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BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 1:17 pm
by Chronoslicer
Reasons why I think this would be a good gameplay/rp change:

1. Inns are a more natural place to meet other players, chat it up, rp, etc. while stopping to restock on supplies /food, and rest.

2. Tents will still be useful when far from an inn, not wanting to travel, and make more sense finding them in the WILD, rather than right outside a perfectly good inn / city welcoming to all travelers. (Looking at you x-roads, goldshire, and SW/ORG).

3. Tones down the use of bots to track tents, and hopefully removes the player behavior of constantly asking for tents in frequently tented areas.

4. Adding on to point 1, towns/villages across azeroth will feel much more lively and become the pockets of civilization in a harsh world they ought to be!

5. The player population will become more dispersed across the continents when almost all zones have an inn with a near equalized gameplay incentive to rest, instead of a few hotspots where players lurk around FIENDING for a tent!

I'm sorry 1x'ers but there is no going back, the damage has already been done, might as well make it make sense! you've already seen the outrage the last time they nerfed tents!

Please consider this change. I'd rather have an inn swarming with players then an absolute dog pile of vagabonds and vagrants outside a few inns under a tarp held up with sticks!

While there are many many awesome suggestions in this forum regarding inns and various buffs and player interactions with the innkeeper that can affect the bonus, I feel this would be a much more simple solution, saving a bit of manpower to develop other things. And if players have the power to buff taverns, unless it's extremely accessible, the tents will remain a dog pile, and the begging for tents will shift to begging for inn buffs, if accounting for player behavior!

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 2:20 pm
by Ugoboom
Yep absolutely. Having everyone pile under a tent in goldshire is the lamest thing ever

Having a bunch of people lounge around an inn? based

Same fast leveling, massively improved RPG feel and vibe

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 3:55 pm
by Element19090
Ugoboom wrote:
Wed May 10, 2023 2:20 pm
Yep absolutely. Having everyone pile under a tent in goldshire is the lamest thing ever

Having a bunch of people lounge around an inn? based

Same fast leveling, massively improved RPG feel and vibe
This is true actually...may even encourage more RP. Support.

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 8:07 pm
by Syrathegreat
+1 100% I'm a huge fan of tavern buffs (as I'm sure you saw in all those other threads hahaha)

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 1:50 am
by Xero
6. HC players will find it easier to trade when they are hanging about with similar level peeps at the closest in rather than hearthing out to a tent spot in a low level zone.

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 2:36 am
by Jolikmc
I was writing up some concerns I had with doing this, then I got struck by inspiration, instead.

Live entertainment! Fresh food! And, er… sitting?

You know those RPGs where a bard plays a song, or a singer sings or dancer dances, and it buffs the party? That's the kind of "entertainment" I'm thinking. It could be instruments, or a trinket with a cooldown, or something, and work in a set area around the casting player, giving nearby players (and themselves) a buff that increases Rest XP gain sped.

"Fresh food" would probably work like the Ritual of Refreshment in Burning Crusade, giving players a five-minute buff which, again, increases Rest XP speed.

And, um… I suppose the last one would require a significant amount of work, but basically, make all the chairs, benches, stools, and the like give players a third kind of Rest XP speed buff… Maybe even make the beds properly interactive? Stuff like that. This only problem with this, of course, is that inns have a finite amount of space for patrons. You can have 100 players in any given in, but only 12 of them can get the buff. So… maybe… don't do this one, after all.

In any case, these buffs would be independent of each other and stack with each other and up to a certain point. (Probably in stacks of five?) And of course, while the buffs could be applied anywhere at any time, they would only work if a player was within a Rest Zone to begin with. Zero times two is still zero, after all!

Just some thoughts.

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 6:06 pm
by Chronoslicer
Xero wrote:
Thu May 11, 2023 1:50 am
6. HC players will find it easier to trade when they are hanging about with similar level peeps at the closest in rather than hearthing out to a tent spot in a low level zone.
Very good point also!

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 6:15 pm
by Gantulga
I'd rather nerf the tent EXP. The normal rested EXP from inns is already perfectly fine.
The introduction of tents was a huge mistake which conditioned people to leveling at practical x2 rates on a supposedly x1 "journey matters" server.

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 7:28 pm
by Duckwarrior
That idea is so cool and very in line with the lifestyle I imagine for a mysteries world.

