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Post by Chronoslicer » Thu Apr 27, 2023 6:57 pm

A tradable item(s) called something along the lines of "A Dummy's Guide to Gnomish/Goblin Operating Procedures." that, when read/used, will allow any player to use (not make) any engineering items no matter the engineering requirement.

My hope is that it would lessen the often dreadful feeling of needing to level engineering in order to use these items. Keep in mind you still need engineering to manufacture them !

Thoughts? Concerns? Let me know what you think

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Re: Engineering.

Post by Ugoboom » Fri Apr 28, 2023 3:58 pm

Not sure I understand fully.

Is your idea to let gnomish use goblin stuff and vice versa?

Eh that kinda takes weight out of the decision. But so does 1.12 where you'd always level gnomish, make the stuff, then relevel goblin engi if you want to make your own mortars and sappers. Sucks either way.

...Or is your idea to add a way to let people not have to have engineering to use engi exclusive stuff?

Admirable but this specific implementation sucks.

Why should a druid who has always been herb/alch from level 5, gets to lv 60 then learns that engi has a bunch of near mandatory tools for pvp, so they drop herb, level engi off of buying the mining stuff, make the handful of powerful engi items, drop engi again and relevel herb all the way back up to max, then get this item you propose... all that, just to be at their full power for PVP? That sucks! My suggestion solves this better viewtopic.php?t=5619
Zaas - 60 High Elf Warrior
Saere - 60 Night Elf Priest
Splendra - 59 Inferno Mode Warlock
I play a few other classes on my friends' accounts.
Slowly leveling a Resto Dryad and a dorf pally with my buddy.

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Re: Engineering.

Post by Gantulga » Fri Apr 28, 2023 4:05 pm

Just remove the nonsense BoP tags on gnomish trinkets other than the teleporter.

That's all. The issue is that gnome engineers can use all goblin tools as those are BoE but goblin engineers cannot use gnomish tools since those are BoP.

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Re: Engineering.

Post by Enceebe » Mon May 01, 2023 11:07 pm

Gantulga wrote:
Fri Apr 28, 2023 4:05 pm
Just remove the nonsense BoP tags on gnomish trinkets other than the teleporter.

That's all. The issue is that gnome engineers can use all goblin tools as those are BoE but goblin engineers cannot use gnomish tools since those are BoP.
That is not true at all. Here a short list of BoP Goblin Engi Items.
Pet Bombling
Goblin Construction Helmet
Goblin Mining Helmet
Goblin Dragon Gun

Gnome has:
Gnomish Death Ray
Gnomish Googles
Gnomish Battle Chicken

Gnomes have only 2 Items that need require gnome engineer to be used. The Teleporter and the world enlarger. All other can be used as a goblin engi. You simply learn gnome engineer craft them all learn goblin engineer.... because goblin has the better consumables

Goblin Engi can make sappers, Mortars, The Big One as consumable and gnome engi only has one consumable that is alarm-o-bot. Great when you want to defend a flag in a battleground or fight a rouge in world pvp other then that an overpriced stealth dector.

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Re: Engineering.

Post by Gantulga » Mon May 01, 2023 11:22 pm

The goblin exclusive stuff is useless, meanwhile gnomish battle chicken is bis for DPS and the death ray is pretty cool too.

Sappers are usable by gnome engineers.

Having to learn gnomish, then dropping it and learning goblin is absolutely awful. More so if you've learned rare recipes you'll never get again.

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Re: Engineering.

Post by Enceebe » Tue May 02, 2023 1:28 am

Gantulga wrote:
Mon May 01, 2023 11:22 pm
The goblin exclusive stuff is useless, meanwhile gnomish battle chicken is bis for DPS and the death ray is pretty cool too.

Sappers are usable by gnome engineers.

Having to learn gnomish, then dropping it and learning goblin is absolutely awful. More so if you've learned rare recipes you'll never get again.
That is just nitpicking honestly.
Sound more to me like the grass is always greener on the otherside of the fence argument.

Most of the gnome stuff is good in pvp yes but most of it is not BoP. The goblin rocket boots and helmet are as needed in PvP as the gnome boots and helmet.
Goblin has the better consumable period. And you will always need sappers in raids or big pvp battles as an instant aoe damage. Even the rocket boots can brake and must be remade by goblin engi.

Yes deathray is fun to use but you will not use it in raids and in pvp when you trapped in a frostnova?
Even then the dmg is most often to lackluster or not better then shooting with a bow or using a FAP.
It is simply not worth it from dps point of view t waste a trinket slot.

The battle chicken is a meme and everyone who says it is needed to be top dps is deluded or wants en execuse why others perfom better then themself. It is the same people who say you must be orc or human because of the weapon racial. The best sword rogue in my guild was a nelf that beat most human sword rogues in dps. Skill and Character matters more then the 1% damage increase from that 1 item or racial. Play what you like. People tried using it in raids and it failed so often. It dies realy quick. Does nothing like at all. The only good thing about it is the group buff. That only happens every 3 or 4 times when summoning it. it dies more often than that happens without enraging.

And skilling engi to 240 is a joke just make blasting powder, fireworks,ammunition and explosives.It is not that hard to get the good gnom stufft. And rare recipies? Despite repair bot what else do you acutally build often from those rare recepts. If you like minmaxing sure learn gnome to get battle chicken. But the main difference between both is if like to teleport to gadgedzan or everlook and if I like to make my own consumables.

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