Details
Where-Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City
When-18:00 Wednesday the 31st. 19:00 Meeting Time.(Eastern Kingdoms)
IC Agenda
19:00 - Gathering and Conversation
20:00 - Opening Speech and Prayer
20:05 - Reports from the units and the assembly
~20:50 - Meeting Conclusion

When the formalities of the meeting come to a close, you may retire to the Cathedral Square to discuss the reports, engage in training with your fellow knights, or perhaps go for drinks with your friends.
While the Call serves primarily as an opportunity for the Silver Hand and Paladin roleplayers and guilds to meet up and get to know each other, the meeting also mantains the tradition of welcoming participation from allies and friends of the Silver Hand. In that sense, representatives of the Church of the Holy Light, Alliance and other orders are welcome to send representatives.

Re: The 3rd Call of the Silver Hand

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 4:45 am
by Jolikmc
Ruphuhell wrote:
Thu May 25, 2023 5:34 pm
The 3rd Call of the Silver Hand
To all Knights of the Silver Hand, Argent Dawn, Scarlet Crusaders and other heroes of the Alliance and Azeroth.
I'm just gonna point this out: the Scarlet Crusade has no formal ties to the Silver Hand or even the Alliance by this point in the timeline. They're looked at as a guerilla faction who've lost their way due to how they look at any non-human race and mostly tolerated "out of ignorance". So… inviting the Scarlet Crusade to the same meeting as the group they splintered from, and a group that openly accepts all races of Azeroth including the Forsaken, might not be the best of ideas.

Also? At this point, the only people who would call the Scarlet Crusade "heroes" would be sympathizers and the Crusade, themselves.

Re: The 3rd Call of the Silver Hand

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 5:58 pm
by Ruphuhell
I don't really agree with you. While the Scarlet Crusade as a whole is not tied anymore to the Silver Hand, individuals can still come to it, let's not forget that a large chunk of current Scarlet Crusaders used to be members of the Silver Hand, in fact, surviving members of the Silver Hand founded the Scarlet Crusade. Also, inviting both the Crusade and the Dawn might not be the best of ideas, but as things were discussed during the 2nd Call of the SIlver Hand, there is a truce going on between the two factions, the Brotherhood of the Light(the In-Game group, not the guild) are currently working with the Crusade in Light's Hope. Also, I meant heroes as in player characters, roleplayers.
The RP community overall on Turtle is not that big, let alone the Paladin community which is made out of around 40-80 individuals at best. My motivations for hosting the Call events is uniting said community, making people get to know eachother and have fun.
So yeah, there are paladin roleplayers in Scarlet Crusade and Argent Dawn guilds, if I have to get some people mad in order to get everyone to have fun together, I'll gladly do it :)