After a long journey, adventurers come to the hotel to rest.
Tired adventurers set up tents in the rain outside the wilderness.
A five-person team lights a fire and takes a break by it in the late night.

I hope these can provide rest exp!

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 9:42 pm
by Chronoslicer
Gantulga wrote:
Thu May 11, 2023 6:15 pm
I'd rather nerf the tent EXP. The normal rested EXP from inns is already perfectly fine.
The introduction of tents was a huge mistake which conditioned people to leveling at practical x2 rates on a supposedly x1 "journey matters" server.
The damage has already been done in my opinion, nerfing tent xp will lead to mass outrage. There are plenty of challenges and further options that can be implemented for those who rather take a more slow and steady approach, and to be fair, even 1.5x-2x rates on vanilla is incredibly slow, especially when taking the time to work on professions and exploration, which I did on my first 60(warrior) while fully taking advantage of tents like the dopamine fiend I am.

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 11:18 pm
by Integer667
lets be honest majority of the people use tents for exp alone, world wont feel any more alive since they'll just afk in the inn if this is to pass, also it kind of invalidates the survival profession

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 11:42 pm
by Chronoslicer
Integer667 wrote:
Thu May 11, 2023 11:18 pm
lets be honest majority of the people use tents for exp alone, world wont feel any more alive since they'll just afk in the inn if this is to pass, also it kind of invalidates the survival profession
The population will be more dispersed as crossroads/goldshire/sw/org won't be the best places to get rested xp while leveling, if you are leveling in duskwood you can go to darkshire to rest/stock up/sell/repair and if you are in darkshore you can go to auberdine, for example. During my duskwood leveling experience I found myself traveling back to goldshire to repair and refuel because of the tents, instead of traveling to darkshire, and I'm sure that there are plenty of others that have done the same

I also feel like survival will not be invalidated by the sheer convenience of being able to carry around the tent with you and deploy it wherever you'd like, and the other tools that survival provides, and no doubt the tools that are soon to come that will add more value to the profession

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 12:18 am
by Rokit
+1 +1 +1

You want players to gather in Inns. Make sure the aura is further inside than just the entrance. Perhaps make the buff visible.

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 3:43 am
by Ishilu
If If rested XP from tents or inns should be buffed "to encourage people to meet and do more RP", would it be possible to apply this buff only for people who are not afk?

I can see tons of people autorunning against Inn walls 'for RP' reasons turtle_tongue_head

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 4:17 am
by Bruhh

Yessssss this would be so much better. At this point i'd rather have tents removed (or replaced in the profession) and have the Inns have the rested xp boost, but with the vanilla rate when logged out.

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 3:11 am
by Jolikmc
Just a counter-point on the "tents becoming useless" thing… If inns became the primary source of boosted XP rates, tents would still have their place in the world. Much like in real life, tents would be useful out in the wild… as per their original intention (I assume)… for people who are in the middle of questing and either don't feel like finding an inn or simply have to log out right then and there.

Honestly, I don't know who had the idea to make tent rest XP rates so overpowered in the first place – especially for a server with (mostly) "Blizz-like" rates. That was a bad idea and it doesn't make much sense. Unless, you know, you're the kind of person who sleeps better on hard, rocky ground or flat, grassy hills instead of a nice, soft bed. You oddball. d;

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 3:31 am
by Drubarrymooer
100% This is one of the best suggestions I've seen.

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 2:59 pm
by Chronoslicer
Ishilu wrote:
Fri May 12, 2023 3:43 am
If If rested XP from tents or inns should be buffed "to encourage people to meet and do more RP", would it be possible to apply this buff only for people who are not afk?

I can see tons of people autorunning against Inn walls 'for RP' reasons turtle_tongue_head
We already see a bunch of autorunning everywhere! It is a game after all

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 3:16 pm
by Isvya
Tents need a reason to be made in the world and not in town. Also encourage ppl to level survival skill and make their own tents then USE IT AT A QUESTING ZONE WHERE YOU ACTUALLY KILL MOBS.
i propose of removing the rested xp from tents and adding it to inns while reforging tents into something like battle standards that we have in bgs. It should be an aura with a 10-15 mins duration and ~100 yards range. CANNOT BE USED IN DUNGEONS/BGs
The aura could be either a small dmg buff/ap/sp, or hp/mana regen or really anytging useful for grinding. Maybe have some stools inside on which you can sit down to further increase regen. Have a CD of 30-60 mins for placing tents.

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 12:46 pm
by Tobius
Brilliant idea - Im in support of this

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 12:33 pm
by Lightbringerog
I approve +1

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 12:41 pm
by Elmirill
Making inns the main spot for rest would indeed boost player interactions and RP. Tents should be a survival tool for the wild, not a city convenience. Point 5 really hits the nail on the head - we need more dispersed player activity, not just crowded hotspots.

Good thinking, let's hope the devs take notice!

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 2:12 pm
by Joras333
Yes, good idea

I took the habit since 2005 to always TP to an inn, repair, sell, mail and sleep in a bed upstairs of the inn, or sit in a chair before to log off.

Inns are important to give the "RPG" vibe to a game.

it depends if the vision from the devs is to consider wow more like an RPG, or more like a faster paced multi player game

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 6:09 pm
by Chronoslicer
Isvya wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 3:16 pm
Tents need a reason to be made in the world and not in town.

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 4:02 pm
by Mechsoap
100% support, much prefer it than the tents, which ought to be about SURVIVAL, not hanging out a populated place.

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 8:20 pm
by Chronoslicer
If anyone has any counter arguments/points please feel free to share

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 9:12 pm
by Rat2156
Tents are already vastly overtuned. Having something being even more overtuned isn't the solution.

Inns should be better than tents, but the way to do that isn't to break the xp rates even further, it's to nerf tents into being worse than inns

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 8:56 pm
by Element19090
I don't know why this wasn't made a thing a long time ago.

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 12:40 am
by Hellion
Hell yeah this is a great idea! someone mentioned HC's using inns as a trading hub... well, this would make inns everywhere a general questing/area gathering hub. its an MMO and group gameplay is almost always better. just walking into a conversation between other players can be helpful for finding friends or info about the zone and quests in it.

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 2:22 am
by Jc473
Chronoslicer wrote:
Tue May 23, 2023 8:20 pm
If anyone has any counter arguments/points please feel free to share
I support the idea but I don't see why we can't also keep the tents whilst addressing the vastly overtuned rested XP gain rate (as Rat2156 mentioned). From my experience, it takes about 2-3 minutes to cap out your rested XP (1.5 levels worth?). Effectively, this almost makes this a x2 levelling speed server which is bizarre given that the server has added plenty of content throughout the 1-60 experience and has an ethos of 'take it nice and slow'. I get that people want to play in different ways but the rate you get the rested XP is farcical. Furthermore, why is resting in a tent more effective than being in a city or an inn?

The best thing about your suggestion is the fact that it would encourage people to stop by any given inn during their journey for rest, recovery and potential social interaction (not necessarily RP). The main way to increase the likelihood of this social interaction is to slow down the rate of gaining rested XP.

We should still keep the tent mechanic because I think it is great for a RPG. However, I think they should be used to capture the feeling of surviving in the wild. As such, they should only be useable outside of civilisations and provide buffs to help you survive.

Here's a breakdown of my suggestion (to compliment your one):
1) If you are in an city/inn (and still logged in), you should get rested XP up to half a level (instead of 1.5 levels) during a 15 minute period. This would entice people to return to cities/inns more often to capture the feeling of rest and recovery from your adventures whilst encouraging socialisation due to the waiting time.

2) If you logout in a city/inn, you should gain rested XP in the normal way (up to 1.5 levels over a couple of days). I think this mechanic doesn't need to change but 'going to sleep' at a city/inn should give you more rested XP. You want it to take longer than the other mechanics though otherwise people always take this option which defeats the purpose of encouraging social interaction.

3) If you use a tent, after a certain amount of time (5 minutes?), you should get a buff (e.g. hp/mana regen) for 30mins in accordance to your level. It should also allow you to use the Cooking skill. The tent should only last 15minutes (if vacant) to prevent the landscape being polluted with too many vacant ones. However, this should be long enough to encourage others to share the tents and potentially socially interact.

Obviously, this is a little more work compared to the OP but it's mainly just tweaking rates of gaining rested XP and balancing a buff from tents.

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 9:17 am
by Ingameacc12345
I agree. Inns did nothing wrong.

Re: BUFF Rested XP gained from inns!

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 7:34 pm
by Manateufel
+1 turtle_in_love_head